Theatre llstlngs

Glasgow Drama continued


:5 \llwn llmt: lls1< Ho Hill [I'l. \\(‘. \\ \l

Hibiki Strings of Japan 'Ihu is \u; " {llpm L" 5lllL5r .\\1I\r.nnnlu\rt'.rl pt'rlornmntc It} IIIC IIIInkI \lrrr1;\.\\llo nmkt' lIn'n lnxl \l\lI Io IIICI K mlh .r I‘It'IIlI ol t I.r\\n'.rI nruxn. (IIJIIIJ. :Iant’c .lIItI pot-tr} Hm l\ the on|_\ \ollhh July on thc I K tour. and nn'IutIt-x \knlk\ It} I:|;_'.u. I)\or.rk and \I.rl\u\hn.r


(ti Ironjgult'. 553-130"

Hurricane \\L'\I 3“ \al :H \u;_' Spur LI 5” LI I My t'\In|.n.llIn§_' .rntI porpnanl tult- ol ont- ol \rrookt-r\ rumt t'lllpllldllt’ and It'llllk'\lllllll\ \’II.lI.l\'I\'I\ \Im 'Ilurrnunt" IIrggrnx

Those Eyes, That Mouth 'Ihu -l Bu () \‘t-p " Illprn. Sat 3 illprn tk " illpln.

L3 LII «L5 UH 'Iht' cwr IIIIPIL'\\I\C (irnI Iron PIC\CIII\ lInx talc ol «It-\n'c and danger



I,.rtI}\\cI| \\.r). \Ilrxwlhurggh. («‘5 33h) II’. II. II “(I \\.\|

Salt 0’ the Earth InllI Sat 33 .\u;_'.

" illprn. [0.5M IIJH I.rllIc John \cc. \xrncr .unIpt'rlor'rrrt'r.xlr1g\ \ongx ax a lruwlhng nunxlrcl. Idklllj.‘ hnn lrorn lhc Sallnmrkcl to Southern Spurn.

The Burning 'l'hu l 511thch 7. illprn. £0.50 lUn. 'I'hculrc x\|h;r\ r'cxlugrng ol Stcmu‘t ('onn'x t'quxrt‘ plu} \cl at the turn- \xhcn Junrcx VI ol Scotland I\ at \\;u' mlh lhc Black I'.;u‘I ol Hollmcll.



In) Square. (ll.i.\'3 333530. |I’. II. \\'(‘. \\'_-\|

Nelfth Night Sal fill .v\ug_' Sal ll) Sup Inol _\lon I r ".-I5prn. L'" £1.15”

l£~l_."5 £3). The no“ rcgnnc IwInntI lIn‘ Drunk-c ch cnxcnlhlc hrrngx lo Inc Shakmpmrc‘x grculml corned} oI nnxtukcn nlcnlll} and nnxplut‘ctl p;l\\l0l1\

East Kllbride

EAST KILBRIDE ARTS CENTRE ()ItI ('onch Road. III ‘55 3(tllIlIlI. II’. II. M“. \\‘.-\|

Steel Magnolias 'I'hu 3.x Sun Ru .\u:_'. 8pm L" 1(5l. Slutllo 33 ‘I'hmlrc (‘onnxun prt'xcnlx Rohcrl Ilarlrngg'x \lor} Ixrxctl on a group ol noun-n “how lrlcntIxInpx \cc them through the rough and thc \llloolh.


GREENOCK ARTS GUILD (urnpht‘II Slru'l. (II-1'5 "BURN. II’. II. \\.\|

Salt o’the Earth \\L‘ti 3‘ Aug. “.Sllprn. {8 (UN. Scc Iithnhurgh. Brunton liIhL'JII‘L‘.

A Land Fit for Heroes 'l'hu 4 sun (t Sup. "fillprn. £5. .\ no“ human \cl during; the r1on \ot‘rallxrn ll) pu\l-I‘ll’\l World War (ilmgow [wrlorrncd It} (il'L‘Cllm‘k I’I.l_\Cl'\.

St Andrews


Abbe} Slrccl. III 334 4‘5llllll. [I’. \\'('. \\‘.-\l The Secret Garden l'nlrl Sul 35 ;\u:_'. 8pm; 35rd Aug 3.30pm & 8pm.

{0.5” {I55ll 1‘43 £Ill5lll. .'\\I;l[‘l.lll\\ll ol I’runcm IIotngon Burnt-It's nowl about .I _\oun:_' orphan gn‘l wrung: \\ nh hcr unclc

\\ ho thwowrx a hidden “allcd garden.

A Happy Medium ‘l‘hu 33 Au; sun In Scp «not Sunl. Spin; .illth .\u;.‘ N 5rd Sup 3.30pm & Spin. £8.50 L‘Il5llll.“ L‘ISIII. ('ornctI) \tnrrrng I)orolh} Paul ax IiIIcn. .rn ordinur} (iluxgtm uornun \\ ho Il'lL‘\ to conlucl Ik‘l' tIL‘L‘L‘thClI \l\IL‘l' on the other \IkiL‘.

Songs from the Stage and Screen Sun 31 Aug. 8pm. 0313.5” lilll.5lll. Popular xongx from the \lugc and xcrccn mm John Scrnngcr. Marrhn IIiII Smith. Linda ()l'llllxlnll and othcrx.

100 THE LIST .i‘ Aug—3- Sez‘ 3X3

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy®, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Thursday 21

G asgow

Bruce’s Pick of the Fringe lllt- SIJlltI. H: “INNII.III\I\ RinuI. II\~II (\IIII (tll55 ‘Ipnr Ur IL5I \IolIn-II} uumnjgx lrorn \Irx II.uI\.n.r \n't'. unh ,IoIlll IIcntIt'rwn. madcap \uxxn- \Iartux “IHIIIIJII .nnI hoxl IIrut‘t- \Iorlon


Reg Anderson’s Comedy Night .\t‘.unhux. I" “nu-Ilc} Iirnlgc. 55!» 3‘5\ ‘lprn. I'It'k', (unatIa‘x (ilcnn \\ool gut-xix


Jongleurs Comedy Club .Itlllfjlk'lll\. l'(i(‘ Building. Rt'nlrcu Slrt't'l. “XS” 55” (I‘ll-7 H.|5pnr. [I3 Raynontl \Imrnx IllIIUtIllt‘tN .IHk' Rtmllk'}. |I\'\UI (‘IUUh .lIllI Sunluran on n Slu \Vho'

Bruce’s Pick of the Fringe lht- SlantI. 353 \VootIInntIx Road. “5"” MI” (“55. ‘lpru. L'“ on. I'.\pt‘rn'nt'c lht- uontIt-rlull} rnmerp gt-nrux ol I’Inl _\'n'hol. \xrlh \llppoll lrorn Karl Spain. “and Iluthnghtnn and hoxl Hrut‘c \Iollon,


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ItllljJIL‘lll'\. l'(}(' Hurlthng. chlrcu Slrccl. (IX—II "N" It‘ll“, .\’.I5pnr. Eli, Scc I‘rr 33

Bruce’s Pick of the Fringe 'l'ht- SlgllltI. 3.53 \MnnIIllllth Road. “3-.” NM (\II55. 0pm. LN. I'orrncr ('ork} :unI lhc Juice I’ng ntcrnhcr I’Inl .\'n‘ho| hcatIInn-x. “uh \llppol'l l'rorn John .\il)'\IIL'\. |.c\\r\ Shucllcr and hoxl Bruce Morton, Madcap Comedy Club State Bar. I~It\' IIoIIuntI SII'L'L‘I. ‘MO 033‘). ‘IVIplll. [5 ([4 l. HI)C\ \It‘I.C;lll IlL';ltIIlllL‘\.


Disposeable Theatre (‘upmnh RN. |X5 (irt'ul \lecrn Road. 5” 3-33. Tillprn. H. ()un'klirc Inughx. nnprm who and organith chum.

Michael Redmond’s Pick of the Fringe 'IIIIC SlulltI. 5.5.; “'rnnIIJllth RulltI. (IN—'(I ()IIII (\II55. .\’, illplll. Ur ILWI I. NC“ XmInntI cornulinn RII_\\ I);ll'I‘} |Ulll\ Rt-tlrnond. 'Iurn I-‘I_\ rm and lhrcc gut-xi»

Tuesday 26


Reg Anderson’s Comedy Night .r\t';rnlhu\. I" \Vawrlt‘} IIrnIgc. 556 3:58. “pm. i'il'L'L'. BI“. \L‘“ ('Ulllt‘tI} .‘\\\£II\I Iillthl |)L'\ “that”.

Thursday 28


The ‘I‘IIC SIJIKI. 355 \\Utl\iI;III\I\ Road. “VII (\(III (M55. 8.50pm, {5 «Ur Ru} Iuond \Imrnx nnrotIut'cx .Iohn (IortIon and ItcutIIlncr VLnInnu' .\It"Iu\ rxh,


Reg Anderson’s Comedy Night .-\c.unhu\. I" \Vuwrlt'} Bridge. 550 355K. 9pm. I‘rco Skunk and a xclct‘uon ol

gllL‘\l\ .IUlll l'L‘\lLIL‘lll IIU‘I RUE: :\ll\IL‘l\Ull. The Stand Late Show ‘I‘hc Stand. 5 York Place. 555' 53—3. 0pm. LN 4‘.“ l. Jane \Iacka} Introduccx \In‘hucl Redmond. Joc IIccnun and (Iracmc 'I‘hontax.

Glasgow Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurx.


I (i(' IItnItIlny. Ix’t'nltt'u \tlt‘t't. “‘5” 'V' “5”” \ 15pm :I3 Ikoc \\1IIr.un\ \lcw Hughw .unI \tu \\ ho ' rout Itml Raymond \Icarnx

The Stand Ihc \lantI. “‘“ootIIantIx Ru‘ul. IIXSII (\lNI (“H5 WW“ 1“ «Lin

\ I.uIllllll \It I.r\l\Il topx .1 In” xxhnh

nn IlI\Ik'\ Ix’nlmrtI \IIt-n .qu John (tortIon


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlt-mx. ()nnu (‘t-ntrt'. (lIk'L'II\I\I\' I’Iatt'. “\flll“ .\"ll“ll" .\ illprn LI5 (it'l‘llIIC toun'thun \Inkt'} IIullon \I.lII\I\ up alonprth- \tItI} Ilorjgh and Paul I’Iown/a

The Stand Late Show “w \runtl. < \ork I’Iau‘. ‘55 "353 ‘Ipnl L.\ '15» \‘t' Ihu 3.\

Saturday 30


Bob Doolally’s Pre-match Team Talk \It‘lropolllan. \It'rt'hanl \quarc. (‘antllcrlgpx 553 ‘HIL‘ I3 15pm L5 IIn‘ \otIka ~o.rkctl puntIn l\ round It} In\ plow [‘L'IM‘IIJI lrn'ntI Ix’.r}lhohd \It'.llII\ Jongleurs Comedy Club .lonylctm. l'( i(‘ Ilurlthng. chlrt-xx \‘lrt-cl. UV“ “85 It‘ll" .\‘ I5pnl {I I i Sct- I'll 3‘)

The Stand I'In' Stand. §1§\\ootII.rntI\ anL llxfilrtourtoSi npm 1.x st-t- l n 3‘)

Madcap Comedy Club \‘rut- IiJl. I-Ih IIUIIlllltI SIIL'CI. ‘Hh 935‘) ‘I illltm L5lt-1I. BIII} Iiullkt'H nnrotIut'm I).r\nI Km) and ('rnrg: ('rookxlon


The Stand Late Show l‘ht- Slalnl. 5 York Plan: 558 “33‘ 5pm. LN Hf) Sec I'rr 33.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .Ionglt'urx. ()nnn (’cnlrc. ('rrt't'nxnlt' I’Iut't'. ()N‘ll" 3‘07)“ X. illlnn. {15. Sec I'rl 3‘).


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 'I'In‘ Stand. 535 \VootIIanth Rout], ux“u hull (r055, skulmr [5 will JUC IIL‘L‘IHII I1C;ltIIlllL'\ IIlL‘ Illt'nlllt‘ lrhlnnun'x \xcckl} night.


Bruce’s Sunday Social lhc Mann. 5 \olk I’I.r\c. 55\ '35.‘ \ ‘l'pm :‘ I: It I Hurpool \xortletulIl Ix'ltItaltI \IIcn InquIlntw Hrutc [In Ilu'x \\\\‘kl\ 331;: Reg Anderson’s Comedy Night IoolIlg'Inx .\ I llklll. '\ptll.:I \llct'l, 33" \ it“ “put I rcc Ix'.r_\rnontI \Icalux. \\lIII \trpport lrorn IctItI\

I (Ilnhurttli

The Stand IIlc \I.xruI. \ork I'I.I\t'. ‘3‘3 \ “huh {I \rouutI t'1:'I1t ncutomt'h are put lIuoufor lIh‘u tutt'x In \l‘IIIIKIIk' \\ootI\ .nuI InquIInc: IctItlx

Tuesday 2


Jupp's Juniors lht~ \rtntl. < \olk |)|.|\L'. 55x "_"',‘ ,\ Input 11:: it \Irlt‘x .Iupp r.rk.l lllr I'uur Van; 5\ Ix’utx'll I)UII.II\I\UII .qu /r’..f..n:ur '. \ \rt Iuw IIIIIINIII\\'\ Im new \hou. It‘.rlllllll‘.‘ .t Iln‘xl ol up .unl t‘orrnrn' .tttx

Wednesday 3

I (IlllInll’tht

Great Britain Explained lht- SlnlnI. 5\o1k I’Lut'. 55\ "3 '3 \ Wynn L5 IL-II \u urt-xt-rcnl look .lI CM‘IUIHH‘.‘ hour [In Hunk-x and the I\'\*}.lI\ to Ilux'h (iranl .unI('|1.rnnt-I I\I.III\I \.r/l\

Thursday 4


The Stand IIn' \mntl. H%\\.t.~tll.m.l\ RUJtI, IIXHII (iIIII (\II55 .\ Hip”) 95.11, R.r_\rnomI \Imrnx IIIIIUtIU\k'\ I’AIIUI. pIm I).r\nl Ka) and I\’ll\\t'II I|o\\.rrtI


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lonplculx (hunt (‘t'nlrta (iIt'CII\I\Ik' I’Ln‘t'. 05“)“ H‘ll‘llfi .\ illprn L\ \lI.|III (‘rou |Hlll\ Irt-|.unI\ Kmru |I.r}t'\. pop \.lIlll\I Sand} \chn .rntl Itrt'ntIILln I,o\c}_'ro\c.

The Stand 'I In SlJInI. 5 \ork I’Lttt: 558 "3‘3. "pm L5 IL-l) \tr\.lr1\Iorr1mrr rnlrotlutt'x Ill\Il (ornnlmn ()“k'II O'Neill. \\llIl I\'n\l_\ \onx. lk'\I\I_\ .nnI \lllk'\ .Iupp

rOund here.

(iorng two shows ever; nlght and one :s

i‘here It; a golnmg block and a". lz.‘:r‘< rnsnute It s Lanna ham and the uhe' il';r.'"I-':‘;T Gina/'1'

second hand sa'nuraz swords a: ham“ sh“, offerrng seeorrfl-hand' swords for sale and gettt' r} ‘zllri, 103': x 30', ' Careful owner. and a decade‘s .worth 9? slighty. t".r-:,-a:r.-".."<; ' I am not sure ho‘.'. a sword of purest st

and heater. m the highest heats; and ar:<;:ent TC’J’N'II’IH‘L‘; 9:" 133:; .a u,- In; c.

There Is an apparent nature of two sues

seCOnd One rs all songs I tr, and .-.r.:e from the 'la, ‘5; thought: "um: i; arr,» the '.'./ed<llng photos that are In the weddmg phi/.3; runner?) am ‘.' r: {:1th


Edinburgh on two shows a day

Ihere :3; (‘2 HOW. lf‘- I-‘It't'tmrfi"? .'.'v';'-:,-I " “as. 1,-1-2 ‘5, i -; .'.::‘r

151:": I’M fI.‘:‘r": '.' "‘3‘: .'.":-':"",

', "we-10

are Doing used as; an alternatl.r-;- to the sandblastt'1i} all the "Bunny l,r,-' g'Ie'v: .r,

one thlrx; and the other we? :9 ."r;

DV‘JSSUFes rt might put On that codeie to re"‘la;'l 'r‘arrted Aw: "I‘:.-’; (at/HT the castle Delng lzt green llke a Hulx ire-In. l Ita'.'E; Sung about 2hr,- I.‘1_;l‘:’. I.’I’,IIE:.'.¥ mean the head of the water If“. Haney Nrchols next to the bus staircv represent' ’; the arChltectura! Clast‘r of Crt,Llnklng-ExcrhrtantRetasf. necessar, t'axe 2" w»:- 52' '1 hovel; necessar,‘ fasrtIOns declsoas; Chalk and cheese !:"‘estcne and U»;-

SO’Y‘Q of the ear", shoals nae been the best easlest things hay; ’26“: 8'4 the second shorts some nae beer the har

the thing to sell a s 'nurai sword and a on Cull "as been rm 1 "g the name.

des‘. thlnos we e.e.' "' "e I? s H I w

Ult'rnate... although the Srtaroness and aunt, o the Les»; 5 sited. . ' as

been hard to get a decent prsce. Knox: what I "wear?