Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland .’ i. . (.vi'xl' 2:7 ;/ .2 -' '-"

Tickets Sc tland '. 'l-'r i'

Ripping Records i‘ 3;! l-Iv

Way Ahead ..i. .;..

Thursday 4


I Matchbox “venty and Maroon 5 (lulu .'\lltllllll'llllll. Sl:(’('. l‘innicxlnn ()ua}. thTU llilll -lllllfl. £3”. Sltillil)iiig .i\( )R lni pcnplc uhn lind (’nunling ('iiiux Inn challenging. Suppni'lvd In Vllk'l' Rnnin I‘cgularx Maroon 5.

r " 1.5;. 7'



50 THE LIST -2 S-q-z' .‘

Engerica play the Barfl, Glasgow, Sat 6 Sep.

I Bruce Cockburn Slldlht'hdt' Suilc. Rn}.il (‘niici'rl Hall. 3 \aui‘hicliall Street. 353 Kllftfl hpni

LI 3 5H (linadian \lllj.‘t'l/\Illlj_'\\l'llt'l \haiing .i IL'\PUH\Ii‘It' \\Ul'ld\ IL'\\ and t'\llil\l\ liniii hl\ ‘t'int-inalic‘ (lll‘lt'lll alhuni )iiu'ii \r III \r'r'n l H I‘\l/IIIIL' I Oceansize, Amplifier and Stoma King 'IIIIK \Vah \Vah Hut. 3"3.i St Vincent Street. 33| 533‘)

h 3flpni {5 Hig. .lllli‘llllilh \nunding Illtllt‘ nultil uhn hau- lnIgi-d llllk\ \\llh kindicd \pn‘ilx Ilic (‘iiiipci 'lcuiplc ('lauw

I Silvertone, Catapult, Neon Underground, Solution and Smokescreen ‘l'lic (‘iiiliiiima IS l'ninn Sli'i'cl. 348 (ilillly 7. 3llpni. £~1i£5 nn dnnii ()\L'I l-lx \Iln“. RnL'k and pnp hill.

I Aris and Bipolar \m-‘ii'SII-a/i. 43l Silllt‘hlt'lltl” Slim-l. 333 ()(l 3". “pm. i ‘. Inca] IIldIc I‘m‘k.

I Breshnev, Pencilhead aritl Shatterhand 'l‘ht‘ l ilh \Hlt' (.ilit'. 50 (ill King Street. 553 In3H. 0pm. L" 3. Hie/hum are a punk band li'nni dnun \Hlllh. nnI ln he cnnluwd “llh llic Incal hand nl the same name. Pencilhead are )nnlhlul punk I‘nt'kcrx \ihn cnnic Iiighl) I‘i'cnnintended.

I Kain, KiP and the Owsley Sunshine l.nadcd. lJIIUId lounge. ()4 “IN! Regent Street. lflpni. £3 (£4 nn dnnl'l. \Vt't‘kl) \llfm L‘;I\L' (ll llk'ttl aI'ti\l\. lcalul'ing i’nck'n'i'nllm'x Kant and the inclndic \nundx nl lhc ()xxxli'} Sunshine.

I Munter ‘It'hai ()\na. 43 ()Iagn Lane. 357 4534. lell. [3. Jan/I'nck.


I Canvist Sludin ( )nc. (iinxxcnnr Hillt'l. (ilf‘\\k'llUr l't‘l‘l'ilt‘c lull H}lt‘\ Rnadi. 34| fi5lfi, ‘lpnl. live

I Miller Bt'illhk't‘nt'. 5 (‘icxxxicll lane. 334 n37» Spin l-icc l..ll\“‘.l(i\ backginund \nundx

I The Vagabonds 'l'lic Swim.

H3 H4 Slik‘k\\L‘ll SIlL'Cl. “‘5' 0pm I'lt't‘. l’npular cnwn

I Battle of the Bands .\\\. 43 Jamaica Sheet. 348 8531. 3pm I'I'cc Semifinal

I Jam Session Samuel him 't.

(F 7| \llihdtllt‘ Rnad. 4330103

3 “Hull. l‘l‘L't‘ Hihlt‘d h} llldt‘pt‘lldt'llt‘t‘


I The Drake Music Project Scotland Open Day lailgar Hall. ("hi-\xcr :\\cnuc. 444 3008. Illani 3pm. l'l'cc .'\n innnxaliw chant} that unrk\ \xilli dixahlcd pcnplc In enable them In pla} and i'niupnw llllhlt‘. .-\ chance hit the pllhllt' ln \L'L' lhc \\nl'k lilt'} do and lht' lt‘t‘hllnlug) lllt‘) ll\t'. ;I\ \\ c” It\ pcrlni'niaiu‘i'x lrnin resident hand. Drake Mum: ('hcck u \\ \\.t|l'ilkt‘lllll\lk‘ \k'llllillltl.L‘U,llk lnI‘ Innrc Hill).

I Local Bands Night The Venue. If 3| ('allnn Rnad. 557 .3fl73. 7.30pm. l.lllt' Iip \llll In he (Ulll-ll‘lllt'd.

I Fintan BL'IIIhCCllL‘. 9‘) Nlchnlxnll Street. 007 5(N'7. Spin. I'I'cc. :\cnu\tic lunm ln help the cnllcc gn dnu ll.


I Mark Shaw King 'I'uI's Wait Wait Hut. 373a St Vincent Street. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £7.50. like Adam Ant and Ben \'nlpicrrc-l’icrt'nl before him. Mark Shaw became part of that cwluxiw hand (it lIldi\ Idualx \\ c kill)“ ;1\ 3th pnp hL‘ill'Ilhl'Ilhx \xhcn hix hand Then Jcriclin cnin) ed a period nl' chart \llL‘L‘L‘\\ \\ ilh \ninc heart} pnp lllllL‘\.

I Soledad Brothers and Kain Nicc'u'Slcal). 43| Sauchichall Street. 333 9037. 9pm. £7. Jack and Mcg‘x Dclrnil garage blues buddies supported In local rnck'n'rnllcrx Kain.

O Willard Grant Conspiracy and Toby Burke Barn}. 3(il) (lulu Street. 0870 ‘)()7 099‘). 3pm. U). TlL‘kL‘lh I‘I'nlll ('UllL‘Cl'l Hull hn.\ UH‘ICC. .353 8000. SL‘L‘ l‘l‘cx icu t'nI‘ Americana \l;l|\\;II'l\ Willard (il'anl ('nnxpiraL'}.

I Definitive, Coalition and Escobar 9 The l3lh anc (Kile. 5() (if) King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. £3. Indie rnck triple hill rclcr‘cnciilg hands l'rnni Radinhczid to “NJ ('laxll.

I The Boogaloo Investigators Sidcuindcr. :\d I.ih. | I I anC Street. 343 (i045. llpm. £5. Organ-grinding. ()()\ influenced l'unk cnllcclnc Min arc Clll‘l'cllll) \nuntllracking the Puma i‘hnnlhull Ille \\ Ilh their track 'l.Cl the (il'mn c Mm C Ynu'.

I Vicious Kicks, Ten Miles Tall and Resident Calling Fur} .\lurr_\ \. ‘)(i Maxwell Slrccl. 33l (i5! l. 9pm. £4. including cnlr} In pan-gig cluh. Triple hill of upcoming lncal indie halile

I No Regrets (irand ()lc ()pr}. Paixlc} Road To”. 43‘) 5390. 7.30pm. £4 (£3 members). ('nuntr}.

I Kylie Minogue Tribute Bourbon Street. Ins (icnrgc Street. 553 0141. 7pm. £5 l£l5.5ll with dinncri. Rump- xhaking pnp Irihulc.

I Esther 'I‘chai ()\na. 43 ()Iagn Lane. 357 4534. 8pm. £3. Local

\ingcr/xnngix rilcr.

I Gratis QUO MucSurlL‘}\. 43 Jamaica Street. 348 3581. 9.30pm. Slilllh ()un Irihulc.

I Backstreet Samuel I)n\\\, (i7 71 \ithxdalc Rnad. 433 (llll7. 8.30pm. Free. Mix nl cm crx.

I The Fusion Experience Liquid lounge. 94 West Regent Street. 353 6333. (ipm. lircc. Residcnc} from [hh ja/l t'unk lrin.

I Frank O’Hagan 'l‘lic Swim.

ll: H4 SlanWCH SIrL‘L'l. 553 868]. 9pm. lircc. (men of I)}|an. the Band. (‘rccdcnut

Har Mar Superstar, The Kitchen and The Witnesses A sublime mix of the sleazy. greasy and electronically whee/y. Har Mar (pictured) does the bump'n'grind Prince thing. attempting to prove that chubby. sweaty. balding, moustachioed lads in tracksuits can give the laydees ‘what they need' if they'd only submit to their unsubtle advances. Go boy! The Kitchen are an altogether less cabaret proposmon Mr and Mrs Amanda 'Bis' McKinnon in scuzzy electro punk mode. King Tut's. Glasgow, Fri 72 Sep.

Willard Grant Conspiracy Not so much a band. more a loose grouping of American musicians who weave a dense blanket of country sounds tied up in strands of drama and black humour. See preview. Barf/y, Glasgow, Fri 5 Sep. Venue. Edinburgh, Sat 6 Sep.

Franz Ferdinand More youthful. black-clad men furthering the cliche that Glaswegians make the best Slightly weird. totally inspired guitar pop in all these fine islands. See preView. Optimo, Sub Club. G/asgow. Sun 7 Sep.

Spiritualized Jason Pierce is messing With our heads again. His new album. Amazrng Grace. is another blissful stagger through the Joys of rock‘n'roll hedonism. See feature. Ligurd Room, Edinburgh. Thu 17 Sep.

Kelly Rowland Her UbIQUlIOUS megalith bandmate Beyonce-zilla may be overshadowing her as she trounces the charts with her ferocious pop hooks but Kelly is the cuter. more senSitive one from Destiny's Child and can still do sugary R88 licks till the sweet shop closes. C/yde Auditorium, Glasgow, Sat 13 Sep,

Peaches After the onslaught of her kindred spirit Har Mar Superstar days earlier, will Glasgow be able to survive another evening of sexually- charged. electro rock? We can but wait and see. See preview. Arches. Glasgow, Tue 76 Sep.