


Property to Let


Newington 3 «IN l‘k'tlllll‘lll. Inwl} \I‘dt'll'lh lull} lllllll\llt'll Ilal l)lll|llj.' klltlit'n. ha) lnunyt: (i('ll. lhl).\'. Illllil will} \_\ \lk'lll. [Mllx In}: (Jun-I )t-I t Inw In all .llllL‘lllllI‘\. \Inl pinl tnuplc .-\\.nl t'llll Jul) UNI pun v lullx Tel: 07703 324321, ref List.


I Woodlands, brightly decorated lllllll\llt'll. Innm and knight-n \l_\lc \llllllll llal. \Vt'xl lznll/ ( ‘II.\ u'nIrc \\;Ill\lllf_‘ Illxlanur (i( 'll. llalll & \hmwl, L315” pm ’lcl (ll-ll 5N) Ill?

City Centre, Spiers Wharf. licaulllul \llilt'llllh Mllll l‘t'tl- Innm llaI \xilll \lunmn; \lt‘\\\ aunxx (ilaygnxx \\ lllllll t'nmcll ml linmlml \\.ll't'llllll\t' l'ull) lllllll\llt'tl. \\'.\lll. \L'klllt' cull} x) \lt'lll. parking. pmalc aux-xx In \mmmmg pnnl. lllncxx Innm. lam/n. \.'lllll.l/\ll.'.llll anll \Iinnlwl I'nnni, lllmmlialc cull}. \llll [lllllk'\\ll\ll.ll\. { I Illll nnn.

Tel: 07734 471637 I Southside. ()nc l‘t'llllllllll

\pat'lnux Hal. 5 Hum linm (ll) ccnlrc. l)nul\lc l‘t‘llllllllll. lxllL‘llt'll/lllllll}. hth/thu-I. lnungt'. llll'lll\llt‘tl. (}('ll. now I} Ilu‘nralml. L113”pt‘m/Ilcpnxil. 'lbl: (V0.55 558 5V».

EDINBURGH I Bright double room m

Inn-l} \unn} llal \halmg.‘ \inll l UlllL'l. \cpclalc In my Innm .\ kilt'licn. amilahlc lxl Scplt‘mlwl L ill“ [km ~ ("I k h1||\' 'Ik-l; ll—f‘Hi" ll‘lll -l‘),l

I 2 double rooms .I\.lll .llllt' lll Plt'JNllll \L‘“ lln\\n llal lil\lI;IlL'\\llll:Ulllt'lN1:5“ l‘x‘m w ("l +7 lullx. 'l'n makc al‘l‘HIlIImcnl In \ IL‘\\. 'l‘cl' Ill ‘1 55" ‘) {3H,

I Study bedroom in laun- l_\ linuw. liarnlnn alca. \klll \llll n/x \lllllt‘lll/[ll'lllt'\\lllll;ll lcmalc. nn lullx. all lat'IlIIIc» {35” pan. 'l'vl; IIISI Roms»

I Flatmate wanted for ml} ccnlrc llaI In \lialc \Hlll 3 nllicl‘x. prnlcxunnal n/x pi'c- lL‘l'I'Ctl. L35“ [K‘III + lllllx + (fill, 'l'cl:l)131 33.x .wm n] nix“) 43-1 l.\'5.

I Large double room lll \lurrafllclll arca lni )nung ll/\ pl‘nlt'xxinnal In \liarc \Hlli _‘ nIllcl'x. all llllltl t’nm Incl \alcl- lllL' 'l'\' .\ [lll\\t‘l \linucl. ganlcn & parking. L375 pun Including ("l & liillx. 'l‘cl: (Pfilll 4‘)” "Eh. I 2 large double rooms mallahlc lrnm lxl Scplcmhcr lll lu'ighl llllltlk'l'llht'tl (icnrglan Inun linuw lll \Vlmlxnr \lrccl. \Vllli lircaklaxllng kllt‘ht'n. \llr ling I‘nnm. palln. llallirnnm \ulh \hnxwr. H50 pun + lullx. 'l'cl: (llil 557-1235.

I Central quality room m |II\III‘_\ Inun llllll\t‘. Incmll} calm cm Irnnmcnl. \llll Ilm'cm mg II/x pI'nlL'xxInnal. :\\;lll;ll‘lk‘ Scplcmlwr. Ul5 pcm + lullx. 'lt‘li (la—7.54 "(ml 56:,

I Double bedroom in

\cxx llawn ()t‘can lunmnal llal.

m-al \ml (icncrallnn gun. \linpx .\ liuwx InIn lnxxn ln \llalc \\llll 3 c.n}-;;n111;; llal lll.llL'\ Rnnm .I\.IIl | Scplt'mlwi LIN) pun lcl III ;1 lb" 1W5: In ll~~(i(i 535 NH

I Bright single room in \paunux mndcln llaI. lalgc lnungc. kilt'hcn \\llll all mnd t‘nnx. nn lll.I|Ul lqu lHlllL'\ In (ll) ucnll'c. \\Ulllll \llll nuI- gnmg; [lllllt'\\lllllill In \liaic uIIlI llin} & 1 girl. {35hlit'm1‘ lilllx + ("l 'l'cl. H" in 33" 2-1‘ I 2 rooms in Int-mil} \lal‘cllmnnl llal .I\.lll.Il‘lC linm l\l Scplcmlm. lclnalcx nnl}. \xnultl \llll )nung plnlcxxlnnalx nI pan-gl‘adualcx. {W5 [Kill & £2l5 pun + ("l' .\ lilllx. ’l'cl: lllil ll." "-l in

I Box room available m \payinux llicmll} ('nmcl} Bank llaI. L' l 5” pm + ("l' .\ lullx. 'l'cl: HISI H: anj.

I Sunny large double I'nnm \\llll park \chx. il\.ill.ll‘lk‘ .-\ug_'uxl lelli. lull} InIII lwIl I'nnm lill." llal. l'l'lL'lllll) ll/\ lc\ Inal pllnlm‘ piclcri'ul. {203 .k ("l .& l‘lll\. lcl: (ll 3| 55" WSW. I Sunny room in lirnughlnn art-a llal. \lial‘lng

\\ Ill] 3 nIlicn. prclcr malurc \lu (lt'lll. .-\\allal\|c lI'nIn l/‘l/lli. {Jill pun .\ liillx «k ("II 'l'cl: (ll 3| 55" Illh5, :\llcl (rpm.

I Young professional required lnI' (llllll‘lL' l'lmlll lll

l't‘l;l\t‘tl \chl lillil llal. annlahlc

Irnm lxl Scplcmlwr. [3‘5 pun + hill» ‘l'cl: H70" 23-1 21.5 nr “"008 ll‘).\' ‘Hll.

I 2 rooms available m laigc Int-lull) linuxc. ll.l)lll.lll\t'l .m'a. I‘llllk'\\l\'ll.ll lll.Ilk‘\ pic Icrml l \lllleC .\ l \lllall \lll glc LII" pun .\ L 1"” pun o (.l lll ll lll‘ll’ .Illt‘l 5pm

I Single room available Ilium-IlIaII-l}. \liaiing \\llll: gulx lll (’nixlnlplnnc .m'a. (‘lnxc In lnt‘al aim-Hum .\ llt‘ qucnl l‘li\ \t'l\ law 1 l NI P\ In o Iu||\.\ ("I 'lt-l (PMs Rn] inn I Stockbridge - single room lll lnwl} lnxxn linlm- IlaI

\\llll \paclnux ll\ In; alcax. t'lnw

In (aim. pul‘x. Ill mmulcx \xalk in l’IlIluN \llu‘l \\Hllltl \llll Pilllt‘\\lllll.ll lcmalc n x In \liaic \\llll 5i‘lllt‘lN :\\;lll.Il\lL' Scplcmlwr lxl [32” ppm v ("[1 11-1: I)! 1| 33H (Inns

I Double room available lll Incmll} \lnimngxnlc llal Ini ll/\ pinlcxxlnnal Icmalc In \lialt' “NH 3 Hlllt‘h. {2 ill pun ' (‘lV lull» 'l’cl‘ HI ;I ll‘ 535].

I Newington - great rooms, .llllilllllfi IlaI \liaiin; \\llll InIII Ulllt'l\. L'lL'JllL'l. Illgilal I\ .k l‘llltllll‘Jllll (245 «k [Zlh I l‘lll\ & ('l lt'l: llthll Kl" "ll. I Double sunny room m \pilt'llllh lUIII l‘t'llllllllllt'll lllll\ltlt‘ llal. park \lt‘\\\. (icnlglan building. nw. .'\\;Ill;Il‘lk' II .-\II;_'. l’inlcxxinnal [llt'lt'll't‘tl {Zlih pm .\ ("l «k lilllx. 'l'cl: (V‘VI I-l: .153

I Double room in lt-uh \liaiin; “uh I malc. \kllllltl \llll Incnill) Inl) n/x plnlcxxinnal ga} male. I\ llial )nII" (3‘)” pun Int'lullmg: l‘lll\ .\ ("l 'l't-l. (lab-‘0 {5” (QR.

I Beautiful double room lll \pat'lnux \lnimngmlc Ilal. Iull} Iumhliul. (it‘ll .\ all mml \‘nllx. nn niain l‘ll\ Inuch \\nuld \llll [‘ll‘lL'\\ll‘ll.ll \\.I|l.Il‘lt' l\l \L‘l‘lt'llll‘t‘l 1. l(\ l‘xm v (I o lull\ lcl HI ;I lln unjl m IFxII «ml If)

I Sunny double room m \lliiilgnincn Slit-cl. \llll inung: l‘llll\'\\lllll.ll 12(i5ptm lcl «Pill IHS is:

I Double room in \pat'lnux .cnllal llal nII lk‘llll \\all\. all llll'Il (“in In \ll.llt' \\ llll .‘ npcn Immlul lt'l.l\k'\l l‘llllt‘\\ll‘ll.ll\. lL‘lllJlk‘ :3 .\ Illalt‘ 3-1 \\.lll.ll‘lt' linm :lltl hcplt'mlwi \n ll\_\ {Illll [\‘lll o ('l . l‘lll\ lvl

“I ll -l*li lily”

I Double room in um lIthL‘ \\llll llnnl .\ lt'.ll 33a! «lynx. all lllllll t'nlix. (i( "ll. \‘ahlc l\ .\ lIIIcIncl \liallng: \\llll .‘ Ulllt‘l\ \n l).\.\. \Imlcnlx ni (nuplcx 9.33“ pun . lullx lcl lll §| n31) {3N}

I Large double room man ("It-\w 'lnll. \llll I‘llllt‘\\lllll.ll

n \ Uh“ pun o l‘lllx, Ilcpnxll .\ It'lclcnt‘cx lt'qllllt'tl lcl H“ W ‘1‘“ ()5”

I Single room in \lillt'llllllllll InI nix L’INH pan 6 ("l ilnllx. lt'l lll il .‘3‘l-llll-l I Single room in Imth \paunm .\l.ll\'lllll|llll Ilal. \liai mg; \\llll 3 Hlllt'h. n/\ {30” [km t l‘lll\ 9 ("l 'lI-I lll il ll" 5ll3ll

I Marchmont - 2 excel- lent innmx lll \u'll tltKUllllk’ll llaI \xilli all Hind tnle ln \lldlt‘ \\ llll I Icmalc \llltlt‘lll\. ii/x L205 pun .\ {3‘5 pun 'lcl n"7n Inn “3

Flatshare Hotline 09070 201 610

How to place a Flatshare advert

The List Flatshare service is for people offering a room to rent in a shared flat and is a reliable and successful way of finding a new flatmate. It is simple to use and here’s what to do.

When you telephone the Hotline you will be asked for

1. Your name, address, postcode and daytime number, including dialling code 2. Up to 30 words of description about the room, rent and type of person sought 3. A contact number for would-be-flatmates to ring

The List magazine comes out fortnightly on a Thursday and weekly during the festival. Your Flatshare advert will appear in the next available magazine and will be included for one issue only. Subsequent insertions must be telephoned in again. The deadline for flatshare is 12pm on the Thursday before publication.

Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes.

Calls from non-BT and mobile phones may cost more.

If you need help or are concerned about anything, please call our Helpline on 0870-120 1504.

Please note that Flatshare is only for people seeking a flatmate. If you wish to place any other kind of accommodation advert, such as Rooms Wanted, Property to Let or Property Wanted, you should use the booking form in the back of this magazine.

If you are unable to get through please ensure that your phoneline is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. In the event of barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone.

Only those looking for a flatshare should be using this service and as an advertiser you are advised not to give out personal details

when recieving enquiries about your flat. Always ensure you have someone with you when showing people your property.