Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art©list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.
Glasgow Galleries
llil \\umll.iIIil\ l\’iI.Iil. {if lllL‘N
Mun llI lIIam ‘pm. Sat
lHam If zHpm
Mixed Exhibition l lIlll \aI “I \ug \ \lIH\\ iIl \\llll\ l‘} It'j,'lll.Il _‘,'.lllk'l_\ .tIlI\l\ mtludmg \‘.IIIl\\ h} llt'lcn \l llllllt'l. lid lllllllk'l, \lailuu lhumwu. Rnlwl I.}'}'|lllllll_ Inc Kcaiuc} .md mam IIlllL‘I\
THE ARCHES )5; \|;'_\lt- \llt‘t-l‘ (Will (I): liillll Primitive Streak I nuI Sun :1 .\ug \ tullctuun HI mm .‘II .mia/mg _‘.'.lllllt'lll\ dcpitImg lllk' lk'll kc) t‘mlniumt‘ cwqu III Ihc Iu\I |.IIIN| lIUlll\ lulluumg' lL'llIlI/dlIHII (It'aIt'd h} dcxu'uvi llk'lk'll \Imt'} unilduz' \th hm \I\lt‘I Kalt'. .I It‘xt‘alx ll lunhq‘hl l‘awd .il l)lllltlk'k' l'mu'lxil} Sm" llllll\l
I‘) l’aimt' Slit-cl. 553 ""7"! \luu Sal nimu *pm
Triptych l lllll luv 3h \ug \ wlct'lmu ml milk h} llllt'k' Miung ligulaliw pamlmx Rk'l‘t‘tt'd lauldmg. lit-u |)a\ In .lcuklm and lawn I’Hm I).i\ 1x
II‘) llalh Sui-cl. “Mb: .‘33 ‘3‘
Suite Art lulll Ihu ~l Sup \ \k'llt'\ nl \u'ckl} mluhmuux mill \hmuug lllt' “ml. «II a \llllt'lt'lll \IudcuI tum-ml} .illt‘ndmg (ilaymm \tlllllll ml .\ll \\ Illl an upciuug cxt-I} l‘llild} llHlll 5pm. haul in \lln\\\ unul .‘_l .\ug lullimcd l\_\ Ham-n \l(.\l.lllll\ :33 .‘\ug 451-1»
lh5a llalh Sllccl. :33 35W luc Sal lilam 5 ilipm
Glasgow Art Club l‘niiI S.” in .\ug. .v\u mluhmon uI \\Ull\ h_\ mcmhcix nl lllc (ilaxgim .\II ('Iuh mt‘ludmg \unkx h) \inman l1dgaI. .\lt'\;llllll.l (idltlllt'l. Ila/cl Xagl .md .lcnmlm li\mc.
ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART IN lll}lll\\\imd SlIt't'l. H: 4(qu
_\lnn ill ‘I :“am ‘ illpm. Sal lIIam lpm. Drawing from Experience I'nuI l‘ll l5 ,\ug \u mlululiun nl St‘nuixh dla\\mg llHlll I‘IIIII IUIH Including \wikx h) \nuc lx’cdpalh. .lnan l‘..lltllt‘}. Su' Ruhm l’lulipwn. l)\ (amt-mu. \\ lll .\l.u‘|cau. Duncan Shani» and (iHIIlUll \lllt'hcll
Andrew Hill l'uIII I II l5 .\ug, \t-u Iaku lut'd \‘t'iauut'x.
Contemporary Scottish Paintings .\lnn |.\ \ug \lnn 1 My l’amImgx l‘_\ gallt'r} .IIll\l\ and qudcin
llIh INN lhunxult'k SIM-cl. \lk'l\ll.llll (m. “3 IIIIIII
Joy Bain l lllll \Im z| \ug \cu [I.11lll|llj.'\
IH king Sl1t*t'l.55‘H—‘“ luc \aI
|| Wain llpm
New Works 2003 \al In \ug l‘ll l.‘ \cp \k'“ \kiIIL\ h} \ l.ulIIIIlI (‘ht'kmalm dunking |ll\[‘lI.IllUll lIUIII maxImx \ut'h ax \uII (iiig'll
{ill Sautluchall Slim-l. ‘53 -l‘HIII
luc \M‘d t\ llI Sun llam (mm. Ihu llam .\'pm
0 Lee Bul: The Monster Show l'nIIl Sun :5 Sci» 'l'ht- lII\l mluhmnn uI \Mtllx m St‘ulland h} Killt'dll .Illl\l lcc Bu] \xliu t'\|‘llllk'\ lllt' human lmd} and It't‘lmnlug} ma \k'llL'\Ul gluug \k'lllllllllt'\ lht' t'u'luxnt-l) lcmalc t_\l\HIf,'\ tlllt'\llilll\ IdL'.I\ and ItlL‘HlUjJIt'\ Imnlwd m lllk' \'lk‘.llllill Ul \Iclcnlnwx 8w llllll\l
Lee Bul: Talk 'I hu 3| ,\ug “pm Rt‘l‘t‘t‘t‘d (itlltlllll NL'Nl‘Ill tlI\\‘lI\\t‘\ lllt' lllL'.l\ l‘k'llllltl lllt' \\(lll\ Ul l.t't' lilll
lulu-NI} nl SIIaIlIt'lylc. 33. Ru'luuuud Slit-CI. 5-15 3.553. .\lnu l'll lilam 5pm. Sal nimn ~lpm.
Sons and Mothers l'nul Sal In ,\ug. ln Impnuw In Ihc (ll) \\ Idc .lamcx \lt‘Nt'Ill \\ llI\llt'l \'Clt'l‘l.lllllll\. llIc (‘nllmx (l.Illt‘I_\ lI.I\ mx llk‘tl l‘lx' .Illl\l\ In [‘l\'\t'lll t‘iiiili'liilmiai} mIprIt-Iauunx ml lL‘l.ll|Ull\lll[‘\ lwhwt'ux mm and mnlhcn. IIlUllICH and mu\. tll;l\\ll hum pt‘iwnal (\pcilcnt'c. :\Ill\l\ Includt- Jint'c (iunu ('aunx. Kalt' l)l‘\\lllL' and log ('It‘I'kt'. l'u llanxcn. l’amcla Sn. l)a\ Id Williamx and man) mum I.-"~.fs? J! ‘F‘«'\“ ii If, ESE E
I73 \\'c\1 chcni Suva. Ill (H‘II, .\lnn Sal Iliam 53(ipm.
Mixed Exhibition l‘nul 'I‘m- 2 Scp. ('nnlcinpoi'ar} St‘iillixh pamlmgx. prmlx and \culplurc h} _\nqu and uud cal‘ccr
.5“ \Vt'xl (it‘nl’gt‘ Sll't‘t‘l. 5 i: 555 l, .\lon Sal lilam 5.30pm.
The Mediterranean Blues I'niil l'l'l 32 :\ug. \lt‘tlllt'l'lilllt'illl land and cluxcaptw h} .-\ndrc l)c_\nmna/.
CRAIGEND VISITOR CENTRE \lugdm‘k (‘nuulu l’aik. ('Ialgalhan Road. .\'c.u' \hlngauc. 050011)”, Venture Out! l'nIIl Sal lh .v\ug. 'l'hu
Glasgow Print Studio Gallery
32 THE LIST '~'- . ‘
. 7/
I6 August - l3 September 2003 Goya. Kollwitz & Currie
Kathryn Maxwell
Tom Mackenzie
Street Level, Glasgow. until Sat 23 Aug 0000
Aura A is about man’s place in the world, which is a pretty hefty theme to be tackling. Dalziel + Scullion do so with aplomb. The Open Sea, a video piece. opens with a dense shoal of fish slithering along. deep in the ocean. Only they aren‘t: the camera pulls back, revealing the edges of an aquarium tank. This trick is pulled again and again, with close-ups giving way to the widest of angles, dwarfing figures against the landscape.
Next comes Cloud Mountain. This cloying cloud-topped mountain scene is like a commemorative plate, satirising the antiseptic sentimentality applied to the great outdoors when it is taken indoors. In the main gallery space there are three photographic works, all powered by juxtaposition. First, Sawyers shows us more unspoilt glacier, rock and water, starkly contrasted with the titular woodsmen, posing next to felled trunks. This is not just a simple emotive rallying cry to the ecological cause, though. We cannot but identify with the loggers' achievement, and the hunks of ice opposite are grubby, not awe-inspiring. This uncertainty carries over into Cedar Stump, which pitches a frontier shack against unspoilt hillside. Buffalo is more direct, the canvas bulging out in accusation, a mound of buffalo skulls matched with a rocky outcrop of similar dimensions.
In making the most of simple tactics, Dalziel + Scullion allow subtleties to shine through. As the mix of science and spirituality in the exhibition title suggests, the pair are not quite observers, neither are they proselytising. That balance is key to the show's success. (Jack Mottram)
|~l .\ in 15 .\ug. nunn 5pm; Sal If) .'\ug. Illam 5pm. ()I‘Igmal armqu h) Ilt‘u IIIltl L'\lill‘ll\llt‘tl III'lI\l\.
FULL CIRCLE GALLERY Salmuu l.;lllL'. 34 Rulhwn SII'L‘cI. 357 100‘), Mon l‘il'l «k Sun 13.30 5.30pm; Sal llam 531mm,
One Year On: Summer Exhibition l'nul Sun 3] .-\ug. 'l'hc (ialch') t‘clchl'alt‘x le liI'xl )t‘ar \\ llll a \llllllllt'l' \clu‘unn ul \xui'lu h} I‘cgular dl'll\l\ Including Jock Mat‘lnnt'x. .-\|c\audcr (iai'dncr. l’clci' Narduu. (iUI'dUII llt‘lIdt‘IMIII. l);I\Id R(l‘~\ \VaH‘Ilim and Jcnn} Anderwn.
GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn Sum-I. 32‘) WW» Mun 'l'hu & Sal lHam 5pm; l‘l‘l Sun llam 5pm. Sanctuary l'nul Mon 3‘) Sup. 'l‘at‘klmg l\\llL'\ uI human righlx and their ahuw. llII\ maiur cxhihmunx bringx Ingclhcr lhc \mrk ml in cr mntcmpnrar) iii aI‘lI\l\. l)c\clupcd m parlncrxlup \xilh :\IIIIIC\l_\ lnlcrnaumial and the Sculllxll Rclugcc ('nunul. lhc mluhilmn L'\pl()l'L'\ \ulm‘t‘lx \ut‘h ax Iurccd migration. dixplat'cmcnl. Im‘turc. npprcxxinn. idcnul} and cunccplx n! hnmc. Arlixlx Includc .-\nIhnn_\ (inrmlt‘). Bill Viola.
Mark \Valllngcr. Inum' lluurgvulx. Slurm Ni-xhal. Rnxx Smylau and Kenn} lllllllt‘l'.
Sanctuary Selling Show I‘nuI Sun .i Aug. A \him ul allnrdahlt' art \illh pmcccdx gnmg In .'\IIIIIt'\l} llllt'lllilllillllll and lhc St‘iilllxh Rt'lugcc (‘nuIIL'II and Includm \uii'k h} Kurt-an ai'Iixl and lm'mcr priwnm nl cuuxt‘lcncc Hung Sung l)am.
Diverse Perspectives l'nnl Sun 3-: Aug, Young phulngraphcrx cxplnrc Ihcu' lllt' ax mumril} t'llllllL' mimcn In Ilux mluhmnn ul black and “llllk' phnlngraphx,
Rnulwn (ilcn Road. (CH 0235 Mon. 'l'hu. l‘Tl & Sun IN) 5. me; Sal 11.30am 5.30pm.
Summer Exhibition l'nul Sun KI Aug. A mixed mhlhmun lcaIurmg will“ b} l’am ('arlcr. limma S l)il\l\. Shuna Barr. ('lairc and JillllL'N llarrigan. Jana-x ()rr. KIN} Wuhcr and mam mnrc.
I43 Wm! chcnt Slrccl. 32] 3095. Mon Sal 9.30am 5.30pm.
First of the Summer Wine I'miI Sun 31 Aug. A scawn (ll changing