Theatre 1131:1198

Glasgow theatre continued


2‘)? li;11l1Slrccl._‘-l(l | I l I. III. \\'('. \\'.r\|

Sing-a-Long-a Sound of Music “1117 1k l'1'1.\'.’\113_'. 731111111, LN L‘l-l. ('111111-11111l\111g11lnng \111I1 llll\ \t'l'ccning: ul 1|11‘t'|;1\\1c .I11I11' .'\111l1'1'\\\ l1|11111111x11x1| 111 ;1|l 11x ‘l1‘1‘l11111‘11l111' glm‘}.

Berwick Upon Tweed PAXTON HOUSE

l’11\l1111.l)|28‘) 3303‘”. ll). ll. “(1 WA. \\'.‘\.-\|

Much Ado About Nothing 1-11 1 Aug. 7.3011111. {811.111. Sl111kcxpcul‘c'x (11111011) (ll I11\ 1‘ 11nd 11111'11. \L‘l 111 [he \1111 drenchcd 'l'uwun l11|lx 1x hmughl 111 lllt‘ \111gc 11111110} 11l'(i|;1\3_'11\\ chcrlm'} (11111111111) \\11|11111u‘111111 1111111 Kulc \111'111‘}.


ADAM SMITH THEATRE licnnnch} R11111I. MS”: 41302”. ll’. H. \\’(‘_ \\'.v\l

TimeSwitch $111 3 .>\113_'. “.3”an £5.51) itilfil); 1111111!) 1114111 L‘Ih. Huu‘d 1111 l'/11' “1311111117031111111l11 111cdi;1 [11111111111011 \\ Inch unnhlncx rcpnl'dcd. lilmcd. l1\c.1111l1|13_'11;1l milk

Much Ado About Nothing plays Paxton House, Fri 1 Aug



l’ul'l \.1 (1.119. “I “‘lh -l.\-ll1_‘(1 II’. II. \\'( I \\'.\l

Sweet Fanny Adams In Eden l'11lll.-\11:_' |“111111-l 1k 5 ,\111_'1 511111 1\\1'1l111.1l 2111111. [Ill Slcll.” ()111111N 'l'l1c11l1‘c(1111111411) PIL'\\'IH\ ll11\ lll.1_‘_‘|\'.1| l;1|1' ml 1111\1'111111111lx p.111l1'11c1x .1111l 11'.1\cll1'1\1|11'11113l1111111I11-}1'.11\ I'm lull l'L‘\ll\;ll 'l'l11'.1111' l1\1111}_'\. 1111'l111|111;! Sly/71111: (I111. [)1111/1/1 /111/1 [11/1/11 .1111] 11111111 111111‘1‘ 11l1‘.1\c (111111111 1|11- l1n\ Ulllt't‘ lillt'k‘ll},

St Andrews


.\hlw_\ 8111-1111! H1 ~1‘5111111. [l’. \\(‘. \\'.-\l

The Secret Garden 8111 3 8.11 3% .-\11;_'11111l $11111. 811111;(11l1,\113: 2311111111k 811111. LUSH [5.511118 111151111111- 51‘11111xl1 111'1'11111'1‘1'nl l'1'11111‘1-x “1111151111 liurncll'x 1'|11\\11‘ 1111\1'l .1lmul .1}111111;_' 11111111111 :Jlll \1.1}111;: “1111 I111 11111'l1'ul1n 1l1\c11\1‘1\;1 l111l1l1-11 \\.1|l1~1l 3:.11111'11.



(‘mumc 51111-1.111‘3111545-1-1.[1111. \\'('. \\C-\|

Café IS “111 3| Jul 8111 3 .\11;_'. ".illl1111. Ll it'll. 'l'hc 8111:1111; Hclu‘llw 111cclx lh1~ \luppclx1111l11\1111g111.1l unrk L‘11111'11'x} 11l 811111113: l)1\11‘11‘l \‘11111l1 Ilbht‘dll't'.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy©, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Thursday 31


Jongleurs Comedy Club .l11111'11‘111\.l (1(‘li111l1l111z' Runizcu \11111'1. "\H" 7\ ' H Al" \ 1‘11111 1h \l.:11 \‘.llil 1111' “c.1111 111*1111111cx 1n1l1c \I.-.-_'.' ('l111\\\.1111l11111\.'_\11111111Ht111111.11111 \111\\l111'

Bruce’s Pick of the Fringe I11.- \1.1111l. “i \\«w1ll.1111l\ l\’«1.11i."\'l"1'“' W“ "11111 1(11251 [11111.'\|1~111~11 1111111111111‘\.1l11~\11»! Ic\l1‘..1l 1.1'111111111w 111 ill\ 1111~I1Il1 11111;: 1cx1111'111} .111111~\1.11111 l|1\ j_'111'xl\ 1111111'111 1111111111' I).1\111 H.11l111cl .1 llkc luhn ( >i1\1'1. l11xl1 1111111. (1111} \l.1||«111.1111ll\' k1l11'1l\‘.1~111l1'1|111\


[111111 11111111

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Night \1'.111ll111\. I" \\.1\1‘111'_\ “111L311 3i*\ “[1111 I11‘1' R15: ‘\1w1l1~1f \11111'1wn 111111111111m ( '.111.11ll.111 I \ \1.11 (‘1.11‘.‘ (\1111pl11'll. \1'\\ /1‘.1l.1111l 11111111 \l1k.‘ P1111111 .1111l laid}

The Snatch Social I111-l 11111111 RUHIH. "1 \11‘11111.1\111‘c1..‘f‘ .‘*111

Ill “111111 {.1111 L l ‘11 11 in \11.-\\. (1.1 l11'1'111\.1l l|11'111'\\l) 11'l11.1111l1'1l l1lll1 l1\.111*1|.l1111k}111u111111111.1l1.111'1_ 1'1111111‘.1ll} 111111111'11'1111} 111111 lm} Inn} ('.1111'1.1111H|.111} \111\\\.111111.11111111‘1 k 111.11111111|.1I1-1l l1} ll.1l\1'\ .11111 l11‘111l}


Jongleurs Comedy Club [ (Ilkli1111111313 Runfiqxx \t:.'."1 "\ ‘1’ ’\' "‘H' \1*1\1:1 LI,‘ k.".:1z\l.( ..11?:\ :111:~.‘111\.*\( l111\ \\,::::'E:~:.\.~ \:::.1\1: H

( 1111.1 .1111! \21;\\l1~'

Bruce’s Pick of the Fringe 11:.- \'..-.111i. * W \\111 ‘11].::11‘I\ Rum. l).:‘-1‘


"p11: 2' 2'1 (13141115T.:1;t:‘.:t1.::. lwl111xl11'.11111:1.‘~,.1l\l\ x1:;‘1‘~1'.‘1‘.}'n. \111l.\ |l.11:.1~.'.111 ‘.|.l‘11‘\ .1111.'11:11 .11 my | 1111:‘.' 21.1111 \111.:( 11:11: \1111111'13l11xi1111.111\l.1111:1

.11. km“.

.11111111.1111.11.13 li1-fi1‘12'

Saturday 2


Pre-match Comedy at the Metropolitan \l.-:1.»1~.1‘.11.:11 \l.-1.11.=111 \1111.11.‘_( .1111111'111':'\ “.‘

l.‘ *H .‘ 11111111 0 “1-11 |)1~111.11‘.\

.111-1111‘1l\ 111.111l1ul 121.11 11.:1‘..'\. 111111~'111~ 1111\111'1141:‘11.'\1\.1111l111.1111.nihmllmil |\.11111'1

Jongleurs Comedy Club [11111'11'111\.l(1( “11111111112K."I1l1.".|. \11.-.-1, In ‘H ‘\ 11'11' \ l‘11111 91; x..- l11

Bruce’s Pick of the Fringe I11.~ \l.1111l. “4 \\1~1»1H.1111l\ |\'11.11l.1l\ 'HM'H Ml“ “11111 EX \1111'111.111\.1l111\1I).1\11i (‘11>\'.1'l1c.11|\\‘.1'\1111111111IHH'\.-\1. (111111111 \\1..111l 1.1.111111'1 \|.111( .111 11111- |1111'1\111'11.1|1\Il.111( 111111111".'1.1111H11ml 1111111‘\11>111111

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30 THE LIST 3'