

I Double room, \I.»n \\.~,I lnI lcumlu Inuuqucl In

I \IIIII‘IIIi'II Iluulxllclll In

\Im I\I‘IIII‘,'k' .ucx IlIk'JI. I‘.III.III}' muulm \ \ :'\\‘II. Ilkl:‘- I'IInm‘ \uc H"\.\< IND Ill

I Twin room wanted In] I lIu‘mII_\ lvumlm III.-.:II§ \Im

I lHll\ .:mI \uuujx I k‘IIII .llllI \\'\‘.II.I\UII .um I nII1'\I.I\ Inc Ik‘llt'kl (Ulllml \(I Ix'l llll‘lVl I‘lll"l_‘nl.u"11|§ncuuu


Longstay backpackers .l\\UIIIIIlHlI.IIIHII III I \IIIII‘IIII'II III} \cullv..1\.uI.|I\|cIu \Imnwl. \uu'lv. IInu|\II~ n1 I‘xklll IHHIII\ I uII_\ lIquxllml I\. III II. llulm'. III'c/I-I. InnkI-I. \l..l\|uu;' uml Iuma Imllluu' \uI\I\I1v\. cu Im‘IquIy ('num II I.I\. _::.I\. I‘ll-Ilium .\ I\ Iucm’v I’IM' I.Ill_‘.'\‘ I‘k'l\\t'\'ll L lR (\II I\ \\ Mob:07950 382 296. Email: Iongstayback-

Festival Lets

Fesfival Accommodation.

.7 hullnnlu lI.II\ IInIu LII“ llljJIlI I‘.I\k'tl nu -l I‘x'lvllh \Il.uu1;: Enquiries to: mail@edin- / 0131 221 6520/ 0131 221 1241 (>7pm 8: weekends).

I Sunny bright spacious 3 IInuhIc lmlflnu lIul Ill I’nlunllll \Ich\\ -l h .I\.u|.ll\lc llnlu Ihlll \uguxl, LIIIH pm \\I\. \IIUIICI It'l\ .IIMI .I\.lll.ll‘lt' (..IlI Kuu “MEI WM 33”

I Festival - The Shore. III'IIpIIIluI lulgghl lull} cIIquIwII Iundmu I (IUIII‘IC lell‘nnul §_'InumI lInnI lI.lI I’I|\.m' Inuk lllf.‘ \ml \\.ll\'lll|'lll l\‘\l.Ill l.IllI\ Inux .ImI lIuIm'uI mx) l‘ll\t'\ USU IN (All “‘5‘” Ill-l (\(lll.

C (mum:

Carole Smith/Anne Goring Tel: 01620 810 620 email: festl' or write to 3. Linkylea Cottages.

I . ' .. ICifl'ord, hast Lothian hH4l 4PF I

Property to Let



I The Shore, Leith. 'l'xxn dernnm lurmxhcd II.II. Schuulc Inungc .\ km‘hcu. .'\\.III;II‘IL‘ uuumlmlcl). {52” pan # lullx .ImI \Icpnxu. 'I'cl: (I‘ll‘h [ha 5‘)"

46 THE LIST ' '.'. .2

I Shore flat for rent unm \I'IIIcuIIM'I I uruhlml lulu-g

qu I.1I\l1cu. \IIII'.‘..‘I Illl, III\Ic I‘CKIIIIIIIII. ..'II.:I. (i( ll. IIII' L'I.l/III;' 25'!“ In Ill. n IIIIII I.‘.I\' I’llnm' \lenu'll*1*<\ luv, “1 II"\]“ 11% <|n

Gorgeous Stockbridge Flat to Rent. Ilmuulul \In. LquIgc (‘nlnuy I \InuI\Ic I‘IWII‘N‘III lI.Il \I.umlnnl \klIIII‘IlLIII'1'.II\I\'II.\I‘.ItlHll\ Inuug'u ( i( ll. I\n\InnIu. IcIIuI. lIn' Inuluug' Iuluhhml \\.:II I \I-Ix \Ill\I In" \I'cu 1*"R Iklll Call Sheri on 07799 66 54 54.


Large, beautifully decorated .‘ Imllnnlu lI.II lnI Icul I ull) luuuxlml \HIII mmlml IIHUI\ Ilunlu'IInuI \\(‘III\I \lllI I‘I\'I\'\ \IHII.II\ \\.lll.lI‘I\‘ lInIu \ll},'ll\l UM“ Ik'lll . l‘IIl\ Phone 07760 352 353.

I Two bedroomed modern I|.u “1mm.” \Icux .Iunxx I'lllulwuu'll \IIIIJI‘IU lnl [\IHIC\\IUII.II Ik'UI‘IL‘ \\.III.II‘I\' [mm 3" \uyuq LnHHIn'Iu ~ I‘lII\ Icl‘ (“HI *5" W"

I Leith/ The Shore. Inn-I) lllllll\lk'il l l‘t'tl II.II l\’L‘\'\'IlII} lx‘tlx‘t’UldlCtl \.III(Ik'\I IIHHI\ \ull IHnl IHnl \‘nuplc Ll iH qu Icl |I_"'1"".,‘§‘l.,‘*


I Nicely furnished \\\'\1 Ime *Imllnnm II.II \Illtlt'lll qu'lml. I cu \um- lmllnnlu. lmllu'nnul. Inulj: Innlu R uth Il.Illl (i( ’I I. I)( i. _~__'.uIIvu\. ImlIn. Immlc Ixuluuj: ("UH Ik'lll Icl Ill Will II: _‘III

I For Rent: _‘ Inmhlc III-«hum ll.lI III (il.|\j_‘n\\ \ \\I~\I lxml. I'lIIIIl\II\‘(I Il.lI \llll I‘IHI tun \Illtlt‘lll\| (}(‘II I mullnu: \ml l\'c|\ luluulgc Iulw \IJIIHII .\ II}IL'\ Ix’n.ul, LN)”qu \uII (‘Iulxlmu IVS”: ‘l-lll R~13 nI \llll.IlIlK‘Illl\Il.llll‘: HMHklmlt‘nlu I Byres Road, Sum In umlmglnuml. \Imuw. Im'cl} III-t'nmlml I l‘t'tl II.II. I'llllll\ll\‘\l. gm cculml hmlulg. clccu’u' \IIH\\CI .\ I‘.IIII. [SSIIIK‘III u“.I‘ “ll lul.

I Newlands, 2nd floor IIuaIII) II.lI. I IInuhIc .\ I \III j_.'IL‘ l‘mll'mullx I'IC\II IILK‘UI. lull) luumlml. |)( i. (i(‘||. £550 [‘L'lll, (WWII INI ‘llh.

I Merchant City. SuIm'Iw luII_\ lul'mxhnl nm' I‘k‘tllt‘lllll II.II \Ik‘x'UlJlx‘xI \\ IIII \I_\ IL‘. Ixu’klu; nI\I|nu .l\.lIl [535 I‘t'lll * \IL'I‘. “III III

Hill) H‘W‘S MN “_‘I_

I Woodlands, brightly \Ict'nmlnl luluhhul. lunlll .ImI lelx’llt‘ll \I_\ It' \IllxlIU II.II. \\C\I Izml ('II_\ (cuuc \\.III\lllf_' tII\ LUNG. (K‘II. IIJIII .\ \Ilt\\\ Cl (.15!) pm. It‘ll Ill-ll 5h” I111 I West End, bright, .m_\. Il‘.I\IlllHll.II 3 I‘t‘xII'UHIIICII II.II. lull} llll'lll\llt'\l. (3(‘II. IMIII \\IIII \lhm L‘l'. (Inw In all .um‘mm'» {NIH l’(‘\l « «Icpnxu. .\\.ul.|I\Ic .-\u;.'u\I. IL‘IL‘I‘IIUIIL‘. H-555 Ilhh

JZ‘I HIM): .\"I ‘w


I 2 flatmates sought in! ': mirrz \\.'\' I :zl‘. I:.II

mu I\\’:'.1.'I~_‘I«"~.‘;‘.Iil..(ll.:\z'«"-‘- H'I'IIJ\12..Il‘:\‘III'YI,\'!1\I~‘I

lulu. i31:»;1anll1c!‘.|.:III

lulllnm \nutg' I‘Int I‘lk'l 17*”

Ixu. -( I .\ lullx lei I Large Southside bedroom In: I Ix-xwrz. 413.1211; null: ,‘ mm (II II. \lmrcll

LII Itcu, l~\'.;!l',‘\' .\ I‘.IilunnIII

\III‘I'I l!.:ll\, :u :uulcwul 2.: i;

ll] :1 .‘H;

I‘\IIIIII\:( I III H‘VNHN "In I Room in bright \Iwnm i l‘clllnnu

u:( Il.I!lI!'_‘l IU\\ \\nuIII \IIII

'.‘..-.I.'l1nu\c . \‘I‘.\\'I\I«‘ll

Iunl I‘m! :‘l.1\I\III\I 9,‘§1|I\11'. - (I 'I‘ill\ IcI'IILI 53"“); I West End luxury \ImI-II II.II, I.u-,'.' Lmllcu .\ \Illllli‘.11t'.l \cl} 1'I‘I‘\I\I.III\I.II«I‘.‘.IIII\‘.IN'\II'II IIUI'I\ I’lHII‘\\lHIl.II I‘lclcuul

" Ixtu Ik'l “I II “I *fiII I Professional person to \Imu‘ In\-.'I} \\.‘\l I mI ll.lI Ilnllhlclnnul\\.1III.III III|‘\I\UII\ (l.l_\ lllcmll}. u x \qul Iw

\ I\‘\‘.\'\l II' I‘\‘ .II‘I‘IIK I.II\'\I I {I'll I‘\III - I‘lII\ l\,\'lk'I\'II\ \'\ le't'ilk'xl III “I 1| 5' 13"!»

I Double room available III Imuqu \\I'\I I mI II.II Il.lIl\I_\ In] Inuu \IuI u \ I‘IHIIWHHIIJI L.‘.\" W Iqu - (‘l - I\III\ II-l ll_'\l§ I(\I “I”

I West End - quiet II-ux

umu‘. IInnI lI.lI In \Imu' \‘.lIII

\ulz'lc n\\. ucl |)nuI\Ic InnuI. mu‘IIcuII.I.1IIIII'\.\uuu} _‘.'.II\I\'II. .‘ uuuulcx IIIIIN Ix’ \uu III.IIIII\' \qu'l IunI \llnll IcIIu Ixul quc t'nuxulclul LI-lll I‘x‘lu Im‘I Ik'l “I II “I “\IJ

I Room in West End IInuw

\‘.IIII _‘ I‘.IIIIIHUIII\. kmllcu. \IIH\‘.CI_ Iquujg IUHIII. Imus InnuI L.‘ i\ Iklll Im Iquu' I‘III\ A (‘1 |\-] n'xlu MI: “(I

I Friendly, easygoing professional Humm- InqucII In \II.uc \uuu}. \\c\l

I mI ll.lI Hunulllx if"! IK'III - (’I - IuIIx II-I H'le I“ ulnu“ #1 13:3"?

I Large room in \\I-\I I mI Imuch u x Inch-Iqu :2 ill Imu ° I‘III\ ° \ICINNII “nah; IQ: .l-lx C\\'lllllf_‘\

I Single room for

\ImIcuI I‘IUIC\\IHII.II lcumlc {33” [Km - ("I o IuIIx Icl IIIII i“) Ulla;

I Dennistoun. Room In: gm} lcumlc \\IIIl \IIJICII Imllunnul .k I‘ll. (i('II .\ .Ill Imul mm L25” Iu'm Im'l('| ~ lullx {IINIIIL-Ix It] ull] <Su lh‘x I West End room m uvullnlmhlc lI.:I \\(‘III\I \lIlI \Iuglc luII quc \\HII\III_‘_' I‘IHIL‘\\IUII.II \n gluuuug. nn L'\II.I lullx, nun I‘IIHIIC (3“) ppm Isl HIII *"n 515‘)

I West End room\II- III .IIII.1.u\c. \Imunm In\\II lInuw II.II \Imul qulu'u. Inqu: Innlu .\ lullunnlu \\1‘III\I \uu uIIIchIIIIcuI I‘l«\IL‘\\IUlI.II 13H Imu quuIIuI; lull~.cnludu1_~; IcIcIlln u: \IInII Icuu .nulmtlx IICL'UIIAI‘IC I'~\I»I “3“ :S\ .u‘nlu WW»!

I Large double room m \Ixmnm \II.I\\I.ImI\ II.II. u \ I‘lclcunl 13‘5p.m+mn~ 'Icl

lI-‘llhh I-‘l I<§

I Room available in :-..:'.~. T:.::t:\?‘..x‘l 11:: 2". \\.'\I l till

\l‘utu xvii" filo...‘ tnzrtzucx Trnt: Hutw I\’\‘.I«'. 1'. \ Inclctzg‘i I I "1\ I. IIWjI \‘w ‘;‘

I City centre double mun: .l‘-.ll:.l"lt' 1:: I:;L.‘. ?.:::t:\l:.'.'. l;:\:::\ Illll, \::.I:I:r:;‘ ".‘.i'.I‘. 1 HII‘.\‘I \\t‘ll:\'.\l;1'.I‘I\‘l\'\\ll‘li.llII..II\'

( inx.‘ '7‘.Ilc!~.':n;;':.l \I\ {I‘ll {XIII - (II ' I‘lll\ If: HI 11 l_“’


I Woodlands double room :‘Ilul In. .IIII'YI. Iguzcl §I~\\'I§_ In 13m»: I «II .iI\II'.\..:\IIc:. I‘JIINIII‘] Illnmlluull \HIIIIL‘ Iunlx ‘lI\I ~ImlcuI» un “a: IIII\‘I‘.'1\‘I\ LN“ In II: .III tin? I‘llnm‘. ucl [c] H “I 'h * '\ \\l I Room in West End, IIH‘.‘..lfIIIIIl I.u:‘c I‘III'III Innul. \II.IIYII_' IIIIIII'H .\ Ixsllunnu. ‘.‘.IIII II'::;.:I\‘ I lnxc Zn uuzx ch11}. IIU\I‘II.II. IIIIIIk'IfJIUIIIhI. \IIHI‘\ .\ I\.u\ 13*" [km - (‘I o I‘llI\ IcI II'WIR In" :\.‘

I Southside room in luI|_\ lquhIIcII IIIIHII'III II.II. u x, uuuulcx lInIu IIII \cuuc if.“ Inuu o Iullx II-I HI II I“ I‘ll

I \. clIvuI In. .Iunu,

\I.I_\IIIII\' n1 "M" I Room in lovely u..duu~n.d ucul} Illlllhllt'il IIJI nu (uull

I)Il\c. uuuulcx lInIu |I_\Ic\ Ix'n.uI.

\MNI l mI \\nuld \uu )nlllly IIIIII\‘\\II‘II.II nI umuuv \Imlcul. In ~II.uc \‘.IIII nIIch Icumll' UH” IK'III Im IquIy .III IunII \'UII\ llrw‘pl ll; 1

I Southside - double room .l\.llI.lI‘I\' III \I‘.I\1Hll\ Kulpqhuk II.II. nxxu Imllunnul. Immu' I‘.III\III‘_'. _',,'.l.\ lm'mIII In \I1.uc \‘-lIIl I HIIICI I‘IUIC\\IUII.II umlc L “HI Iklll - ('l - IuIIx

IcI I'MI" \Vl ih-l \llk'l (\qu I Room in sunny uvulculpnml} lI.:I \Imuuz' ‘.‘.IIII I nIIIcI. uIIcIm'I .qu'm. (i( ll. I.II_'.'\' II\III:' Innul .\ . In\- In .III .IIllx'lllIl\‘\ L W“ Ikul 1m IIIKIIII'..' .III IuIIx t'\\\'I‘I IcIcIIIInm' II'I IIIII I)“


I Everything you've always mum-II unul .l Innul, \uuu} .\ \Ixmnux. yum lnl III.-


1.1km}: upu Imw lInul I‘III \uz'uxI, \Imlcuh nul) 13‘“ In In ° \Ix'I‘ HI :I “E I Looking for easy going IIK'IM‘II In] .1 Innlu llI I’nI\‘..uIII. Luzx' IIICIIIII) II.II 2.37! In :u

[C] Hflih .111 <11

I Large double room m \Imtlnux I lellnnlu InIIunw II.II IU \II.Il\‘ \‘-lIIl I‘II‘I\'\\IUII.II lcumlc. .III IIIIHI pnux. u \ Incluqu 135‘ Imu ~ I‘III\ ("I A III-I‘m” 'II-l u‘ll‘u \Iu 3w I Double room available III Inn-I} \IInIc II.II. IHI lIu-mII} \npml‘Ic Iunlcwlnual In \lmu' 'MIII I lcumlcx lInIu \cplcullm (I‘ll Imu . I‘III\ ~ ('I III I)".\<< 0.1“ II\-1

I & airy \IHIII‘IC IHUIII .I\.III.II\IL' m I cull II.II In \lmc \kIIII I nIIIcI. .l‘-.lII.Il‘IC ch nl \uyuxl L: i‘ leu Imlmllug ("I ~~ IuIIx IcI “I il “4 (Flu

I Room available for 2H \nluclluu; umlc m \cu Inull II.II \II.qu§_' \HIII -1HIIIL'I\. .lII IIIINI .nm LIN IRIII o I‘III\ 'IcI H11] 55h \UHI

I Double room in \ZI'I‘\"I‘ I ‘tzlznz'f. IIJI. \I‘.I\ IHII\ Inzz: \nux I)'\'I\‘\\l~‘II.II \t‘llz'III In \\.lll.ll‘l\' umi \:;.'I.~‘. 17‘" I‘wu - Iul‘lx - I I It": "lil itmnfif I Double room available 121 | \‘IIII II.II \Imzzu,‘ U-IIII HIle‘! .lll :unll Inux \t‘IlIIJIIK I~‘\.IIC\I :‘.I\ ‘.'.l\ lucmlI‘. Ivctqtzcll if“? *‘H Iklll - ( I \\ .ch‘nxu I\-I III {I iii V‘\\I§ I Student accommodation. \I-u uInIIqu \Imlvul .l\\I‘IIIIIII‘\I.IIII‘f?

hulk-u, .III Iund

x.‘..ucx‘.1I'f: lnIIImx

:u I :I\ \vuuc. nu|\ . uuuulcx \‘-.1II\lli‘llll’lllkxN \III'I'I I\'\‘III\ m. nl IiIlIII\ lullx .\ InuIcuh qulquI' ( .III mm In \u‘v. \IIn\‘. Ilu H H "’M “f \ “I I Professional n/s wanted In \lml- I.u_-.'I' .‘ Ix'lllnnu‘. II.II \‘.IIII I‘II‘I\'\\II‘II.II lcumlc. \Inuhlc lnnlu. :‘Iml \t'IIIIJI ImJIInu nu IIIc \Inuml

I uu\ llnul c.u|_\ \in t.‘ "H In In - I‘lII\ II'I “11“3‘ \HI»

I Double room available III I.u:'c \cqu-jlnu lI.lI In \Imn' 'MIII :HIIII'Ix luII_\ llIIt'kI I\II\II\'II, _‘ l‘.lIIllHHlII\ .\ IuIcIm'I I, ,‘RH In III 1m Imwa I I It'l

u'” if Ilm mm

I Large, sunny double InnIu .\ Iu\ul_\ I‘.IIIII|N‘III m IIuI'c, II;'I1I.\ I‘I'JIIIIIIII \un. Inuu lI.lI lnI ml). umqu I‘ll'I\‘\\lI|lI.II lcumlc '.‘.:\qu.' In \Ile \klIII \.um' 1““ In Ill - I‘III\ Ik'l HWY); g~1‘l .‘I:

I Box room with I.uIl.I\II\

\ u'ux nl IIIC “lelv Iu Inaul nl IIIC III}. < uuquI-x llnlu l’umlw \Ilccl 13H” Imu ~ ('I - lullx ' III-pm” IcI WWI <Iu '<\.

I Slateford double room .IMIIIJI‘IC .\III \ufguxl Ill \I\.u1nu\ Il.|l \I1.uu1§: \klIII .‘ nllmx. \Imlvul I‘lclcuul LNH In III III III {I {I l III“.

I Housemate wanted lnI I.II;'I‘ \IHIII\I\' IHHIIl IHI .‘ Ik'lvul IInuw III ()\;'.|u:'\ I’Iclvl u x 13H“ IkIu - lullx o (II III

[I] (I 11% RUM

I Single room in ILmImI- IH uuqucx lInIu \M'xl I ml, u \ IIIK‘IK'IIKNI. \II'INMI IK'kIIIIIk'tI 9,‘ 1H Iulu IcI HI ‘I 214 (\<()\

I Study bedroom in l.I:IuI} lInIm'. II.qunu .um mll \uu u \ \ImIcuI IIIHIL'\\IHII.II lcumlv \n lullx \II I.I\IIIIIC\ .I\.ul.II\Ic 13<IIIKIII IL'I HI ‘I 1“) (5“ I Single room in \lmlwl \I.ulluunuI lI.II, \Imlcul Im-l {SIMImu . luIIx [c] “I *l 11" IN] ..I WWI) 1<<Iul

I Box room in llu-Ilmum lI.II \Imuug; mlh 3 Imp Il.l\ .III Iund gnux. muu \II} wqu-

I cumlc I‘Ik'IL'IICII. \IIIIIIA'I‘ nlh un \k'IIJI lellt'l\ Ll‘ll Imu ~ I‘III\ ° \IL'II IL‘I Il—‘l‘ln I”; ;I“ I Sunny room available in \Imgluux \InIIIIIIjJHIlU lI.II In xlmu- \HIII 3 nIIIch \‘-(llll(l \llII n \ Iw'nlcxxlnudl 3‘! “I. (I IIIHIIIII\ IcI :35“ Ikm a ('I ~ lullx Ik'l II|:|.1.1" MN»

I Very nice room In \ c1} Imc lI.lI m IIIL‘ LII} \culu- nl IZIIIIII‘III'QII. \cl} clnw In \M'xl lumI It Ilklllllllllflll ( IIqung lnI I Iclmhlc pawn lnl \lllehI (K I\I \hcck III ScpIcluIn-I LIVIIW. 'Icl H -\‘l 3-“! .IIICI (\IHII