n's‘s‘pm'o‘ ‘ ii (12) 96 min .....
t" l.t"\.t: ll ’ °' ‘( Woman on the verge .r'ttww. 'a'. ": In the last year and a half, Rome- "l‘he community was guilt-stricken. .'\nd they born writer_director Emanuele started to pray for her return. Then. suddenly. she
reappeared from the sea thanks to the force of their prayers. I found the story symbolic of how the
Crialese has been scooping
awards on the festival circuit for communin tried. without being conscious of it. to his remarkable second film, change. I wanted to giye the idea that only by
accepting difference can a community really adyance.‘
:\s the only professional actor in the cast. Valeria ct on the Sicilian island of l.ampedusa. a stark. (iolltto. whose long career has spanned liuropean art lt'cclcss rock in the middle of the house and Hollywood sc‘ltloc‘kbttslc‘t' (HUI .S'lmls.’ I’ur! Mediterranean. (‘rialese‘s film fuses the neo- Hem). was conscious of what it inust be like for
realist tradition of fellow Italian Roberto Rossellini (Bra/ia to stand out from this conservative crowd.
Respiro. Words: Jason Best
with the poetic spirit of South American magic 'ln little communities rules are more eyident realism. That the film‘s origins were largely the result because the people have to cope with each other very of happenstance makes ('rialese's achieyement all the closely} she obserycs. ‘And they‘re more isolated on alarm/(2'Juicer 'l‘,‘i«lll W: more singular. an island. There are rules that come from traditions - .":E)(,"él.'",t: u‘ 'n,".' 2'. :f ,Ulr
.-\fter nine years in New York. where he studied men do certain things. women don't. (Era/.ia breaks rm; a "apt/1. murmur: of aging”. film and made his first feature: Heart/ms. a low the rules. That will make her stand out more than in a "(:5 ":<'tl|‘;" Lam 'téétti", budget romantic comedy. ('rialese had a strong desire big city where we take these things for granted.‘ ready: to return to his natiye country. Looking for a place to ‘But at the same time. (ira/ia has a playground W.- "I'" .0", gun a? who. he fell upon Lampedusa. there. Because she is on an island. she has what she cam/w f”: " ,f'u 4‘ "i: v'
‘I was supposed to be there fora loyes the most. which is water: “fix-e slaw: 7w,- vwr sutf' ’; a ll month.’ he rcyeals. ‘Jtist to chill out. (They are not clearly water is her element. There is rift-1' “<,.'"'rg:,’,2:l‘,.'."‘: .‘.“,'t=‘:t- and then go back to Rome. to my also a looseness and a warmth about uuarwr; tn.- '3”.- '}:'!f, friends. iny family and all the things a the place. If she was liying in New fins”; .-.'°.' ’,;x';:t,r'ui:r "’,’l for.- people that l loye. .-\nd I stayed and York. probably she would haye a 'rar‘la'vf .'."‘Il‘:‘.’.l:!,',,',!’;:itt. there for si.\ months.’ harder time finding her playground.‘ ur- ‘ua Law». Vat/r," 7; lul’lf,
l.i\ing on the island. (‘rialese mather ShOUId In playing (Era/ia. (iolino didn’t "an: vm/i‘; mm "x became fascinated with the “mm [0 pi” he]. mm.” m a Spccmc .;./,1,j\;.1...,,§,._.\‘(.£ .W .1; mm“ inhabitants and their way of life. I . medical condition and make her mil" warnrais vegmwt’ and knew he wanted to make a film communlty diagnosable. Like the film itself. she cut 9‘ T’YBZIXLI off/v: about them. Then he came across a ' ’ is elusiye and multifaceted. ‘ruto WM: “xx/WW "/‘A‘W‘fz timeless story that would become releCted her. ‘l)cbending on )‘our perspective. C'alem:nearest“hex/10'fauf "‘9 him“ 0'. R"~“I’l""- she can he many things. She can be a tame I'~ a Iiiffwrt curt ‘l'u
‘lt wasn‘t clear whether it was true or a legend. woman-child with a yery great capacity for Grazia mm mm: saw: arm in whether it took place three years ago or a hundred enchantment. for beauty. for freedom. .-\t her best. 'Y1Eil‘in’1‘5/089’17 H0": 8'“: years} says Crialese. that‘s what she is. Seen from another point of \‘lCW. name 1’. m A? “flair; vr:
‘lt was the story of woman who was \ery much she‘s definitely someone with a chemical imbalance. the sea. sr“; x 'l“:’ll'£:1(}-lti’(:. loyed by her husband and her family but who was an someone who doesn’t know how to cope with her treats"- am seductive. but also object of suspicion to the community becatise she did feelings as an adult. 'l‘here's a line in the movie: ‘eawi. SW.- ‘f'v; islanders weird things. in their eyes. like walking barefoot '\\'hen's she‘s happy. she's too happy. and when she's scaregcat. rm: ': 1w; ‘. alone. going to the beach alone. .\'ot things that a wife sad. she's too sad.‘ "EU'lTl'Q‘: beautiful U "ICILA'SIQH. and mother should do. So the communin rejected saw; as am their senator her. Then she disappeared. leaying her clothes on the UGC, Glasgow and Edinburgh from Fri 8 Aug. I VJGC. G/asgowand Edi/inurgh beach'. See review. frw‘ Fr '5 Aug 85%: pro/rem.
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