\L'L" ; l:
lllt' wilt-ml .11; t-i.11~l :Hllll \lll'ltk' lllill‘ in
l)k'\l‘._'ll )11111 «VJ-fl junitaiii iii
Rock Stars of the 19705 ll111 l: \11:. l ‘pm lit-c l’t'uplt'K l’.1l.1tt'.\ \\ llllL'l (l.ll\lt'll. (1|.1~;'11'.‘. (llt't'll_<;-1 HS.“ \gcx < l: (niiit- .1n1l 1hr“ up lll all lli1' gliltt'i .1ii1l glam ml "W 111. k \l.il\ lliilp iii
Shields and Symbols ll111 l: \ug.
l ‘pm [we \l \liiiign \lll\t’lllll ml Rt‘llfjllllh | llt' \lltl \il. 3 ('.1\llt- \liccl. “4 3“" (in on .1 ~linil lniii .1iuiin1l l’imaiitlk l illil\lll[‘. \ll\\\'\k'l lllt' nit-.mmg ml llt‘lalilh xyiiilmlxantlihcniii.1kt'}11ui
l'liezitrr; 8. Dance
Haroun and the Sea of Stories
I lllll \al ‘I \iig. _ ‘Hjiiii. llni \.1i 3pm 1\ " lllpm Ll MAI. l.imil} ll\l\k'l Ll” (illl/t'lh' lllt'Jllt'. l‘) ( lilll‘.ll\ \llt't’l,»1:‘l Hill: ('ili/cn'x ('iit l1' \iutliu \tnllhli Youth 1 |i1'.1l11' tilllllllllt' lllt'll \ummci lt'\ll\.ll \xiih llll\ titluuilul .1tl.ipl.iliuiiul Salman Ruxlnlic'x xiiii} lui t'lnklit'ii
Our Town I iilil \n ‘l \ug. “ zllpm.\.1l 3pm 1\ ‘ lllpm L.\ It 11. lamil} lit'kcl {Ill ('ili/t'iix' [In-ant". l I‘l(iuih.1l~ 5111-1-i.-l.“lllll_‘_‘ \tiilll\ll\1illlll llicain- Plt'\t‘lll\ lliniinun \\il1lt‘i\()1ii lmx ii .1h1iul lllt' 1l.11l} \liugglt-x \11' law 1l.i} l1! 1l.i} .1n1lllicii 1'lcin.1l it't‘uiit'nt't'
Waking Shadows lllll " 8.11 U .\11;;. “ lllpm. l'll 3pm 1\ " illpm. Sal Ham 1\ ", illpm t.\ it'll. l.1mi|_\ lit'kcl {Ill (‘ili/L'nx' lllt'JllL'. l l‘)(i11il\.il\ Sliccl. L“) Hill: St'illlhll \Villllll llt'Jllt' l.lkt‘\ _\Ull min the \lJIkt'l ict't-xwx 1i! lhc human p\_\t'hc in llll\ llt‘“ picu- ml ihcatic
tlt'\ l\t'tl l‘} lllt' .lll lt'lll.llt‘ L‘.l\l.
ACIiVities And Fun
Children’s Summer Activity Weekl'iiiill-11.\.\1ig. Illani noun L5 l)lllltllt‘\ (\‘laHllt‘ \\i\lk\llilp. 3" .\l.1it'liinuin(inn-in. 32‘) l “N \flt-x _' l~l \M‘ck lung .n‘lnilicx \\llll mug making. pit'liiit' lllt' panning. “all plaquc 1l1'xigning .1ii1l cwciiniciilaiiiin \\ llll tllllt‘lt'lll gla/t'x
Dino-Birds Events: Dino Dig l'iiiil Sun l“.\iig..\l1in Sat 11am. Ilipm & ipm; Sun I 15pm 1\ ;pm, Ll l{11_\.1l .\lll\t‘lllll. 3 ('li.1mh1'i\ Sliu'l. 3-1“
~13 I‘ll-ill, .v\gc\ .\ofi l'llltl Ulll lllHlL' ahuul l\l\\ll\ and dig up .1 tllllll\.llll al llll\ lun mn'kxhnp.
Bug Hunting luv l3 .\ug. 3 ‘. ‘ilpm. t3. \Valt'i' ( )l [.1'nh \‘ixnni' (‘cnuta ll lanaik Rank-155 "3h". Scout .1h11ul in lhc \\1\il1l1il llllllll‘t'.l\l\. Environmental Sculpture 'l'l111
|~l l‘ll l5 .\ug. lilani i.illjiiii.t§il1[3lll llt‘all (iallt'l). Hi llt'llillil Riklil. (ill (illlll. .\gt'\ 8 ll. \\1‘ckcn1lmnk~hup \\llll Juli.1iia('ap1\ t'i'caling \t‘ulplincx .in1l lll\l.lll;lll\\ll\.
Crater Makers l‘niil 1111- in 51-11. {Still it'l..\'5i. R11).1l()hxci’xalni') \'i\il1ii' (taint. lilacklunl lllll. (1118 Mil-l. l‘llltl out lhc ll'lllll .ilmul unnclx. \xnncxx lhc hii‘lli 1i! .1 cumci .1ii1l handlc ical iiit'lcui‘ilt'x in our (‘ialci \lakcix C\llll‘lllUll,
Myths and Monsters l'1111l $1111 SI .-\ug. (“US HASH». l)_\ll.lllllt‘ l:.1i'ih. llUl}l'Uiltl Road. 55031)”. 'l'hixluui‘ing t‘\liil\iliiiii'\1iiil} Scullixh \ll\‘\\lll:_‘ L‘\plui'c\ lhc \\ cii‘tl. “mulci'lul and \t‘ai} “Ulltl 1i! lllillhlt'h lll_\llll\'.ll and nail ll'Ulll lllt‘ llt'l‘} l‘l'calll Ul .l ill'agi‘ll lH lllL' 111.11 111’ ihc lhrcc int-tic high llall'} )1'11 \\ llll .iiiiiiiau'niin~ C\llll‘ll\ .llltl ‘_'l.llll i‘1ilmlit‘x. ‘
Fairy Tale Flowers l'nlil ’l'hu " .\ug. lilani 4pm, £5. R1\_\.1l Botanic (ianlcn. li\hih1u1inllall. lnwrlcnh Rim. 552
‘ l “I. 1.1m ul t.1ii'}l.1lt'\ haw tlmwn in llk‘lll conic and lc.ii'n murc .ihuul lhc \lUl‘lL‘\ and ihc t'lnuci‘x. Ihcn ni.ikc _\Ulll' on n \pccial 1.111} \\ ingx. ci'mxnx. \xanth .llltl \\\1\l'tl\.
Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow©list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.
Thursday 7
Other events
Cafe Flicker (ilaxgim \lt'tlld \ttcxx ('ciilic. zitl l limi. V1 \ll‘li‘ll \lit't-l. *“ :03” “ illpiii Ll Siihiiiil }1llll lllll\ll\'\l liliiii11llic(i\l\('.1ii1lllit'} \klll \ll1m il .11 llll\ li\1'l_\ cwiiiiig «it llllll. tll\\'ll\\|illl. .11l\ it'c .1i11l tlt'halc
Friday 8
Book events
Paul Morley llillilt'h llimkx :3; Buchanan Slit'cl. 333 “Will hpm llt't‘ 'l'llt' .llllllHl' tll\\'n\\t'\ lll\ l.llt‘\ll\ii1ll\ llllI(/\(Hl(/ \lll\l1.' \l/leun ()I ’u/i III III: \liii/u (N l(‘1/\
Lunchtime Lectures lllllllt'llJll .v\i'i (iiillci). l’nixt-ixn} 11l(il.1\g11\\..\3 llillhcad Sliccl. Hll 5-H] l lglfiim. [I .\ “lllk' ranging \t‘llt'\ nl lllll\ll.llt'\l lct'lui‘cx on \\ lll\llt'l lt'ldlt'tl lllt‘lllt‘\ ’1iIl 41! ll lll\//t‘l .‘llllA'.
Book events
Ron Ferguson Bunk-1x llmkx. 3Hl Buchanan Slim-l. 333 “all”. 3pm. l'icc. 'l'lic .llllllUl \I_L'll\ cupit'x ul lll\ hunk lln- /\’1'/H1I1Hil l\’1'luiniiil/1ui ul ("Iii/1 I111 (I'll/Ilk'illl.
Whistler in Glasgow \li-lt-llim (iallci'icx. I‘ll Sauchichall Slit-cl. ull l.\’_‘|. lilani l3. iilpm. L'll). .\ \llUl'l L‘Ulll'\t‘ iillt‘iing .1 Incl} inlintlut'liun l0 (ila\:_'i\\\ \ \thllt‘i' t‘iillct‘lmux t‘niiipi'ixing an lllll\ll.llt'tl lct'lin'c and a [our nl lllt' \Vhixllci' it‘laltal t'\llll‘lllilll\ al \ill'llllh \cnucx. I’m! 11/ “INN/(I 3mm, '
Other events
Assessing the Garden for Change (ii‘t'cnhank (Bank-m. l'lt‘nilt'i'x Ruail.('lai'k\l1in. it“) ‘33 l. USU 1 [.‘Nli. .\ gai'1lt'nualkluoknigal \\;1_\\ inchiingc )111ii’giii'1lt'ii. Farmers Market \lamiiclil l’ul'k. ll_\n1ll;1nd Sti'ccl. SH“ lllllh. lilani ijini. l‘l't‘t'. .\ t‘liant'c In hu_\ li‘t'xh pi'mluu‘ 1lii‘ct‘l ll'Ulll llic lai‘mci‘x. Introduction to Bird Watching RSl’ll .\'alui‘c Rcwi'w. l,1it‘h\\inii1ich. HISUS X-llhhi Noun 2pm. l-i‘ct'. .-\ gunk-d \xalk around ihc l'L‘\Cl'\(‘ \\llll plciil} ul guitlant‘c In ht'lp aiiialcui'
m nchci'x.
Civil Warrior \lugtlut‘k ('1iunli‘} l’ai'k. ('i'aigallian Road. \liliigm it‘. 050 Mill), 2piii.(‘1inican1llit-.ii' Ruhin lit-ll. ;l\\.ll'tl—\\llllllll:_‘ pocl .in1l tliit'unicnlai'}
makt'i‘ lcllmg lhc talc ill lhc lll\l _\l.ii‘qui\ ul \lniili'mc.
Other events
Creative Writing Group Bunk-1x llhukx. 383 Buchanan Sli‘ccl. 233 “"(lll 5.3llpili, l'i'cc. .-\l;i\laii‘ l’alt'i'xun llll\l\ .i \xi'iling group upcn in .1ii}1iiic llllL‘l'L‘\lL'\l in \lk'\k‘l\l[‘lll:_' lhcn' t‘i'catiw I'l.1ii: \cu mcmhcn .1l\\.1) \ \xcluniic.
Italian Language Cafe Borden ll1i1\k\. 383 Buchanan Sti'ccl. 232 7"ill1l: “pm. l-icc. ;\ chancc in impi'm c )mir languagc \lklll\ \\ nh othcr Italian \[‘t‘.ll'\t‘l'\.
a.’ o
Tuesday 12
Book {}‘.{?"'.:1
Barney Hoskyns 81 Barry Miles
ll11i1lci\ll1n~k\._‘\‘ liii.li.::i.::i\ii.'.‘!.
“‘ “"lll' hint: llt't'
\K‘lllt‘h llllli‘illltt' illt'll l.1'1.'\t‘.~.1~rk\.
/\'i.;.'1i.‘ (‘1 "'1\ ( /.‘._""\ i 1‘1""
/.l‘."- l”.'1'.'11." l/Jk’i .lllkl /' l'fi
\11711 1 \cc pm it"s.
Whistle-Stop Tours lliiiii.'ii.1!i \zl (Milt-i}. l lll\t'l\ll} 111.(1l.1\g1~\‘.. \.‘ lilllll\'.l\l \lii't'l. “ill * 1‘] lj‘lll licr‘ ll.1llli1\ui higliliglillnuixwtllit' lliiiilt'iiaiiK \\ lll\llt'l \l|\[‘l.l:\\ l’..1.'
ll {111.2141 3”" "
Other (E‘.(‘:lllf$
Summer Walk kilwlwli- l’.1l.1..-. llnlaiin (i.llilt‘ll\. * ill (11ml \\t'\lt'lll Mud. iii 31*}: .‘i‘iii l in" \;'iiiik'1l \\.1lk lliinugli llit- llulaiin (i.il\lt'll\ l.1kiii;' .1 look .11 lllt' \llllllllt‘l ll1~\‘.t'i\
Bat Walk \tullixh \\ il1llil1' llll\l. l .1llx ill (-l}‘\l\' l\’t'\t'l\t‘. Hl §<§ (‘l‘<.\(‘.‘
.\ illpm L l 1:31 \ }'t'llllt' \lli‘ll \‘.llll .1ii ulnwiliimt} In lt'.llll .ll‘l‘lll l\.il\ .1ii1l llic 11llivi llik'llllllal lllll.ll‘|l.llll\ ml lllt'
Wednesday 13
Tim’rous Beasties l’.11\I1-} \l11\1-11111 .\ \il(i.1||ciic\. lligliStit't-l. |’.1i\l1'§. \\‘l ‘1‘] l3 illpm l'lt'L‘ \ \llilll l.ilk in .n‘t'nnipaii} llic /1m/11/r c\|iilnii1»ii \\ lllt'll lllll\ lllllll I" \1ig
RAGGED GLORIES 81 IN THE SIXTIES Two well known music journalists are coming to Glasgow to talk about their latest books. Barney Hoskyns and Barry Miles have researched, reviewed and interviewed some of the biggest names over their careers and are now adding to their already well-read and respected list of publications.
Hoskyns. editorial director of rocksbackpages.com, former US editor of Mojo and a journalist for NME and Melody Maker to name a few, has taken a look back over the last 20 years of music in the US. Ragged Glories includes interviews with major players such as Lou
Ten at One Talks lliitil.‘::.~.ii \rl tiailcryl:ii\.':\iti1~ltil.1\;'1~\\,\,‘ ll:l'.li.'.:il \l:.'.‘l, licc lci‘. ::::.i.i'..' '1.-.'.k\1~i'. \t'it'tlcti \\i‘!k\ lli'lll Tll.‘ lliitilciiati'x \\l‘.1\llt‘l 1ii\;‘l.i\\ l'..
“I. \.', _‘ ,.
liliSLll '1‘“:
K\o,"" .1 ..”\o\,
Bulb and Dried Flower Fair (il.‘.'lll‘.:l‘.k (l.llilt'l‘.. l lciiticzx Raul. ( 1.:thlwi; 111w l.‘\l ll.illl
\‘i.\1\1~iit l‘llll‘\ l1‘l lli.‘ llt'\l
\PH“ t§ill 11“ (ill- Drawing 8. Painting Classes l’wlli'kll1'1;\.‘ l’wlluk ( 1‘llllll\ l’.1ik. lliill1‘k\ll.:\‘.\l{ii.11l."ll"‘;lll
ll.1iii ll‘ll‘. :\ lakiiijx plats \'\\'l\ \\t'1lii.'\1l.1i, llii'xt' \ l.:\\1‘\ l.'.1. li .1ll ili." lt'tlllllilllt'\ \1111 ll1‘\'«l lull ;\.1iiiliii:'.1ii1l 1ll.i\\lll‘.'
Burns Room Open Day \Iii.l1i-Il
| ll‘l.il_\, \1‘llll\ll1‘t‘l. .‘V‘ _“"l" * 'iiiii licc lhc \lil. llt‘llK lliiiiix lx‘nnm ‘.\lll lu- tlixjilamiiz' llic unwililk l.lli'\'\l .nllct lli‘ll ml lliiiiix li.'.1\ui.'
UGC Film Discussion Group “which Hunk» .‘\‘ Iliit li.1ii.1ii \llx't'l. .‘.‘.‘ ‘ ‘llll (‘ llll‘lll \lK-lll‘.\ l \l‘llk‘ ll.tlll\i‘ll l.‘.11l\ .illl\.ll\ on thy l‘l‘.‘
.: ilixt ll\\li'll on llit‘ l.1l1'\l
Thursday 14
Other t?‘.'<‘:lllt;
Bulb and Dried Flower Fair (iicciihaiik(1.1i1lt'ii. l lt'iiilcixlx’uml. ('l.1ik\l1ni. hi" i.‘\l llaiii ‘pm tifll 12.7 (illi \1‘1'\\t'il l ‘
Badger Watch \1iilll\ll\\ll1llll1‘ llll\l. |.1||\nl(luk-|{1'\1'i\t'.ll|*** 1111*.‘(0 'piii {hit ii \ iiguiuiix \1..1lk lullmwil h\ lllt' njipuilimil} in \[Nll l\.11l§,'t‘i\ iii lllt‘ll n.iliii.1l \lllli‘llllillll‘.‘\
In the sixtie_ Barry Miles
Reed and Johnny Cash and pulls together some of the best articles from over the years. Profiles of the significant musicians of the time are complemented by a closer look at the musical genres. including cyberpunk and Americana. If his previous books, including Waiting for the Sun and Across the Great Divide, are anything to go by, this is definitely one for all
music fans.
Miles looks more closely at the beat era with his book, In the Sixties. Known as one of the key figures of British counterculture, he ran the Beatles Zapple record label, was co-founder of London's Inca Bookshop and published the first underground newspaper, the International Times. Being hailed as the insider‘s book on the 605, it gives an insight into the lives of his close friends, the Beatles. as well as those of the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Frank Zappa. He also looks at the influential writers
of the time, including Allen Ginsberg and Charles Olso
.L,.,~,, . , . ..
"in i-Imy fame"
n. (Jane Hamilton)