A New Sales Opportunity withm 11 l The Scotch Malt Whisky Society


To find out more about living and working in argyll ft bute visit us at

Mail Order Sales Team

Do you have at least two years experience working in a busy sales


wt. 3". an essential. as the main focus of the role is to receive and process

envrronment’ An experienced and committed sales person is

Hall Manager

‘e redto itl S't' .l 'd*'.l n rimao - £21,132 + 12.5% shin allowance ' q”' '0” ‘0 O” ’5 'm' 0' U 3"” mm

Excellent customer care. telephone manner and acCuiacy are

3!) hours per week to be worked in shifts including weekends

Curran llalls, ()ban Equal Opponunnm Employ"

A 'no smoking' policy is operated

orders for memberships whisky. event tickets and flat bookings

Yoi Will he res )onsilile for the manai ement and )erform.‘inee of the l I l l Uh Salary depending on experience (plus pension and benefits)

(‘oiran llalls in terms of standards, speeified targets, quality systems ~ -‘_\ Please send CV and covering letter by l3 August to:

performantes and bookings i.'.ithin the (‘orran llalls through the * Charlotte Halliday The Scotch Malt Whisky Soaety

and eustomer satisfaction You \'.|ll develop a programme of actor lies,

marketing plan and through positive eontaet vath external organisations You ‘.'.:II also aet as .ieei‘see

and ensure that all statutory and lieensing requirements are met

\lembership of llA‘\.l or another appropriate body is essential preferably ‘.'.llll a gualrfieation in a leisure related field and also an arts development and multiuse leisure liaekground A \Jllfl drising lieenee -s essential. You must have 7 years' experience in a similar environment ineluding theatresfhars,

87 Giles Street Edinburgh EH6 682

For further info or to e-inail your application

eommunity facilities as Wt'll as marketing, financial and programming experienee 5 years' managerial experience would llt' an advantage. Ref: 091095).

Hall Supervisor (Operations)

£239.32 per week

contact charlotte.halliday@smws.c0m

Curran llalls, ()ban

We offer a great opportunity for the right person to develop their skills Ill a leisure t'll\.’lltlfllllt'fll llie (‘orran Ilalls, recently partly refurbished, provrdes a challenge and you ‘.‘.‘lll be part of a lt'all‘. developing aeeess to the arts in one of the finest locations in Scotland.

You should preferably possess a formal leisure qualification. You must have experienee Ill planning of work, customer care, superyising staff and team leadership in a inulti use t'll\,lt(itllllt'lll lxperienee in leisure facility operations and knowledge of leisure seiViees, of organising teams and trainer skills \'.(Jli'(l bean advantage. A valid driVing lieenee is desirable. Ref: [)[4096

Successful applicants will be subject to Disclosure Scotland vetting For a recruitment pack for both posts call 01546 604330. Closing date for above posts is Friday 8th August 2003.

What did you do last night? Went for a pint?

Watched Eastenders? Nothing much really?

I/ie Courier! welcomes (rpp/ierifions from Nee. Deri/ /l/)/)il(‘tlll[\

/ If you can spare a couple of hours once a week during the t.‘\.’t‘lllll’l or at the weekend. then Big Brother's h. Sisters needs yllll

We prowde adult volunteer mentors to children aged (5 to if) from lone parent families Being a mentor is about being a mate-

haVIng a laugh and doing everyday things like playing football l Visrting galleries or leSl haying a chat

I u n e I s u c - , You could make a huge difference to a young person's lllf: . We are particularly short of male mentors - w I t h t h e U K s N O 1 ' although we welcome all éi[)l)ll(i<’ill()n$ I Glasgow: Amanda Kaple 0141 424 3323 . . . , . . . , iEdinbur h: Pe s Baile 0131 556 2636 -' v‘ Capital Radio plc is the UKs leading commerCIal radio group and we re K g g y /

focused on building our key brands through0ut the UK. One of these is

the Capital FM Network which combines the best local output with Administration Assistant

Visit our website or contact: big Dromefs

8 Sisters

innovative syndicated programming.

As a key part of our ongoing plans. we have a new role at Beat 106. the Sound of Young Scotland.

We‘re looking for an experienced Producer. based in Glasgow. who can help us to develop the station in the region.

You will have excellent production skills and have a working knowledge of digital editing systems. You will have a broad knowledge of specialist music. You will need to be a self-motivator and able to use your own initiative. be enthusiastic and a good team player. A creative individual. you will be able to generate new production ideas and be innovative and must also have a flexible approach to working hours. Ideally you should have some experience of location recording and outside broadcasts.

If you can bring genuinely innovative ideas to our business, write with your full CV to Meridith Law, Human Resources, Capital Radio plc, 30 Leicester Square, London WC2H 7LA by 14th August 2003.

A unique opportunitny ioin Scotland’s leading exerif Organisers. You must be keen, well Organised, efficient, a good communicator and flexible. You will need to have good admin skills, fast and accwate typing, be computer literate and preferably hold a clean driving licence.

Our Current pi‘oiecfs include MTV Awards, Capital Christmas, The National Trust for Scotland events, Scotland in Italy and Edinburgh's Hogrncinay

This position will be offered as an initial 1 year contract, with 3 month probationary period.

SEND YOUR LETTER AND CV TO: Penny Dougherfy, Unique Events Ltd, l7-23 Calton Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8DL

Closing Date: 15 August 2003



105.7- '06.!

heat 106 in.