Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Cameo: Edinburgh

‘5 lllllllL' \III'L‘I. lll {l 2:5 -llell ('(‘ liIIIIkIIIf: “I ;l 335 -ll~ll ll.” 3‘1 llIIIII lillHIIIIIIIIIIH l.IIII' H] il 3% INN) ll)|. L‘ 3” (Li fill L'IIIILN .Ill Ll.l_\ llII'xIl.I§ |lIIIIxIlII} .IIIIl l IIIl.I} \IIIIIla} l‘L'lUlL' ()[HIIL Ll Rl) .Ill ILI} \IIIIIII.I_\ .IIIIl 'lIII'xIln} 'llIIleIla} l‘k'll'lk' {[HII \\L'Ll Ll L'IIIII'x lI)l lll\l \lll)\\ III mI'lI \I'II'I'II l..llL' llllell \lll)\\\ l.llL' llilell III.IIII L-l IL: SH). llliIllllleil llll)\|L‘ L-l SI) |)IIIIl\|I- lIIllx ISIIII III.IIIIII'I'/|;III' IIIfglIII L-l SI) I L“ 51) L'IIIIIM

lHl Jl’bl M3." "

Buiialo Soldiers I I5) I III.

ll). 05”. ‘I. l 5 Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) I I ) “.IIII. Goodbye Lenin! I I<I III). III). IIQII IIIIII The Leopard I IS) IIIS Whale Rider II’I‘II -) SI). 0 ll)

[Ml )XIY lllUHfjl )A‘I/ .'

All the Real Girls I ISI

l);II|): -l.I)I) llilil SIIIII. (I. N). 0. ll) .\l\U lllllllllL‘L' SIIII. Iii.

The Blue Room lllk‘)

.\lI)II: (i. ill.

Buffalo Soldiers I ISI

Hall): I ll). 0. | 5.

Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) II ) l);IIl_\: 4.5”.

Goodbye Lenin! I I5) l);II|): |,I)I) lllIil Sun). .\lI)i) IK \VL'Lll. ‘Hlll. Summer Things (Embrassez Dui Vous Voudrez) I ISI

l’i'l. Sui Ik \lnn 'l'IIII: \VcIl: (ill).

Whale Rider ll’(l) l);IIl_\: ".Hl).

Donnie Darko I ISI -i- Back to the Future il’(l)

\lgIIIIII'I' Sun: IN).

§_.lI)_ (Ill) IIIIII


Dominion: Edinburgh

l\ \I-ulmIIlI‘ lL‘ll-lxk'.lll ‘l ~1-1"»1"l llllli ill 1I ll" Ihhl) .IIIIl H- \.1<I) ('(' IIIIIILIII; H] il 44'1""! RL'\l.Illl.Illl ll.” [HI \IlIIlI. \I.IIIIl.IIIl L5 ll). \IIIM'IIIII L5 (Ii). I’IIIIIII.III LI) 2“ IlwIIIII' ()l\lll\lI)i1 llIII. \I.IIIIl.IIIl L i \‘i. \IIpI'IIIII L-l ll). l’IIllIII.II1 L5 ll)» ().\l’l ll-lI). SLIIIIIJIII L i M). \IIIII'IIIII Li M). l’IIIlIII.III L5 3'). (‘IIII'IILI 1.\ .1 Li M) 'l‘k'll‘lk' (mm L i \l). ('IIII'III.I\ ‘I\ -l L.) -lI)I ('lIIIIlII'II. \I.IIIIl.IIIl L-l. \IIIII'IIIII. ('IIII-III.I\ ‘I\' -1 {-1 III) leI-IIIII- ()IHII. \I.IIIIl.IIIl L i M). \IIpI'IIuI L1 1'). l’IIllIII.III L‘ 3”) l.IIIIIl} IkaI'Ix \l.lll .II Ll-l lwIIIIc (Ipm I‘lll_\

U?“ Wan w"

The llqu I i.‘ \I l W. ~1SI). .\l)i) ICapture the Castle II'III .\ :II

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde mm 3 III, R jI), .\ IIII

Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas «I I IJSI). HIS. 5 III

Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine Il:.'\) IZSI). I35. IIIIS. .\ SI)

‘lzllU-KY/ l fl‘l lllfilL/H/

Daddy Day Care Il’( ‘II .\l;IIIIII'I' Sal Ik Sun. I) -li).

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde I l’( S )

I);III_\: 2. \I). 5 SI). .\,IIII,

Nicholas Nickleby I l’( I I

Hull}: ‘. ii).

Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas II ) l);lll)l 12.5w. 3 ~15. SIIII.

Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine

I ll.\)

I).IIII- IZSI). =35. (INS. .stI Veronica Guerln I IxI l);|ll_\l Hm. 5,15. Nil)

Fllmhouse: Edinburgh

KN l.IIllII.III RIuIIl. HUI 338 2(I.\'.\. llul. chluIII'unI. Ila]. ||)|. .\l;IIII L‘\L'lllllj_' \I'I'I‘I‘mnggx: L55” iL‘Il Sun llIII IIIIl} ). lam!) l'.\I'IIIII;_' \I'II'I'IIIIng: USHIU Sun ‘I‘IIu IIII|_\ ). XIIIIIIII'I-x: L35” ILI

Sun 'I'IIII Iml} ); l'l'lilIl} l‘;ll'_‘_‘.’llll IIIIIIIIII'I'x: L351) ILIQIH.

Siriyakorn Pukkav in Mon Rak Transistor

1. Insomnia IV _‘ 1H

Irreversible In II II

Abouna - my Father I’III \ I<

2. Jeremy Hardy Versus the Israeli Army S l in

Sex is Comedy~IxI II III. \ <II

3. Standing in the Shadows oi Motown

I|’(‘.. :Ill)‘ S.1S'\§i)

1.Veronica GuerlnIIM .‘III. IS \I< 2. Sex is Comedy l\» 1HIIIIIII \II) 3. Standing in the Shadows oi Motown

I|’('.I 1|)l).<»l§l\lS

l.\ieronica GuerinIIxI 3N). I =5 IIIS

2. Sex is Comedy I I\I jIII). II in Mon-rak Transistor 1% .I III). .\ III

3. Standing in the Shadows oi Motown il)(ll =I<. 51*. x 1*

1.Veronica GuerinIIM _‘ III. I *5. IIIS

2. Mon-rak TransistorIISI II)“. II in Sex is ComedyIIxI .I =II. ‘)i)i)

3. Standing in the Shadows oi Motown II’III :Ii. Mi .\ Ii

1.Veronica GuerinIIM 3 :II. II IS. MS 2. Sex is ComedyIIM HI) IIIm

Ivan’s Childhood il)(li .\ III

3. Mon-rak TlansistorIISI Hm. 3 IR Standing in the Shadows oi Motown Il’(II 5-15 1.Veronica GuerinIIxI 3 <I). MS. MS 2. Sex isComedyIIxI HI). 3 III lvan’s Childhood l’( i) III )I)

3. Standing in the Shadows oi Motown II’III WI). .\'.I5.

Mon-rak Transistor I I S SIS.

..I ,/.\Z Lou/V " AI“)

1.Veronica GuerinIIxI 3 III. II IS. 3.15 2. ivan's Childhood II’( ‘II 3.31). Sex is ComedyIIHI (III), 3.3” 3. Mon-rakTransistorIISI §.I)()_ xii


Standing in the Shadows oi Motown

Il’(iI 4.15

i.Veronica GuerlnIIM _‘ :I). h I5.

.\ v15

2. Sex is Comedy I l.\I HI) .\ III Boywonders I ISI h

3. Standing in the Shadows oi Motown II’(‘.I UN) .\ Ii

Mon-rak Transistor I IV < .15

Ddeon Wester Railes: Edinburgh

\\I‘\l\lIlL' l’lJ/J. l3“ \\L‘\lk'l llIIIlL‘\ Ri‘IILl. \\I-\I.~I II.II|.~\ I).\“II RIIRIIIIII“ [Ii] [I] \\lllll\ Li 2)). l‘L'li‘lL' (mm L; RI) ('lIIlIlIcn ()\l’ SIIIIlI'III LI *I) l.llllil_\ III'kcI L | *. l‘k'llllk‘ hpIII LI l). l‘L‘lUlL' IIIIIII Ll: |l.II§_'.IIII l).I} IIII‘ L": 3H J“ \L'.ll\ l’II- IIImII \hmu L‘ 3H

7H. my «I Agent Cody Banks I I: \) I IN). HI). (i ill). .\ IQ

Bruce Almighty I I3.\I x -lI) Daddy Day CareII’I‘II I II). ‘35. r In

The “HIKIIJ'M SIN). xIIII Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde II’III ‘31).h2l)..\§()

Piglet’s Big Movie II ) I -ll)

Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas I I ‘I 1,-11)‘ =.III_ IIQi

Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine I I 3 \) IIIII, 3 II). HI). 5 II). IIIIII, ".III,

3, II)

R II).

Illl). _‘Hl)_ -lllll_ ill()_


Agent Cody Banks I I.‘.\I

l);II|_\: Ill). “QUIIIIII I'lIIII

Bruce Almighty I 13m

l‘ll \VI-Il. JQI). SM).

Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I 12A) l'i'l “I‘ll: 3.5”, 335.

Daddy Day Care II’( ‘II


The Hulk I l::\)

l);ul_\: ZIII) lllI)l 'iIIuI. SIIII. HIIII. Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde Il’(i)

I).III_\: I.2II, ,HI). (ill), xIII. Piglet’s Big Movie II'I

Dull}: IQI).

Pirates oi the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl I l3.’\)

'lhu: 2.“). ill). 5.“). 7.|I), XII). Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas II ) Dull): Ilii). III). (wit) lllIil 'l'lIIII. Spy Kids 3D: Game Over I I ‘I

l);IIl_\: III). 3.5“, mm. mm. Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine I I 3.\ ) I).III\: I.I)I). 3.30. .HII. SIII). III)”. “.AII: Nil).

Ddeon: Edinburgh

a ('lL'l‘lx Sll'L‘L'l. “I ll (I67 ill)? I. “Mn and (‘(' liIiIIkIngj 0870 SH SH (M7. llaii'. [l)] \L’i'L‘L'lh 2 and ‘. :\Ilulli L5. 10 Ilwimc 5pm luv 'l‘hu: L.1I.('Imc\/glnld: L ‘2‘) llIII'gIIIII l):I} I'm-r} Mun: L321). l'uiilll} “I‘LL-Is cwr} Ila) IInIIl 7pm: LIJ,


Agent Cody Banks I In) I.2II_ RSI). (III), mu.

Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I I 2A ) 3.50.

The RquIIJAI 3.3II_ 5.20. MI). Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde Il’(‘II 13.20. 2.20. 4.10. (MI). 9.2”, Piglet’s Big Movie II‘I I240.

Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas NJ 12.10. 2.15. 4.15. (Ill).

Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine I I 2m lISIMIII. 2.“). 4.“). (Lil). 9.“).

Check out the great



3‘. 2’, I: THE LIST 23