Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore
Dominion: Edinburgh
13 NC“ 13.11111‘ VlL'lTIIL‘L'. 111 .51 44— 4-5—1 111111 11151 44— 2(1(111 .1011 44— 84511 (‘(' 0001.101: 11151 44" 4-."1 Rc~1.011.101 11.11 [1)] .I\11011.81.1011.0'11 L5 111'. 8010-1110: L5 (I11. 1’01110.10 L1I211I131-101c01110\100- '1‘1111.81.1011.1111 L5 .811. 8010-1101 L4 411. 1’0110100 L5 411I (HP 1 11411. 810011.011 L5 I811. 8001:1101. L4 (111; 1’111110.111 L5 211. ('110'111.151& 4 L4(111110-101c111110 L5 811. ('uII-Ium Mk 4 L4 410 (10111100. 810011.011 L4; 8010-1101. (10010.0 5 .k 4' L400 1111-101‘c (1100. 8100110111 L 5.80. 80111-11011 L4.411.1’01110.10: L5 201 1.0011} Ilt'kclx 0.111 .0 L14 1301011: (11310 001}
IHUHSDAY 7 Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde mm 3. 30. 5.30, 0.00
Nicholas lllckleby I1’( 11 " 30
Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas I l ' I 13 30_ 3.45. 5.00.
Tenninaior 3: Rise oi the Machine 1 I 3.\ I 13.50. 3.25. 0.115. .850. Veronica Guerin 1 101 3.00
5.45. 5.30.
111111AYI-1 11111113311AY 7.:
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 11’(iI
11.01): 1.30 .k 4 11111101 \Vt'dl. 8.511. Nicholas Nickleby I 1’1 1 1
11.01}: 8.00.
Rugrats Go Wild! 111
11:01}‘ 11.55010. 1.55. 5.55. 5.55. Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas II‘ 1 Hum: 1.111.
Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine I 1::\1 11.01}: 12.511. 1.25. (1.115. 8.511. Veronica Ouerin 1 IxI
0.01}: 3.00. 5.45. x30.
Filmhouse: Edinburgh
8.81.01111110R0.1I1.11151 22.8 20.8.8. 11.111 chlzuu'unl. |1i|. |1)|, .\1.00c\1'01033 \I‘I’cclunng L551) 1L4 8110 1121111011131. 15011} 10100033 wrccuulgxr L4.5111L5
800 1111111111}1. Malina-x: L5.5111L2
8110 1101 001\ 1'. 11111.0 11.02.1111 10.0101'cx: L2.5111L|.2111. ' ‘
1111111811AY .' AUG
1.Veronlca GuerinIIxI 3.30. 0.15. 8.4.5.
2. Sex is Comedy I IxI 330. 0.30. BoyvvondersII5I 11.30.
3. Standing in the Shadows oi Motown 11’(iI 3.00. .\‘.|5,
Mon-rak Transistor 1 I5I 5.45.
1. Veronica Guerin 1 1.\'I 3.30. 8.45.
2. Whale Rider 1 1’( 11 5.30. BoyvvondersII5I 11.30. 3.Solaris11’(0 3.00. MirrorIl5I 5.30. StalkerII’UI ".45.
1. Veronica Guerin 1 I.\'I 3.30. (3,-1.5. 0,1111.
2. Our Europe Programme 1 10w 3.00. Whale RiderII’III 4.15. 13.30. 3.45.
3. Mlfl‘Ol‘ 1 151 2.45. 8.15.
SolarisIPUI 5.00.
1.Veronlca OuerinIIxI 3.30. 4.35. 11.45. 11.00.
2. Our Europe Programme 2 111m 3.00. Whale RiderII’III 4.15. 030. 3.45. RussianArkII'I 5.30. 3.Klnden1vhoresIl5I SolarisII’uI “.45.
1.Veronlca GuerinleI 3.30. 11.15. 8.45. 2. Whale RiderII’GI 3.30. 0.30.
Our Europe Programme 3 111k‘1 1100. 3. RussianArkII‘I 3.00. 3.15.
16 'I'HE LIST “ '-'. 51...:
Kindervvhores 15I (I ‘III
1.Veronica Ouerin IxI (315. 5 45
2. Our European Programme 4 IIII. II 00 RussianArkII 515
3. Whale RidefI1’(II 5.15. .x :0
1.Veronica OuerinleI 015. 3.15 2. Whale RiderIHiI 1100, .\ :0 3. StalkerII’1‘II “ 30
The Edinburgh lntemational Film Festival runs from 13-24 Aug. For more lniorrnation see the Film Section in the Festival Magazine.
Institut Francais d’Ecosse
l 1 R.11111111P11(.I'LNL'L'HI. 225 5 51113
La Sociolgle est un Sport du Combat
11101 0000
Odeon Wester llalles: Edinbu I h
“1‘515111L' 1’1.1/.l. 1.2”“1'511'1'110111‘5 R0011. “C5111 11.1111‘x. 115511 511511 1111". [1)]. .-\11011\’ L5 211:111'101'1'10110 L550 ('1011111-011;\1’I810111'01. L550 1.0011} 101.11 L15; 111-101100101 L1 51. 131'101‘1‘ (I100 L12. 11.11;.001).1_\ 10c: L1.211.111\c.0\ 1’1‘1' 0000 \hmu: L 1.211
Agent Cody Banks I 13.I\I 1.30.
Daddy Day Care 000 300. (I311 0,10. The llqu 1 12:\1 5.00. .\.00.
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 000 1.30. 3.40. II 30. x40,
Piglet’s Big Movie 111 1.30.
Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I I3.\I 3.10. 4.10. 5.10. 710. .\'.10.
Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas 11') I3 30. 3 30.
Spy Kids 3D: Game Over I I 'I 1.30. 3.50. 11.00. 3.00.
Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine I 12.’\1 1,00, 3. 30. 3.30. 5.00_ 11.00. “.30. 0.30.
11111)AY1«1-111URS11AY ‘4 Agent Cody Banks 1 I3.\I
H.111}: 12.511,
American Pie: The Wedding I 15I 800& 1110: 8311. Bruce Almighty I 13.’\1 1‘11. 8.0 N .\100 Wed: Daddy Day Care I1’(;I D011}: 1.05.
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 11’(11
11.111}: 5.25. (3.211. 8.45,
Piglet’s Big Movie II'I
11.01\: 1.011,
Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I 13.-\I
0.1le: 1.10. 3.00. 4.10. 5.00. “.10_ .\‘.00'.
Rugrats Go Wild! II'I
11.01}: 2.55. 4.511. (1.411.
Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas II' 1 1);01\: 1.55.
Spy Kids 3D: Game Over I I 'I
0.01}: 1.30. 3.50. 11.00. 0.00. Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine I 1:.'\1 11.011: 1.10. 3.40. 3.40. 5.10. (110. “40'. 3.40.
What a Girl Wants IP10
1).111_\: 5.1111 (1.15. 8.411,
Ddeon: Edinburgh
5‘ (1011 81111111151 (01— 11‘)- I. 111111111111 (103001.101: 11.821151151111117 1101'. [1)] wrccux 2 .1011 5. .\111111: L530 110'1011' 5010 110‘ 1101: L41. (’010‘x'010111: L520. 11.033010 l).1_\ I‘m-1'} ,\100: L520. 1.0011} 101.00 001'} 11.1} 00111 “010: L14.
Agent Cody Banks I l3.-\I 13.30. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I l 3.\ 1 13.30. .\‘.50.
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde II’(‘II 13.10. 3.30. 4.30. 0.40. 11.00. Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I I3.-\I 3.10. 5.4.5. 5130.
Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas II' 12111. 215. 415
Spy Kids 30: Game Over I1 II 45.00. 1 45. ‘45. 545. " 4.5 Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine I 13I\I 1130.00. 1.511.-110.030. .550
The Actors 15I \10110u‘ 101‘ 11 1111.00
American Pie: The Wedding I 15I
8110 .\ 1101 81111
The ilqu 13.\I
111. 8.0 & .\l00 “L01 81111
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde ll)( I
1).:le 330, 4 30. 1140. «I 00
Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I 13,-\I
11.01} 11 211.00. 2.211. 5211. I8 211 Rugrats Go Wild! I 1' I
11.01} 1310. 3011 350, 540
Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas I‘ I 11.01\ 12111
Spy Kids 3D: Game Over I I ' I
11.01): 0000. 2.1111. 4.1111. (1111. Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine 1 1:.'\1 1).ul\ 11 511.00. 1 511. 4 111. (1511. 8.511 Whale Rider 0% 11
1X01) .8'. 511
Scotsman Screening Room
800100.10 110111 211 \01‘111 111'111g1‘. 550 55115. L(I.5111L.‘~5 1111't‘11.111111.1guc 1'1'1'1‘111100 .0111 IuII-I'IIIHNC 111001‘1‘. .leII 0011' (01000‘10'1'xul (313011.
SUNDAY 'L. AU(‘I Some Like it Hot 11’( 11 ".30.
Ster Century: Edinburgh
(hm-.10 '1‘1'1'00001. (kt-.10 1001'. 1.1110. 11151 55111"1111..I\11011: L551) 1111-1011- 5010 8100 HI {4.501. ('10111 10011c1‘ 151I(‘010'1‘\\100\: L5, 81101cul: LX511. 1".1001} lu‘kCI: L14. K111\('|111\:L1.
THURSDXW .' Agent Cody Banks I 13m 10.00.1111. 13.15. 2.45. 5.15. ".45
BruceAlmightyIIMI 3.10. 11.15. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I 13.I\I 3.50. 0.30. 0,50. DaddyDayCareIHII 1110.00. 1.10. 310. 5.10. 7.10. The "u'k112:\1 ".50.
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 11’(iI 111.211.1111. 12.511. 5.211. 5.511. .8211. Piglet’s Big MovleII'I 1005.00. 13.05. ‘05
Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I I3.-\I 11.30001. 1330. 3.311. 3.30. 5.40. (1.30 0.40. 11.30. Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven SeasII'I 10.10.00. 1310. 3.10. 4.10. (110. Spy Kids 30: Game Over II'I 10.15.00. 1215. 2.15. 4.15. 0.15. .8215. Tenninaior 3: Rise oi the Machine I 13m 101111.00. 111511010. 115110111. 12.511. 1.00. 3.00. 3,00. 3.30. 4.30, 5,30. (1.00. ".00. .\.00. 0,30 1130.
The Wild Thomberrys II‘I 10.10.00.
FB'DAY 8;IE11J.B$D£3Y-L£
Agent Cody Banks I 1.2.'\1
1).01_\: 10.00010.
American Pie: The Wedding I 15I 8110 1k Thu: 10.40400. 1240. 2.40. 4.411. (1.411. 8.411.
Babe 11’1
1);01_\: 1111111010.
Bruce Almighty I 13m
1);111_\: 11.1111.
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I 12:\1 11:01}: 4.25. (I55. 8151001 8001‘: 11101. 11.15.
.'\1\11 1tllL' 151'] ck Sill: 111.5“.
Daddy Day Care II’( 11
111511010. 1.511. 4.511.
0.1111: 10.15.1111. 12.15. 2.15. Far trom Heaven I 13.11 310111160 “1:11: 1 1.5111111).
The llulkI13.-\I
D011}: 4.411. “.411.
Mm 101C 1‘1‘1 1k 801: 111.511.
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 11’(}I
11.01}: 10.211010. 12.511. 8.211.
Mm 1101' 1'11 IL 801:
5.211. 5.511.
The Matrix Reloaded 15 10 .\ 8.0 1010 Plglet’s Big Movie 1 111. 8.0 .\ \100 “ml
Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl 13 \I
111 25.1111. 12 25.
11.01} 111211.00. 11511.00. 1211. 2511. .130. 5511 ":0. 5511
\1~01.01‘1'11.\ 8.0 111211 RugratsGoWildlII'I
11.111\ 11 111.011. 1111. 5111. 5111. 5111
Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas I I I 111. 8.0 .\ \100 \\c.1 4 0_5_ 005 11.01\ 111115.00. 12115. 211.5
Spy Kids 30: Game OverIl'I
11.01\ 111111.00. 12111. 2111. 4111. II 10'. .\ I0
Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine 13.\I 11.01} 111 511.00. 11 511.101 1001 “1:111. 1330. 1011, 31111. 3011. 3 30. .1 30‘ 531111011 ‘00. 81111‘ 53111130 .'\1\1‘1.|1C1'11i\ 3.11 111 511
What a Girl Wants .100
11.01} 1045.00. 115. :45.
K101101111 1’.0'k. \I‘\\t'1.113311.111 R0011. 111 11 (WHIP-— [mm ‘\ Buukmg 11.851111 111211511 [1)1 ~\111|1l\ L5251.\11111 1'11 .1111'1 5pm .1011 8.0 .k 800 1111000001110 L4 25 I.\100 111 131-1011- 513111.111118.11.\ 800131-1011- 111011 80011-110 L 1 ‘15 1\l00 1110 1k 111 8.0 01011113311000131
().\1’ (10111 L 5 (I5
(115. .\ 45
001050.0’ ' Agent Cody Banks 1 12\1 11 115.110. 1 25. 5.4.5. (1115.
Bruce Almighty I 13.-\I .100, 1130. 0111 Daddy Day Care 11’(11 11 50.101. 3.00. 4,311 (1_511_ x 40
The HulkII3.\I 1310. 34111110015 KolMllGayaIIII.-I 1.30. 500. .5“ 30 Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 11’(}1 11.40.00. 2111. 4 411. "1111, ‘1211 The Matrix Reloaded I 151 x 50.
Piglet’s Big MovleII'I 11 10.00. 1.05. 2.50. 3.30.
Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl 1 12.-\1 11 111.00. 11111. 3.30. .130, 5.10. 3.00, 1100
The Powerpuii Girls 11’(iI 11 1111.00 Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas 11.1 11211.00. 1.211.
Spy Kids 3D: Game Over I l 'I 1045.00. 13.50. 3.00. 5.10_ 530. 1140 Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine I I 3.-\ 1 11155.00. 12.111. 1.311. 5.111. 4111. 5.511. (1.50. 0.30 «mu Wrong Turn 1 1.81 " 111 (1.211
I-RIDAY ii—THUHSUAY I 2 Agent Cody Banks I 1:.'\1
111. 8.0& .\1011 “1'11: 11511.00. 2,211 American Pie: The Wedding I 15. 800 Ik 1101: 11.50.00. 2 15. 5.45. 4.45.
(1.15. “.15. 8.45. 1145.
Bruce Almighty I 1::\1
11.01): (1451001'1‘uctk “0111. ‘1211. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I 1:.'\1 11.01}: (1.45 10011100. ‘1111 Daddy Day Care 11’( 11
1'11. 801k 511111 “1'11. 55.1111. The iiqu I 13m
1).01_\: 3.40.
I Capture the Castle IP10 8110: 4.1111.
110': ".011.
K01 Mil Gaya 111‘L‘1
D011}: 120. 5.111. 8.311. Legally Blonde I i3I
1).:11}: 12.15. 2.35. 4.511. ".00. The Matrix Reloaded I 15I
1'11. 801 (k .\100 “1'11: 8.45. Plglet’s Big Movie Il'I
D011}: 1111111110. 1111. 5.011. 5011. Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I I3.-\I
1).01_\: 11,111.00. 1.1111. 2.111. 4.511. 5.411. 8.1111 91111.
Rugrats Go Wild! II'I
D00}: 0000. 2.011. 411110018001, Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas II ‘I 1).01_\: 11.311010. 1.40.
A10» 10.010cc 1‘0. 801 1& M00 \Vcd: 3.45. SpyKldsBDzeameOverII'I
1)::11}: 11.40.00. 2.111. 4.211. (1.511. Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine I I3.-\I 1);:11\: 111111.110. 12.511. 1.311. 5.111. 400'. 5.50. 11.30. 0.30. 11.30.
1) 30.