Food Drink

Eat out, drink up

\X’alks into a Pub

barely quench our thirst.

ll t‘natlx Icatl tn lit-ct" ix thc l'a\ntti‘itc tnnan nt a ht‘cncr’x “ilk l knnu. 'l'hc ltl_\llt that pi'nhlctnx in thc lwtlt‘nnnt arc a natural tlcxtin} int' nicn \xhn \Htl'lx in thc alc hnxint‘xx ix quiclxl} \ll\Pk'll\Ctl \\ith: "l'hci'c arc nn pi‘nhlcnix in that tlcpai‘tntcnt.‘ xhc xa_\x. ‘lhtt I’ll Icaw

hint il' hc tlnt‘xn't xtnp hni'ing inc tn tlcath \\ ith thc xntltling hixtnr} nl' hum n linn/c.‘

'l‘hc xtthiccl nl thc ht'ct‘ ix t‘call} thc pt‘cxcrw nl' a ccrtain kind nl' alpha male. llaxic. raw—like thch ntcn lilltl plcaxtn‘c in thc \CL‘lll'L‘ knmxlctlgc that ti‘atlitinn antl puligt‘cc arc cwrflhing. ll' _\ntt haw cwr had thc tnixl'nt'ttinc nt attcntling a (‘.r\.\lR.v\ (Campaign lini' Real .r\lc) tnccting. _\nti \xill knn“ hn\\ xct‘inuxl) tthc pcnplc takc thcit‘ paxxinn lnt‘ thc hnpx. \nt. nl' L'Ulll'\L‘. that thcrc ix ainthing at all \\t‘t)lt:_' \xith that. but lltL‘ gt'cgttt'inltx an‘ittl \hlll\ _\ axxnt‘tatlc \\ith a part} nl' lllL‘li \\ltn \xixh tn t'clchratc thix untitlcrl'ttl liquid arc xti‘angcl} Inixxing.

l’ctc lii'nun \\Ullltl likc tn change that. llc‘x a l‘nrtncr unmm‘itcr \\ltn xpccialixul in thc accntintx nt~ hcci' cnnipaniCx xttch ax Stclla .-\t‘tnix. llix .l/(III Hill/xx [Min (1 I’u/r to” iix aim ial. hcat't} \xalk thrnngh thc xnciahlc lil\lUl'_\ nl hcct‘. Bt'nun‘x agcntla ix tn inthigatc thc :\ttgln-Stt\ntt nhxt'xxinn \\ith thc pint \xhilc gning a hi‘natl. ltinn) accnnnt nl cu‘t'fihing t'i‘ntn cat‘l} inan‘x xttnnhlc npnn thc tL'i'tncntatinn prnu-xx tn the gimmick} \xnt‘ltl nl~ 70x ttn\L‘ll_\ tlixlk‘lt\L‘t'\.

'l'hingx \xnrk nnt. kind nt'. and lirnun ulcliwt'x an entertaining and lltlitt’lthtl road. but hix xt_\lc can he a littlc l’nll}annahh. '()h\ intixl) \xc drink tn L‘\CL‘\\ hccattxc hccr ix a \cr} nicc drink and \w gt'catl} cnjn} thc mpct'icncc nt drinking it.’ he \\l’llL‘\. \n \ltit. Still. thc cltaptct ‘lln\\ lager tcwntuall} ) ('nnqtit‘tul Britain' and hix pi't‘xcicnt. in\t'xtigatinnx nl thc incga-hi'antl athcrtixing campaignx arc ii'i'cpniachahlc.

.-\ xlightl} hcttct‘ hct ix .\lai't_\n (‘nrncll'x

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Two new books on the history of beer Paul Dale


Bon Accord

Clockwork Beer Company ' _- :': ,w

State Bar 7-1?" it. :

("3... A " '.""

EDINBURGH Bert’s Bar ;' .1 “av:

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lit‘t'l’.‘ l/lt' Slit/W (I/ l/It I’IIIII t... I. (‘nt'ncll ix l‘k'}tllltl nltl xt'hnnl: \\hal ix xtt'ilxing: ahnttt thix thick xhcctctl. tlllll_\ packagul \nltnnc ix ian hn\\ i'cnnnixt‘cnt nt a xt‘hnnl lL'\ll‘tHll\ it ix. ('nt'nt'll tht'n\\x lllL' chalk at hix i'catlct'x; hr chitth in c\t't'_\thtng_' than a lllllL'llllU tn a glnxxari antl cu'n nilL‘t'x a tn_\th httxting: (‘)t\.-\ xct‘tinn, lint thix hnnk ix int'tulihl} \wll t‘t'xcat't‘ltt‘tl. tn thc pnint at “high mun (‘nt'ncll'x ngt'axinnal lapr‘x intn thc tcti'itni'} nt thc ayatlctnit‘ cannnt \lllllllll\ll thc thrnxt nt a le't'Ltl xtni'_\. l‘tlllh ;tl\tt t‘ttllldllh glitttl [illttltixL L'lttixcll tn tintlct'linc thc lttnnclling. intct‘natinnal tln'catl nt' hix tL-t‘xcnt hixtnt'} lt‘xxntt.

l'hct’c ixn't much hctnccn thcxc tun \\ L‘lt‘ttltlL‘ \ttllllilL‘\. lit’ttult'x l‘ttttlx l\ pinhahl) tnn lightxwight tni' _\ntn' xcrinnx lk‘cl' alit‘tttlttttltt. \\lttlL‘ (‘Hl'llL‘ll.\ tllxxt‘l’lttltult l\ ltitl lL‘ltglll} littl' lllL' \\ L‘Clxt‘lttl littltlinl. :\ tnnt'c tlctinitiw linnk nn thix xtihtct't ix xtill tn hc \xi‘ittcn. Man Walks into a Pub, Pete Brown, Macmillan £10.99; Beer". The Story of the Pint, Martyn Cornell, Headline £18.99.

Side dishes

News to nibble on

I BLOODY MARY cocktail bar has opened on Vinicombe Street in Glasgow‘s West End. Upscale and smart. its list of mixed drinks is comprehensive: from French martinis to vanilla mohitos. Most of the concoctions feature premium spirits and fresh juices. Food is served in the afternoon until early evening. The menu is fairly basic with roast vegetable paninis. pasta of the day. ciabatta with mozzarella or grilled chicken and bacon salad. There are also a few outdoor tables.

I ALWAYS SUNDAY IS the shiny, happy name of a new cafe on the Edinburgh Royal Mile. In the premises once occupied by Elephant Sufficiency, the new place‘s stated goal is to create ‘that Sunday feeling‘ every day of the week. Open from 83m until 6pm during the week and until 9pm at the weekend, Always Sunday is the brainchild of ex- Malmaison Brasserie manager Claire Beecroft and chartered accountant Mary

Macdonald. t’ ‘2’? ’- Z l-- . 5 r


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