RED DOOR GALLERY 42\'rctor1aStrut-1"" =2“ Hall}

I” Warn 'r'pnr

Contemporary Artists 1 ntrl 'lut- In Scp Sct up h} Jaxon Rcdtnan. l.drnhntgh\ ncucxt gallcr} opcnx u 1th a changing \clcctton ot \torkx h} up and coming local artrxtx. Including \xork h} ncnl} graduach xtudcntx trotn lzdrnhutgh (‘ollcgc o! .\rt lhc \lltm lcattncw \xorkx 1n tnncd rncdra. photograph} and 1c“ cllct}


l5 Rutland Squarc. 22‘) "5-15 .\lon in Want 5pm tc\ccpt local hank ltolnl.t)~v. Scotland the Brave? l’nul l n I: Scp .\n c\hthrtton looking at mm It)” contcnlporar} Scotttxh hlnldrng pro|cctx Much lcalurcd In lhc 2H4” cdltron ot thc Rl:\5 llltlxltalcd \Icathnok \twhnx to thc gallcr) \nll hc ahlc to \otc on tllcn lamurrtc hurldrng and thc l'\'\llll\ \\ rll hc rc\ca|cd at thc cud ot thc ulnlutton on lhc RIAS uclmlc \\ \xu rraxotg 1le

From Sketch to Sculpture 'l m In Scp Ill 21 ()ct: ,\n c\hrh1tton ot drau rngx lrorn thc Scottrxh .\lchrtcctx' l’apcrx l’rcxcnalron l’ro|cct which look at hou \culplut‘c pla) \ an Intcgral tolc It] a hurldrng. NE St 10.2


lmcrlclth llothc. lmcrlcnh Ron. 552 q | 2|. Hall) Illarn 5.30pm.

Julian Schnabel: Paintings, Sculpture and Photographs t‘nul Sun 2!) ( )cl tlmcrlcrth llollxct, .\Incrtcan arttxl and lilnnnakcr tli’uu/mul. [if/HIT Mull! I'u/lu lultan Schnath hax hrx lirxt \olo \ho“ Ill Scotland \rncc thc Ktlx. l'hc \htm tcaturcx parntrngx on tarpauhn. L‘ll\ltillll\t'tl \urllmardx and largc \calc l’olaroldx ol hnnxcll. lux dog\ and hrx tannl}.

Eden’s Orchestra: A Celebration of Music and Plants l'nnl \Vctl In Scptliduhrtion llall: dth Illarn Spun, .\n c\hrhitton prcxcnlrng lhc uor|d\ nnmcal hcrrtagc. hrrngtng togcthcr plantx. nnmc. rnxtrurncnts. llhll'lllllL‘lll Inakcrx and pla_\cr\ ll'UllI around lhc gloho

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE l.;llltllllg\ (iallct'). [UH l’rlnccx Slrccl. 225 lilll. .\lon l‘n ltlaln (rpm.

The Competition t‘nul l-‘n RI Oct. Spcctall} (Ulllllll\\l0tk‘tl 'hclund thc \ccrm' photographx ot rcccnt RUSI. .\nnual .\luxrc ('ompctltron finalx h) phottnournalrxl Richard Snnth.


'l‘hc .\lound. (‘24 ()200. .-\d\ancc houkmg nxmunr» 3770. Sun \Vcd ltlarn (rpm; 'l‘hu Sat Illam 8pm.

Monet: The Seine and the Sea - Vétheuil and Normandy 1878-1883 l'ntll Sun 2(»()ct [350 (£5.50); t'annl} llckct L2H lundcr l2\ trch 'l'hc t‘Norcd and rcl'urhlxhcd Ro}a| Scottrxh .-\cadcm) rcopcnx Ill grand \t} lc \\ nh llllx major mhihltion ol' around 90 paintingx h} thc l‘rcnch llllpl'L‘\\ltHll\l. (’laudc \lonct ()rganixcd h} thc National (iallcr_\ ol Scotland. it ix thc llt‘\l ultihmon to manan thc pcriod 1828-1883. l‘hc \ho“ lcaturcx rural \ccncx ot' VClhcurl Including lll\ famoux group ot’ camaxm ol thc Icc llocx on thc Sclnc 1“ Inch prcllgurcd lux lll_\ painting“ and \caxcapcx of thc Normand} coaxt. Hanging alongxrdc .\lonct'x uorkx arc a \mall \clcclion ol‘ patntlngx dcdlcatcd to l’rcnch landxcapc paintcrx \\ ho .\lonct adrnircd including (‘anullc ('arot. (iuxtaxc ('ourhct and ('harlcw l‘rancorx l)aulugn_\. A Pleasing Prospect: A History of the Mound and its Building l'ntll Sun 26 ()ct. :\n c\lnlutron t'ocuxrng on thc luxtor) of thc \ttc on Much thc National (lallcr} of Scotland and ll\ \Ncr hurlding. thc ncxx I} rcl‘urlmhcd Ro}al Scottrxh .-\cadcm} \wrc hurlt in thc nnd- l‘lth ccntur).

0 Helen Frankenthaler: Paintings on Paper (1949-2002) l'nttl Sun 26 ()ct. £5 tUSth; undcr l2x trcc. tlnt‘o: 225 M71 l. ’l'hc t'n'xt cxcr Scottixh \hon ing ot' mct' 4t) ]‘;tl|lllll:_‘\ on

papcr h} thc tntlucntral \rncrrcan artrxt. llclcn l tankcnthalcr. who tarnc Into pronnncncc Ill Ihc “h tor hct \tarncd tcchnrquc [\rltlllllLW \cc tc\ rcu and lllllhl

New Associates l ntrl \un lwtm ‘5 “4‘ 5th. unch l2x ttcc 'lnto 22‘ NW!» -\ group \hou ot ttcxk “ruin l\_\ rcccntl} clcctcd .l\\tkl.tlt' rnctnhch ot thc Ro_\.d Scotttxh \c.nlcln_\ rncludrng .loc l an (iarcth l‘hllt'l. .\lalcolm l ra~cr and John .\ \lackcchnrc

The RSA and its Heritage t ntrl Sun2(»()ct.1lnto 225 NW] In lhc ncul) tcxtorcd RS \ hurldrng. .rlt c\hllnt1on looking at thc acttx Him and achrcwrncntx ot thc lx’o}a| \U‘llhll .\cadcrn} o\cr thc Iaxt l"\ )cah


10 llo\\c Strccl. 22.< 2HIH, Mon \at Warn 5. lem. Sun h) apporntrncnl Antique and Contemporary Eastern Carpets lxdrnhtuglrx ncucxt luaxlcrn rug and carpct gallct} \cl up h} llrlan .\lacl)onald lcaltncx a ltnc \clcclron ol contcrnlmrar} rug .nt trout thc l‘.t\l .r\ \xcll ax antrquc rug\ and trrhal hagx


I!» l)unda\ Strcct. 555 l2tltt .\lon l~rr Illarn (rpm. Sat Illarn -lprn

John Gardiner Crawford \loll .\ Scp \\cd I ()ct l’arntrngx h} John (iardlncr (‘ranlord 7;” Nicola Henley .\lon x sup “at I (m largc ~calc .Il\\ll.|cl lc\ttlc~ hx \Icola llt'tllt‘}.

Takeshi Yasuda - Showcase .\lon 3 Sop \Vc'tl l ()c'l. I:\lllk'\\|\t' .tlltl lltlltl \cvclx h} maxth cctanucrxl. 'lakcxln Yaxuda.


at (‘rcclcrx chtaurant. 3 llunlcr Squarc. :20 4447.

John Hunt l'nlrl .\lon 2‘) Scp ()II on gla\\ and camax Including \xork lrotn thc lrixhncxx and landluhhcr \crlcx.


Rctach and Hall .\rchllcclx. (r l)artta\\a_\ Strcct. 225 .\ll-l-l. .\lon l'rl2 5pm,

Ben Nevis l'ntll 1115 Scp. ('laudc llcalh takcx an uncom cntlonal approach to dram mg. In lhc paxl hc ha\ drau n unknoun ohlcctx hlrndtoldcd In lit-n .\k'u'x hc hax crcatcd “all drau rngx Iroln acrlal photographx ol llcn .\'c\ l\. \ tcu tug owrlapping \hoh through a \lL'I't‘nxL'UpC. [AS] (2,: 1AN< it 7() SEE


58 Ratclrl'l'c 'l'crracc. rm“ Wm» .\lon I'l'l ‘laln (rpm; Sat Illarn 5pm,

Sale of Work l'ntrl 'l'hu Ix Scp. Salc ot'contctnporar} art nork h} \;tl'lUtl\


23 (‘ockhurn Strcct. (‘22 (CW). Hall} llarn (rpm l'l'hu trll ‘lprm.

Festival Times l'ntrl Sat In Scp. Slllh I'L'Upclh ttllt‘l‘ gt pcrlod Ul rcdmcloprm'nt \\ rth rtx ncu \caxon ot c\luhtt1on\ and \pcctal participator} cu‘nlx l‘tt‘xt up I\ thc .l/‘t III/MM ( UNI/ll)! // .Im/ l/ur/n ll'S I’IIUIUL'IU/lln I’I‘Ijt’ 2(HI.\‘ tcaturrng thc \xork ot thc \r\ ltnallxtx .\lartrn Bo} cc. ('landrnc llart/cl. l.uc_\ l.c\cnc. .'\lc\andcr and Smart .\larrx and J;ttth\ 'l‘hornlull.

Archibald Campbell and Harley WS 2003 Awards Ceremony tn 5 Scp. X ltlpm l’tnd out \\ho thrx .\car'x

\\ rnncr l\ and mcct thc .tl'll\l\ and John (‘alcutL author ol thc accompan) lug cataloguc. Ill com crxalton \\ rth art crrttc Moira Jctl'rc}.

Stills Shorts Sat (w Scp 3 Filipm. .-\rt crttrc .\lon‘a Jctlrc} drxcuxxcx thc \xork ol thc \hortlhtcd artrxh ot thc .\rchlhald (‘antphcll and llarlc} .\“ard:

Stills Shorts Sat l.‘ Scp. 2‘ 1: ‘tlpnr \\'ritcr and Mn rucdta curator Bcr}l (iraharn tll\L‘ll\\L‘\ thc \\ork ot thc \hortlrxtcd at'tl\t\ ot thc .\rcluhald ('amphcll and llar|c_\ .-\\\ard.

Boyle Family

scomSh Nafional Gallery of Modern Art Utah! [\lmgpvmbt“

_ l . - ".J'; I . ~ o- ‘9? f ' - t- a, V), , ,-.,p;~ i i A 4’ 7,. .' :j’£,42..4 1‘ E 4.2"} ,_-.-.J."_- .-‘_ .. _,,_,- '__':» ' vdz:;42_../._4.___

2-3: '2 THE LIST 91