7h llt'lltlL'lMtll RH“. 55—. “F5 \loli Sal lllam 5 illpiii

Clay 2003 l‘ntil \al ill .-\tij_' \ \cllin; \hou ol LL‘litllllc\ h} lL'HtlL'lll inakch lL'élllllllljJ contcinpoiai} and traditional \tliccl thrown. liantl htiill ainl \ll]k'.l\l “ork Ill \lHllL‘\\.tlL'. poicclain .intl carthcnuaic,


75 lltcatl Strcct. 47" 4538 \lon Sat noon ani

More from the Heads of Dreamers l‘ntil Sat ill .‘\llf..' .\ group \hou ol tip\\cllin§_' antl \l\ltlll;ll} art cxploring thc tll\t'l\C nattnc ol human crcalixit}.

ASSEMBLY ROOMS 54(icot‘f1t‘5ll'ct'l. 22o 3-135. Hail}

lllain midnight.

Otar Imerlishvili l'ntil Mon 35 Aug. ()lar lnicrlixlnili'x llllltl annual lL‘\ll\.tl c\hihition. lcattirtng contcniporai} and traditional rcl'lcctionx on (icorggian lilc. 10 Minutes, 1 Roll of Film, No Wacky Comedy Shots t'nnl Mon 35 Aug. ()xcr .ltl ncxx poiti‘aitx h} pliologt‘aplicr Rlcli llal'tlcaxllc ol \onic ol tlic hcxt \tantl llllN lrotn arountl tlic \xoi'ltl.


58' Sliantlmck l’lacc. 225 "ll-l8. l);lll} Illani lllpni.

Zimbabwe Sculpture t‘nnl .\lon 35 Aug. thktitma (iallcr). llararc prcxcnh llll\ c\hihition ol xculpttirc h_\ \Ulllt' oi thc hcxt ltl'll\l\ in linihahuc.


() Huntlax Strcct. 557-1050. .\lon l'l'l Illani (ipin; Sat llani Jpni.

Raeburn to Redpath t'nnl 30 Aug. .-\ llll\L‘tl \hoxx ol' paintingx lcaturing uorlo l‘) H‘ll (Kitlcll. li.«\ llorncl. John Philip. .-\nnc Rctlpath. SJ l’cploc and Sam Bough.

Centenary Tribute t'nnl Sat St) Aug. l)ra\\ High and ctchingx It} thc cclchratctl arlixt .lttlllt‘\ Nchil “llhllt'l‘. Lucien Pissarro l‘ntil Sat So Aug. .\ \clcction ol tli'axx ingx. \\;tlL'l‘cUlUtlt'\. Ull\. \\ootlctll\ ttlltl clchingx.

Gareth Mason t‘nnl Sat 3o Aug. l’orcclain.

BRUNTSFIELD YOUTH HOSTEL 7 Bruntxlicltl l’lacc. Bruntxlicltl. 4-1“ 20*“.

[accommodation 2] tn 3: Aug. 7pm midnight. l5olloxxing on Ironi thc mac“ ol Iacctutitiiotlalion ll licltl rcccntl) in a (ilaxgtm )Utllll hoxtcl. lor onc night onl}. (llil\:_'tl\\ artixt-run organixation li incrgcd l) prcxcnt \IIC \pccilic art. inuxic and pcrlorinancc. .-\l‘il\l\ illc‘llltlt‘ 5 l’iccc Sllilt‘. :\llc't‘ llc‘ll. l.uc) (iihxon. l)a\ nl Stamp and Kll‘\lL‘ll |.lo_\tl \\ith llltl\lc'l;tll\ and pcrlorincrx. NH‘.’ St 10?;


(‘lltlllllk‘l'x SII'L‘CI. (lfijll fill lll5. l);i|l_\

0am 4pm.

Urban Myths l'ntil Sun 24 .-\ll:_'. \cxx photographic \mi'k h} Vancxxa l‘ranklin. Bonn) Sqtiair antl Stixic Rca.


5h 53 Blair SII'L‘CI. 22” 0] all.

Krisis l‘ntil Sun 3| Aug. l-nxt \lioun at .\lono in (ilaxgoxx. an c\hihition of political \crccnprinlx h} Brynn ('larkc. t'otintlcr of thc lnxanc Socict} in ION: and haw pla_\cr in punk outlit. thc Napalm Staix.


53 llonic Slt'L‘L‘l. 333 -ll~l l. Connections Thu 3% Aug \\'cd 24 Scp. lilcnor .\laclcotl draxx x inxpiration l'roni pltIL‘C\ \llL‘ll a\ Shctlantl. I.}on. l‘lrtl\\cl\ and llai‘cclona in llll\ hotl} ol \xork.

Exquisite Corpse l by Jake and Dinos Chapman on show



l3\tlo\\ nc (‘rcxcan H57)” 7(r7‘Hl. l).tll} Ilani (rpm

Silver at Home l'iitil Sun 11 .\tig_',

.'\ \clling c\hil\ition ol \ll\t'l talwlcxxarc

tlcxignctl h} Stixan (‘liaplin


(‘harlottc Squarc. til-l 5H5”.

Take the Chair - Outside l'nnl Mon 25 Aug. lnllouxc prcwnt a \clcction ol’ \latc ol tlic ait \cating lor lllc Ullltltltll'\. St't' til“) lnllnthc lhlltifg,


3 .\larkct Strch 53‘) 3‘“) i. .\lon Sat lllain 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

Jon Schueler: To the North l'ntil Sat 37 Scp 'I‘Iic lll'\l c\ cr lll'llhll rclroxpccm c ol' tlic \\ot'k ol .\incrican paintcr .lon Schuclcr t I‘llo I‘M} i. a contcniporar) ol .lackxon l’ollock and Mark Rothko. ('tiratctl h} Richard lnglch} ol tlic Inglch} (iallci) in axxociation “llll tlic (‘it_\ .'\ll ('cntth lan ()'Riortlan. thc c\hihition lt‘.lltllL‘\ 0\ cr 5t) \\ork\ lrotii ll|\ .ihxtiacl c\prc\\ioni\t paintingx crcatctl II] .\'c\\ York in tlic 5(l\ to lll\ inorc lannliar \xorkx hawtl on thc lantlxcapc hcmccn .\lal|ai:_' and thc lxlc ol Sky: niatlc al'tcr hix i'clocation to Scotland in l‘)7().

One of the Boys: Joseph Crawhall and the Glasgow Boys I'lllll Sttl 2.“ SUP. .I-llL' ('.‘\(”\ latcxt acquixition. I’n/m/il Hm mg h} Joxcph (‘ra\\ hall lorinx thc ccntrcpiccc ol thix L‘\liil\ition ol \xork h} onc ol thc kc} lilL‘llll‘L‘h ol tlic (ilaxgou School. Showing alongxitlc (‘ia\\hall\ paintingx arc \xorkx h} lll\ COMIClllptll';tl'lt‘\ including: (iiithiic. Walton. .\lcl\ illc antl llcnr}. Airside: Contemporary Portraits I‘lllll Sat :— Scp;_'c \calc photographic portraih ol \xonicn

at Edinburgh Printmakers

\\ll\l arc lllllH\.tlHl\ in tlicii \.tllHll\ [\ltllt'\\ltlll\ l\_\ .lanc llicltlc Portraits and Landscape from the Collection l'nnl sat .7" \t-p \ \clcclion ol \\Ull\\ lioin tlic ('it_\ ol l'.tltiil\tii§_'li\ collcction ol Scottixli art including: \xoik\ l») \lc l.i;';'.itt. l't‘llehM‘ll. l)otitli\\ailc .iinl ( illll\'\


I: IN ('otkhtnn \ticct. .‘IH Illill

Inc Sun llain 5pm

David Sherry 1 till] .\iin 5’ \cp \ \olit c\liil\ition loi pciloiniantc .llltl \nlco .tllhl l).i\nl Slit-ii}. \xho \\a\ \llt‘lllhlt‘tl loi llll\ )caik llcck'x l llltllt'\ auaitl \cnilinj; tip \octal comcntion and th: lltlll\t'll\ .hpcch ol tlic litnnan u‘lltlllltlll. tlic \llHU- lcattncx \unu' I’m/in lulu-.1. i'tt lll \\lllcll \licrt} attcntl\ |ol\intci\1c\\\ pictcnthn; to hc a jJt'lltlch applitant llc liax alw hccn ctllllllll\\lt'llt'tl to ticatc ncu \\oik loi tlic ('ollcctn c \xliit li lllc ltnlcx a

\ ltlt‘t‘ l‘lt‘ct‘ \JI.‘ '\ /.'l« fch u". .: l.tlj.'t‘ lli'i‘l palllllllj: .lllll a \kall pictc

COLOURS GALLERY .ll l)ttntla\ Sticct. 557150”. \lon III I” warn 5 :lllllll. \at Ill Wain 5pm

9 August - 13 September 2003 Mon - Sat, 10am-5pm, Sun, 2-5pm

A number of public events accom lease contact the Gallery for furt

Louis Sinclair McNally 1 mil \\t-a

.‘ \.:~.‘ \ wiw (Sioux ul 1.21:6. .zzttl mhxag‘cw 1'“. ltlzzzi‘LL',‘l: Y‘axct‘. .itttx'.

l otzix \;'it 7...:I \lt \.-.31\ \‘c 131;“ Robert Simpson I :iii1\\;a _“ \t1;' li‘.’.;‘i\'\\:o:::~'. xct'ncx of \ti\ii.:il.: M \«Killftzfiifi l\'\‘l\‘i'i\1llt;‘\i‘li

Caroline Bailey \a w \u-s \\t-a .‘1 \c',‘ llo:.:1 \ii.tllc'\.t1‘.il xit'uxot ll.tll.tll anti \i‘anim _ Lllc‘\ in ( arolznc llailtw

CONCRETE BUTTERFLY :1 ‘t i na limit <<\ '1 m

\lon lll 'iouzi "l‘Zl‘i \at \\ \tin

Festival Collection I ntii \.-.v. in \tl.‘ \ lt'xti‘..;l tullt'tlzwii ml intciioi l‘li‘tlllch in: :lit' horny it'Jllillll“ {titratiin Zg\'.1§t\ '-'l:i'.::' Tli'i'l tout'iiiii'x taliitflnatt' .niitl laxliioi: anti

‘t'iitlt'iit \lt'\l:‘llt'l \ 11‘.

lo \\.!l\ll\‘l‘th

'l tlit' .iilli‘ll‘ill. ( out it DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 5llittlflt‘ lciratt' “5 'l\" \lon lll Wain ‘prt,

World of Butterflies l nnl l n .‘w \ti;' \llll\l1‘l.tlltc‘ l’clci llol\t

llt‘nt kclk pit tiatw .ippcai to lic .i

tollct lion vi litittt‘illitw Irwin .lll‘lllltl tlit' \‘.\‘ll\l ( l\‘\t‘l lll\l‘\'tli\‘ll it"\ iiii.::'c\ ‘-‘-llltl1tli'ttllllt‘lll Ilit' lll\l~‘l_\ ol llli‘ \‘-|'ll\l lioni tlic lll.t\\.l\l\‘ at ()tianz' lll lll

\ ictniani '.‘I to \cptcnilwi ll UH“!-


at \laiicl llllt' llHll\\‘. .“l \ll\.~.n\ \ticct. 3'\ “5” ll.tll\ lll.tlll ‘piii

Back to Back they Faced Each Other l Illll \n h \‘p \ \lti|\‘. ol th'\‘. l‘.llllllll:'\ l“. llcncl llattvliton


llclloiil lx’oatl h.‘ Q o‘HH ll\'\l'lll\'\l inlotniation ii.‘ .‘_‘Nn \lon \\t'il i\

lll \iin lHain 5pm. lllll l‘l.tlll 'pni One Hundred Great Photographs: A Collection by Bruce Bernard l lllll \tin '\cp

50'. tintlci l.‘\ licc [I'llll .tilllll\\lIIll ‘-‘-llll \\ inilictl \it liolwn l ioin llic nonit llll.l‘,'t' ol \l.iiil}ii \liinioc .llltl (Il.lll\t' ( l.ll‘l\' l‘ll lllt' \t'l l'l It}: l/I\'!.'\ li' \lllll.t|lllll.tlltl \ll picpaiinz' loi .l llt'lll. (hf: Ila/11"“: (Inn! Pint]:n'liil'ttw l‘llti',‘\ top'ctlici It'll ol tlic lllH\l iiiiloi;'\|c pliolog'iaplix ol tlic laxl t\'.o \t'lllllllt'\ llic pitltnt'x uncic \clt'i tcil lit tlic lat; iiinc llcinaiil. .nitlioi ol lllt' hcxt \t'lllll‘.‘

(trim. .lll\l onc ol tlic z'tcatcxt llt'\‘.\]‘.t|\'l pn tin; t'tlitoh ol ll|\ §.'cnt'i.itio:i .l\ part ot .l cillllllll\\li|ll loi llic .tlll\l .lll\l tollcttot l.tlllt'\ \looicx Signed Tour of One Hundred Great Photographs \im il \u:

3 ill 4 illpni \l.llk l\i|p.itiick L'l‘-t'\.t licc loin ol the (\llll‘llli'tl "~\lll\ li ‘.‘.lll lic intcipictcil lll lllllhll \iz'n l .tll'.’ll.t‘.'t' lit I).l‘.|\l\llllllllt‘l\1'lll

for GLASGOW ART see non—festival magazine


University of Edinburgh Old College, South Edinburgh, EH8 9YL

fiany the exhibition.

er details.

: 0131 650 2211. E: info.ta|