Film Itstrngs
UGC Parkhead: Glasgow
The Forge. l’arkhead. 01—11 551142152. 111111 and ('(' 1111111111112: 015701 555 1‘11 [1)]. [1i]. Adttlt £4.50. (’111111 £3.50 (Mon 11111: £2501. Student. £5.50 (Mon Thu: £2501.(‘oneexxion £3.50. liamtly ticket £12.1111..-\li 111.‘1\el\ helore 11111111: £3.
American Pie: The Wedding 1 151 10.50am. 1.1.5. 3.4.5. (1.1.5. H 15
Bruce Almighty 1 12.1\1 11.111.
Freddyvs Jason 1 1111 1.20. 1511. (1.211. 11.50.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: the Cradle oi Lite 112.-\1 101511111. 12.40. 3 211. (1.00. 8.45.
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde (t’(i1 11.15.1111. 140. 4.00. (1.311. 3.50. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 1 12A1 10.30am. 1‘0. 4.45. 11.00.
Rugrats Go Wild! 111 | 1115:1111
Spy Kids 30: Game Over (1'1 11.05.1111. 1.10. 3.1.5. 5.15. 7.15.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 12.1\1 10.55am. 1.20. 3.50. (1.25. 9.00.
FRIDAY ’22— 1 HURSDAV 28 American Pie: The Wedding 1 151
Daily: 10.50am. 1.1.5. 3.4.5. (1.1.5.
Confidence 1 151
Daily: 1.20. 5.50. (1.20. 0.011.
Ai\11 matinee 11 eekdayxz I 1.00am. vs Jason 1 181
Daily: (1.20. 3.50.
[are Croft Tomb Raider: the Cradle ot Ute
1 12.1\1
Daily: 11.40am. 3.00. (1.00. 8.45.
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde
11’(il Matinee Sat 1& Sun: 11.00am TheManwhoSuedGod1t51
Daily: 10.50am. 1.115. 3,30. 5.50. 15.20. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl ( 12A1
Daily: 103011111. 1.30, 4.45. 3.00. Rugrats Go Wild! 1t'1
Matinee Sat 1% Sun: 11.05am. Spy Kids 30: Game Over1t‘1 Daily: 11.05am (11111 Sun). 1.10. 5.15. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 12.1\1 Daily: 3.50. (1.25. (1.00.
Also matinee \yeekdayxz 10.55am. 1.211.
Programme likely 111 he similar 111 the preyioux yyeek. Phone 08701 55.5 13(1 1111' details and times. .\'e\y lilms due 111 open 1111 Fri 2‘1Aug:
Hollywood Homicide 1 12 A1
Jeepers Creepers 2 1 151
The Lizzie Maguire Movie 1t'1
UGC Renirew Street: Glasgow
7 Rent'reyy Street. into and ('(‘ hookuth 0870 907 078‘). Adttlt £4.50. Child/Students £2.5111.\111n 111111; £5.50 (Fri-Sum. (‘oneexxionxz £5.50. l-‘amily tieket £12. iiarly Bird iitllitlxxltiltx het'ore 12am: £3. Kid‘s (‘luhz £1.50. l'nlimited (‘ard: £9.99 per 1111111111.
American Pie: The Wedding 1 151 114011111. 12.10. 1.311. 2.111. 2.411. 4.311. 5.20. 5.50. 7.00. 8.00. 3.411. 11.20. BruceAlrnighty112.-\1 5.111. 3.30. Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle 1 1 2.-\1
FreddyvsJason1181 11.40.1111. 2.111. 4.30. 7.00. 9.30.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: the Cradle of Lite 112A) 10.50am. 11.50am. 1.50. 2.50. 4.50. 11.00. 7.50. 8.50.
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 1P0) 11.00am. 1.20. 3.50. (1.20. 8.50. Piratesolthe Caribbean: The Curse of theBlacit Pearl 1 12.-\1 10.50.1111. 12.311. 1.111. 2.00. 4.00. 4.50. 5.30. 7.30. 8.20. 0.011.
28 THE LIST :21 Aug—.2 80;: 4
Respiro (Respiro M10) 151 1 1 111111;.
31111 5.111 \111
Roger Dodger1151 11 511.1111. 3 311. (1311. x 511
Rugrats GoWildt1t 1115111111. 11111. 1‘11
Spy Kids 30: Game Nerd 1 11 111 1.1111. 1.10. 340. 5511.
Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine 12 \1 11511.11” 1111. 11111. 1111. (1111. "511
Veronica Guerin11x1 11411. 11:11 Whale Rider 11’( 11 11111111. 2 511 What a Girl Wants 11’1 11 11 111.1111.
5.111. 1\ 211
American Pie: The Wedding 1 151 Daily 11.10.1111. 12 111. 1 111. 2111. 31111. .1311, 5 311. 5 511 “1111 .\1111 3.111. (1,311
:\1\11 11111‘ 1‘11 1\ 5.11 Builan Soldiers 1 151 Daily: (1.00. 1\.-111111111 1111
Confidence 1 1 5 1
t'*.'.,»«/ '1
111511. 11111
Daily. 111111.1111. 1211. i511. (1211. 0.1111.
Alxo late 1‘11 1\ 5.11 11.111
Freddy vs Jason 1 1.\1
Daily: 11.10.1111. 210. 1.10. 7011. 11.511.
.'\l\111111C i‘rr 1k 8.11: 111111111;_'111 Identity 1 151
Daily: 7.1111 0,111. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: the Cradle of
Daily: 1100:1111. 12.10. 2.1111. 1111. 5.110. (1.111 5.011 11110.
Aixo late 1:11 1k Sat: 111111. 11511.
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 11’(i1
Daily: 11.00am. 1.211. 1.50. x50.
:\l\111;tlt‘ 1'1'1 1k Sat: 11.111. The Man who Sued God 1 151 Daily: 11.50am. 2.10. 5.111, .\.-111. :\1\U late 1'11 1\ Sat: 11.10.
Piglet’s Big Movie 111
.\latrneeSat1\ Sun: 11.00.1111. 1011. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 1 12.v\1
Daily: 10.50am. 1.1111. 2.1111. 150. 5311 x20. 11.011.
Aim late 1-11 1\ Sat: 11.50. Respiro (Respiro M10) 1 151
Daily: 2.00. -1.20.
Roger Dodger1151
Daily: 11.50am. 3.311. (1.00. 15.50. Rugrats Go Wild! 111
Daily: 10.50am. 1.00, 3.311. Spun1131
1-11: 0.30.
Spy Kids 30: Game Over1t‘1 Daily: 11.00.1111. 110. 1.10. Swimming Pool1151
Daily: 10.50am. 1.20. 3.50. (1.20. 11011.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 112A1
Daily: 11.50.1111. 12.30111111811t.\ 811111. 2.21). 3.30. 5.10. 11.30. .\,20. (1.30. Alxo late I‘ri 1k Sat: 1 1.011.
Veronica Guerin 1 151
Daily: (1.40. 11.20.
What a Girl Wants 111111
Daily: 11.00.1111.
i-RIDAY PE) THURSDAY .1 Programme111er 111 he 01111111 111 the prey lttlh \\ eek, 1’1111111'1157110117 1175‘) 1111 tlL‘i;ill\ and tones. Ne“ lilitt\ due-1111111111 on 1'1‘i 2‘1Attg:
Hollywood Homicide 1 t2.-\1
Jeepers Creepers 2 1 151
The Lizzie Maguire Movie 111
Check out the great
Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore
Brunton Theatre: Edinbu :
1.111y'.\e11\\.1y. \111551'111111}711.'1121 (1115
.__1111\51111~ 5111
Far from Heaven 12 \1 ‘ :11
Cameo: Edinbth
Ax 11111111“ \111‘1‘1, 111 A1 2.‘\ ('1. 111111111112 1111122\ 111111.11 211111111 |11|111111.1t11111l 1111' 111‘122\ 2\Hll [DI L5 20111511111111 \.1|11|.1_\ 1111‘511.1y 111111~11.1y .1111111111.1y \111111.1y 111-11111: (1111111. 11511.11111.1y \1111111.1y .11111 inexday 111111\11.1y 111'11111' 511111 “mi LI 1111101111 lirxt \1111yy 111131111 \111'1-11 1.111- 1111111101111“ 1.111'11rgji11111.1111L11L'2 501. 111111111e11111111111'L1511 1111111111-11111\1\1111 111.111111'1' |.11e111_121111 1.1511112150111111 \1
Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) 11 1 \1111 11111 1 10111111 511111. (1 5 Goodbye Lenin! 1 151
81111 11111 111111\' i111111111 811111. 11211. 111111,
Respiro (Respiro M10) 1 151
81111 11111. 11111111111 $11111. ‘1 1111
Swimming Pool 1 151 51111 11111 ‘1 111
l =11.\.1111111111.\'11111. 111”.
1111:1111”! 111111181011” -1 (‘11111113132541-110111335251111111 11111 1111.1111-1'kly trnretahle11111111111" emenra 1111 pertorrrmnee tttttex.
Sun 111atrnee11n ‘11 A111."
8 Women 1 151 .1 Gostord Park 1 151 .\latrnee 81111: 1.311.
Dominion: Edinburgh
11\ \eyyhattle'iet'taee.111‘1 11" 1771. 1111110111 11" 211110.11111-1-1" .5150 ('1‘ 1111111\tltj._'2 111211 11" 1""1. Rtwlatttant. liar. ID]. Adult. Standard: £5.10. Superior: £5110; l’ulln1.n1: [(121)1111'11111‘ (1pm Mon 11111. 81.111111111‘ L 1.511; Superror: £110; 1’1111111an £53101. (1.\l’1’1 11-111. Standard: £3511;Super11111 £~1.(1(1;1’ulln1an: £5.20; (‘111e111a Mk 1: £-1.(1111he1ore (111111: £ 1.511; ('111en1a\ 1 1k -1: £1401.('1111111‘en. Standard. £1; Superior. (‘111e111a\ 1 1k -1: £11111 1111-11111' (111111. Standard: £21.51); Superior: £1111; i’ulltnan: £5,201, 1-.111111y ttt'kt'tx \1.111 .11 £11hetoreopn11111ly.
7 1: 1F:;\[ 11/11
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: the Cradle of Lite112.-\1 2. 111. 5111. N511
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Bionde 11*(11x10.
Rugrats Go Wild! 111 1,55. 1.55. 5.55. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 12..\1 3.25. (1.05. x50.
Whale Rider mm 2111. 5.1111. “. 111
Lara Croit Tomb Raider: the Cradle oi Lile1l2.\1
Dally: 2511. N511.
Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl 1 12.v\1
Daily: 1.45. 5.1111. 5.111.
Rugrats Go Wild! 1t
11.1111 1: :11. :1<
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 12 \1 11.111y \ 51'
Veronica Guerin 1M
|).111y 1.111, \1111
Whale Rider 11'111
11.111_\ 1 111.
1’111;'t.1111111e111.1'1y1111\'\111111.111111111' l‘te\11111\ \yeek 1’1111111-11111 11' .‘(111111111 \11'11111\ .1111111111\‘\
Filmhouse: Edinbu : h
1\\11‘11111111l<1‘.1\1.‘ll:l 1\'1'\t.1111.1111 11 {11} \1.11111'\e111n:' L5 511111\1111 1111111111\
.‘.‘\ .‘11\\ 11.11
1.111y |\e11111_«.' 5111\‘111111‘5 1151112; \1111 1111111111y1 \1.111111‘e\ ! 1511122 \1111 1111111111y1.11111.1y inn-3.1111111.111111‘1'\
1351111] ,‘111
1. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) 1111. 1 7 1111
2. Animal Factory 1 151 “ 15
3. The Clay Bird (Matir Moina) 1111 '11 11 115
1. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) 1111. 1 3,111 (1111 5.15 2.AnimalFactory1t51 11111. 515 Max 1 151 (1 15
3. Unknown Pleasures (Ren Xiao Yao)
'.'1’1.'\.‘1 .‘ 111
112.\1 1 10 The Clay Bird (Matir Moina) 11111 111111. N 111
"1131111" .' [-51 ;
1. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) 1111. 1 3311. (1111 5.45 2.MaX1151 11.30.1111. 100. Animal Factory 1 131 11 15 3. The Clay Bird (Matir Maine) 11’( 11 1 :0 .\ :0
Unknown Pleasures (Ren Xiao Yao) 11H2 \1(1_1111
3:11.11 1;
1. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) 1111. 1
3 111. 11. :11. x45 2.AnimalFactory1151 11111. 5.15 Max 1 151 (1.15.
3. Unknown Pleasures (Ren Xiao Yao) 113,\1 11118111
The Clay Bird (Matir Moina) 111111 11 1111
11111113111111 ’
1. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) 1111111 2 111. (1.111. 3-15
2. Animal Factory 1 151 1 1111
Max 1 151 11.15. 5.45.
3. The Clay Bird (Matir Moina) 11’( '11 1 111. 3,111
Unknown Pleasures (Ren Xiao Yao) 112.\1 (1.00
1 12.52.51" 1/51/5111,)
1.The Huik112.\1 2.311. \15 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 1 121 <.1<
2. 11111111111111 Soir (Friday Night) 1111.. 3.111 (1.10, x45.
3. The Red Circle (Le Cercle Rouge) 1 1m 21111. 5_1111_ 51111
1. Sense and Sensibility 111 2. =11. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 1 121 5.45.
The Hulk1t2.\1 5,15
2. Vendredi Soir (Friday Night) 1111111 330. (1.30. 3.45.
3. The Red Circle (Le Cercle Rouge) 1 1111 3.1111. 5110. x110.