



V I saw you letxt} red head. xex} \mile. heatittlttl lauglt. 'I‘htnk _\our name l8 (’hrts

tnine l8 l)a\e. Want to meet lot' it eollee'.’ l. 473 l

V I saw you )0“ were a can eaxian male. 6' 2. nearing eream trouxerx arid a ltat. I thittk _\ou \\ ere ealled ('raig .\IeI,. 'xou uere pttre hot ridittg tltat penguin. l’ 478 2

VI saw you _\e\ I \eett )ott.l \xaxtt't itlxt )iitt. ll “ax the thingx _\ou do. aitd _\ou \tnelt ol' poo. ["478 3

V I saw you \tlllllg tippoxlle me irt :\t'elte\ ('ale liar Sat

lo 8. ginger ltair. he got talking httt _\ou nex er \aid )(lllt‘ name? (ili'l' I.\' 'I‘()l ‘(‘|I. l' 4784

V I saw you ttl (ll8CU the e\- laetor. Soundhaux. \Iapping :t8\e\ and pla} ittg _\ottr trumpet? Yott \e\) heaxt. See _\ou at tlte next one - \tlatl. l' 478 5 V I saw you eoming out ol (‘one Studiox tall ra\en haired lady hlaek \pik} pttttk ho} and hearded hipp). |)o ton tteed a keyhoat'tltxt'.’ l' 478 (i

VI saw you in 'l'inderhox. eheeking )our etnail. Yott

illl\\\ ered to the name lekerx. Want to get ph'u‘iekle'.’

l' 478 7

V I saw you xx earing a stripy \hirt. Yott looked \o hot! I tltirtk your natne \Hh (it‘aerne. ('.

l' 478 8

VI saw you heautilul girl “ith tlte hig smile - Your friend\ ealled you Rhonda |.et tne eall )ou \oinetime...

l' 478 ‘)

V I saw you lieanxeene glt'lx. \Ye'll rise to an} eltallettge. .\Ia_\ the hest \Vest-l-Lnd harixtax u itt. l' 478 II)

V I saw you t)lll\lle‘ l)rilt\\ood. You. \xhite shirt hlaek trousers. .\Ie. all in hlue \\ itlt little hair. We caught e}e.\ You look ax deprexsed as I leel - Mend in) hrokett heart and I'll mend )ourxf l' 478 II VI saw you (‘hri\tina » hare _\ou loxt _\our phone. or ju\t ignoring me‘.’ You gue\\ed in} hirthda} ~ I \\ ant a prexentl

l' 478 II

VI saw you Rohxter el- gttapo. l’leaxe don't \Hll'l'}. \i/e isn't ewrMhing _\ou're \o good hah). l' 478 IR

V I saw you he} \L‘\). hehind tlte har at tlte Arehex nighteluh. hit of a Hair) l’ottet' thing going on. lane} a game of qutd- diteh hig ho). l' 478 I4

V I saw you third \eat hour the left. turtting lteiltlx on )our

hreath. \Vhat elxe eould \\ e do. hut dream ot the attd _\oti. lltm ean \xe ll\ lite's aukuard plart l' 478 IS

V I saw you \moking itt the eorner _\ou dtrt} \xerieh. \Ve \iere tn the Baxeinent ltl Ibrex Road l;th ueek. I \kattletl It to he in} haxement. (‘all me (in) ttt hologram \hirt. I. 478 to VI saw you tall dark \hagg} look)‘ like) \erxtng \uittl} In St Iudex. Your huxk} tonex make me llltlhl. Sekundo? l' 478 IT VI saw you har girl hlottde hair \traight It‘tnge...|o\el.\.

l‘ 478 18

VI saw you Will) .\te.\' ltx heen a long time. httt it \\;t\ \o inueh lun. eall me? I' 478 It) VI saw you hot pair ol “omen. l.ae_\ + oite \trap eall tne an} time itt Ill) hol)‘ hea\en l on|_\ \\ ixh l'or ttt heart.

l' 478 2o

V I saw you Blonde hehtttd hat“. You had the \e\iext ankles and hext pulling teehntque.

l' 478 3|

V I saw you on the otlter \ide ol tlte har in the :\rehe\ night eluh. hou u dooin. )ou roeked m_\ u l' 478 23

V I saw you turning .Iapanexe. Keep )r handx iit _\our poeketx itt I‘uture. .\lr Return Ho}. 1' 478 24

V I saw you .\'ike the lire man; or \hould that he the eltatn \moker. _\ou lightueight'.’l |.atnhie \. l‘ 478 25

VI saw you in Moxquitol Yott \\ ere line? You had a niee axs artd a \\ hite top \\ ith hlaek trouxerx. l-‘rida.\ 28th :\llf_‘lt\l.

I. 478 36

VI saw you .-\ughterntueht_\l Jaek. We ltad a ehat aitd )ott xaid lltlx \tould he the hext \ta} to keep itt touelil 'l‘hankx tor the daneing Spidertnanl l' 478 37 VI saw you Steto+ .\'eil. _\our ga) dancing roeked? ('an _\‘ott \pank eaeh other next

\\ eekend tor III) houdoir ol' oral stimulation? BAH? l' 478 28

V I saw you in the Iron Bar- on I‘rida} night. I Imed _\our putt) -tai| & pinstriped \uit. Sex}? l' 478 2‘)

V I saw you You \\ ere lr'ouldaneing at USA 'I‘hurxda} 28. Blaek hair. sunglaxsex. l)id Zomhiedanee and

Shax ingdanee. (iood trimexl (iet together"? I' 478 30

V I saw you (ieortl) ho} at the Note. Do I line _\ott’.’ \Vlt) a_\ el Seeret admirer. l' 478 3| VI saw you at ()ptimo. )titti‘e \eruneh dried. permide iitop looked da/lling under the l'\' lighting. Me. the gu) “tllt the 'So (ia) I'm Straight tee \hirt.

“anna \nt/xle ltt\ ll/lle ne\t \keek 1' 4‘3 :37

V I saw you to\} hot girl ot uoitder...\\ith that lrtll_\ hlaek numher You ntade me teel ltke danerng tk _\ou Idle“ hon ()h a}e hone}. l' 4‘8 N

V I saw you )t'lltl\\l‘ll'tl. \uanntng ottt the tront door iit )ittti' .-\\l.tlt pttitt top. | \\a\ munehing digextnex aitd had to go to Ilat'll}. .\Iuneh in} «due. mtmi \\\, l‘ 4'78 34

VI saw you at 'laxle ol l’uniah hu_\ mg L‘lllpx and eheexe. Bill} R \' I\ _\our name and. hoo/tng tx _\our game. letx get drurtk together _\ou lltrt |o\ e tlte hone} monxter. l‘ 478 35 VI saw you oil the danee floor at Bartl}, \Vith _\ottt‘ nax} eap attd hlaek \hrrt. _\ottr eool. l.o\e'.‘ l. 478 .Vi

VI saw you .\ll’ Needle» I ant ol'lietall) a nternher ol _\our tan eluh. tli\ ert though ti |o\ e tlte Beaeh llt)}\ll lane (1 \.

l' 478 K

VI saw you at the .'\l't‘lle\. )ou \\ ere hot. Ye had a pure hig heard like a duart. .\'\\\\\\ gee/ a \hagl l' 478 38

VI saw you \xhite \hirt ho} trout the King\. doing the old \ltottltlet' ttto\ ex (1' llar‘ll}? l.()\ e that I‘anxhaxt. l‘ 478 3‘)

V I saw you l)i\ne_\ \\Ut'ltl Quimh} the “hue hireh hreakx in} heartl Sorr) l mi\\ed l'Y

l' 478 4t)

VI saw you Yott l\I|()\\ )ou‘re a eute little. llearthreaker. I)un. I)un. “en ti, l)un. l)un. I)e\t. Ian}? Sinead ()l)l).l’ 478 4|

VI saw you liarl‘l) door girl. nothing eould he liner than eat ittg itt )ottt‘ diner. ('ongratxl lt'x a ho}? l‘ 478 42

V I saw you "Do I line You” lilm. (ll-'I‘QH'I‘II .'\l ‘(i. You \\ ere \. tall. elegant. \e\) .pale lilae trouxer suitl‘ilm extremel) [)itlll\.}t)tl \ieren‘tflSome people

Ill8l need to knou “llill the} do

to otheer | \HI\ \o o\ ereorne I had to \it on iitlo tahIe. Red Light spellx dangerll l' 478 43 VI saw you hlondtel' Your hair \\a\ the tltiitg that \parked the hrigltt light ot' lo\ e t'or' me? Hope the l'eeling ix inutualTT

l' 478 44

VI saw you Ill .\to\ktto Big Baguette ho}. l kttead )ou. to I’rolie in the flour. )oud hake in) da}. I). Ralph \\. l' 478 45 VI saw you llapp} Birthda} Stt/anne I’ _\ou are a \xee tlut't} kitten. l.()\ e .\Iiehelle. hah} (& /.uha. l' 478 46

V I saw you :\rehe\ (are liar Sat to 8 - l‘: uorkin hehtnd har reall} eool hlonde hair and niee

helt YI-S' l' 4‘8 4“

VI saw you "Biggie" )our hair I8 \o hig It ain‘t tto \xrgr \hoxx it\ _\our tig tlealt lo\ e _\et l|.tll} l‘ll\ tae nipple to knee

ll 478 4.8

VI saw you .-\t (iig oil the (iteen. )ou tront I’.tt\le_\ and are either lzlarne or I-tona tine riiaitgled ax uet'e )ou'l \Ve \iere hoth I’ure tk Ieehno ehtekx attd honded. I lo\t )our email addrexx \o it )ou \ee ll|l\ t( )r .\lag\ tll male. or lter lttthhre \lte \\;t\ \\ Illll [the get in toueh tor that night out' rue tlt\eo\ ered \\ e \\ ere hoth llIll\te itIltlI';tk\"l Jaequt \\ Hunk tn .»\re|te\ it that rogx _\et l|lL'Il|Ul}l l' 478 4‘)

VI saw you (ieotgoux .\'ut\e trom \tohhtll Ill)l' \omeone \xho makex eollee teall_\ lo\ ex )oltl l' 478 5”

V I saw you \xoi‘king tn 'l'mder llm. I think )our name'\ John. )ou're the perteet height to \III‘ in} moeha. i “ant )our ehoeolate lttpplllg‘x \Hlll 4 \ugarx l‘ 478 51 VI saw you limtneni ('oneert 33nd .lune Sand} lrotn (ilaxgou. You had _\otir name tattooed on )our rtght \houlder. I had a .\Iieke_\ tattoo & note a _\ello\\ hooded top. pleaxe make eontaet l' 478 53

VI saw you Slnltex 3rd Sept. Standing right side seeond rtm laeing Keet'You long dark hair \\ itlt teinale triend. me. Red hair tied haek. (‘hatted a little. Ito“ ahottt a date I’

l' 478 53

V I saw you in Stereo at .\laertwoxntiea gtg Sunda} 34 8. Spoke hriell} alteruardx. You told tne )ott pla) the llttte artd alYttxe the ertmd. Liked tlte poxtet‘ lor ll_\nd|and gig. Sorr} I couldn't make it. let me knou

u hen l ean eateh )ott again.

I‘ 478 54

V I saw you (iaty ()lII8ItlL‘ ()ptimo ()7 (It). Your hair t'oeked m} \tK‘kx. Talking to [I'illllpx l\ tun. Sitting tn the ratn l8 itot. ‘l'hankx tor the talk \.\ l' 478 55 VI saw you xex} hlonde attd lo\} hrunette... heart xeene gll'l8. hoth \hort liatr. \potted gotttg iitto Blood) .\Iar_\\... ue lo\e _\ou? \ingle‘.’|et llx \hou )ou a good time??? I' 478 So


V I saw you se\_\ hlonde gtrl in the haek ot the \an tn Iidtrthurgh. Ignore the knocking. lt‘x onl) Buhhleerat't. l' 478 57 V I saw you Paul (H Baroque. l axked tor a ltgltt and )ou ga\e me a pen. I giggled attd )ott \miled. l tlurtk _\ou're \C\}.

lleatlter the Rttxxki l‘ 478 58

V I saw you leek dropping the .\lot‘rt\ .\IIIIUI\ otl at the garage. I'd lo\ e to rump \tart )ott

l' 4‘8 5"

v I saw you SIIUIVI} \Hu \\ g‘lx‘ too l‘tl\_\ looking at in} hoohx to nottee ttte. :\lt otlreral Vlalloo pm gramme \ellet l' 478 Ni

V I saw you Benin and | \\|\ll I eould \ee )ott a lot more' ‘l'hankx tor a lah ttttte ll| \/ You‘re tn) lohxter (‘an I lmrto“ )tittt' peeeen .\\ l' 4‘8 ol

VI saw you langurd gre} hatred et'eatn e t}pe \\ tth \\ ild mountain th)me' You hu_\ eoto nation ehieken tn the (ilohe (‘oronate llIl8 ehtek' l' 478 o.‘ V I saw you. Me. ttt;t\\t\e lL‘kl alto. )titt eute hlond \\tll| tunn} Itttle \hoex. You ktttm ted headx aren't red all o\ er. ('ontaet me tor an aplmmtnient l' 4’8 oi

V I saw you .-\dam \ttttng aeroxx trom trte tn the llaxement lltm tlttl \xe get here'” I,U\ e )0“. l.l\\, 473 ()4

VI saw you tn I’hoent\. It \\a\ all meant to he notlttng more than a htt ol tun. Ma;he ue eait ha\e a hit ot ttttt one da} agarn .\l\ I.. l' 478 (6

VI saw you Nordie ehott ho) \url dttde.\ make hahiex. Sunda) itigltt. llauaitan hai I'll ptit the \\ ind in )out‘ \ttll8.

l. 478 ()(i

V I saw you Mr I’ looking \e\} tn )our little hlaek numher. Hope to we )ou til it won X

l' 478 (i7

V I saw you Alan I. (H I’lanet ()ut. lane} a ptrouette"

l. 47K ()8

V I saw you Aralite \IX'aklttg gorgeous har ho} lt'om l’lanet ('1 ttiti lihrar), Me red hair + hlaek l<8lIlt1 + lean» l \at next to _\ou. lane} a date'.’ I' 478 (it)

V I saw you at l'tltnhouxe I880}. You \\ ere “atelnng hig girl like )ou. wearing red top arid point} \hoex. \\ ith \hon eute hair. I “(I8 \xatehing _\ou doll} .\\. l' 478 70

VI saw you. Do look so herr) llttlttlxtlttle. l. 478 7l

VI saw you \e\} DJ .\lon ntte. l’lanet ()ut. l‘ane} \pllIllIlIg m} talla eake‘.’ late a ellnh ltn er. t' 478 72

VI saw you at Iago 30.80%. |)id _\ou thetl to he in I’Ieainarket l‘unkl' (‘orroxix'e tit eorduro}, You ean toot m} hont an}da} '7 l' 478 73

V I saw you 3 II()II-l)l()ll(lL‘\ uorktng _\r ttxxex otl tn I’lanet ()ut oit lireuorkx night R )\ tree 4 a hoogie \oott ('armel. Il.()oot \ l' 478 74

V I saw you in (‘(‘\. 'I'he lush lad lrom the Marque. We had a


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