Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Drunton Theatre: Edinburgh

I ad'uwll \\.I}. \luxxcllItnglI. “I {l (In.< jj-III {HIIILS iIII

'1,'E’,TI‘/‘\'/ 't fIE

The Magdalene Sisters I ISI :II

Cameo: Edinburgh

§I\ llIInII' SIII‘I‘I. “I ‘l 235 JHI ('(‘ lIIIIIkIng H! il .‘II‘N 1| 1| Bat .71 llIIut lnIIIIInatIIIn I Inc. “I {I 333 INN) |l)|. La 3‘) I L; gll L‘IIIILN .tll tl;t_\ lllx‘vla} llIuthla) and l'tlda} Sunda} lII'IIIII‘ IIlInII. L ‘5“ all da} \lIInIla_\ and luI-xda) 'lIIuthla} lII'IIIIc ipIn \\L'(l Ll Ll‘llL\ IIII Inxt \ltIm In I'aI'II \I‘II-I'n I .llL' mfght \llti\\\' latI- mgrht Inaln L31 ILZSIII; InIanIJIII Inmn‘ L31“). |)IIulI|I- l‘ill\ ISun nIalInI‘I‘dalc night I. US“ I L ‘5“ auto l.


La Comunidad I ISI HS.

Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) I I I IRII.

Goodbye Lenin! I ISI .IIIII, IIIIII Hespiro (Respiro Mio) I ISI II. NI. Roger Dodger I ISI VIII. IIIS. II. III. Swimming PoolIISI IIII. -I III. (I <5. II In,


Belleville Rendez-Vous I I 3.\ I

Hall): V15. 5310. 5.35. ‘1. W. Dragonflies I I S I

l);tll}l I.:II.

.'\l\(l \Vt'tl. (I35.

Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) It ' I l);lll)i 1.30.

Goodbye Lenin! I ISI

|)atl_\: JIIII. 3.55.

Hespiro (Hespiro Mio) I ISI

l)aIl_\: (3,25.

Some Like it Hot Il’t iI + Annie Hall I ISI \lattncc Sun: IRI).

Spirited Away Il’( 'II

.\lIIn: (Iii

Swimming Pool I ISI

Hall): I. ‘5 I\ 4. II) InIIt SunI. VIII. .'\l\\l l-I'I Sun. luv. 'l'ltu: (I35.

lHIl)/\Y 'Il‘ IHLJHSDAY 'Ik-‘I

(‘aII ()Hl 22H Ill-lI/IIIH 238 ijIII III- pick up a \\L‘L'l\l'\ tnnctahlc It'IIm tho I‘Incma IIII' pI-I‘IIII‘mancc lllllL'\.

\cu IIIm duc III IIpcn I'I'IInI HI I: Sup: Spirited Away I l’( ;I

Sun Inauncm on Sun l-l Scp: Hatcatcher I ISI + Morvem Callar I ISI Mattncc Sun: HI).

Dominion: Edinburgh

l.\’ .\'I‘\\lIattlc 'lL'l'i'dL‘L‘. (ll 31 4-1“ 4" |. Min: “I il “a 2(I(I(l and H" 345”, (.(‘ lIIIIIkmg: (I131 44" 4""l. chtaut'ant. Bat: [l)|. .-\dult. Standard: L5. III; Supt-nut: LSIIII; Pullman: LIIZII IIII'IIIII‘ (Ipm .\lIIn¥l'hu. Standard: £3.80; Supct‘inr: (4.4“; Pullman: L5.~1III. (MP/LBJ”. Standard: £3.80; SupcnIIt': £4.00; Pullman: £5.30. (‘Incma 3 k 4: HIIII IiIcIIIII- (Ipm: L WI); (‘Incmax 3 x 4: L4.-llli. (‘lnldt‘cn Standard L4; SuPcrIIIr. ('Incmax 3 x 4: £4.00 IlIcI'III'c (Iptn. Standard: (3.3”; Supt-nut: £4.41): Pullman: (filth. i-atntl} tn‘kctx \tat't at LN th'III‘c (Ipm IInl).


Hollywood HomicideIIZ.-\I JIII. JSII. .\'_IIII.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of UleIIZ.-\I 3.3II. 5.30. 8.30.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I.‘ \I 1R < IIII.


Veronica CuerinIIxI 4 III. \ 1* Whale RiderIt’III I III. II 1*

American Pie: The Wedding I I<I l).tll_\ ~1|Il

Hollywood Homicide I I: \I Had; < III. .\ I<

\lxII ntatlnw \II'I‘kda} \ 3 1“ The Man who Sued God I<I I)‘I|I.\ I Ml. (\llll' \ z(I Pirates ol the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I_‘ \.

Dad} I 15. 1 ~15. .\ IIII Hugrats Go Wild! II I

_\lattnw \at I\' Sun I ‘II. ‘II Veronica Guerin I.\I

l).ul_\. i-lII. .\ lII

Whale Hider P( It

Hall} | W. (I35 " .l‘HIl“:;\: .I

l’tIIggIanunI' Illa-I) III in: \iiiIil.Ii III IlII' PII'HIqu \wck PIIIInI' III ‘I -1 1" JIIhII IIII tlL'l.lll\ and tnncx

Filmhouse: Edinburgh

35 l.IItlII.III RIIad. III ;| I.“ IIIHN Hat l\’\‘\l.ttll.tlil lizl. |l)] \laIn cwmny \L‘Iu‘nlngx L55” l L-l Sun llm will} I l'.;lil} Ian'mng.‘ \I‘Iccntng'x Li R” IL‘ Sun lltu will} I. \l.llili\'\'\ L‘ SII I L3 Sun 'l‘hu with I. l Itda\ l‘.tif.'.tiii llltlllllk'k'\ L'ZSIIIL'I JIII '

I'II' 39:1,: IV .2 53% =>

1.lCapture the CastleII’III I “I. 5.15 The Hulk I IJ.\I NIS.

2. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) I I<I {UL (I. {(l‘ 3335.

3. Le Cercle Rouge I IxI :IIII. i IIII. Nllll.

FIND/W" 53? ;’

1.CypherIISI 3 <II. IIIII. MS.

2. Winged Migration II IIIII, < 2*. \ 14 3. Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday H 'II 1 1I I,


1_CyphefI 1*. _‘IIII~ :[\‘_II1II_ \1~ 2. Winged Migration II <IIII. * 1‘ \ H

3. Le Doulos (The Finger Man) I.‘ \I


Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday H 'II \ iII

1,CVDheftl§I“lllll 113 II lII \ ‘n

2. Winged Migration II iIIII. < :x

x |<

3. Monsieur Hulot's Holiday l’( .I I <II,

Le Doulos (The Finger Man) I.‘ \I II III

1.CypherII<I _‘ ill. II {II \ Ix

2. Winged Migration II I lIIII. 3‘.

.\ H

3. Leon Morin, Pretre II'III _‘ z~ Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday Il’( II II 1*

Le Doulos (The Finger Man) I.‘ \ \ <II

1.CypherII<I .‘ III. II III. \1< 2. Winged MigrationIt I IIIII. ~' 1‘. x 1%

3. Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday P( ‘.I I II I. .\ 15 Leon Morin, Pretre II’III i I<

.'.EZII\E I. {IE I‘

1.CypherIIiI .‘ NI. II {II .\ Ii

2. Winged Migration II I =IIII. * H.

.\ I5

3. Monsieur Hulot’s HolidayII’III : :II

Leon Morin, Pretre I P( ‘II .\ IIII

III :I-‘f;tiI'II " :Iii

1.CypherII<I :.<II. II {II .\ H 2. Winged MigrationII I IIIII. Vb.

x. I 5 3. Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday I M ‘II : <I I. (I IS .\‘ it)

:1: "__It¥

1.Cypher I~ ‘:II I. ;.. \ I,‘ Z-Afafat '1‘ lIIII \ ;.I PlaytimeII‘III ~ :\

3. Winged MigrationII ::II “III


1.CypherI1\I‘IIII ;I\ h :.I \ ;\ 2. Playtime I'I. ;\

Marat I‘ 1‘ \ iII

3. Winged MigrationII :‘III IIIIII


LCypherII‘I ‘IIII 11‘ II in \ '.\ 2. Jourde FeteII :IIII

Ararat-I» \ :\

PlaytimeIl’III \ III

3. Winged Migration I VIII IIIIII


1.CypherI1\I‘;III.;II \ ;\ 2.Ararat-I\I §IIII \ {II JourdeFeteIl III\

3. Winged MigrationII : :II IIIIII


1.CypherII\I ‘III I. ;II \ ;\ 2.Mon0nc|eII'I.. :IIII JourdeFeteII III\ \ a.

3. Winged MigrationII HII IIIIII


1.CypherII\I ,‘ iII II {II \ '.~ 2. Nostalgia IN 1‘

Mon OncieIIII'II \ III

The SacriliceleI \llIl

3. Winged MigrationII I :II


1.CypherII~I .‘ :II I. {II x :\

2. The SacrificeIIM .‘ 1‘ Nostalgia In x 1‘

Mon DncleII'III \ :II

3. Winged MigrationII z :n_ (IIIII_


De Cypher the code with Timothy Webber and Jeremy Northam >