Clubs IlSlIlIgS

Glasgow Saturdays continued

OSubculture a! lhc \IIlI (‘luh

llpIII iaIn LIN \M-ckl} \x onc ol IlII- \L'l} lL'\'- l)L'll|'ll l)Jx IlIaI gratclull) IIIII'IIIIIIIglc onIllIIl dccp llllll\k' and Innhrc Iadcn Iuhno. \lIkc (IIaIII Ix a hug lllll\l\ hcad and llllliualul. and hux al \uhtullurc on 3 .\ug llk' \Iax paII ol IhI' oIIgInal l)L'llHll lu'hno onxlaughI uIIh llI'IIuk .\la}. .luan \lkInx. .lcll .\lIllx and KL'Hll \aundcrxon (IIanI gol xIaIII'd II_\ IIIakIng ll|l\ lapI-x unh lIIgh \kllllill lIIcnd lllakI- Baum and h) WM llt' hcld a IL‘\l\lk'llt_\ .Il l)I'IIoII'x \IIIdIo 4-1. hclorc lII-IoIIIIIIg lllL' on|_\ .\IIII-III'aII \IIIlI .I II'xIdI'III} al llI'IlIn'x III-on \llll‘

I .Il lllI' \\(l(ltl\l(lk' \Ht'lal lllpIn 3am £5 3.\ug [\IIII‘ IIIoIIIhl} Ian l.anIaIIa and l)llll\.lll p|a_\ IlII' IIIIII'x a! IhIx t'\\'t'[lllilll.ll \M-xl land I'luh h‘x t'ahau'l. hul llIcIc'x no l.I/a .\lInI-llI. IlIaIIk god l-.IIIl}II l'lllll Ix on IlII- \Ixualx

I Wired aI .'\x_\ IIIIn. (’aII-donran l'IIIwaII) l'nIon lllplll iaIn U. “Ix-kl} (ilaxgou ‘x longI-xl IIIIIIIIIIg .lllt‘lll.lll\t‘ IndII' IIIghI \IIIh dIIIIkx pronon aplI'nI}

Glasgow Sundays


I Bennet’s al licnncl'x lliilprn iaIII. Li Wet-kl}. In \khn'h \w .llL' yonlronlcd h} a xIIangI' paIII) 'loIn pl.I)x lllllt'\ Ioml h} ll _\t'.ll old gII'Ix. pIIIx onIII' hangIn' handhag. Io I'quall} appIu‘IaIIw ga} IIII'II. l'unn) old \wIld.

I Boogaloo al llIc Sot'Ial. ‘lpnI 3am. I'I‘I'I- \Vcckl) .\ llt'“ Icgular nIglIl aI llIIx wank) llt'\\ \I'IIIII'. ‘l'lII' nIghl prI'xcnIx hlot‘k xI} Ic parI_\ gI'IIII\cx. lIIp hop. urhan Rtkll. xI'IalI‘h IIII\Ing. |I\I- pI'It'uxonn and :Jllt'\l .\l(’x cwr} \wck.

I Club Tropicana Ill lhc (IaragI' l.'\lllt'l. llpIII iillll. £iI£ZL \Vcckl}. lndII'. holh I'laxxn‘ and conIcnIporar}. \\ IIh a hcallh) doxc ol llrIlpop.

I Come to Bed aI lllankcl IloI'nII'rl) licdr. llpIII .igllll. £-l (£3I. \Vcckl}. ScoIII ll and Mark l)oIIcll) aIc }oIII' llI\\l\ al IhIx ncu karaokc nIglII. rcplclc \\llll rcal hcdx and IIIII‘I'opIIoIICx. lndulgcnu‘ [ll\l rcachcd ncu lICIghIx on Sauchn‘hall Slrccl.

I Million Dollar Disco III MAS, llpIII .ianI. £5 l£.il, \Vcckl}, |.oadx ol lunk_\ dwa Inadncxx anncd xIraIghI aI )Illll' law. .'\I Kcnl Ix Ihc InaIn Inan \\llll Ihc hcxl III llIIx kIIId ol lllll\lL'.

I Definition v Audio .II llarll}.

llpIII .ianI. £Ihc. \‘xL-I'kl}. \Vhal hrrngx l)clInIIIon and .\udIo IogI-Ihcr Ix a xharcd cnIhuxIaxnI lor pla}nIg lllll\lt‘ IhaI IIIakI-x )Illl \\;Illl Io dancc xo lllllL‘ll IhaI _\ou drop a drcxx \l/C. “llllUlll Ihc lorIIIalII} ol

lIa\ Ing Io drvxx .I t‘I'I‘IaIII “II_\, \o nccd Io xIand on ccrcnron} hcrc. \VIIII a onIIIdII'at‘k Io )oIII' Sun llkL‘ llIIx. lorch .\lon InornnIg. and (Illllt‘ do“ II lo liarl'l} lIII’ lllt‘ PCI‘lCL‘l Clltl lo lllL' \\ L‘L‘kt‘lld.

I Disco Badger al llalnlioo.

lililhnn 3am. £4. “'cckl). Donnrnc .\larlIn III IlIc RcdroonI. ScoIII ll III Room I and law llanlon III IlIc lounge

I Dream al SII‘auhcrr) lIII'ldx.

“1.30pm 3am. £l5. \Vcckl}. l-‘Illccn quId Io ch III.’ You'rc ha\In' a laugh. aIn'I _\.I liIII \\;llli llIc har Ix cornplclcl) lrcc all IIIglII. xo onp IIIoanIng and gut drunk and pIxxcd up on hoo/c.

I Free Sundays III lhc l‘nm-I-xal, llpIII .ianI. l-Icc. \Vcckl}. lle hop. lunk. xoul. rcggac. houxc and Ian all III llIIx grcal. \IrIuall} unknou ll \cnuc quI hchInd Sglllt‘lllt'llglll Slrccl.

I The Good Vibration Sound System aI [Iqurd l.oIIngc. lllpnI 3am. £5 l£~ll. \Vcckl). .-\ nc\\ Sun IIIghI xlIIndIg l'roIn Ihc pmplc al (‘arhon RccoI'dx and l'IwZIlliaxI Rccordx. 'l'akIng Ihc prrII oI llIlll\L‘ IIIIIxIc and houxc parIII'x and cookIII' II up rcal nu‘c. ('arhon and l"I\c3lll".Ile arc coIIIIng Iochhcr \\ IIh a

\ Ionn Io crcalc onnthIng xpchal.

I I Candy aI 'l‘raxh. l lpnI 3am. £4 I£2I. \Vcckl}. DJ Rob B pla_\x IIIIII‘x IhaI \\lll kccp _\ou dancIng all nIghI. hIg aIIIhcnIx and floor lIllcrx Io hrIng onl (ilaxgou 'x hcauIIl'ul pcoplc.



Glasgow School of Art. Sat 2 Aug.

Relaunch guest Headman

A club’s acceptance of change often indicates its musical integrity. For the past nine years, Saturdays in the main hall of the Art School have been dominated by the hulking machine techno laid down by Jonnie Wilkes, Hamish McChlery, Bizzy and an itinerant host of others. However, things have moved forward once again with the weekly Saturday’s metamorphosis into new club. Eskrima. For the unenlightened among you, the new moniker means a loose, adaptable martial art with no set form. So

now you know.

The rolling roster of residents encompasses some of the city’s most exciting collectives: Subscience, Optimo, Rub 3 Dub, Soulshaker and Miami Bass have each donated DJs to the new club. Its format is remarkable in itself, with the older residents taking shots each to encourage the young whippersnappers. One of the club’s younger residents is Tom from Subscience, who sums up the new venture thus: ‘The idea is to bring a more eclectic line-up to the slot. All of the residents have been picked because they are willing to try something a bit different.’ There’s a sense of mutual appreciation about this night, too: ‘The first time I saw Optimo. they changed the way I look at club music. After that, there’s no need to just play four-four beats any more.’ (Johnny Regan)

I Liquid Sundays III lhc]llltl Lounge, 3.3(lprn 3am. \\L'I‘kl_\. .\ll da} happ} hour loungIng \L‘\\lIlll\ \Kllll lIw lllll\lL' and l)J‘x IncludIng l)c\ III I.\lIx|I .\lath. \Valxon. 'l‘lIoInax KInk and Brcndan llleop.

I Liquid Cool aI llaha/a, 0pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .v\.l. KrIx chgan and Ian 'l‘hoIIIpxon pla_\ Iop-nolch \ocal garagc and houxc lo a club packed u IIlI h} pCIv llt‘tlllllhllt' waIII}xIIIIIcI|IIIIg rcwllcrx. all ol \xhoIn xccnI Io ha\ I‘ lorgoucn IhaI IIII‘) haw uork III the InornIng. ll’ IIIIaIII} IunI‘x and glanIoI‘oux anIch arc _\our hag. Sun aI llaha/a Ix IIIIIIIIxxahlc.

I One Sunday aI lllL‘ 'l'unncl.

I IpIn 3am. £4 I£| I. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc RIKB t‘oIIIInIICx \\llll the Tunnel crcu on IlIIx xInlul Sahhalh cclchralIon. \Vcar Inu' Cll‘lllk'\ lIII' lltlllll\\|(7ll. plcaxc.

I Optimo (Espacio) al lhc Sub ('Iuh. llpIII 3am. £' (UH. “Wkly .\llcr Ihc xuu‘cxx ol Ihcn' |.IIIIIId laqunl pal'l}. llIc ()pIInIo gclchralIon t‘onIInucx. l’honc III xII‘k. II'x a xlIII Ioh aII}\\a_\.

I Streaker al Shack. lilfillprn .VRIlaIII. £5 I£3I. \Vcckl}. l)J JanICx 'lhc l£o_\' (iardncr prnx lIIc Irackx lor Ihoxc cn_|o_\ IIIg InInIaIurc mum and naked lun. 'l‘hIx onIIIdx lIkc a good laugh. clI’

I Sunday Surgery .II ('uhc.

llpIII 3am. £5 I£3I \Vcckl}. (‘aIncron (‘l'alg tll\PCll\C\ \IIIHL‘ xalw loI' )IIIII' xoul III IhIx decrIIng \\ Indcr-dou ncr \\ IIh a Incdn‘al IhcnIc.

I Superstar DJ 2003 al .\lcrgur}. anr lanI. £5. 3 .-\ug. lhc lllUlllL‘l' ol all DJ coInpx Ianle aI .\lcrcur}. onc ol (Ilaxgou'x IIonI I‘aprdl) molnng part)

\t‘llllt‘\ luo l'IIIIlll\ ol non-onp lwalx. culx and \ lll_\l IrIckcr}, Shoxwaxrng Ihc Ihc lwxl III ran 1).] cncrg} lI‘onI all at'onx Scolland. lncludcx cnlr} Io lllL' allI‘I‘xho“ part}. Ionch II_\ IlIc gu_\x .II \onxcnxc.

I Transistor .II lhc l’olo loungc. llpIII 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. Rcal pop lor I'cal pcoplc “uh l)Jx .\'Iall .\chIIrra} and \\';I)III' l)I\on.

I Urban Vinyl aI IllankcI llpIII ianI. £~l I£2 l. \VCChl}. Ra} lllond \Voodx. XIII-cm & SlIIaI‘I .\ld’allurn hung a mu Sunda} nIghI Io Sauclnchall Sum-I loI‘ Ihc dcdu‘alcd lolloucrx ol urhan llllhlt'. lllt' \cr} hcxI III lIIp hop. Ran. xoul and I'm-I) kInd ol urhan hcalx.

I Vinylicious al l.o\\do\\ II.

.\lIanghI ianI. £5 I£3I \\'cckl_\. 'l‘lIc \cr} xc\} pcoplc IronI Soulxa hI‘Ing IIx anoIlIcI lInc IIIghI ol llIlll\C Inn and ganII-x

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn aI .\l.'\S. llpIII 3am. l'rcc lor xIaIl ol an} pub or club; £3 Io mcrymc Clxc. \VL‘ckl}. l)J\ .\all'lllzlll and /L‘ux prcxldc o\ cr Ihc hIggL-xl and lonngl rIIIInIng xIall IIIghI oul III lIIonr}. l'lL‘CtlUlll lol' lllL' \kol'kL‘l'x. .‘IllIl lllL'l'L‘lx :leo a gIchI appoarancc 0 gr} nou and agaIn. I Breakaway III lhc Shack,

llpIII 3am. £5 I£3 l. \Vcckl}. Alto and And} drop Ihcu' IIanIIc hlcnd ol chart lawanch. I)clInIlcl_\ onc lor Ihc part}

I In Bed with Jim Da Best Ill Blankcl IlornIcrl} Bcdr. llpIII 3am. £4 (£5. \Vcckl}. Jun lll\llL‘\ )ou Io lIIx

hoIIdoII loI an cwnIIIg ol poplaxln IIaxh. IIIIIk§ thI and a \xholc lot clxc hcxIdI'x

I Passionality .Il I‘IIIx-

ll WpIII 1am 1 i It?» \\I-I~kl§ lll \haun lx’ol‘cIIx I'IIxIIch IhaI llII' \wckcud Ix xIIIIIIIg ahw \\llll IhIx poxI \wckcnd IIIghI oI plI'axInz' \haIIIxIII IoI Hm -.'.I\ IIII\cd \onxd

I Undercover .II l’IlallkI'l I Ipm 1am 1-1 db \\I'I‘klI \IxIcl .IgI'III .lIIII lla llI-xI plan IIIIIk§ hoIIxc. I[ll.llll_\ RAH and pain! pop IIIIII'x IoI \oIII caIx oIIl_\ I’II'III} ol dIIIIkx pIoIIon lcaw \I‘Il xhakI'II and xIIIII'd. loo \I'III'I .Iz'I'III IhI'IIII-d ]‘.llll\'\ aII- on Ihcu \\.l_\

Glasgow Tuesdays


I The Beat Delivery .ll I Iama louIIgI‘ llll‘lll ialll :1 I: II \\I‘I'kl\ \I-II. IIIghI oI IIIIIk lI'I IIIa. lIIllcd .Ix .I lI‘al alII'IIIaIIw Io IhI- IIIIIIdlI'xx IIanII‘. pchIIIal‘lI' IhI'I'xI‘ .lllIl IIIdII' IhaI xonIcIIIIII‘x pchadcx HI; I II_\ 'x d.IIIIcl|oon llcn lIoIII llooIII \loIIkxand Ill lull |'h.II .nc IlII' IIII'II .Il Ihc oIII'x and Iuox

I Tuesdays at Bamboo .ll IIanIIum llpIII laIII t I '15 \\I'I'kl_\ llI \lI;'III'l Ix III IhI- Ix’cd Ix’oonI NIH“? IhI- IIIII-xI lx’IKIiand lIIp hop. and III IhI' loIInz'I' \‘.I' haw lx’ohIII ll l’la\ IIIg laId lIaI k onIllnl _‘_‘lINr\ k'\ I

I FUN .Il ('IIIII' l l IHpIII IaIII 2 § “ct-kl} lllllk} IIIIIIIIII' and \I'II lI.Ill'.'lll\ paykcd \\llll plcaxIIIg pop lllll\l\. lIoIII \haun lx’othlx and \haHa llIlllluI'll .ll IhIx ga} IIIghI

I Laid a! flu \ha\k ll) IUpIII {am 1* It in \M'I-kl} lhc III-x1 and lalI'xI IIIdII' pop Im‘k guIlaI lIIp hop |x'.\ll IhaII llIIllxk'. lllt' IIllInIalI' xlIIdI'IIl Inc

I Juicy Tuesdays al lilaukcl IIoIIIII'III llcdi llpIII ialll £1 ILII \\I'I'kl} \la} llt'\ll. xla} _\oung gI'I IIIIo III-d on lllI' mlh llI|l_\ \lIlhgan III lllt' lug haIk lII-dIooIII \\llll IIIoIIlh \xalI'IIng xludcnl laonIIIII'x \IlIIlI- .\poll '| IIIgI-Ix‘ \lI \lIllan pon IdI-x onIII' lull lla\oIII lIIII III lllt' lIonI lII-dIooIn I Fool’s Gold a! \l \\ llpIII ialll tR IL ;I \Vcckl) .\x Ihc ll.IlllC IIIIghI xuggcxl. llIIx Ix a Inghl ol Indu' and 1m k‘II'Ioll loI all ol llonI- \\llU knou llIaI I lIIthIIg l\ll.l all .ll‘I‘lll lII'alx and lIII'akx

I Snoopy Tuesdays .ll IIIankI-I

I lpnI ialll £5 It h \M’I‘kl} .loIII l’canulx and (IIIaIlII' liroxxu mgr} lucxda) unIII'I .I “all”. I’ox} xchnIl} hlaIIkI-I ol \lllIlt'lll (laxxu’x. pop and Rkll lIoIn .\I'oll ‘l-Inchx' \ldhllan and llIll} .\lIllIgaII

I TIT al lla\ll llpIII IaIn £R IL {I \M'ckl) l’aul \"JII‘ play oul RIKH and lIIp hop. (ILIL‘lllL' l I'Iguxon lIle you \‘.llll llII- \lllIlL'lll glaxxu‘x III Room _‘ and Rob ll Ix III IlIc IlIIId IoonI pla}IIIg paII} anIlII-Inx and haI IIIIII-x

Glasgow Wednesdays


I Allure .Il llII' 'lunncl II inIn ‘aIn

U \Vt'ckl} (Ilaxgou. 'x III-\wxl ga} IIIghI \kllll Ihc )oung and \I-I} Ialcnlcd l).l l).lllL‘ll Young pla} Ing onnI- xIIpI-Ih IIIIII‘agI' III .I llllt' ga} (loud

I Fire in the Disco .II \I \\

llpIII ialll £5 «HI “Ix-kl} l'.lI\’lIo pop. deI'o and lIInk} houxc lIonI II'xIdI-nlx liohh} |)IgIIal. .lohnn} \Vhoop and (ioIdon RI'Ill} .\ xIIIaIII'IIIIg ol IlIInkx pIoIIon\' IhIx a \xIld \\I-dIII-xda} and no lll|\l.IkL‘

I Bennet’s aI licIInI-I'x I l ‘HpIII iaIn L:5U1£l Slll “cckh. Sara l.ll\t'\ \Hlllllll ont'c IIIoII' III lllt‘ tluh lanIoIIx loI Inaan-xx and a. ahcnI. IIhI'IaI that up poqu

I Blaze aI llanrhoo 5pm \‘alll £< IUI \Vcckl} J~.\lc lIonIx IlIIx nIglII ol lunk lllCllL‘d xll‘L'L‘l lell .IllIl RIM” l’all HI lllc III-v. llarnhoo lC\IIlllllHll

I Elastik al llarll} IloI‘IIIcII} lllL' l ilh \IIIc (‘lIIhI llpIII iaIn £3 \Vcckl) H] Um Iaka .\IIIanda IIonI llIx: and DJ .\lIngo-go. Iakc owr Ihc lllll\lL';Il xclcglIon lor th‘ lorcxccahlc llllul'c \khllc .\lli lakcx a hrcak Io collccnlralc on lllllCl IhIIng Inlct‘ung onnc lllllt‘ll nccdcd ocxuogcn InIo lhc uorld ol “hug and pla}IIIg \HlllL' daIIIn lInc clcclro Inncd Into a IandonIl} xclu'u'd

\I Ill ndxt'apc