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CONTEMPORARY ABSTRACTION Glasgow Print Studio. Glasgow. until Sat 9 Aug 000.

Pavilion for Public Transport (Reitveld Bus Shelter) by Toby Paterson

Contemporary Abstraction is an exhibition conceived by the art historian John Calcutt and artist Adrian Wiszniewski. The idea arose following the pair’s discussions over contemporary art. They agreed that much of the recent work they found most interesting embodied the aesthetics of pure abstract art. This exhibition aims to delve beneath the surface, exploring further the underlying and varied concerns over content inherent in the

works on show.

Sound and rhythm appear to be common concerns to many of the artists selected. Sue Tompkins’ framed drawings are an exploration into this. with the brightly coloured marks and patterns evocatively echoed through the accompanying text. Victoria Morton‘s Vertical Pulse also echoes. through colour and form, its title. Rhythm is also a dealt with in Katy Dove‘s seemingly random selection of colourful marks. Through their distribution in the space these drawings appear to physically map out a tempo, with the eye creating the animation. Hayley Tompkins' dark, swirling watercolour is reminiscent of a 7 inch single, with its incongruous placement on a triangular board playing with our cognitive instincts.

The formalistic concerns of space found within all the selected works create a unity, and on closer reflection reveals deeper connections. Through juxtaposing these different approaches, new and intriguing readings can be made. The specific curatorial vision results in a fresh and rewarding exhibition, with experimentation being of primary concern.

(Sorcha Dallas)

National Treasures: Masterpieces from the National Gallery of Scotland l'nlil Sun I7 Aug. .v\n mhihiiinn HI l\\cl\c inaxlci'picccx «in loan l'i'nin lhc \(iS lcalin‘ing .lan \"ci'incci'\ (’liriil III I/li' l/UIIH' (If .l/(ll'lllil (Illil .I’ilI‘L .IUIIII Singci' Sai'gcnl'x lm/x .‘Ig'lli'n u; IJH'II/Iilli' and pui‘li‘aih h} l-i'anx llalx. The Story of Whistler and Burrell l'nlil Sun l.\‘ .lan. .«\n c\hihilinn iii \Vhixllcr'x \\0l'l\\ cullcclctl h} Sir William lini'i‘cll l‘caluring m ci‘ ll) \\Ui'i\\_ nimi nl \\ hich haw nni hccn pi'cx inuxl) tlixpla) cd.

GLASGOW SCIENCE CENTRE 50 Pacific Qua). 420 Still“. I)ai|\

Illain (ile. [5.50 iii iu L‘ini. Mental l'niil Thu ‘1 Sup. .lli‘nm/ ix an inxlallaiinn \xhich l'nxcx an and \cicncc crcalcd h} laxhinn tlcxignci' Ilclcn Stui'c} and IiL‘l‘ \ixlcl‘ Kaic. a I'L‘wal'ch hinlngixl al Dundcc l'iii\ci'\il_\. “hich allth )mi in c\plni'c human crcali\il_\. cinnlion and l'ccling.

THE HIDDEN GARDENS 'l‘i'anma}. 25 Alhcit l)i‘i\ c. (ls-15 3300501. 'l‘uc Sun Illain Spin.

The Hidden Gardens Smilanth lIl'\l \anciuar) gai'tlcn dctlicalcd In pcacc ci‘caicd in cullalmralinn \\ ilh n\a organixalinn. Iantlxcapc ai'chilcctx ('ii} |)c\ign ('unpcraln c. ihc local cuminunil} and a [cam oi~ :li'li\l\. 'l'ranxl'nrining a dcrchci industrial \ilc

ailinining 'l'i'anma}. lhc (iai‘ilcnx cuinpi'ixc a cnnlcinplaliu' gai‘dcn \\ ilh th‘tilL‘ulL‘tl ill‘l\\ui‘k\.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER licllahunxlun Park. Ill lhnnhrcck Road. 353-173, l)ail_\ Illain Spin. [3.51) (£2.5(li.

Will Maw l'niil 'l'hu 3| .lul. I'Ileil'dllH' prinh h} \Vill .\la\\.


l‘nixci'xil} :\\cnuc. 33ll-1321. \lun Sal 0.3mm Spin.

Lord Kelvin: A Life in Science l‘nlil \Vcd 3| l)cc. :\n c\hihilinn til lhc \cicnlilic inxli‘unicnlx. lll\t‘llll(\li\ and palcnlx ll\L'ti h} (ilaxgmx '\ I;llll(ill\ [li'tiIL‘\\Ul' oi pinxicx. \Vilhain 'l‘hnnimn. The Fine Art of Porcelain l'nnl Thu -1 Scp. .-\n c\hihilmn nl picccx li'nni lhc (ilaxgim l’nllci‘} imncd h_\ .l and .\I I’L‘l'xnn HUI], “how lca \L'I\ \\ L‘i‘t' an ahwlulc maxi-Inn c in lhcn' hc} tla} il.\'~ll I‘ll l l.

MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kchin Hall. I liunhnuw Road. IN" 272”. Mon 'l'hn & Sal Illain Spin; l'l'l & Sun 11am 5pm.

Fire! l‘nlil Sun (i Jul. ‘I‘hc Iil\liil_\ nl lii‘clighnng in lhc \xcxi oi Scotland I\ tlncuincnicd in liil\ c\hihiiinn lcalin'ing a l.c) land l-‘n‘cinaqci' cnginc gil'ictl in ihc llili\L‘liill h) ihc Sli';itlic‘l)tlt‘ Inc Bi‘igatlc and nhlcch lmin ihc paxl and pit‘u‘lll.


High \iiccl. \\" 31% Inc \.'.l

lilain *iini. \iin .‘ ‘pni licc Artists Astray l mil \llll .‘n i k: \ tlixplai ml \Ki‘li\\ on inii‘ci tici‘i. Inn c\nIit i.iiI\i\\.1PC\ i‘_\ \aiiwm .tlil\i\ Fresh l lllli \un .‘h ( )ti lx’.'..'iil .l\l\lli||‘ll\ lu lhc tullct llHll

Zoolab \.1l _‘ \Lin l ' \u:' l)l\\\"-t‘l lhc uniltl nl llllllli‘t‘.i\l\ lc.iluiiii~' .i l.ll1}'t' ml ticci‘_\ \l.i\\il\'\ \l \\ \Hl )\\


(ilavjuv. (iiccn.“1ll 3 Hull llni t\ \al Illani fliin. | l! .\ \iin

ii.llll <l‘lll

Heidbangers and Heroes I lllli \nn 3] \n;' \ il}'ill ilt'Jlit'ti luuk .il iii.- lilc~l_\lc\ HI I Linkic \Iillci .llhi \l.-\ Hanc}. lun ml (ilawim \ lllH\l Linium

\Hllj.‘\\lllt'l\ .liItI [‘t'llitlillt‘l\ ili'lll ilit- Tll\


\Ill\t'lllil ()l l till\.lIlUIl. I.“ \\llii.illki Sliccl. 3x" INN! \Inn Hni .\ \.il Illani <pin. I ll .\ Sun ll.nn “pin

36 Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2002 l nlil \nn 3 \ii;' \ tlixpla) nl winc ml lhc illlk'\i llll.l_‘_'t‘\ ml \\ iltllilc caplnictl «in \JiIIL'IJ

We Have Fun I iilil \nn Ill \ii;' \n t'\Illi‘lIli|ll nl liill\ll.llli‘ll\ lni l athlintl l‘lll‘ix\ h} Ham \\ llll‘Ilt'iki It'Jlllllllf.‘ HILL‘IIIJI .lll\\iili\ iHl /i.'.'.'i /\’i i.” /\’i.:'m.j lll'l'll. lilt' .l\i\t'llllll\‘\ HI i’t'lt‘l .llltl Lilit‘ and lhc .llllllUl \‘icncc lnmkx


3 (‘axllc \lit't'l. *‘3 3“” \lun Ihii .\ Sal Illain flan. I ll .\ \nn llain ‘iini Faithfully Yours I lllli Iliu 3ll ( )ti \ [Illlililt'l.l|\il_\ c\hihilinn ilut lllllt‘lillllf.‘ thllcicnl .l\[‘t'\’l\ ml icliyinm \‘\|‘lt'\\lilli lunnd in .lllii .lIl‘lIIlii (ii.l\f_'ll\\


[53 \t'lilt‘l}.‘.llt'. HI W3 *mwnn lllt' .\ \\L'ti. Sal t\ Sun Ill 3llani 31min. lhn t\‘ I'll lll3llain Spin.

OThomas Demand 1 mil Sun I“ .\n;:. lhc ill'\l Ili.||i\l wln \Ilnu lll llic [K h) lhc (icinian .illl\l iiiUliI.l\ chiantl, l'xing' culniiictl pach l)t‘lll.lllti lt't‘iilhllllt'h lHHllh .lllkl «iliicch and lhcn [\Iiiiiujfl'dl‘ih ihcni _‘.‘l\ lllt' lhcni .i \cnihlancc ml hcingg IlHlll .innlhci “HIM St‘t' iillll\l

Nikolay Sardamov l nlil .\nn ' \cp Ii )nc l'i\c Inn \hupi. .lc\\cl|ci_\ |i_\ Hulgaiian .lll|\l and tlt'\l}'lit'l \iknla) Sai'tlanim


.'\Ii‘t‘i'l Squaw. HI 38.? 413.‘,ll.\1 \Iun \al Ill.3llani 5pm; Sun IS 3!! Ipin. Hm I”. Want “pin,

Ode to the North Wind l nlil \\'ctl 3| |)cc. \n c\hihniun illlelllfJIlllllfJ Huntlcc'x cullccliun ul Illih ccnlin} nil painlinz'\ .ilnii;'\itlc changing: tlixpla_\\ nl \\.llL'l\l‘iHlll\ .lllti “min on papci,

Revealed -Ten Years of Collecting l’nlil Sun 3| \cp .\n nmghl iniu \\ lhc \lc\l.inn\ (|L‘i'lL‘\ h.i\ c hccn cullctlinf: IHi lhc paxl lcn )cai'x. lligghlighix inclntlc ;il\'ll;lt'0ltlj_'lc;ll inalciial uncaiihcd in Huntlcc'x High Sliccl. a nimlcl ul lhc iccuitl hit-akin}: \caplancx. lhc \I.ii.i gillti \It‘l't‘lll'} .ltl Huck RUl‘t'illeK l‘L‘tllIL'\l ul c\ulic l‘llllt'l'lilk'\


Rnci‘xnlc l)ii\ c. H] Ix: Sam M .\Inn Sal Illain -1.3llpni

Three Painters him in 15 .\u; .-\n c\hihninn HI “(nix h} l l/ \nlc. Izlhcl \lai’} \\ch\lci and .-\n;_'n\ .\lactlnna|tl


Outside the Cities STENTON GALLERY

«A \x.»‘\'. |\_- ‘_ ~ \m. 1":.

Summer at Stenton I " \\..- ~ \\.1\ \ \.,‘ ., ._ \,\:...... .. .,



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Fabulous Fabrics l \' ‘l \ .‘ \': .‘l‘tt“":i I: i‘ .- -:L i' 33‘ i " “hunt. (in

Laura Ford I NC \.;- n \‘1‘ \ n i:i\r.;32.;':~ wt M .:

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Calum Colvin: sacred and

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Summer Craft I mu? \m “. \-;- \il\.u'. .:il .'\'!ii‘\ilwii lam-an” ~~'i‘xi \t'lctlinnwl 'ilt'i‘fifl i:i.~1!‘.":.;‘~:.;:‘.

\twilixh Ami.

Check out the great



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