~33 Letters "1‘- '
"-, React, The List,
14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE React. The List, . cuscow Aim EDINBURGH at the CCA, 350 Sauchrehall Street, Glasgow 62 3JD Evans cum; 9' email react@list.co.uk
Publisher a. General Editor 3; t "‘219‘ EDITORIAL
Deputy Editor
Assistant Editors
MARKETFORCES <wmefiaW+r“r .rmwmnlnu~ »~w, urrw“:wvw.wxu: .ggnhg‘ ' Re: Partypooped (475) hhtn’l't'TU-tWrit”!' °.' ' :. ' :' Z'--:I 2 :"1'* z :- :"-': Research
. . t “(4. r, ' -.» ,v,, .~ . a . 1' . v ' . .. - . .- . . . I, - . VP ‘.' '12'.:' "x". |.'.'.ez’morre'tnorm: uraall-K: ,_ z, H , , H 1 rttmrh‘af'wr‘litrtt'r".‘.ar’l-" AWoodman r" r. ";.=". ~ " ' .- 2'1': ' g. ,. x .. (.Lt Hm mutter. At tr":‘,errt. Media and marketing ..: .'» - ~- r: . .. . : - r r' ’, WWII". tut/lat‘nrrk'u manager 3»: :' 2'“; '- ' :~ " " ' ‘ :4 ’ " ‘ ' 0 r u i ‘N : triml“"ililli(llll(l- ()l‘l" (Hit: (If lr't'r'rrt'ilrl'h". (Itil‘r‘llv. [rill] tI,/;' i i" l yi'i tii’ -lf t'i'l "~i- "- "l ' i" l i ’c . t \ 3;; grnn'rar menrng pren'res. "_‘.->'.:::r-"’, " ,rv-' : : r r 2-- I " " '_ ’ :
'. .rJr r.l . v\' . r ‘I‘."\t~lllr1‘r‘rl -,, ‘;).,yv~,.r‘ ' -..IV -I‘
',.‘, trillill)’ i.. t a. r 1.. I ..I I. u -~
Halter. to 'r‘arlx the opening rr‘ w ~-xt"i"n;; 'f‘w . '1 ' : ’.r " sa|es & sponsorship exnztrrtront, ret;t':<:t%; entr‘, tr, Festival coverage ‘avrxf rm,- 1 , A": ,; r" ;._- ' _ Director A" r" ta Mr: L: tnoxrmnr,o:;é,:é;‘;ronotarr absolutely slated wx'tuwf " ruav ‘.'.'ur', mint-m i’w'irr‘ . . Med'a séles suppm"
utter! tx'uo' rn‘.rtatron. lltIf; r5; lhelextrzal I?;f)lt<1(fll‘<)t€:£tl an .. ‘wf'w r-vr " . 'r“ w
Senior Media Sales mt r)rt,,tt,.. tor our tr,.,tr.al (. ru. ixrt on rearing tht, p . it t. . .. r- I Executwes
r-xhrlrrtror‘. lhr: reat;on tor the If seerrw; Irke (‘rrountlr‘og l)a. :,'6",t.r":,f’;": . r, f . iv"? a: x .v . I". w: :trv‘ 't:‘;l.'i~’.l'().'l If; that a hrgher lever hat; taken hold onrte i',"“l"l‘r'1."t_l rv _. ' 't'. n'.:’f~' : '5' :' ' f3? :". " " I I‘m" l‘ t ' " 51' "‘i‘;
rrrtr:rr,~f;t rn our teStrval exhrlntron more. \“Jhere onee the :7: »:,-“'.:<,n rtarr‘s: a. . :w-. . "- I "‘ ' ’ 1* Med'aksaws execmwe :3' :r U"'ti"l‘,
rrr-zreu'.’ )os‘et‘ X) en r' l he'rlth (lrnt)ur< h rneura eelehr‘rter' £lI"’}1rr"°.“>iillfltr"'1<‘ilrtri. llr:"""' “a”? ‘r -
r r ) it t ta t i t t r 9 Promotions Manager
anrl f'rill(?l“,' mues; Wrthrrt the the i e:;tr;al anti gaye eatjh mum/attranf; galrerrm '16:" :(m "; : ' ' ', it" I . any
hurlurng. event 'or (it; near to eatzh r‘a'tz'tg gnarl “ratatan'rr; " '."r' T’ur’.‘ {Mfr-v Circulation Mr:- I a" r: r ;r-. the gallen, III()IIII()t'f; <:apa<:rt\, event. a law hearrng .‘.’Iflt a te'rr‘t, of (:()l()t.'. ’itJIt‘;" A» in :r‘, MD pRODUC‘noN
I», the rnvrtatron only entr‘, well halarrr:eu reu'rex'x. V.et agam t<-::I'"t'<;ue. fi'IiZ-(rl '.|T311;" a”: . a 1 Art Director
regurrernent. l xen so. tor a tttrf; year we have had t<t suffer {itr'tillf;, "‘ '3‘ N 13' ’i "
puhlrr: art gallery. the acres of pr 33:; coverage on I'r: Ire per, Iltfti-Itrf1ltr’2'.’ DID WE GET IT létéducuon manager
lrurtrrurrlxet't; current polrtt‘,’ If; how ()‘.‘(}I[)II(Z(?(l the l et;tr.al rs, returr‘ arttl (late the pr ftr'w; WRONG? Designe“ ;. ' “WNW overtly transparent, how :t It; not tor the orrlrnar‘, .'."'rr<ir: s;to<;<:‘ out at; than \. Jr: ta‘m’: "WM. . at w .’ ,: subeditorrxrm,’ gym,“ I » \r '1 (" ,. V 9 an \.,‘ 0.. ‘ hr) t( _,,, “I, ‘.'(.:‘.,'"V ’(/:)ul/,"l\‘ (,rt(,otrragrrtg III(l|.I(ltI(lla anrl .rorkrng rr an. or hon. .he “NM. i <"lr r” ~'~ (I “t ’- -‘ H 9 ‘ ADMINISTRATION organrsatront; to 10m rtt; tree i(?f;ll‘.'£llt; don't (in enough to Mo'ret‘i; ‘.'.'l‘r!l(?f1(t".’l h'aua ‘.‘.‘:'(: ’)’1’i;I‘;/,'t{r|. .'.r» "‘=:;':_ p: Accounts Manager rt‘arlrng |r5;t tor ‘.'.’hr(:h they prorr‘ote llt(EII‘E;(‘:l‘.’(?E; et<:etera. unalroyeo. hut urmrt ’t-:-.r-r':r,:ng ‘g',"‘t:'_':."i, .'.'urv; 'r‘ (i~.-'r".;et’.v': Hum-“2.x (turr'entl, rerier‘.e autorr‘atrr: Yawn cataracts; ‘.'."trt:rr (mt-til. u; m, map-gr ,4 I‘ ;,,.,,,t,..1r, Accounts Assrstant
Mana er l)»"".‘r lzr Lnr rnxrtatror‘. rtarlrngt; to even. Why not. rnstearl of uperrurng (jolour perception, lIIfl .'." let; m; l'rar: e't'fnr v ': an 9, ’
i ' Reception
8/4"".1': Mpl/‘r Carr‘x; Edinburgh Office
prexrex‘; exent. Many of the prntt; of :nk (:rrtr(:r5;r rg the
garlen, '3; I)Ill)ll(‘l\, lIIII(l(?(l le:;tr‘.’a| for what rt't; not doing,
(:onten‘r)orarres;(:on(lu(:t get your reportersout Thereto . t;pon:;or and Industry focus; ::o‘.'er the gt';t§;f;'f)(;'.f; {*é:'i’_z""-'r'f% ANGELS IN THE ARCHITECTURE $Iasgfw 9"“:8
. ' . ait'”: 'rtl' u’r'l, onl‘, prex'res; exents. or charge who SIXEIItl ruueh o‘ tnerr <>’.‘.'." Strathclyde University exhlbltlon
a uuhstirrptron tee for prevrex'v.’ trrne an<l n‘or‘rey puttrng on A friend o‘ r!‘r"t: war-ax. rukerl "‘r-_
l_lélll‘ro: (iraharr: New Projects Director lttl‘alegeu therr own E;lI( often at great ar<:hrte<:ture exhrnrtrr" fSJatr‘higzr: treat-mm, In :4,- vw ,"w 1 .’./r":r': lr/larke'wr: Norma/tr: At; tor Mt:(‘rtrrk'z; pre:;rrrrrptrorr trnaneral loss to Ilt(}II‘f;(i-l‘.(?f3 rrt't; '.‘.';tf; not titeu («than mgr. 1,1,: ,','t;"‘_ ,1 ,xv , 55,, IT NW, Heaths w r :1 ', SECTION EDITORS WUHW It'l‘dll“ ItitlllOS. denying I estrval prograrr‘rner and get {1 tmgttrtmrr mm; m‘ M |t _'_,’t‘, w; (,1 ,1, 5:4,: 1 a“, If“, Art Helm Mu'urghan Books ii'va't [)untrr'lwn
- ‘ City Lite Amie: l/irllar. 5;”;an m; or her prrnte trrne papers. hut (lo f;l()‘.‘.’l\,' pull rn an::<;o.ouri;o‘r1apn'. arm; .'.':‘hf;',.'"e ér"_é:‘~,'_’ " at“) a“: WW, Hm. “W,
that the galler\ engages; rn $500 to advertise rn the expected to 5'“: it", "g‘: ')
opportunrtret; rn \.'.'hreh to nothrng rn return iIOII‘ the preee <:<>r‘€;t;te:: 0‘ auto,- ”‘a'w ,‘ 't"‘-’:":"‘ ‘..r,r:‘
ilI(l{l\ e\enrngt; rn the gallery. the (itt)’.‘.’(lf§ 'rt theyre luekyr bookleta. ll: lam. rw: .’ ua. t."a"m . 1' Hz“; " ’ Clubs New, Nrrrtrtrvrmt; “"3 '9‘ ill)?‘”'““”\ “0i “‘0 (11590— itWt Tlt‘mi an autlrenee tor what ('trtjvrrzmjmttg my“ r], , rue-M”, 1,; WM“; [1,,1, Us ,. ._. “We Halt,“ ASKlt? trorr‘ our aeeewsuhle they, 're (Iorvtg. Several of n“, we ttrtrrre Comedy't/Iatfrw: i-l'r, preVIew events, the gallen. was; trrentlt; haxe put therrtseluef; Lyn Ross c°m'°3 “fix” U?!“
‘ 1 Dance Ke-Iy Arm open untrl SlILStlprn e\.'er\g out m 1m, rm; mm {wt 1 ,. “.3 we”, Film PM: Um: Food Bar, Sim-L, Games tar: [Jazz/rum Gay Ja'r; Harrwimr‘ Kids i? N- Hedge-a Music Mark Rotmrts'rn
‘.-.'-t' N’J'T'iillt Crrarrvrer:,_
exenrng throughout August. illll‘, ar>platr1ltirerr tor (lorrtg If}; an;
(“1” IS owe” E;()III’E;£1[\1>:JIIITY‘(E[IRPZ tho. fut} H's) grfl' ff‘ "t‘t'i' IE‘ I lhursum—Satu"<la\ rn Hera/u. lee Stroftvr‘a" and all soweer‘e "our? :7...»
Septerhher. the other so (:alleu rr‘arp '1 : nee" rez,‘
Furtherrrtore. {IS a puhlre platen; gaze these perf:>rrr‘e':: "g; the” tuntletl galle'\. entn to the therr uue mcegr‘ tren. To see? .‘"e : ex‘nrhrtron rs tree so MCGurk Jonathan Muirhead "‘Li’z' .r’ : rr‘.a\ attend emry Frrdat nrght wa errx'rrx _,":;5‘ ; from not: trr‘trl 127 Septenrher' ,1‘ ‘e' .' : w when the exhrhrtron closes. ARTBUG’S STRIPE ea," {Je"_f’r' should he or she ‘.‘.’I8lt. lt rs, Re: Artists on festival art Ham some ::'
IIItItOtlSIltlt‘ to argue that our (476)
pelrm rs rnaeeesahle; the art rs; Ar'thug A}; comrr‘er‘ts on the T'3V9' Ame WW . . . (,1; here t0r all to see. l::n t thrs Monet extuhrtme ‘.‘.er' 3 gurte * US“ 1111111] Inc Lil llx he“ VideO/DVD F "‘ D”
really rust a ease of sour SIII‘Dl‘, the t>zggest read of toss
Cr": Ma". Kenn, M‘til‘r‘f/f'. Flt/Ila Slt‘:;;"‘;"l News Rzrth Hedges Records Maw ROtXfltS’X‘. Shopping Mawmn Erm Sport Maurmw EIIIS Television B’le'r Dora'luue Theatre Stem Crarrrrfl
2 THE LIST -'- '--‘ Set