correxpondence and archnal material. re\ealing the lite hehind tlte iconic image. See rex ieu and lllllhl. Part or Whistler 3111/},

Beauty and the Butterfly: Whistler’s Depictions of Women l'ntil Sat 1()ct. l’a\tel\. etching\ and lithographx lllll\ll’illc \\'lii\tler'~ depictions oi uomen. toctmng on childhoml.

adulthood and the old age. l’urr of “TIMI/(f


Copper Into Gold: Whistler and 19th Century Printmaking t'nul Wed 2-1 Dec. 'l'hix exhihition prexentx etching\ and lithographx h} \Vhixtler and lil\ ctintenipot’ariex. highlighting \Vhixtler'x acluewmentx ax otie ot~ the greatext artixt- printniakerx ol all time. Part or “TIMI/(T jot/i

In Grey and Black l‘uul Sat~1()ct. \Vliixtlei‘K lamous painting ol lll\ mother. .‘lI'IUNL’FIHt’IIl III (irm and Him L .\'u/ come\ to (ilaxgou lor the Jim time in met‘ 5” )eai'x. on loaii lroin tlic .\lu\ce d‘()t\a} in l’dl'lx. I’urt u/ “TIMI/(T 21/11},

18903 Women l'nul Wed 34 Dec.

Opening Closes - The Transformation of the North Holyrood Site l'ntil Sun 2-1 ,-\ug \ii c\hihition charting the cliatigc~ that time taken place in the North llol}rood \IlL‘ in lidiiihurgli

Locofoco: Make the Message Move l‘ntil Sun 1" Aug. .\n e\hihition highlighting the .l\\.tt'tl-\\tntttllg uork ot dexignerx locotoco. Recent will include\ \ltot'lx “lilt‘ll can appear on alnioxt an) kind ot' \creen tormat. Chunk l'ntil Siiii 2“ Jul. .-\n e\hihitioii \honcaxing the uork ol \lt‘\l:_'ll agenc} ('hunk.

Whistler’s Wallpaper l'uul Sun I“ Aug. The l‘L‘\llll\ til .i \Ct'tL‘\ HI \tot'kxliopx iii \\lll(ll participantx e\perinieiited “till a \ariet} ol printmaking techniquex to create “all an L'l'lllg'S inxpircd h} the \xork ot .l.tlllL‘\ .\lc.\'eil \Vhixtler.

tearsomEngine and Electroconnect Gotcha 'l'hu 3.: Jul Sun 31 .»\ug. .-\ locux on learxoinlingine and l:lectroctinncct “ho

(iillian \hoxu a \L'llL'\ ot lie“ l‘dlllllllgN depicting the I'.l\l\lllt' Bridge and the ~urrouiiditig area


('entic l-ot l)c\ \ll\ l.\ .'\lhion Street. 552 2\22 \loii llt lllani 5pm

Me, Blue and you . . . Against Discrimination l'titil lltti 1- Jul (her 5” ill'l\\t‘ll\\ h} dimhlcd .tllhi‘ Horn 2“ couiitiicx ax pail ot the latiiopean \t‘dl ol l)l\.ll‘lt'\l l’coplc Identity Inc 2" Jul lll \ \tig \ itiultiriiiedia e\liil‘iltoti tcatuiing \\illl\ created during l’ioiect \liilit} \ l .l\l\‘l .it‘t camp loi children and )oting people \\lll1 authtic \pcctiiitn diwidch


loo Bath Sttccl. ‘12 2.\_‘o

Woman at the Oasis t not Sat 3 .\ug .\n e\liihition ol ill.t\\lll_‘_‘\. painting\ and ciiihioidei} h} \ctta l:\\ ing.


Festival Times

DCPIL‘IIHIIN olnomeii h} \Vhixtler‘s are de\c|oping a child \alet} deuce. ' "' I' ' A contemptirariex - llL‘ttl'tl\lC_\. Mackintosh. SIX Hi 25 Jul Sun 3| All}; :\ RSAMD ' -'~‘ f'i-‘i i’ 2' - 2‘ V °t'«ll~l"7‘\1 ('arlox Sclmahe and UlllL‘l'\ implied h) \houcaxe ot' uork h} \llltlL‘tlh lroni llltl Renlieu Street. :‘2 5H52 \loii lll f'wg m ' .2143" v~ 5%. V ,._ l :wi lantax). imagination and \}iiiholi\ni. ’ur! Scotland\ \l\ \clioolx ol architecture ‘lain opiii. Sat Want -1 itlpiii +1.1" . . - v . Se... iv 3. . u] ll'luxt/er Jill}, \\ ho ha\e heen \lll‘lltlllL‘tl loi’ three tic“ Foundations l lllll luc 5 .\ug ()iigin “1 g r ,i l Whistler and Scotland l'ntil Sat 4 student anardx: the Rl.'\S Sil\ei' Medal :\rt picxentx a \olo \llti\\ oi paintingx h} "l 2 l "' " " l W "

()ct. Thix e\liihition e\p|ore\ \Vliixtler'x l'oi' hext lilth '\eai' \tudent; the Jamie \lacka} e\p|oiing colour. loitii. l' "7"‘I3 %- ‘0 t”~ - .'

ponerlid influence on the Scotthh art lighthouxe anai‘d lor hext third _\ear te\tuie and iiictaplioi f.; 8.37. (5. .. ‘;...:. -}.‘, \iotld during lll\ liletinie. featuring the \tudent atid the l't'han l)e\ign a\\at'd. ,

(iiiitgim Bo) pattilerx. dealer\ and NBC." Si «or... SCOTLANDART.COM "We" 5‘9"“: De3'9" collectoi‘x atid includex \xorla h) li:\ o Burnlicld Road. (iitlnock. (\ i.\ |2llll 1946-95 A 7 ‘V‘Tt'wl‘l ‘i'il'. " Walton. Jamex (iuthrie. (ieorge llenr} and LILLIE ART GALLERY Tue l-i’i llaiii 5pm; Sat ltlain 5pm. '. ill'li'f‘fllg- [lab 1w; 1. up] 434.13..

('harlex Rennie Mackintoxh. I’urt n/ ll'lu‘xtlvr 201)}.

The Whistler Collection The llunterian'x internationall} important “Tllxllt‘l‘ ('ollection l\ on \ ieu in lie“

Statioti Road. .\lilnga\ie. 528 8847'. Tue Sat Illani Ipiii «k 2 5pm. Interface l'iiul Sat 0 Aug. Nine Britixli artixtx e\ploi'e the I'L'l;lllt)ll\lll|)

Sun noon 5pm.

Summer Show 'l‘liu l~ Jul Sun I" .'\llf_‘. .\ \eleclioii ol \\Ull\\ h} mei' ill gallei'} ;tl'll\l\ including Sarah

uxtiit‘if‘t‘r‘. ti i'ii'tfrt t'ii' .,."l\tl lititnr'f biz-HAM. ft.t'.'illtitit.ft.i.

tlt?fill;lli'l .itiil 71""lt:l limit (‘l

dixplap teaturing St) oil painting» hundred\ of dran ing\ and \xatercolouh and o\ er ltNN) etching\ and lithographx. I’ur! of ll'liixtler 21m}.

hem een art and \ciencc including \xork h} l.oui\e K.\\'il\on. ('lai'a l'i'xitti and llideo l‘iuruta.

Medium and Message t'nul Sal t) .-\ug. .-\rt\\orl\\ tll’;t\\lt lroiii the gallei'} '\

('ari'ington. l’atx} .\lc.\itliui. l’etei .\'ardini. Blair '1 lltilitxtitl. ('lict}lctic |)_\ci'. lan lilliot. l’at Ki'anick and Stexe Jtilllhlttll. plux the neu \elllpltil\ to the gallci'}.

loxtiltrs; ii’. (‘ilgiiaitiiz Selim .i «f fut. ‘t‘rtittiiiiit; tilt; (lsffiltllifi lei ii:¥'fé,


[lilll‘lll‘itlf‘i Sui: I)l(".'li:.'.' (il'.'i:;_<;<".'. Whistler Centenary Lecture: The Taste for Whistler Thu I7 Jul. (ipm. £5. ('harlex Saumare/ Smith. director of the National (ialler) in London giies a talk on the three important \Vhixtler paintingx hequeatlied to the galler} in NW h) Arthur Stiidd.

Whistle-Stop Tours Tue 22 & Tue 2‘) Jul. lpiii. Hall-hour highlight lttllh ol' the llunterian\ Whixtler displa} \.

Ten at One Talks Wed 23 & Wed 30 Jul. lpni. 'l'en-minute talk on xelected \xot'ks from the llunlerian's Whixtler tlisplit}\.

Whistler and Printmaking: a Lasting Impression Sat 26 Jul.

lllani noon & 2- 5pm. £25. A curator talk and tour of the (upper into (in/«l exhihition t‘ollon ed h) a deinonxtration ol‘ screenprintx and a handx-on \iorkdiop thing dr} point techniques at (ilaxgtm l’rint Studio. Theinex include the \eaxonx. uoodland lll}lllttlttg}. traxelling people and the beach.

permanent collection locuxing on the 5pm. ii), Hi All; / i "*5. ‘jdg f)”; ' importance ol' the artixt\ choice ol~ SHARMANKA KINETIC

medium in relation to the \uhiect matter. GALLERY

2nd l‘looi'. l~1 King Street. 552 "(Ni Stiii. Tue ik Thu noon (ipni.

Old Haunts New Work l‘uul Sun 31 .-\ug. :\ Lll\}‘l;l} ol original lurniture tn \xood h} the late 'l‘iin Stead. Without Sanctuary l'ntil lit 15 Aug. .»\ docuineiitar} e\|iihitioii created h} the RUSSIHII Memorial Societ} \\liic|i look\ at lite and death iii Rll\\l;t under and alter the L‘Ullllllllllhl regime.

Thomas Demand A ‘:'.a: star .".L".|(Z".‘. tgititi ‘.'.<} <lziii't lino lllt:"l MANSFIELD PARK GALLERY 5 ll) iidland Street. 3-12 4! 2-1. \Ved Hi I lam (ipiii; Sat l lani 5pm; Stiii noon -1pni.

Contemporary Scottish Landscape Paintings t'niil Sun 3o Jul. The inaugural exhihition of thix next gallery set up h) lirancex Buchanan who formerly ran the contemporar) artx organixation knoxxn ax The ligg. ()n \ltow will he a xelection ol L‘OltlL‘lllDUi'dl‘} paintingx h} Jonathan Meuli. Jamex (ireen. l.}nn Ahrenx. Julia Jeffrey the late Neilxon and Stuart Buchanan.

New Figuration Sat 20 Jul \Ved 2o Aug. liigui'atire paintitigx h} in\ ited artistx including Stephanie Re“. llenr} Kondracki. 1.} mi .-\hren\. Julia Jelt're}. Stuart Buchanan and Suxan liaton.

{t‘.'.’{l, too ottotii for lll()"l{lfi

l)<2"ieiti<l's; "hint f;(}(: solo f;llt>‘.‘.’ Nothing; f; (itiitt: Demand "taker; l)t(}(;lfit?

'.'.‘.'l£tl ll fit:(:"lf; iii;

mmittsstttim'otié; of Stiirllirf; from. lift. {llltl lll(?"l{tt3f1l‘i(?(ll{l£lll(l their ;,ll()l()§;'(ll)llf} form Sim: Hinton. {Li/Yioo (:(T'YH’HJMJli'lXt, x'i'fm [)lii'li’JOU. .' So“ Whistler 2003 THY“: filitgili';r;

.i'itr Air/JV,” !|.t: w'


2o King Street. 552 2l5l. Tue Sat Illatn 5..‘~tlpin.

0 Dalziel + Scullion - Aura A l'titil Sat 23 .-\ug. .'\I'll\l duo l).il/ic| + Scullion prexent tour ne\\ photographic “(.mwm/ (W ( f ,'1(""\,lhl,i /

print\ and a \idco piece entitled In [/H' l" " < “' "’ J ' "m " ()pni Sm: ('oiitinuing tlicii' e\ploration A'Wffl'ltiéi" lKM'". gifted, .lél"--’:‘,

ol theniex ol the natural en\ iroiinient l.4<;l\ii:il ‘.'."t‘.i§;‘.l<:". A l";il‘i1l": ft’,.‘: and man\ relationxliip \\lll1lll ll. the an (“fulfil/in ‘(;;ittir' ll’l 5W: ’l.‘>l,€l. photographic prinh conxht ol ai‘clinc ' hlack and \\ lute photograph} Hunt the


‘ilél" "t:.i‘:.'.

lllt: l l;.‘r‘.t<;":g‘:r"<; ’.‘3t‘.lt:tl£l",

1‘ l I.) (L). (l ‘l\;'.I > lull ll (I.


18 King Street. 552 25-10. Tue Sat 27() Sauchiehall Street. 3.“ lh'5-1. turn ol' the centur} \\ ith coloui ’IV’r'l'lé“"W3": (5"‘93W'1’7” H17” in" ltlaiii- 5pm. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. photograle oi' the landxcapc. Sec 7, ’;.’l loan fru'n ttw: lv‘itnw; ’i'Ut'iii, Look What I Made Sat 26 Jul. Tue 2‘) Art Treasures of Kelvingrove llillN. ,t pm” 3.... v'(. 'i(‘ ., Humw;,w/1~ Jlll- sin 2 Aug. An exhihition iii' ;lrl\\(tl‘l\ l'ntil lttlL‘ zoos. At llie Kehingrmc ., ,. ' {If ' ' ' . .,. i-ri-iiica h) .Li tat-iii out .iiia their xiiiwiim a .-\t'l (killer) iiiit nail Lima TRACEY MCNEE a. PIVOTAL (“3 "3’," (""’~"T1*"“'"~ 1”“ " 0 t‘aniiliex rexulting l‘i‘oni \\orl\\llttp\ run h} itx doors for major ret‘ui'hixhinent. o\ er ARTS Dalziel + Scullion - Aura A

Glut" Pl‘t‘klllk‘llt‘lh. NEW SHCVV 47 l’arnie Street. 552 5(i2", ’l'uc Sat lll..5llillll 5.30pm; Sun I 5pm. Highland Art l'ntil Sat ‘) :\ug. includex Thomax l-aed‘x 'I'lic' [mi of Illi' l‘iguratixe painting\ h} l’at Scniple and (Ian and Remhrandt'x .-l Man [II laiidxcapex h) Janiex ll;l\\l\lll\. t:it.:roii'vt(;ttt (if‘w’l "‘iziri'i. rotgifmttfitiii) .-\rmour. plus uork h} ('harlex Rennie 35m] ‘1 m a gum/.5. 9f “(icy/Habit“! Mackiiitoxh. Dutch and l-‘Ieniixh art. TRANSMISSION GALLERY 2 ' 23 King Street. 552 1M3. Tue Sat llani 5pm.

Michael Fullerton: Are You Hung up? [hill Sat 26 Jul. .-\ \olo \hou ol lieu \Hil’lx h} (ila~go\\-ha\cd painter Michael l’ullcrton. Sec i‘c\ic\\.

2()() painting\ l'roni the Keh ingro\e collection take up rexidenc) at the .\lcl.ellan (iallcricx. The dixpla}

Artist (itir, l/lattt‘w; [Jul/tut :wi THE LIGHTHOUSE l’;.llf‘i(: Snails/x: 'xit‘li'hi‘: T"‘:it' ll Mitchell Lane. 22] (3302. Mon. Wed-Sat ltl.3(l;iiii—5piii: Tue 11am 5pm; Sun noon -5piii. £3 (80p).

Emerging Architecture 3: Kommende Architektur l'niil Sun ll) .-\ug. The third in a trilog) of e\hihition\ that documentx the dixerxit) and high densit) ot‘ indnidual \tance\ in the Austrian .-\rcliitecture scene. ('tirated h} ()tto Kaptinger. the e\hihition prexents a neu generation of practice\.

100 Houses for 100 European Architects of the 20th Century l'ntil Sun 17 Aug. .-\ focus on the architect's home featuring 100 lite-size images of Hit) architects \\ ith photographs and dra“ ings ol‘ their o\\n houxex.

extJl'x'attr/i of the Natural

DillllS. Street lever. C-}/.'1.';_:;/)'.‘.2 mm 851.? 2’? Aug.

David Sherry 'lltr: Collect. J‘: (Sailor, '5 Pasha mu features BOOKS l whims ttot'i.rtr‘:‘:.

tie-rim" (mat; and .iric’, artist [Xi/Kl


73 Robertson Street. Suite (i. liloor l. 248 371 I. Tue» l-‘ri noon 5pm. Duncan MacOuarrie l'nul Hi 8 Aug. Works in iiii\ed media h} Duncan MacQuarrie.


36 Washington Street. 221 2 l 23. Mon—Fri 9am 5pm.

Hugh Gillan l'ntil Fri 1 .-\ug.

(ilasgoxx School UTAH graduate llugh

TRONGATE STAJD'OS Shem. l;(7‘;I ll'l’JJJi'l for tat; Silt/Jung IS .-\lhion Street. 552 2522. Mon l'l'l . .,

mm] «pm piece. (afloat/we (ml/em

Vapor l-lllll l'll'l 5 .'\ug. .\ \Ultl \ll()\\ til ECH'li’JL/fg/i, S€1lJlr’I'*St/ll /' SCI). xtencil art h} 'l'rongate Studiox ineiiiher

lilaine licktord.