Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.
Thursday 4
I Jim McQuat Quartet It.” 1%. Ilntlianan lIoIcI I“ Iintlianan \Iiwlt “3 "SM "pm I It'k' I)I\\'I\k' |.i// \otaIN It'.l\I\IIl\IIll.tIII'I\‘-III1.Il1.t\\iilllllt‘lllI'I |a// \\‘.IIIj_' llllltW
I Lynne O’Neill Trio m I m. I I 1 How \lit‘cl. 315 “III; \pin L3 Minn- ()'\t'ill It'.III\ IIII\ Iiio \llIL'lllj.’ Itia/iliaii Innm .IIIlI |.I// \I.IIIII.IIII\
I Clyde Rhythm Jazz Quartet \m I)oii§_'|a~ I’aik. (XIII/on \winn'. Illh‘lh IVIIIH .\ I Ipin I in" IIII' IIaniiIlon Ia/l (’liili'x \xct-kl} \t'\\lHll Iliai \\k'I\I‘III\'\ gncxl
I The Fusion Experience IIn'
I nliinl I oungrc. 9-1 “ml RL'jJCIII Sticcl. ‘5‘ I)“: R hpiii IIL'k' \en (ilaxggon I‘;I\t‘tI IIIIL'I' pn‘u' at‘nI |.l// liink Iianil lcatiiiing: Ra}inontl IIaii'i\ on IIaininond organ. Slt'll \It'( link} on Iiaxx and Jamie (mm on \IIllIII\ I’ail oI \Icit'liant ('il} I‘cxlnal.
I Boogaloo Investigators .\\I I.II‘. III IIHPI‘ SIIK'CI. 3‘15 hols I I|\|]| Rim
{5 Rctio tank and \tIllI (HIIIINI pla} in; ax [hill HI .I \\ L'Cka'IItI \(tmlt‘l l.III}. \IHIIlthllt’
58 THE LIST -'- 5w:
0 Robert Scott and the Big Band Celebrate Sinatra I’.tl\Ig‘§ Ioun IIalI \Iilw} ('loxth \V I'llH \I‘lll L” Uri RUIM‘II \oll It‘IllIIh ‘-‘-lIIl Ill\ 1" picu' III: ItanII \i'lIIIII [‘I.:}lllj.‘ Iln' IIlI\ ol \inatia [\Ilh Iiincx lioiii (‘olc I’I‘II‘CI ainl IIIt' (II'I\II\\III\
I Courtney Pine IaIInI Inuit IIaII. \M‘xl Hinlpt-siict-IJII<21 iiiimiii \[Hll L I § :1] Ii Hip hop yioonx \ it'alc a I‘.I\I\IIIUP Ioi I’inc'x \.I\I'I‘IIHIII' \I\III\ \t't- pant-I
I George McGowan and his Orchestra \Icit'lianlk ( 'oiiici. lx lolin Sheet. ‘*3 iMlI I it! * Winn Iitx' HI'IIIIIIIII‘I \I\'( iimati It'iI\I\ Ins Iny IMHII \\IIII piicxl \ot‘alixlx
I Fionna Duncan’s Fellas (Lat- Soiiiu'. \I \IIIIII'\\\ in [In \tliiaic. \l \IIIIIt'\\\ \giiait'. olI \allinaikcl. ‘15 till)“. 5. illpin L In ‘H II in“ Ioi unit} to Iiai and \ltIt' IUIIII_‘._'\'| IIIc (ioIIIiiolIici oI SUIIIHII |a// [K‘IIHlllh ax pail oI Ilic ('alt' Soiiit't' Siiiipt'i (‘Iiili
I The Michael Deans Quartet Illat‘kli'iaix. it» IIcII Sliccl. *‘3 R‘L’I
(I. “Iplll III-c. \IINII'III |a// t|ll.III\'I Ictl In Icnoi \a\nian I)can\
I Toto’s Jazz Quartet Ham \ Hai. Randolph Plan". 5 W MINI, 4 {II (ipni I‘l'k't‘. '\Il}_‘l\‘ King: |UIII\ IIII\ hink} tlnailcl Io pim nlc Iln- meals.
I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet (‘ahaicl \ollalic. it) ‘5 IiIaii Slit'cl. III) 017» " Illpiii. I'It't' I)iiiininci Hill K}lc\ Ialcxl leUlllllleJ. luilln'tn; (ioi'tlon \II'.\cil I\.|\I'\l. Slnail
COURTNEY PINE Courtney Pine may have missed out on what has been pretty much an annual visit to the Edinburgh Jazz Festival this year. but the saxophonist does make a summer return to Scotland as part of the Way to Blue weekend in Falkirk. Pine and his pcurrent band WIII be giving a preVIew of some of the material from his next album. Devotion. which is scheduled for an October release. as well as reprising some older favourites from their set. You know what to expect: lots of athletic blowmg. plenty of excursions into funk and hip hop rhythms. and some cool solomg from the band to back up the leader's prodigious efforts. (Kenny Mathiesonl
I .
(East/it: I Jazz Brunch I .17; was; \'.
\II\II\‘\\ \ \riiiaic, * L\ my‘o i;\::. 1“” 'I It's lI not gatiiicv IIol‘Iw \\:\I:a:1 atiii l.i// “ninth loi .1
IIICII\I\ i‘la_\ .: I Iiiilcri cin‘l Io tIic ucckgnrl I’izu' tin lain I\'IIKI‘I]III\.III\;‘I1III|‘\II-:IL'\-I“I “.zi aria. \iIIc loiiiigit'
I Blues Sunday I .trLth Ha! ;l I\:'\.;‘ \lict'l. ‘3‘ "If; ‘ liiii: I in" Ix’cciiiai ll\‘\‘. I‘IIIC‘ \‘\\1Hll lcaIiiiii‘n.‘ I\'\'\ Ilot am. (In ('oiiyicyalion
I Engine lln stuns. Hal. ll.‘ \lit't'l. *V‘ \f\\l liiiii Iit't' \ liiiikt llll\ ol oiiynial lIIll\I\ ainl town lioiii Iln'xc
\IIK Ix“
It'fJIiIai I‘L'III‘IlIlt'l\
. Perdido IIIIIIIIa. I if: \I \ llltx‘lli \IICK'I‘ .71; 331.7 3 ‘inii II\'\' \I.tlll\Ilt'.IlllI aIiii I~I//.III\I\II\.1I\
I Campbell Considine and Stuart Harrison \\a\_\ (II 'onnoi'x. l; \\c\t (icoig'v \IIK'CI. “1 ‘ I ‘3 1 “pm I icy \otalixl ainI I‘lallhlI aiiiiilwll ('oiixnlnn~ [‘I'IIHlllh ia// \I.III\I.II\I\ \klIIl I\.I\\I\I \inait II.Illl\iIIl
I Hermie Longalong lilatkniai» in III-ll \III'CI. ‘3‘ Nil n lopni lit-t-
It'IIHI. \Iio and \opiano \a\. I liin aiirl
\\ IIIII \Iiilli p|a_\t'i and loiiin'i (ilavjoxt Ik'\I\IL'III. HII}'lll.III\ Iioin Ilic I’IIIIII‘I‘III\'\_ no“ Iiaxt'II in I \
I (linhiirgli
I Jazz Afternoon (Iloiow. “(Lant- \Ilt't'l. II" VI: | linii licc \Ilka' Rogcix. \ihaII |Iannin;.' ainl I)a\nl I’JIIItIx on piano [‘Ilh yin-\h in Ilnx nt-u nut-kl} II'\IIIL'II\‘_\
I Toto’s Jazz Trio Ilit- ( ioII lamn. I)III\\' SIICCII l villi.) ill -I illpin III'I' IIll\ Iiinc ilk .Innnn (iiliiiow ioininy loIo loi \ot'al Int-Ind}
I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet Ilinnan “C In. _‘ .\ \Mwl (‘ioxxt‘aiiwnay (it)? \Mill ‘lpin innlnifxlit I'Ik't‘ Ihiiiiiiiici IIIII |\"\|c\ Ialcxt §.'ioiipin;'_ lcaliiiing (ioitlon \IINt'iI |\I\\‘\I. \Iiiail (ioiinan igiiilai I .IIIII ncu 3“ ion oIII I\a\\ \t'nxalion Km in (iI.I\3_,‘o\\
Monday 8
I 4 Jazz (ia\in\ \IIII, i(ia\in\ Hill Road. \IlIleJ.I\ lt‘. ‘Hh 33“ \pin Iit'c ()iiailct piotlininy \mnyinj.‘ [all \I.III\I.II\I\ Icaliiiinf: j._'llll.tll\l IIoI‘ Sloan athI \otalixi (‘aiiiprll ('onxnlnn'
I Legends of swing Hiiinton IIII‘aIIc. I .nIuwII \\.i}. \Ill\\t'II‘llI}'Il, N5 33-10 “ illpni LII it‘ll \Iiisnal \IIIM pawn; IIII‘lIIt‘ to [lie Inith xiiiggcix o! my ~1le .IIItI *Ik llIt'IlIIIIII}' \aI Ixiny ('olc. I Ila I‘II/fJL'IdIII ainl Bin): ('ioxlyx
Wednesday 1 0
I Chaos Theory \oiilln'iii ('ioxx ('alt‘. Iiia (‘ot'klniin SIICCI‘ (if) INC:
‘lpin lllltIlllfJIII I'iw ()Ii;' conipoxiiionx Iioin Ilnx ncn \III.III\'I. Ill\lll}' |.I//. tank and rod. II'.tIIlIllI_L' |)on;_' IipIcII} on mum. I’aiil Killi} on kcH‘oaitlx. Km in ( ilaxyou on Iiaxx anil ('Inix “allayc on \IIlIIII\
I Fleamarket Funk (Lilian-i \aliant: it» is IIIan Slim-I. 331' III Vi Illnn laiii I'It't' I opal oiiltii playn; IIn-n oun kind ol In; liaiitl tank in this III'“ \u‘t'kl} It‘snlcnt‘} with a xinallt'iin; ol I).| \III‘I‘iIlh and other Inc tI\I\
Thursday 1 1
I Jim McQuat Quartet Iiai lxi Iiiit'lianan Hotel. I.“ Ilnplianan \IIK'CIA “3 "35-1 “pm I'Ict' Scc IIni I
I Lynne O’Neill Trio M I II‘. I I I IIUI‘L‘ SIICCI. :»I\ “III; \I‘lll L: \CC Illa J
Robert cott Big Ban Il'wv'r' ‘4 ‘n ‘I tI" : i: i i .it‘ai' }' iotatat’a. ".- ,H )1 fl}. kl!“ ’ I r “In 3 2‘1 “'HIITVI‘itI'trri'lr "it w" I)<i".';:l_ (IK‘IT»".'.i"t‘7 (it
songs In: sa'fi; fir-.1 l iii [ill i" ji'fi'i
Danny Moss lm ' saxophonist llariiix, Ivlwa
min: of I'iI: {amt kin " t""'.“» ()I‘ I'lz: lrtf.’ ‘y’ 93H: I‘M" r'“ "i: (:"HQHIImI It) /\ Ifif7rI*K1. t i’. "m, Iiériiiiwi’. lfrllllf“) tum: onwa'wt that III? If; not ’orgiittwi Iiaiiii, Inn-s ill} ‘.'."l’_II tin: If)"l I Mar, I'll.) iii lliis gig for Ivlar'tuliwiii'i xIII<}i’t'liIIIE.3;, (‘ft}ti‘.',, f’: 'I} 82,”?
John Goldie rI‘JI‘li 1‘)
Il'MJI“, to IJI’: Inc-w I‘x’Ill.'.Il I') "win?
lax.) tans for In» with or. 'l ,trtvvi giiita' math Marni laylov's f3i,:iiI of IJJIIHgo, trol Ilia! '.)-'l"v,’ win: asiiurrt oI Il1‘51,iI(i,"lll l II: A, :I IIIIIttll‘)()ItJ"SI illlif, ’i‘.'.'lil1(_IllI. amt 'i-s (Law, 'iiigwl m (:XI)I()IIII!()I‘T; :i'i Ills most Marmot (III)Lil'l5$1lI){}‘::,I Ittlllit:{]ltili'l’IItil <l(:\.«<;l<;iii'i(:iit lio/i l‘imilio. (llr’i.<;goi.*.'.
\)Ili’i‘ JUN;
I Clyde Rhythm Jazz Quartet \k'“ I)Ull_‘.'I.t\ I’aik ('aII/ov. \\\'llllx‘. III(I‘).\ ATSIIIIII .\ IIIIIII Ilt't‘ \I‘t‘ IIIII I
I The Fusion Experience lln-
I igIInI I Hll!lf.'t',"1 \Vt'xl I<k'}'I'III \liccl‘ *4; (iii; g Spin Iiu- \w I ii *
0 Danny Moss \Ilt-laiilr-\_ jun Bulimia-1.31s 1*)“ii spin in Ill atl\aint~ t III on IIII' Ilooi It'lltII \a\ [Ha-Ma I)anii_\ \III\\ \IIIIIHIIII‘II It} [In- Ioiii I lllI.I} Iiio
I George McGowan and his Orchestra \IK'I\ Iianl'x ( 'oinci. IX tIiiIlll \Iit'cl. ‘53 in”! 3 ill * Winn I II‘L' \t't‘ \JI (I
I Stuart Gorman Quartet I‘I.I\I«III.II\. in Hull Slim-I. “3 “’31 ‘) illpiii I in‘ .la// Iiink lioiii lIn\