Rock & pop

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at glasgow©, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at henry©, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:

Tickets Scotland .’ - ' »- Err-«wt. (magi -'. -‘ "'

Tickets Scotland ‘. 1' Haw: Sf":r:'..

Ripping Records " 53 l‘lli’lfl‘7.

Way Ahead '9." -.-1’i “w


I Laura Cantrell (iraud ()Ic ()pr}. l’aixlc} Road loll. 43‘) 5306. 8pm. [I I. .\1aj_'nlllcclll countr} rock lrom \axlmllc born. .\'c\\ York-baxcxl 1.aura(anlrc11. llcr mosl rcccnl album 111117: {In Rmm li/mmr .lL'rl/Il \\.'1\ onc o1 lllc 1110\1 cllol'llcvl} uomlcrlul lt'lL'.l\t‘\ o1 laxl )car. ()urrkll}. llCl' LN 18 glg lk‘lol'c \111‘ comc~ o\ Cl' 10 ScoIIaml \\ lll bc al \axln illc\ (iraml ()lc ()pr}. ()b\ rouxl} nol qllllL‘;l\;lll\|1lcl(lll\;l\ llic (ilaxgou \cnuc.

I The Ga Ga’s, Freeview and Endorphin King lul'x \Vali \Vali llul. 373a Si \‘inccnl Sli'ccl. 331 537‘). Killlllii. L5. Mclodrc poucr rock lrom Iicadlmcrx 111C(i;l(i;l\. “ho hail lrom Japan. lira/i1. Somcrxcl and Birmingham.

I Diadem, June, Locker 30, Hatch and Sooth 'l‘lic (’alliouxc. l5 l'nion Slrccl. 34X (\(lllh, ".Sllpm. £4.51), (hm-14x \llll“. .-\llcrnali\ c rock linc-up. I Stand Up Guy, Spin Drift, Set in Silence and Madman is Absolute 'l'llL' 15111 Nolc (5:110. .511 ()1) Km; Sli‘ccl. 555 1035‘. ‘lpm. £3. llarilcorc. «Icalh and llil'a\h Inclal.

I Auuri, Dream Powder and Charlemagne Nicc‘n‘Slc-a/y 43l Sauclucliall Slrccl. 535 9037. ‘lpm, U. 1.oca| rock/pop lriplc lull.

I The Undecided, From Society Free and Roulette Slraubcrr} liicldx. 5h ()xuald Slrccl. (1845 (153 033‘). "..‘\llpui. £4. ()\cr-14\ \llim. Rock lriplc bill.

I Pedestrian, Silvertone and PUISO 1.oadcd. l.lqunl Loungc. 9-1 \\.L'\1 chcnl Slrccl. lllpm. £5 1L4 on doori. Shoucaxc ol' local al'll\l\. 1’1ux mod. indic. rock and will \Ulllkl\.

I My Legendary Girlfriend and 0 Without U Slal‘ka. 553 Brandon Slrccl. .\1ollicr\\ cll. (rims 3‘1» (i44. 9pm. £3. Scc Sal 3 for M) l.cgcmlai'} (iirllricml.

I Esther 'l'milcrbm. lb") 1%)rcx Road. 55‘) 51113. "Pill. i'il'L'L‘. .»\cou\lic \L'l lil‘om Ihc .-\\1non 1.auc \Uc'ulhl.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘hc- Scolra.

113 114 Stock“ c|1 Slrccl. 553 Nbfil. ‘1pm. l’rcc. Popular co\cr\.

I Battle of the Bands .\1ac.\‘or|c'\\. 43 Jamaica Sli‘ccl. 348 8581. 8pm. l-‘rcc. I Soulweaver 'l‘cliai ()\ na. 43 ()lago 1.anc. 35~ 4534. 8pm. [1.


I Won Mississippi, the Supergun, Speaking in Capitals and Par Avion 'l'hcc l'ndcrxmrld. Banucrman'x. Xiildr} Slrccl. 55h 3354. 8.45pm. [4. A mi\ of cmoliw rock of all \hapcx. \l/L‘\ and colour in llll\ commcndablc quadruplc bill of local llL“L‘r-t10-\\ cllx.

Friday 8


ODogs Die in Hot Cars, Fred and Huxley King link \\ah “ah llul. 353a SI Vinccnl Strccl. 331 53") \ ‘Hpm £4511 Scc pl‘cucu lor 1)o;_'~ [)1c 11] llol ('aix. a chirp} imlic qumlcl j3.illlL'llllf_' llllL'lC\1 aml column lllcllc\ luxl no“

I Vagrant, the Psychedelic Breakfast and Driverdown Haul}. 3m (lnlc Slim-L ox?) «)o' How xpm L4. ()\ci-14\ \hon lmlic lirplc lull Including; \cucaxlch l’\_\clicdc|ic llicaklau. \klro arc promoting: [licu ilcbul album In I m l( Smirk Him IN! :1! Lin/mum” \xluch “ax rccorilcd In c in onc lakc,

I Coconut University and Butcher Boy Sub Pop 1.caguc. lilacklrlarx. licll Slrccl. 553 5034 Xfillpm. £3. l)}L'kl-111-111L'-\\U(ll imlic club .\'alional l’op |.cag_'uc gocx ‘on lhc road' and 1111\11111L‘111L‘I’L'.\ l|\L' muuc

I Uncle John Whitelock l)l;.\l. Slcrco. 13 14 Kclunhaugli Slrccl. 57» 51118. 8pm. l'icc. .\'c\\ monllil} night (lL‘tllL'illel to rccrcalm; llic \pll'll ol Jauiaica in lhc \kC\1 cml o1 (ilaxgou 1 c. \onlc lakc palni lrccx and a ilub \oumllrack.

I Forced Asphyxia, Donphobia, Breakneck Speed and Desolation Yes Slraubcrr} lira-lib. 5h ( )\\\;1l\l Slrccl.1184511559380. “.Sllpm, (-1 ()\cr l-l\ \how .\1cla| linc-up.

I Kasule and Breschnev 'l‘hc I uh .\'olc ('al'c. 511 (ill King; Sli'ccl. 553 10“ 0pm. £3. l’oxl-rock \ouinlxcapcx uuh clcclromca clcmcmx.

I Taunt, Keitel and Ocean Diesel l‘ur} Murry. .\1a\\\c11 Slrccl. 331 (i511. 9pm. [4. including cnu‘) lo pm!- gig club. 'l'riplc lull ol upcoming local lllkllL' band»

I Blind Pew .\1c(‘11ui11\.4(l1|ig_'h Slrccl. 553 3135. lllpm. Mod/(ilk mundx. I Roost .\1acSor|c)\. 43 .lalnalca Slrccl. 34.\’ 3581. 8pm. l'rcc. Blucx rock, I The Duvets Samucl 1)o\\ 'x. o" "1 Nillixilalc Road. 433111117. H.5(lpin. l'il'cc. I The Fusion Experience liquid 1.oung_'c. 04 \chl chcnl Slrccl. 355 (633. (rpm. 1‘rcc. chrdcnc} Irom llux la// lunk “lo.

I Frank O’Hagan 'l‘hc Scum.

113 11—1 SlockucllSlrccl.5538081. 9pm. l-rcc. ('o\cr\ ol’1)_\1an. 111C Band. ('I'L‘L'tlL'llL‘L‘.


I Stovepipe, Nucleotides, Korova and Murnie 'l‘hcc l'mlcruorld. Banncrman\. Niddr} Succl. 550 3354. 8.45pm. £4. Sloxcpipc rock oul \\ 1111 clcmcnlx o1 \ka and rcggac m llic mi\. \url inxlrumcnlalx lrom .\'uc1colidc\. poucr punk lrom Korma and llic iiiipoxxiblc Io clamil} .\1urnic.

Saturday 9


I Zoot Woman and Sound Development Agency King lurk “all “all llul. 373a SI Vinccnl Slrccl. 331 53“). H.311pm. u». Jacqucx 1.u ('onl\ ubcr-Xllx x} lllll pop lrio. 11opc lllL'} all

\\ car marching lumpxllih and lim c \xcilgc lian'culx.

I Troika Nicc'n'Slcal}. 431 Sauchichall Slrccl. 553 903"; 9pm. L5. l’\_\ L‘llL‘ilL‘lic indic.

I UK Air C41... C" r' “r ’l‘hc 1.5111 NUIL‘ (K110. .51) (ill King Slrccl. 553 1038. 9pm. £3. .-\pp|icauon~ al lhc bar lor lhc (ilaxgoxx lical ol' lhcxc noblc championship»

I Cash Cow Barll}. 20o ('1}dc Sim-i. (1871) 01)? (100*). 8pm. Rock lrio l'rom ('anada.

I Sandstone and Mydas Slraubcrr) 1:1L‘ltl\. .5h ()\\\ald Slrccl. 1184.5 (1.55 “33”. 7.30pm. £4. ()\cr- l4x ~ho\\. ludic rock bill.

I Soul Saver, Marciano, Bigman and Glass 'I‘hc licrr). 43 (lulc l’lacc. 42‘) 11110. 9pm. £5. Local band bill including mclodic rockcrx Bigman.

I Jamie Barnes & Cochise \i.1c\«‘1l\"\\. $3 lainaica \liccl. 3-1\ \5\1 hpm licc lx’cxiilcnc} liom llic l\’1\1l

I Underwood \lacxuilcp. :: Jamaica \liccl, 31\ \5\1 \piii licc I The Strand lllc llall Hal. loo \\ooillanllx Road. 5hl 153“ ‘lpm licc I Thunderstruck \ainucl linu h" "l \illmlalc Road. 13* l11H“

\ mpin licc


I The Rab Howat Band lim-

1 11\l\'1\\i‘ll\l. llannciinan'x. \iikli} \liccl. 55h 135-1 ;pm licc Ion: \Iamlin; and (\llk'llk'l} popular co\ci\ l‘alhl

I Shatterhand \[‘I\l\‘1 \ \M-l» ( ‘c-llai 11.11.35\ \loriixonMimi-1“ ‘1‘] \pin U iiJlkl billing punk

I Whole Lotta Livi, Saz, Gods of Thunder and Spinal Pap 111cc

1 mlciuoikl. llannciman'x. \1\l\11_\ \Iiccl. 55b :354 \ 45pm L4 lilllk'kl a\ '1 “cm \11 \HKH" \ll \ik'ltll “CC/0111'. 11.\.1 llllell ol cl.1\\lc ioc lx.l11\lcil\k‘1\lli‘llllllt‘ likcx ol \(‘ |)(‘. Kl“ aml moic


ODaniel Johnston Slclco. I: 1.1 KclHllliaugllShch551‘ 511M .\pni LE lickclx liom .\1onoiai1. \lono. 13 klllf3\ (’oml \u- pichu loi cull luncxmilli l)amc1.lolin\lou

I Number One Son and Second Skin King: l’ul\\\a|i\\a1i 11111. 353.181 \mccnl Sliccl. 331 535‘) .\pm to ()xci l-lx \llo\\. \mnbci ()nc Son \lcxciibc llicmxchm ax \oul mclal‘ aml \xcic 1'.11\t‘tl(111.lllt‘Jl'l} dicl o1 Black Sabballi. llanlcorc punk. lord and 1.11”! \o Mom I The Alpacinos, Pencilhead and Keyanti llarll}. 3(ill(’1)ilc' Sliccl. 115"” UH" own " illpm £4. l’unk Imc up lcaluim; llic xka o\crlonc\ ol llic .\1pacino\amlllic}oullilu1 \ci\c ol l’cnclllicail.

I Frog Pocket, Hex and D- compute ll 11c l 511] \01c (.,11C. 511 (‘11 King Sliccl. 553 1er. ‘lpm L' V l'..l| blccilmg clccuonica bill. 11c\ arc 11c~ciibc11 ax Big Black lllelllllfJ llic .lc\u\ & .\1ar_\ (barn. \o kccp a \alc ill\l.lllk'k', I Regular Joe, Muwk and Ascend Slraubcrr) l'Iclilx. 5(i()\\\al\1 Sliccl. 11345115502511 “5111):” L1 ()\c'l 1‘1\ \110“. l’op'punk lmc up.

I Engine ‘l’hc Scuua. I I: I H Slockucll Slrccl. 553 M».\1.4pm. I'rcc. Rock \‘i\\L‘l\ rcxnlcnc}

I The Cobramatics ‘l'hc- Scolia.

113 ll-lSlHL‘ldH‘ll311111553th1 ‘Jpni. l‘rcc. Rock'u'ioll rcxnlcnc}


I Standard Life Rocks the Gardens RU\\ llt‘dllf lidllklfldllil. I’rinccx Slrccl (ianlcnx. 3 111.35pm. I‘Icc .\11\Ctl bag ol mdrc. cinch aml nibulc aclx all llll'illllel Ilic 11a}. lcalurin; .\n;_'c|. llic Sll(l\\\. ('Icancix. l’rimc (aux. Hop-c- .\1alri\.\1ullcrll}.\1oka. Krmlalx'mkx alkl 111C Rooxlk'l'x

I Alleschwindel, Gilded Lil and Kabuki 111cc 1‘ndcruorlil. llanncrman‘x. \nlili‘} Sliccl. 55h 2354 5.45pm. £4. .\rl rock cabarcl trom Kabuki.


I Hiding Place, Flu Jag and Rainy Day Box King 'l‘ul'x \\ah \\ah llul. 3"3a St \‘mccnl Slrccl. 331 53“). hpm ()\Cl'- 14\ \llll“.

I Unsanctum, Broken Oath, Burning Skies and Succulus 'l llL' 1.511) \illc (.tll-Ll'. .511 (‘11 King 511111.555 1635'. ()pm. L5. 1'.\lrcmc mclal 'liarilcorc. I Delta Croft Review Studio ()nc. (il‘ouc‘llol' llHlL‘l. (il‘ii\\CnUl' 'l'L'l'l‘aL‘L‘ Hill ll}rc\ Roadi. 541 0510 9pm. l‘rcc. lilucx. I Acoustic Jam Nicc‘n'Slc-ax). 43! Sauclncliall Slrccl. 533 00". 3pm. l'rcc. Will] a l'rcc drink ax mccnm c lor [lilrllclpillllx


'\ a cap 'ST":1$ Musrc

Die in Hot Cars \-


Daniel Johnston w " 2’

Electric Eel Shock l Luau

: ll '1 " " 11::11'13'1

l\' '\ 1.. i'l"' '1: i' (‘1-

’u' t“ r lanai l' s Trial ‘1’: fr iv 54‘ .' X, l! ,i

1/, I! I V I" [3 ill! V'FKI‘I

[ 1'": xi, 4" ’4' ’1 x;

I Open Mic I iqunl I Ullllij'. ‘14 \\c\l lx’cgcnl Slrccl. ‘5‘ (i i ii ‘lpin l'rcc \Uilhllc lllll\l\‘.]‘11\‘ll}.\‘1\


I 2/28’5, Buzzbomb, Ouik aml Little Moscow lllcc l llklk'HMlllil. llannciinan'x. \ulili} Sliccl. 55“ i354 .\.45pni L4. \Il.couiili} punk liom

/. 3.\\ aml llicn 1111\01 lcn gallon ll.ll\ amll 1'1) \llelllllj3\. bil ol punk horn lloncx§ llu/lbomb aml \kalc punk lioin .\bciilccn\ ()ink.

Tuesday 1 2


I The Pernice Brothers, Amy Allison and Super 8 King 'lul'x \\'ah “ah llul. 35.3.: S! \mccm Sliccl. 331 53“), .\pm, Lb. ('li.ii'iiiiii;:. mcloilic .\mciicana liom Ilic l’cimcc lliollich. \kllH icccnll} icconlcil llicn lllllll album luiux. llm. A ()III\ ma \llllllllcl liouw in \crmonl. Suppoil liom ilounliomc counlr} gal .\m} ,\lll\illl. rlauglncr ol \loxc .\1|i\on.

I Real Shocks, Fred and Electric Tibet Slcrco. 13 1.1 Kchmhauph Sll'k‘k'l. .57) 51115. bplll, chl’lancl Him [u'cwnl lliicc guilai rock combm

I Cayto aml Hail Caesar \icc‘n'Slca/y 431 Sauclucliall Slrccl. M: 1H) k". ‘lpm. Li ('urioih llc;i\ imrl.‘ liom (';i_\lo.

I Willow and Schizophonics 'l‘hc 13111 \«ilc (are. 51) (ill Kin}: Slim-1.55i 1018. ()pm. L5 ‘I'bc hcaillinch arc an indic rock combo lroin Salixbur},

I Quick 'l'llc llall lial, 1N) \Vooilltinilx Road. 564 1537. 0pm, l'l‘L‘L'.

I Any Chance 0’ A Coffee? 'l‘chai ()\ na. 43 (Mayo l,anc. K57 4534. 3pm. £1. l-olk} xingcr/mngurilcr cxcuing.

I Paul McCormack l‘lcanxccnc. 1‘) Skirung Slrccl. (133 80‘)”. 3pm, l'rcc. 1.;udback background \oumlx.

I Phil’s Session l'ixgc Bczillia. 353 \Vomllamh Road. 564 1596. 9pm. l-rcc. \Vcckl} lam.

a: .> -, THE LIST 19