


V I saw you \IIIIIIII: I).IIII\II g'III. wrung Iumkluxl .II IIII' ('.I|I'IIoIII.III You IIIIyIIlvuI-II up III_\ IIIoIIIIIIj_'\ III.IIIj_'I' I.II\' I’Imw \I.I_\ III IquII' (‘ IIo\ \o I I"5 3


\ugjuxl You [l\I'II lo [‘II‘II' puxl IIII' lull II'II IIIIIII'II jguI ('II.IIIIIII'I\ SIII'I'I Ill lIIc IIIoI'II lll_‘_'\ I'.IIII‘} oIII p;Il|I\ IIII\\IIIf_‘ 4‘:qu Ill.l_\I‘I' III IIo'x II.II owl .I IIIIIIk \HIIII'IIIIII' |Io\ .\o l7-I"5/I

V I saw you II'.II|_\ \[IIK' I‘.ll “III” III IIII' I‘.I\I'IIII'III llll IIIoIIIII' \\lIII lllI'\\_\ Inn.

)0“ \I'l\I'II IIII' j.'I\‘l .IIIII \I.IIII [H.IIIII'II .lIlII I IUIII )ou .IIIoIIl lIII‘ Illkllh IIII'I lung) \IIII\\IIlj_‘ IllI' )oIII' \.III\;I3:I' ' IIo\ \o [751"5/ I. V I saw you .. IIIIIIIIjJ II} IIooI oI ()[II\IIII‘I II'.\', III'PI‘I‘III Iooknllkc III I III\ IIIL‘\\. You \IIIIII‘II. | \\;I\ I'IIIIuIIu-II. ('.III I IIIkI' )oII loI Iumkluxl 'IIo\ \o ['/-l75/-I.

V I saw you InquIIg: II I \Illl'I \\l[Il II )I'IIoII ‘77 on II. 1 )IIII IIIIIkI'II ;I I‘ll \IU“. IIII\ \o [7-l75/5.

V I saw you IIII |’|;IIII-l ()IIII (hug: .lIIII .'\IIII) _\ou gorgcoux IIIIIIkx...\o IlIl\\/ IIIIoul l[ lIIcII' IIII\ \II [7-IH5/(I.

V I saw you :\IIIIII‘. “can”; i! IIIIII' III'I‘xx. Il[I[\lIIL‘ SIIIMIII}. .\IIll'Illll_L'\lIII‘. III .IlIIlI‘. \VIIL'I'C II;I\I' )ou gouc I.L'I IIII' lglkc Iou IIIIIII‘IIIg. RII'IIIII'II. IIo\ ,\'o [7-I"5/",

V I saw you I lIIIIIk Iou \II'I'I‘ gII lIIf.‘ lllI‘ IIII‘ ow. pI'I'o\ IIII‘ [who .IIIII I'III pIcll_\ pug: gIIIu. \o ho“ IlI‘IlllI II IIo\ .\o ['/~I"5/.\.

V I saw you IIIIIIIIIt-I' | \kulcr IxIII III [III‘ I’I‘IIIII'I‘I‘. YIIII IIIUIx \U IIIp oII IIII‘ I’I‘III'II'I'I' \II‘IIxIlc. Skulc \\llIl Inc ;III}IIIIII'. low I)4l\I';lI. IIII\ NU [7»IH5/‘I.

V I saw you RoIIII [IlI' lllI‘l'l'l~ [NI III‘IIIIkxlI‘I. \\IIo \IIIIIIL‘ IlIc III’IgIIlcxl IIgIII III III_\ IIII'. I llll\\ III} I‘C\I II‘II‘IIII I IowI'. IIo\ .\'o [74"5/III.

V I saw you [I‘ll .\I_\ \\;III loII III\I I'oI' _\ou l\ [.llelljJ IIIL‘ owl: I \\III |I.IIIIII lIIc \Ioo II;II' IIIIIII _\ou IlIlIlk'L‘ Inc. IIo\ No [74‘5/I I.

V I saw you III'IIIIIII IIII‘ I‘.Il' I” IIIIwIIIcnI RIIIIII} .\IIII_\.I IIIIIIk _\oII'I'c IIIIC + dulld}. IIIIIIIx III'IIIk I\ CHI gnu IllI‘ ,I [l'_\. IIII\ \II [VJ—VI:

V I saw you IIIII I IIoII‘I no“. I'm IIol \[II'I‘ II II\ 'YIII". \VI'II Iou um \.I_\ lII;II Il‘x _\ou IIIII I'III IIoI golllg Io I‘CIIL'\C III Ion. \IIIIJ C\ llllpUHI‘IC. \olo IIL'IIC\ quc (run on cllo. II\ c;I\_\' IIo\ .\’o [' J"5/3II.

V I saw you .ll Ihc I N I'I‘\II\.II Pull} on SIIIIIIu) [Lult~ lllj.‘ \‘-I[Il )oIII I‘II}IIIL'IIII. IIII' III'\I II.I.\ Iou IIIII.III'II IIIo |.IIIl IIIl[I_‘_'IIII[II\. .‘I I‘IIKHII IoII .IIIII IoIII \oItt' \\.l\ \o [Ik'Cl‘ III.Il \IIII-II )ou \pokc [IlI' \‘IIIt'kI-II \IIII'.III‘II oll III} RII).IIL' IIIcIIk l.le 'l II.II'\ \o IIIIIIo_\ III; I’II'IN' \IIoucI .lIIII \\.I\Il )qu IIle III'IoIc (Illlllllj: Io \Iolk nml IlIIlI', IIo\ .\o[ «~I"5/lIIII_

V I saw you IIIIIIIIIIIIL'. III.II'I\ Iop lop. hung:ch 9 \IIIoI‘III‘ IoI III'\ IIkI‘ IIII'IL"\ IIo [IIIIIIII'I'I\\\. You II.III ;I pukku Img. .\I} kIIIII.I ;_'.'II. (XIII Inc gIIIIqu IIo\ \o

l' 475/15.

V I saw you III [III‘ IllIl'lIIl ill IIII‘ II.II III [III‘ (‘Il_\ (Inc on IIII’ le .-\ug_' III .II I-I:_‘I You |ooka IIoI IIIIII' IIo\ No [7~I"5/I(I_

V I saw you Iowl} Iilk'k'. III'ouII II.Iu‘. _\oII ;IIIIIo\l IookI'II III} \\;l). Ion IIIIII )oIII‘ II'II‘IIII\ )ou t'oIIIIIII'I III“. I lung} _\ou. RI‘II Il.lll, I’I\II'. .'\I ICII\I. IIII\ .\'o [7.I"5/|7.

V I saw you pIIIk \kII'l. pIIIk I black lop. RcII Ililll' IIkc III'c. \II'I'I III.I_\III' loI' III'IIIkx IIIII}I\I‘ IIIIII'I‘. ‘I‘I'uwlxc illlIIII'IICC. L'HIIIL' ;I\ III'I‘xxl'II. You \I-\} I;III_\ ho}. IIo\ No [7455/10.

V I saw you golgcoux ICII III-ml \HIII I'III'I} IIIIII'. lung} leaching lllI‘ IiIIgIleIIY II;Ipp) lI'IIwIIIIIg. IIo\ .\'o [7475/20. V I saw you III IIII' 'I'I'In IIIII'. IIIIIHIIIII IIIIII [III‘I'I‘I‘II I.\k‘ klIoIIII _\ou lol' ;I long; IIIIIL' IIIII _\ou‘I'I' \IIII III_\ No. I ho}? Spark} .\I;II'k low .r\\\\. Hm No [7-l’5/3I.

V I saw you \IIIgIIIg .\ (‘II'I‘II- ol I.Ilc II-.|loII .IoIIIII .Ioc Iou \I'\} I'lIlllIlIllhI‘ kIII'IIcII pcrmn III- III\ I‘IIIIIIII- III [III‘ \\IIIII. IIo\ x.) liars/:3.

V I saw you IIllIc L'IIIIIIIIIu III the I’I'III'II‘I‘I‘. I know )oII II;I\c :I ‘IIo) II'II‘IIII' IIIII IIII‘ \\;I_\ _\ou lulk III \I‘gI'IIIIlIIW IIIIII IUIII I‘l'l\p puckclx IIII‘IIII\ _\ou IImI IIprY IIII\ NI) [745‘5/I4.

V I saw you \;I_\III;_' lII;IIIk}IIII .\'()\\"' I kuou III;II II Ix \L‘l'_\ I'IIIIc IIIII Ilocm'l IllilIII‘I', \cc )ou III IIoIIIc. IIo\ .\'o [7475/24.

V I saw you on ;I hm II'IlIll III\L'I'III‘\\ on 'I‘IIt'x NIII June. I'- l;III. IIIIII II;uI‘. IIIoIIgIII I’IlIocIII'} \\;l\ I’CI'III' .\Ic- \;Il oppoxllc Iou. IIgIIl Icunx. [lurk lop. I mm Ioo \II} " IIo\ .\'o [VJ-'50:.

V I saw you pI;I_\IIIg_' _\ouI Ill'\[ I'wr (Io \Iwcl rock \IIII'. III'IIIII \IoIIIII low _\ou ...t‘oIIIII pul _\ou III II IIo\. IIo\ \o [7’4"528.

V I saw you IIIIIII’. \\III'I\III}I III I’IIIIIt-I ()III and )0” IlI‘\L‘l‘ \llllIL‘ ;II Inc? | llIIIIk )ou'I'c Iowl}, III‘IgIIlI-II III_\ II) and gIIIIIIIc ;I gun” .I\ \ct'rcl IIIIIIIII'CI' \. IIo\ \o ["»I"5.‘2*I_

V I saw you I‘.III.IIII.In III'I'IIIII )ou )oIII II.III w [\Ioun .IIIII )oIII III.IpIc Iml IIIIII‘ III.IIIII' (..lII.lII.l' II \ IIo\ \o

I V5 in

V I saw you II \\IIIl \IIIIIpIIc hum .lIIII II \C\_\ \Icc \\IllII‘ I \IlII'I. Raul Io IIII' \omc IIIIII'L' )ou kIIoII I Io\c II' IIo\ .\'o [*~l"5 33.

V I saw you I'll/II“ \\ l//IL'. lung} IIII'\\III:_' up.

\Iloll'” IIo\ \o I. -I~5/.I~I. V I saw you IIIoIIIw} IIIIlll

\\ IlII IIoqu \o IIIII'. ['oIIIc oul _\oIII‘ “CII. _\ou \IIII [w IlllllL" IIo\ \o [VII—‘5" I5.

V I saw you III .\I;I\\;I I‘I/“IHI \lI'IIlIIIIg yourwll ;IIIoIIl IIII‘ [Innu- IIIIIII IIIII'k Ililll'. \\IlIlL‘ \Illl'l. IoIIcIIIIp \IL'C\\'\. You


V I saw you ....t~IIcI In Ihc IllllIlIllhI‘... I‘IIII Jul}. \Ic- IIIL' oIII} \II'IIIgIIl gII'I III IIIL' cloud, You- \II;I;_'g_'_\ [~\IIII'[ (II IIIIII. Ru‘oIIIIIIcIIIII'II lIIc I'III‘IIIIIIII'I‘ \\IIIIIII III\I' lo \I‘I‘ _\IIIII\..... IIII\ No [7175/33.

V I saw you \\\ L'I‘l I'III'I‘IIL‘II \c\ :JIIIIIIL‘\\ \\ llIl your Ill)\[cl'l-

Illl\ \IIIIIL‘. I)o _\ou II&I\L' IIIIIc IoI'

\IllllL‘ Illll out ol' IIouI'x',’ IIo\ .\'o [7-175/3‘).

V I saw you \\ IlII popcorn III )oIII' I'III'\ ;IIIII Ililllilllih III )IIIII' |I;III‘. \IgIIlIIIg :I L‘III \IIII. I’Icuxc pIIoIIc lllL‘. IIo\ .\'o [7475/40. V I saw you In ‘l‘ilcx I'Incu- II;III‘I‘II III‘;IIII_\- loIII Inc _\ou \wrc IIIIII'I'II‘II III'okc III_\ IIcuI'I- 'I‘I'IIII} '.’ I-I'oIII .»\_\I\IIII‘I".’ I [IllIlI\.. IIII\ No [7475/43.

V I saw you I‘m \\IIII [llx In (ioI'gII-i lllI‘. I'III \\I[Il lle III (ioI‘gIc. 'I‘IIIIIk \Ic'w gol lIIIIIg\ III coIIIIIIoII. IIo\ .\'o [7475/44.


V I saw you SIII‘IIIIg \IIII' III IIUIIIIIIIIh. IIc III_\ [ll’llllill’_\ Illl\\. «me up III) pIIIl \\IIII u RI“ \. IIII\ NU [7475/5”.

V I saw you [IIC gorgeoux l'CII-IIIIIII‘II \lull nurxc III \\'II IIII SIoIIIIIII IonpIIIII. I \\;I\ \IxIlIIIg III) L'\-\\IIL- on Z/H/III. You \Icrc gu In; IIIL' p;IIpII;I- [lIlIl\. .\I;I}IIL' I IIL'L'II IIIIIIIIIIL‘II'.’ IIII\ \II [7475/5 I.

V I saw you IIIIII \Iorklng III Borders \\l[Il _\ouI' \c\} III'oIIII Ililll' IIIIII III‘IIIIIIIIII \IIIIIL‘. Would low Io haw II III‘IIIk \oIIIclIIIIc \IIIIII. lllL' knoxx II _\ou lunc) II.’ .\\. IIo\ .\'o [7475/53.

V I saw you )ouug + \m} culc \IllIIL‘ :IIIII III‘oII II C) L‘\.

I,o\ c your I‘IIIIIIIL‘ IllIlIlIL'IIIl. (lull \;I_\ III “IIL‘II III} purcnh urc III‘I‘CI I’Icuxc \u} IIII

IIIIHIIIIL‘ \. IIo\ .\'o [7475/53.

V I saw you Imxm; IlI‘II‘ IoI lelcl lIIIIng. I IIopc .III _\ouI IIII'.IIII\ \‘IIIIII‘ [lllk' I \\III llll\\ )oII .\IllllI'. low IIJII) \ IIo\ \o [' [1‘5 55

V I saw you I'[I\Illll:_' .III‘IIIIII \IIC\\CII \IoI'kIIIg III SLIIIIIIt'kx. IIoIIIt'Ix I \\.IIII lo \llokc _\ouI II.IIII IICIIII' You tum IIoIII III_\ llllII\ IIo\ \o [' 4‘5 5h.

V I saw you IIlIII'Il II‘II IlI‘.lII & _\ouI IIII'IIII\ III )ouI \II\L'I lIlilL'IllllL' | \\I\II _\ou IIoIIIII glxc \\;I_\ lo lllI‘ lllIIII' ollcn. (IIII}I‘III\_ IIII\ \Il [745555.

V I saw you \IIII'kIIIg II;IIIIII Il;lIII I" IIII‘I ll IIIIH‘ II'IIII} III‘oII II II;III' & I‘III I‘c.III_\ ~I ['. IIo\ No [7475/53.

V I saw you \\I‘II IIUIIL' .\Il .\ [' R .I \IIII'. \Vc'll II IochIIcI \oon' |.u\ .I \. IIo\ No [7475/59.

V I saw you I‘L'IIIIIII [IlI‘ MI. I“ Slgu'lwuckx. 'I'III' ho} \IIIII [IlI‘ \III'ilI‘\. IIII\ No [7475/00.

You must supply your full name

V I saw you III .II [III' IIIII \olc :I‘III .IllI_\ I'I|‘\I\ Iotk III_\ \IoIIII' I‘llllll ,I you IIo\ \o

[ 4‘5 51

V I saw you III III} IIoow .Ilch ,I IIIJII III.III SIIIIIIu) IIIuIIl I .IIII \IIII III ,mc .II )qu IIIIIlllj,‘ \I\III\ .IIIII )oIII k.I/.I.I lumw

I. IIo\ \o [' 4‘5 M

V I saw you \II.II\III;_' _\qu \I‘\_\ .l\\ III IIII' IIoII' I ookIIIg: good III) lIllIc rub" I ow III\\.I}\ II‘oIII .\IJII'III'\ \\\ Ion \o I rs n3. '

V I saw you IookIII; I.II‘ III (II.I\g_'o\I' \II‘I' lo II.I\I‘ _\oII Inlt'k |.III}' You .III' III} I.I\IIIII'III" IIo\ \o [WIN/III

V I saw you \\;I\ III;: .I IIIIIgII' \\.IIIII, You “I'II‘ III-.IIIII; .I 3:4} lookIIIgg \llljJII‘I IIIII I II.I\I‘ .I lchIIIg.v )oul IIol, You “CII' pull lllf.‘ _\oIII who! .I Iol Iou lllll\I Il;l\I‘ IIIIIII'I'II IIII' IHII \‘IIII.IC [IIII [I'lllllp\' IIo\ \o [VIN/III

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