.i (HlllSlUll that “I” changc thcir ll\t'\ lotc\ci and \Clltilhl} damagc thcii

Swan Lake \Vctl l7 Scp " illpili U0 iLSi littllct \cht lt‘lllllh \xith |l\ latcxl production ot tlic \l.t\\lc \uatt lint" l.tlt‘



'l'hc \ltiitlichl (critic. llioun Road Scaxai

The Irish Giant 'luc lti Scpt Ipin. l'lt‘t' ll‘tilll i“) ll5.5 St't' (ilthgtm. 'lillL' .v\l'L'llt'\

CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Kiltlruln. 0| .3 Vi 753SS7, ll’. H. Ti. \\'( I \\'.v\|

Salt o’The Earth l'ntil Sat () Scp. 7.45pm [S 05). Scc (ilaxgow l’.’iI\|c} Alix (‘cnttc

The Chrysalids 'l'hu l8 Sk‘pt 7.45pm. [S it'5i. Scc (ilaxgou. l’aixlc) .r\rt\ ('cntic.



('it) Sqtiarc. 0| 382 434940. ll’. ll. \\'( '. \\'.'\I

Made for Music Sal () Scp.

7. i0pin. (S. (iala \licctactilat' cclchtating 75 }t';it‘\ ol tlic l)t)\\llllt‘ltl \ltixical Socict} l’caturing \ongx lrom lllt' “(NI l'illtl \hou \


la} Stluaic. 01 {S3 335530. ll’. ll. \\'(‘. \V.r\|

Nelfth Night l'tlltl Sat 30 Scp (not Sun/Mont. 7.45pm; (i Scp tk l3 Scp 3.30pm t\ 7.45pm, (7 £14.50

(£4.75 [3). 'lillt' l)lllltlk'k' Rt'p linxcmhlc lllltlillL'S and hrmgx to lilc Shakcxpcarc'x gt'calcxl cotttctl} ol llll\l;ll\t'll idcntit) and llll\Pl;l(k‘tl paxxionx.

A Tale of Hoffman Mott IS Scp. Spin. L575 [l0 H.475 L'h’i. John Ilctt takcx tiinc out ot lin-l/lli Sic/i! to hrtng to litc thc \tor) ol onc ol' litii'opc'\ grcalml t'tllllpl)\t‘l\. \xith accompanimcnt on piano. ccllo and \_\nth t'i'oin Ron Shah~



liaxt l’oi't. ()Hh'.‘ “4000, ll’. ll. \\'(‘. \\'.-\|

Those Eyes, That Mouth Hm I I Scp. 7.50pm. [3.501U) £7.50i. St't‘ (ilaxgow 'l't'ott 'l'ltcalrc.

Jesus Christ Superstar 'l‘uc

lo Sat 20 Scp. 7.l5pm; Sat 2.l5pm «k 7‘ I 5|ini L050 (£05m. 'l‘hc popular Ricc l.lll_\tl \Vchhcr muxical charting lhc laxt \c\cn tla_\\ lll thc lit'c ol' chux ot \a/arcth.

St Andrews


Ahhc) Stt'ccl. 0| 334 475000, ll’. \\'('. \\'.'\|

A Happy Medium l'ntil Sat 20 Scp tnot Sun). Spin; 0 Scp. l0 Scp. IR Scp & l7 Scp 2.30pm tk Spin.

£8.50 £14.50 ([7 £0.50i. (‘omcth \tart‘ing l)ot'ullt_\ l’aul ax lillcn. an ordinar) (ilaxgon uoman \xho tricx to contact hcr tlcatl \l\lL’l‘ on thc othcr \ltlt‘.



l'nhctxit) ol Stirling. 0|7So 4(ioooti.

ll’. ll. \\'('. \\'.I\|

Those Eyes, That Mouth Sat l3 Scp. 2pm. £8 (£4). Scc (ilaxgou. Tron ililtL‘ull‘L‘.


.ltttl “5nd. 0|7Sti 274000. Ill. “‘(1 \VA. \\'.-\.-\|

Same Time, Next Year ‘l'hu

IS Sat 20 Scp. 7.30pm. £8 (£5.50i. 'l‘hcatrc Broad prcxcntx thix talc ol' t\\o pcoplc \\ ho ha\ c a night ot paxxion and mch upon thc \amc night m cm \car tor 25 _\car\. I I


Known in the ‘biz’ as the Cannes of Comedy. Montreal's Just for Laughs festival celebrated its 21 st year in July. To mark the occasion, Radio 2 has commissioned an eight-part comedy series looking back at the highlights. Presented by Arthur Smith. it features exclusive interviews with well-known comedians, producers and Hollywood agents, as well as clips from the festival’s archive. It wouldn’t be a festival without Arthur Smith’s walking tour (remember the ill-fated Simon Munnery ramble?) and America’s Emo Philips is the esteemed professor of all things Canadian. just for a laugh.

I Arthur Smith Presents 1.” Years oft/cs: for laughs [31%) Had o J’. 331:”? "g;

Set), Saturdays; 1pm.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy©list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.


The Thursday Show 'l'hc Stand. 333 \Vtititllttlltlx Rtlilll, 0370 ()00 00.5.5 ‘lpin. Uiliil. .\'c\\ I'L‘SltlL'lll compcrc Ra} inoiid .\lcarn\ lllll'thlllt‘t‘S main man l’arrot. [lllh thc \nail-paccd l)a\ itl Kn). onc qtiartcr ol thc lirmgc'x ‘('omctl} '/.oi1c'. Rtixxcll llouartl. and _\oung t'uim) latl} Julia \ouik.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jtillg'lL‘lll'S. ()inni ('cntt‘c. (irccnxidc l’lacc, 08707 S7070? S30pm. L'S. 'l‘hc C\ cr-atntahlc Adam ('ron joinx lrixlt pol} math Kc\ in Ha} L'x. pop \atirixt Sand} .\'cl\on and Aaron Barxchak‘x

\\ riting partncr Brcntlhan l.o\ cgrox c. O The Thursday Show 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. 0pm. to i£5i. Stixan Morrixon lllll'titlllL‘L‘S lrixh comctlian ()xxcn ()'.\‘cill ixcc prc\ ic“ i. “illt litlltit‘k la“ Ktt‘xl} Mo“. 'll‘tltl} and. cutting a tlaxhing tigurc in thix

\caxon'x tucctl. 3003 l’crricr nommcc .\lilc\ Jupp.

The Snatch Social ‘l‘ht- l.lt|llltl Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 335 2504. l0t30|im 5am. £3.501L'ii. x\ ncu cra hcginx at thc ncn l_\ 11' l‘l'dlltlt'tl liltli ll\;llt‘tl tunk} thxco cum caharct. coinicall} compcrcil h} 200‘ lap \Vatcr :\\\artl \xinncr 'l‘on} ('artcr and Hair} :\lll\\\0l'lll (aka 200] l’crrici \cxxcomci \\ inncr ( iarth (’ruiltxhanki hack trotn thc tlcatl. l)ccl\ manipulach h} llill‘L’S .intl 'l'rcntl} \Vcntl} tmonthl} rcxitlciiti.


Bruce Morton and John Scott 'l‘olhoollt. Jail \V} ml. 0l 7S0 3',’4000~ .S’pm. U) l Hi. How \tantl up tor thc Stirling ('omctl} (‘luh tcaturmg onc ot thc totintling tathcrx ol' Scottixh comctl}. lirucc Morton. llc-kiltctl \xontlcrho} John Scott \tantlx up in \ttppot‘l.


0 Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglctirx. l'(i(' Building. chtrcxt Slrcct, 0S70 7S" 0707. S.l.5pttl. U3. l.i\cl) compct‘c Mich;th l.cggc illll‘tKlllt‘L‘S t'cllotx lrithan .\lichacl |)o\\nc_\. .'\u\tralian tirchall llrcntlon Btirnx and guitar-toting \atirixt Stc\ c (irihhin.

NSC'XJS Comedy



Owen O’Neill the literary Irish gent gets over his angry episode and returns to inoie solitary stand up pursuits. Seen prewew. Ihe Sta/7d. [,fdi/itiurg/i. Ihu 4 Set); the Stand. (l/asgoir‘v. Fri 5) 8. Sat (5 Sen

Brendon Burns ioictured) Not to even/ones taste. the illWElYS*llllCOllll)t'()ltilSlltg, tiithily funny Aussie shocker lets no wrth cantankerous musings. Jong/ei/rs. (3/asgow, Hi 5 «‘4 Sat 6 Set).

Comedy Shorts Wider acclaimed for its innovation and interaction. this series of short comedy films is as progresswe as it is entertaining. the Stand. Edinburgh, Wed IO Set).

Phil Kay Our resident columnist was the first comedian to make King hit's reverberate With his anarchic brand of comedy. (Ian he repeat it in the indie Surrounds of the Note? 13th Note Cafe. G/asgow, Wed If Sex).

O The Stand 'riit- mini. m \Vootllalltlx Road. 03570 000 0055. with L" tUii, lll\ll comctlian ()“ctt ()'\ci|l |Ulll\ tltc l‘tlllhllL’ Rinmontl .\lc.nn\. 'lt'tltl} and thl} \lti\\. 'l'llt' \'\k'lllll:._' l\ compci'cil h) Stixaii .\1oii'i\on


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lttllglt'llh. ()inm (critic. (ilt'L'IISItlk' l’lacc. 03707 S70"0". Silipiii, i l 5 Scc i hit 4 The Stand 'l llc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7373‘ 0pm. £7 IUH. (it‘cal tinclc ot Scottixh comctl}. llrticc \lorton. hcatllincx. \xith \llpptil'l troin pmh hlokc \lllt‘\ lupp. ‘('omctl} /.onc' mcmlict Rll\\L‘ll Howard and Julia _\'o\al>t l lll\ cxcning'x compcrc l\ .laiic \laclta}

East Kilbride

Locals l'..'l\l Kilhi'itlc Arts (critic. ()ltl (‘oach Road. 0| 355 361000. Spin. Ui t£4 i. l’rnatc Jokc l’fiNlllL'llUllS prcxcntx a lQlSl-pilk't'tl topical L‘oltlctl} hawtl on [no llatmatcx. onc a (chic tan. thc othcr a \lL'\UlCll \lolltct'n Cll ltlttlt. 'l llL‘tt' ltitilltttll hantcr L'\po\c\ .\lick and SIM ic\ truc lcclmgx on c\cr_\thtng trom lamil) antl rcligion to politicx and \c\.

Saturday 6


James Campbell ('iti/cnx‘ 'l'hcatrc. ll‘) (iorlialx Strcct. 43‘) 0033. 3pm. to tUi Scc KltlS lixtingx.

2-2:, THE LIST 69