utumn gig gmd
14THE LIST 'r- 84-.
After a pair of difficult albums, the rock world’s awkward squad appear to be softening. RADIOHEAD are even citing Monty Python as an influence. Just don’t expect them to do silly walks any time soon. I :-
Craig McLean
adiohcad \till he in \th York nut month. pla_\ing at
thc Ht‘ooklyt .r\cadcm_\ ol \ltixig'x lloxxard (iilman
()pcra Hottxc. 'l‘hix \xill not hc a xtandard rock or men a normall} ahnormal Radiohcad xho\\. ’l‘hc hand \\ i|l ht- pcrl'orining Ill lililllllL‘\ ol' nt‘xx mnxit‘. commixxiont'd tor a piccc h} L‘xtccmcd t‘htircographcr \lt'rt't‘ ('tmninghatn.
'l‘hc dancc ix callt‘d X/i/i/ Sit/t \. a nod to [ilL‘ lat't that alongxidt‘ l-ladiohcad'x xt‘orc thci't' ix an altcrnatiw xt‘oi't‘. CUUHL‘\_\ til. iL‘L‘idlitilL‘ i‘dllti Slplll' Rttx. iiik‘l't‘ :tl't' :tixti l\\ii dance mowmcntx. t\\o xct dt'xignx ionc h} an lznglixh photographer. another h} a Kanxan tt‘t‘nagct' \kho takcx picttircx tixing camcrax madc lront xliochou‘xi. mo light \ht)\\x and No Liiiik‘ll‘lll coxttinic lhcmt-x. l'or cat‘h ol S/i/i'i Sit/(M liw pcrlkirmanct‘x. thc \iL'k'i\iUH\ on “high hand‘x xt‘orc goCx \xith “hich \crxion \\ill ht‘ dt‘cidcd h} IiiL‘ roll ol' a tiix'L‘. ‘I think uhcn \w xtart to put it togcthcr. the uholc thing \\lii he likc a hullahaloof xa} x 84—}t‘ar-old (’uimingham.
.-\|| ol “high hch xc\ cral qucxtionx: conl‘uxing or \xhat'.’ lx thix thc moxt prctcntiotIx thing mcr'.’ .v\nd ix thix thc moxt Radio/um! thing cwr'.’ 'l'hc corrcct anxucrx arc: ‘mind— hoggiingl} xo‘; ‘qttitc poxxihl}. although I hawn't hcat‘d thc
ncu \ltixt' alhum _\ct'. and ‘no. not ncccxxaril}. \ot an_\mort'. an}\\a_\.'
i'Hl' a \xildl} xtit't‘cxxltil rock hand. Radiohcad might like to do thingx it‘x hard to imaginc. xa_\. thc Strokcx doing. ('ompoxing lor ghort‘ographt-rx ix onc \llL‘il thing. ax ix appcaring at thix xuinincnx \lontrcm .la// l-cxtnal. Hut owi‘ thc Iaxt it'\\ monthx. in coltu‘l'xation in a London hotcl. an ()\l’ot'd gait" and a S\\ ixx thcalt'c. and ill concert at (ilaxtonhtir_\ and in l)tih|in and London. thch rcwalcd lilk‘lll\L'i\L'\ to duitc (“MCI-Cl” lrom thc gltiin and artx} rgltixcnikx ol popular lcgcnd.
l’artl} tht'} act‘oinplixh thix ximpl} h} looking likc thcyrc cnio}ing thcmxchcx immcnxcl}: and partl} h} admitting that. _\cp. tho} llHlt' /’('('H art} rcltixcnikx. 'l‘hc Hil-l’CPL‘dlL‘ti mantlc ol’ (ircan‘xt Band in thc \Vorld had xcttlcd round thcir xhottldct‘x likc a damp and itch} owrcoat. lt madc thcm uncoml'ortahlc in their own xkinx. Thu) t'cxpondcd h} rctrcating l'rom thc hwc and opting out. :\x guitarixt lad O'Brien ptitx it: ‘:\round lthc timc olil Kit/xi \xc didn't “ant to compctc. \xc didn‘t \\;iiit to participan Hang: \tc'rc Radiohcad. \w'rc doing our on n thingf