‘3 IIHlllL' \llt‘t'l. ~H4l

This Must Be the Place I lllll \VI'Il (I All: l’lInInquplIx llllll\L'II \I. uh .I \t'lIw nl danger .lllII llllt'l‘lNIlllL' h} JL'\\II' IIIIHIIL'H


2 \IIIIIKI'I \Im-I. ‘2‘) WIN \lnn 8‘.” Hum 5pm

Jon Schueler: To the North l'IIIIl SIII 27 Sep. lIII- lirxl t'wI Bl'llhll I'I'II'nxpc-clnt- nl IlII- unrk nl x\lllt'll\.’lll pIIIIIII'I' .lnII \I lIIII'lt-I Il‘Hn l‘lUZI. II c'nlIIc'IIIpnIuI} nl Lithnn l’nllnck and Mark RnIlIkn (‘IIIIIII-Il l») RII'IIIIIIl lngII-li) nl lllk' lIIpII-h} (iIIIII'I_\ III Il\\(lL'lilIl(lll \\ llll IhL' (-ll} .-\l'l (.c‘llllt"\ IIIII ll‘RInIIlIIII. the I'xlIIlIIIInII lc'IIIIIIc'x n\I'l’ 5H \kIIlIx\ lInIII lll\ IIlNIIIct I‘\Plt'\\llllll\l p;llllllll_L'\ t‘Ic'IIII'Il III \c'u YnIk III the 5th In lll\ lllUlI‘ lIIIIIIlIIII‘ \Inrkx lmwd nII IlII' lIIIIlec'IIpI' lII'Ixxc‘t-II \lIIIIIIIg IIIIIl IIII’ lxlc' nl Sign IIIIIIlL‘ IIlII'I‘ lle II'InI‘IIIInII In ScnIIIIIIIl III W7”. One of the Boys: Joseph Crawhall and the Glasgow Boys l'IIIIl SIII 37 Sept ’l llk‘ (':\('\ Iillt‘\l IIt'IIIlixIIInII. I’II'IIu/I/ Ilm mu h} .lnwph ('lIm IIIIII lIll'llh llII' L‘I'IIII'I‘IIIL‘I‘I' nl llll\ c'\IIIl\IIInII nl \\I)ll\ lI_\ nnc nl' IlIc' Iu'} lllt'llllk‘l\ nl IIII' (ilIixgnxx St'lInnl Shimmy IIInIquult- ('IImlIIIll'x pIIIIIIIIng III‘t- \\III'I\\ h} lll\ t‘nIIII'IIIpIIIIII'II‘x Including (iIIIlIIII‘. \VIIlInII. \lc'lullc' and Henry Airside: Contemporary Portraits l'IIIIl SIII 27 Sep. large \c‘IIlI' plInIngI'IIplIIc [\IIl'll'Illh nl \InIIIc'II “'10 are lllllIl\;IlUl'\ III their \llllI)ll\ pl'Illc‘leUllx l5} .ltlllt' Hl'c‘lllt', Portraits and Landscape from the Collection I'nIiI SIII 37 SI-p. .-\ \c‘lt‘c‘IInII nl~ \\Ul'l\\ lI'nIII IIII' (‘Il_\ nl liIlIIIhIII'gh'x I‘nllc'c'IInII nl' SI‘nllixlI III'I Including \Ini‘kx h} \lc’lIIggIII‘I. l’crgusxniI. l)nIIIlI\xIIIIc IIIIIl (iIlIII-\.


32 28 ('nckhIII'II Street. 23” thIl

'l‘IIc Sun llIIIII 5pm.

Beagles and Ramsay: Dead of Night l'IIIII SIIII 3i) .lIII lI’l'Ulc‘Cl RnnIIII. Artist IlIIn Beagles IIIIIl Rtllll\;l} c‘I‘cIIII‘ II [IIIII' nl \L‘llll‘llIlqllhl Illlllllll}‘ \clllpnI‘II‘IIllx In cwplni'c IlII‘ l'lk‘ll lll\lIll'} nl l\\l\IL'(I split persnIIIIIIIIt-x \klllllll music lIIIIl t‘lllc‘l'lilllllllk‘lll IIIIIl IInI‘I‘nI' l'IlIIIx.

Jessica Voorsanger: I Think I Love You l‘IIIIl Sun 20 Jul. .'\lllL‘l'lL‘;Ill lll‘ll\l .IL‘\\lCII \'nnI\IIIIg_'c-I' L'\pltll‘c‘\ cclchril} pnpxlIII‘ IL'Ulh l'I'nIII II lIIII‘x lII‘I'wL‘I'IIw III llIl\ c-xlIIlIIIInII nl' lc‘\l- lmwd c‘nllIlgc\ IIIlIl c‘IIIlII‘IIlIch'IcN nl' lllc‘ \II} Ingx IlIIII [k‘l'llll'lllc‘H IIIIIInIIIIc‘c \xlIIlc‘ ll\c‘ I‘ll \ltlgc‘. Slic‘ lIle Illxn t‘l‘c‘tllc‘tl pnpxlIII‘ pnI'II'IIIIx IIIIIIII' nIII nl III'IIle

\\ lllc‘ll lllc‘lIlIlC BIIIIIIIIC Illltl 'l‘llc' RIIIIIIHIL‘\.

Jonathan Scott l‘IIIII Sun 20 Jul. .\'c'\l up III the \chIIlwa inungc l\ JnIIIIIlIIIII Scnll u IIlI II painting: cnlillc-Il .\I\‘ I'III'IIIII‘III' .UI'murI n! .lII ('III'lr'

\\ lllc‘ll L‘llgzlgc‘x ltlc‘th Ill \k'Il\ilIlU|l§lIl\C(I l‘c‘Illll).

0 David Sherry SIII 20 Jul Sun 7 Scp. I’L‘l'ltll'lll‘IlliL‘L‘ IIIIIl \ IIlc-n III'IIxI

l)II\ Id Show}. \\lIn \\;l\ \lInI'Ilixlcd l’nr this )c‘III'K Beck‘s I‘llllll‘L‘\ II\\III'Il \Illl\\\ ncu \Inr'k Including \pc'cIIill} (Ulllllll\\l0llc‘tl \xnrk h} the (’nllcclnc (IIIllL'l'). SL‘L‘ Illllhl. NEW Si IOVV


-ll I)lllill;l\ SII'c‘c‘l. 557 450‘). .\lnII l‘I‘I IIHIIIIIII 5.30pm; SIII IIHIIIIIII 5pm. Mixed Exhibition l'nIil \Vcd 30 Jul. A mixed \IIU“ nl' unrk h} lI‘lllIllL‘ III’IIst including JnIIII (llllt‘\PlL‘. KIIIc Philp. .\lIII‘InII DI'IIIIIIIInIId and Sheila BI'IIIIIIII.


Bc‘ll‘nr'd RnIIIl. (33—1 (3200 II‘ccnI'Ilc‘Il Inl'anIIIIIInII 333 220m. .\lnn Wed & HI Sun lIlIIIII 5pm: Thu lllIIIII 7pm. One Hundred Great Photographs: A Collection by

Bruce Bernard I lllll \Im " \I-;»

1‘ 5" It: 5th. lllltik‘l l_‘\ llt‘c lI‘llil .lllllll\\l1|ll v. IIlI \\ IIIIlII'Il \II llI'l\I‘ll lInIII lllL' ltI'lllL IIIIIIgc nl \l.IIIl}II \lIIIIInc And (Mike (lIlI‘lk' nII llII' \k'I nl l/II 1/lele In \lIIlIIIIIIIII.IIIIl \II [III-paling lnI II II~_'lII. Um llImII'n (in II; I’llnluum/Iiix l‘llllf.‘\ In;_'t'IlIcI it") nl IlIc IIImI IIIIInIgc-IIIIlIIc plInIngluplIx nl IlIc l.l\l tun \k'lllllllk'\ IlIt- [‘lxllll\'\ V-k'lk' \I'lL'Ilt'Il l‘_\ lllt' l.llL‘ lIlllu‘ liI‘IIIuIIl. .IIIIlInI nl lllc' l‘k'\l \L‘lllllf;

('I 11114! I. .IlIIl nIII' nl llII' j.‘lt‘.IlI'\l III-\lempt-I IIIIIIIII' cIlIInrx nI lll\ gI'III'I.IlInII .l\ [‘Illl nl .I u'lllllll\\ltlll lnI lllk' .Illl\l Illlll Inllcclni .IIIIHL‘\ \IIN‘IL‘\ Winifred Nicholson in Scotland l‘IIIII \llll \t‘p t i 5“ «£3.5HI; IIIIIlI'I lls lit-c InIIII .lIlllll\\lHll \\ IIlI ()III' IIIIIIIIICII ( mail l’lInInyIIIplIx lit-\I lIIInuII lnI lII'I lln\\c'I [IIIIIIIIIIj_'\. lll|\ t'\|IIlIIIIIIII lnIIwa nII the hit .lllII \xnik nl \\ llllllL'Il \lc‘llnlutll I IN” I‘lhl I. IlIc ()\lnIII lInIII .llll\l .IIIIl \‘-|lk‘ nl Hk‘ll \It‘lInlxnII 4| llk‘ III~I I-\|IIl\IIInII nl llc'l milk In lu- lII'lIl III St'nIlJIIIl lnI n\I-I Ill _\L'.Il\. IlII' I7 P.llllllll“_'\ IIInIlIIt'cIl III the lliglIIIIIIle .Illtl \VIWII‘I'II I\lk'\ It‘llc't’l llc'l lII\ I‘ lIIl ~SI‘IIIIIIIIII.

Demarco Focus l: Demarco in the 19608 l'IIIIl SIIII SH Sop llII' lll'\l III II \t‘l'lt'\ Hl Illlk'k' Ill\]\l.l)\ Ill'll\\lllj_‘ nII IIIIIIc'I‘IIIl lInIII IlIc I)I'III.IIt‘n .‘\l'\'lll\k' IIIIII lnI‘lellIg nII IlIc Illll\l. I‘IIII'c-III'I'III'III‘ IIIIII I‘IIIIIInI‘ RIc'lIuI'Il I)I'IIIIII'c‘n\ III'II\ lllL'\ III lIlk‘ (Ills

After Hours Tim I7 .\ ’l‘lIII it .Illl, (IpIII. I‘lk't‘. 'l he Alter IIHlll\ IIInuIIIIIIIIIc' I'IIIIIIIIIIt‘x III/I lllll\lt' pc'IlnIIIII‘Il nII c'IIII'xIIc‘lI nII lllll l7 .lIII lnllnxxctl l‘.‘ llllhlc‘ lI'nIII .-\lc\ Yt'llnu lc‘cw nII |.I//

\ InIIII nII 'l'lIII il .lIIl,


lln (‘IIII\L‘\\II_\\IIlc. (I07 ‘llnn. lIIc Sal l IIIIII (IpIII.

And So the World Went Pop! .\lnII 28 Jul I‘ll 3‘) Aug: .\ IncIIx nII him lllc‘ l’np .'\l'l IIIanIIcIII IIII\ IIIllIII'nc‘t-Il c‘nIIIc-IIIpnI'III'} tlL‘Hlel lc'IIlIII‘IIIg lIII'IIIIIII'c‘. lIgIIlIIIg IIIIIl IIc‘c‘cxxnI‘Im lI) IIInIlc‘I‘nIlII} (IC\l“_'llk'l'\ IIlnIIg “llll \xnrkx l'I'nIII lllc‘ pcrInIl IIIIIl cnIIIIIIIxxInIch ill'l\\(ll'k\ III Illk‘ l’np .'\l‘l \l} lc‘.


l4 (Ic'nlyt‘ Sll'c‘t'l. (II-l Nil—l Hull} IInnII lllplllt

Timeless Beauty: Marilyn Monroe Wed 3} SIII 20 Jul. .v\n mlIIlIIIInII nl I'III'c IIIIIIgc'x \pIIIIIIIIIg tlIt- lllc‘ IIIIIl L'Ill't‘c'l' Ul lltlll} “(Ind Ic'nll. .\IIII‘Il_\II .\lnIII'nc'. IIIc‘lIIIlIIIg \llUl\ lInIII lllc‘ IIIIIIIIIIIIH RI'I/ \I‘III‘I \L‘llk‘\ h} 'l'nlll Kc‘ll} I I‘MUI IIIIIl plInIngI'IIplIx lInIII IlIc lIIIIInIix three-Ila} \lIHUl IInu kllIHHl ;l\ The I,;l\l SIIIIIIg‘ I lInIII h} l;l\lllllll plInIngI'IIplIc‘I' llcl'l Slt‘l'llt Nl SUI/.1


h’ .'\tI\IlL'.llt"\ (‘lnxcz 335 927 I. l)IIIl}

I |.5(l;llll 5.50pm lk'IU\L‘(I \VL‘Il I.

The New Wave of Primitivism l)nIII l\ IIII Ill'l\ pI‘nlc‘c‘l I'xlIIlIlixlIcIl III WWI II} II pinup nl IIIIc'I'IIIIIInIIIIl III‘IIxIx unrkIIIg III Sc'nIlIIIIIl. \VIIII II c‘nIleIIIIIl) changing c'\lIIlIIIInII nl Illl\\IIl'l\\. IlIc gIlllCl'} llIIIl\L'\ \c'lllpllll‘c‘. \lIIIlIc‘Il :JIII\\ IIIIIl pIIIIIIIIng h} III'Ilex \xlIn III'IIcIIw pI'IIIIIlIw III'I.

DUNDAS STREET GALLERY (III I)lllitl;l\ Street. 553 0303. .\lnII SIII lllIIIII (IpIII.

Vanessa Lawrence l'nIIl Sui It) .IIII, .~\ cnllc'c‘IInII nl IlI'Im Hip and IIIIIIIIIIng.


leII I)llllII;l\ SII'c‘c‘I. 55" 5WD _\lnII I'l'l IIlIIIII 5pm; SIII lllIIIII IpIII. Summer Exhibition l'nIIl XIII 2“ Jul. .'\ IIII\cIl \hn“ nl lIgIII‘IIlIw. lIIIId IIIIIl \L‘Il\c‘II[‘c‘\ l‘} \Ill'lnlh Itl'll\l\ IIIc‘lIIIlIIIg (‘nlIII l’IIl’k. JIIIlc‘ SlnIII. 'l'nn} (IlllL‘\PlC. l)IIIIIII Marita). SIIc‘IlII :\l'lII\l. Rick} Scnll Imd I)II\ Id ('IIIdu ell

EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS :‘l IIInII \Ilct'l. 55' :4“) Inc \.~.I IIIIIIII anII Prunella Clough l lllll \III I” .llll \II I'\lIIl‘IIInII nl Clc‘lllllg\ l\_\ l’lllllt‘lld (‘lnizgh III tnIIIIIIItIInII In llnpc \llllt'ldllxk' l’It'xx. I'lI'\\Cl\ ( implIIc \ .llltl \nlai lIIIt' \II ('lnIIglIK \IIlIIc'tI III.IIIcI ilk ll\t'\ I‘ll \ lI‘\c'l_\ Hl‘w‘HCIl Ilt'lIlll\ IIllIl \\\‘ll’l'\ lInIII IlII' llll‘IIll lIIIIletulu'

Fresh: Contemporary British Artists in Print \.II :I» III! \II 1 \cp lnI llIL' l’rIIIlIIIukI'Ix' l’c'\ll\.ll \linw .I \I-lI'IIInII nl [‘lllll\ leI InIIIt'IIII‘nIIIII Hillhli \lll\l\ IlIc lIIII' lll‘ l\ lllll‘lt'\\l‘~t‘ Illlll IIII [Il\l\'\ \knlkx lI} ('IIIIII' HIIII l.I_\. ('lItlxlIIII' linIlIIIIIl. \l.IIIIII linyc. .I.lI\k' I\ I)lllil\ ("lI.IpIII.III. I).Illllt‘ll Illl\l. \llhll Kapnnl. ('lIiix ( )lIlI. lnlI} l’.III'I\nII. Rim SIIII IIIII. |)II\ III \lIIiglI'} .IIIIl RII lI.IIIl \\II;_'lIl '


55 l IIllIIIIll RHIHI. ::\ NINA Hull} III.IIII lllpIII

Adrift in China & Underground l'IIIIl but In .lIIl \t'xx plInInunIkx lInIII l IlIIIlIIllglI lmwd plInInngIplIc'I tlnlIII \IHlIlMIIl


‘) \\C\I l’nll. 33] H: ‘5 I).IIl_\ IInnII "pin Recent Graduates I‘IIIII \Inn II .v\II)_' .\ \I'lt'c‘IInII nl \Inik lInIII llll\ _\c'.II'\ lztlIIIIIIII‘glI ('nllt'gc‘ nl '\ll Ilt'gIcc \llII\\\ lInIIIIIIIIg X” l .l\\ lk‘\\, (Il\.lll

in mind. 'I lllllllIl\ l'duIII'Il (ircc'IIunnIl IIIIIl SlInI'I


33 (‘IIII'I'IIInIII ('I‘cwcnl. 55h Ill“

Anna Somerville: Despues Mexico SIIII Ill Jul, 3 5pm. .I\ IIle \nln \IInu nl |I.IIIIIIII;_'\ l1} Iitlllll‘lllgll ('nllcgc' nl ;\Il gIIIIIIIIIII' .'\llll;l SnIIIc‘I'x Illc. IIprII'cIl h) lIc'r IlII‘ct‘ IIInIIIlI l'C\IIIL‘ll\'_\ III \Ic‘ut'n.


J5 \lIIIkI'I \III'cI. .‘35 .7“: \lnII \III ll.IIII 5 :“pm. \IIII IInnII 5pm

Vision for the Future V I lllll \..I 1" Jul llII' tIlIlI III\I.I1IIII'III nl IlII'

l IIIIIIIIaIkUI Mullen \ \ l\lI'll\ InI IlII'

I llllllc‘ l‘lI‘L'lJllllllC ICIIlllllil; ll\’\\l\ \I‘illllll\\litll\'\l \ank l‘} \lIIlII‘llI' \Ill\lllllll .IIIIl HIka I llllll\‘\ I'll" \IIIIIII'I. lx’nmliihl \.I\llIt\llll‘l II.I\\'\I III (ilmgnxx .IIIIl \.llll\'\. \.II\IIIIIlI\ ll\'\\ \l\IC|‘ I]! /\'I IIII' III'I'IITI “KIN: lllllI‘IIll\t'\ .I lItl‘IIIl I lIIIIIIIIcI Ill\l‘ll\'\l l‘_\ .I pnntllc IlllII .III lMlI II‘IIIIII} l‘Ig'IIch \ln/IIII. \\\l\\ pnIlIII \IIInII \Ik'\lll\'l and Newman plIIlnxnplII-I \ lInpcIIlI.IIII'I \.l\ll.l\llll‘l l‘l\'\\'lll\ ll\‘\\ \xnik Hymn-win,” \t'l .llI‘llllII Hillhll lIIl\l\ll.Il\ .l\ \It'll \Hlli Int-III llllll\ \IIIhu x! and

lI'III’m x! IIII'I/ ~' I E _~::


~1II.I lx’.It'l\IIIII l’lau‘. ‘15 font \lnII \.II IIMIII 5 “mm

World Interiors and Summer Jewellery l IIIIl Hm 1I lIIl \\nIlIl IIIIt'IInI\ lll\ lIIIlIIIj: llllllI'l\. II‘\IIlI'\. xc'lt't'nx Illltl IIIIIIIIIIII' .lllIl II-ut'llcrx


(lIIIII'II I\ \lInp. 5" Hlllltl.t\ \III'I'I. 55h ‘I5‘l \lnII IN “Hill hpIII. \.II III.IIII 5pm Summer Mixed Exhibition I lllll \\I'I| ill .lIIl \t'u P.llllllll}j\ l\_\ Rnut'lm IIIIIIg. ("IIIII‘ Hlnix. l'IIII llekIII. .'\\lll .I.lI|llt'\. I’.III|.I \I'IIIIIlI' .IIIIl lIIIt’cI I\lIl.l.\ plm t‘t'IIIIIIIt'x. bid“ and |\‘\\\'llt'l_\ lI_\ HI'II'II I'Iclt‘licl. KIIII llIIIIIIlI-} IlllII .'\lltllk‘.l l)IIll_L‘l.I\

HANOVER FINE ARTS 334 I)llll(l.l\ Slim-I. 55h IIHI l|.IIII (IIIIII. SIII Ill ‘IIIIIII 5pm Summer Fantasy I'IIIII Sal III .llll l-IgIII'IIIIw .IIIIl \ll” lIIc \xnikx III .I \.IIII'I} nl IIII'IlIII lI_\ (".IlilnI'IIIIIII .llll\l l )IIII RIIIlI \lillcl'

.\I(\II I‘ll

a Scottish Arts Council


Tenders are invited for this new opportunity.

Based on market research and in line with the Scottish Arts

Council's Visual Arts strategy, start-up (3 year) funding is

being made available to support the establishment and

development of a new magazine to promote the visual arts

in and for Scotland.

For further information please contact Sue Pirnie.

Visual Arts Officer: email:

tel: 0131 240 2489

Closing date for return of submissions: 5 September 2003

The Scottish Arts Council champions the arts for Scotland

'7" -THELIST95