The iiuikII2\I
1).II1\ 150. 5‘15. 325
lCaptura the CastleII'IiI Hull} S211
Nicholas Nickiaby Il’( iI
Hull} 125. 1.15. 57.45
Kiwi :,
l’IIIz'IuIIIIIII' lrlwl} III III' \Illlll.” 10 HIV 1III-\IIIII\ \SL’L'lK. l’lIIIIII' III *1 4-15 200010! III-huh .IIIII 00ch
Filmhousa: Edinburgh
HS I,II1lII;III RIIuIl, 111 5l 2235' 2033 llIII. RCquurunI. [121. [1)]. .\luIII cwulng \I‘I'I'I-Iungx. L550 IL-l SIIII 'l‘hu (Illl_\ 1. laurl) Ian-rung: \L'II‘I'IIIIngz £4.50 IU
S00 ’1 llil 001} I Muilliccx: L151) 1L2
S00 1101 II11l\ I. l'IIIlu} lIQIIjJAIIII 00100ch I) SII III 20I
11011181 IAI’ 1/ .1111
1. Summer Things (Embrassez Dui Vous Voudrez) I ISI 2. I0. 3. I S.
Girls Can’t Swim (Las Fiilas iia Savant Pas Hagar) I 00 S.4S.
2. La Comunidad IIIII~I 3.00. 0.00. Alice I ISI 3. I0.
3. El Criman del Padre Amaro I ISI
1.30. 3.45.
Criminal Lovers (Les Amants Criminals) 113) 0.15.
1. Ripley’s Game I ISI 2.30. 0.00. 3.30.
2. Springtime in a Small Town mm 3.00. 545. S15.
3. Paris was a Woman I I2I 3.30. IgbyGoas Down I ISI 0.30. 3.45.
8A1URDAY 1‘.) .JUL
1.ThaAmerican FriendII’III 2.30. Plain Solall I ISI 5.45.
Ripley’s Came I ISI 3.30.
2. Springtime in a Small Town Il’( II I00. S.4S. HIS. 3.1gbyGoesDownIISI 3.30. S.4S. TogetherIISI 0.30.
1.Pleln SoleiiIISI 2.30. TheAmarican FriendII’UI S.4S. Ripley’s Game I ISI 8.30.
2.The Blue KitaIISI 24S. 31S. Springtime in a Small Town II’III S.-IS. 3. igby Boas DownIISI 3.30. TheDaysIISI 0.30.
TogatharIISI 3.45.
1. Ripley’s Game I ISI 2.30.
Plain Solall Il’( II 0.00. TheArnarican Friend Il’(iI 8.30.
2. The Blue Kite I ISI 2.4S. Springtime In a Small Town II’(iI S.4S. 8.15.
3. Together I ISI 3.30. igbyGoasDown I ISI IIIS.
The Days I ISI 3.45.
1. The Talented Mr Bipley I ISI 2. I0. Ripley’s CamaIISI 0.00. 3.30.
2. Springtime in a Small Town Il’( II 3.00. S.4S. SIS.
3. Lliya 4-EverIIxI 3.30. 8.45.
Do I Love You? I ISI (I30.
1. Bipiey’s Game I ISI 2.30. 8.30.
The Talented Mr Ripley I ISI S. 30. 2.The ilorseThiatIlSI 3.00. Springtime In a Small Town Il’( II 5.45. SIS.
3. Uiya 4-EverIIIS'I 3.30. (IIS. DolLoveYou7IISI .S‘.4S.
1. Ripley’s Game I ISI 2.30. 0.00. 8.30.
2. Springtime in a Small Town II’( ll 3.00. MS.
The iiorsaThieiIISI IIIS.
3. Lilya a-EverIIsI 3.30. 0.30. 3.45.
::):}/“/.: 1 I. 1.iiabbitProoiFenoeII'IiI 230. S IS Morvarn CallarIISI (IIIII
2.sexis II.\. 3:0. I. :0. \511 3. Standing In the Shadows of Motown II’III I00, SIS. II III
5A7 IIIEII‘I/ .6 , I: 1.MorvamCallarIISI 2‘0 RabbitProoiFencaII’IiI S IS. " III 2.SexisComedyIIxI :30. II 30. SS0 3.LustarIIxI :30.
Standing In the Shadows oi Motown Il’llI SJS. H :0.
55' IND/W .7 .JUl 1.11abbitProotFenceII’III 2 III Corpus Callosum Illk‘l 000
Morvern CailarIISI SKIS.
2. Sex Is ComadyIIM H0, (I III. S50. 3. Standing In the Shadows oi Motown Il’(iI 1.00, S50
LustarIIXI (I30
1. Japan I ISI 2.30.
Tan02.-\I 0.00.
TheSonoithe BrideIIxI xIS
2. Sex is ComedyIIxI 330. II III. .SSII 3. Standing In the Shadows oi Motown II’(1I 3.00. S.4S.
LusterIIxI 3.30.
IUISDAY 1)?) Jill 1.ThaSon oi the Bride I I.\'I S.4S.
Ten I l22\1 2.30.
Japdn I IsI 8.15.
2. Sex is Comedy I IS) 3.30. 3S0. Jeremy ilardy Versus the israell Army IISI 04S.
3. Standing in the Shadows oi Motown Il’(iI 3.00. S.4S. 8.30.
1. Abouna - my Father II’I‘II 2.30. InsomniaIISI 0.00.
Irreversible I 00 3.30.
2. Sex is Comedy I IxI 3.30. SSII. Jeremy liardy Versus the israell Army 11.51 04.5.
3. Standing in the Shadows of Motown mm 3.00. 5.45. 3.30.
1. Insomnia I ISI 2.30.
II'TBVOI'SlblOIlISI 0.00. Abouna-MyFatherII’IiI sIS.
2. Jeremy liardy Versus the israell Army IISI 3.30.
Sex is Comedy I IxI 0.30. SS0.
3. Standing In the Shadows oi Motown 0K0 300. 5.45. 3.30.
ilorth Edinburgh Arts Centre
|5u l’CIIn)\\c11('IIuI'i. 0131 315 2151. 1.1 U.
FRIDAY 18 JUL. iialpi I’m a Fish II‘I I0.3II;IIII.
lielp! I’m a Fish II'I IIIIIIII. The PianistIISI 3.00.
FRIDAY 25 JUL Treasure Planet II'I
Treasure Planet II‘I IIIIIIn. Bangs at New York I ISI 3.00.
Ddaon Wastar iialles: Edinbu -
\Vuixidc l’lu/u. 120 \VCSIcr lluilu RIIuIl. \VL‘xIL‘i‘ ll;iIlL‘\. (1371) 51151111117. ID]. Ilil. .-\Illll1\2 £5.20; th'IIrc (Ipm £3.50. (’hIlIlI‘cnK ).-\1’/SIuI1cnI: £5.50. l'uuul} III‘kcI: £15; IIcI'IIrc (Ipm L151; thIIrc 0pm £12. liurguin Du} 'l‘ucz £3.20 u11 \L'tils. l’rc-IIIIIIII ~110ny £5.20.
BrueeAimIghtyII2AI 1.40. 4.00. 0.20. 8.40.
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle I I 2A I 1.20. 2.30. 3.30. S00. 010. 7.30. 8.4S.
Daddy Day CaraII’III I 511. H0. 030.
ThaiiuliIII2\I I00. 200. .100. 5IIII_ ‘IIII. .\IIII
Thain-LawsII2\I I 30, S511. 030.
Pigiat’s Big MoviaIi I I 20. 300. .1.III 2 Fast 2 Furious I2 \I II 20. S .IS
Il.‘_![‘/,”, ‘.. ‘LIIILIQI A.
Agent Cody BanksII2.»\I
IlIu S10.550510
Brown SugarII2.-\I
l)uIl_\' 1211. 54.5. 01”. 3411 Bruce AlmightyII2.-\I
l).lll_\' 140. .100. 030. S40 Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I I 2 -\ I l);11l) I III. 3 IS. 00S. H30 Daddy Day CareII’III
Hull) 1 51L 5511. 0211. 35” Dark BlueIISI
III-emu». 200. S40, S20.
Sui .\ SIIII‘ 0.05. .S' 15 TheiluikII2.\I
I).III_\. I00. 2.00 I00. 5IIII_ “00. x00
Piglat’s Big MoviaII'I
Hull}. 1.20. 5.00Ik 4.40IIIIII llIuI Sinbadzlagend oi the Seven SeasII'I Sui Ik Sun: 12.40. 2.15, 4 2S 2Fast2FuriousII2AI
l'l‘l \VI'Ili (12“. 3.4.5
l’I'IIgI'qumc IIIII'I} III 1w \qulur [0 10¢ pin lilll\ \\ L'L'k. l’lIIInc (IS-711 5(15111Nl7 lII| IlL‘lilllS .IIIII IIIIICS. NC“ lIlIll\ duo 10 00cm 00 l'I'I 25 Jul:
Agent Cody Banks I l::\1
Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas II'I
Ddeon: Edinburgh
7 (-lcl'l. SII‘L'L'I. 11151 (10711971. 1010 ulIIl (‘(‘ 000100;: 0370 50 50 007. liur‘. l1)| \L‘i’CL‘iIS 2 mid .5. .-\Illlll: [5.311 IlIL‘IIII‘C 5pm ’l'uc 'l'hu: L4I. (’IIncx/cIulII: £3.20. liurgum Du) I'II'I'} 5100: £3.20. 1‘uIIII|_\ IIL‘lwlx cwr) Ilu} 0001 7pm: £14.
BruceAlmightyII2.-\I 3S0. S.S0. 3.10. 10.40.
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I I 2.-\ I I220, 300, 0.20. 3.40.
Daddy Day CaraII’III II.20;IIII. I30. 3S0. SSO. 3.00. The Hulk I 12:\1 310. identityIISI 300. SS0.
Piglet’s Big MovIeII'I II.SIIIIIII. I.3S. 2Fast2FuriousII2AI 12.20, 0.00.
1|.40uIII. 2.50. 5.20.
Thu: 11.40qu. 2.00. 4.15. 0.30. 3.45. Bruce AlmightyII2AI
l)uIl}: 0.00. 8.50.
.’\l\(I muIIIIcc ucckdup: 12.40. 3.30. .’\lSU luIc l'I‘l Ik Sui: 10.50.
Chariia’s Angels: Full Throttle I I 2.»\ I Dull): 12.211. 5.111). (1.21). 8.41). .'\l\ll Iuic l'I'I Ik Sui: 1100.
Daddy Day CareII’UI
|)uIl_\: 11.50qu. 1.55. 4.00. 0.10. 8.15.
The Hulk I l2:\I
Dull}: 11.30um. 2.20. 5.10. 3.00
.'\lSU lulu HI I& Sui: 10.50. Identity I 15I
l'l’l \VCIli (1.411. 3.51). .-\1\II lulc l'II Ik Sui: 11.10.
Payit Forward I I2I
Mulincc Inc: 1 1.00qu.
Piglat’s Big Movie Ii'I
1-'ri WM: 1145qu. 2.00. 4.00. Sinbad: Legend 01 the Seven Seas II'I
Sui & Sun: 0000. 2.15. 4.15.
l’rIIgrqumc Ilkcl} III he \liilllitr III the prcx IIqu \\ cck. l’hIInc 0870 S0 S0 007 lIll' Ilciuilx unII limc» \cn films due [0 0pm IIn Hi 25 Jul:
18'. 0.08 Film
Agent Cody Banks I2 \I Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas II
Scotsman Screening Room
\\I‘l\lll.lll 1100']. .70 \IIIIII llIII1;'I'. 550 5505 :0 50 IL ‘5 111\ \l1.11111‘.l_‘_‘11L' l\'\k'l‘llI‘ll .001 Mm \I‘lll\\' IIIIIIII'I. .Ilw IIIIII' \i‘llllllt'llxk" .Il IIIIIIII
The Philadelphia Story III. ‘ :II
Star Century: Edinburgh
(III-.10 lL'1111111.Il.()\L‘.I11l)11\k‘.lt‘llll. lll 5l *2 5 “film ‘\Llllll L5 511Ilk‘lnlk‘ 5IIIII\1IIII l 11 L4 SIII ('1II1I1IIIIII1I'I 15I'('IIIIII‘\\IIIII\ LS \IIIIII'III U50 l'.IIlIIl_\ III‘kI'I 1.14 l\l\l\ (101‘ 11
AngarManagamantIISI I2 20. 2S0 BIkerBoszI2.\I III.III.I.... I30 :III BruceAimIghtyIIMI I02II.IIII. I2SII. 320. -I.2S. S40. IISS. "S0, IS Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I I.‘ \I 1000.0”. 1100.0“. 1301 I {II {00‘ 400, SIS~ II I0. 500, IIIIII
Daddy Day CareII’IiI III 1000. 1110.00. 1210. 110. 210. ‘10.
4 III. S10. II III. “ III. S III
The iluikII2-\I II IIIIIII. I2 III. .‘ =0. 330, S III (15”, S III II III “MIMI "15 The ln-LawsII2.\I 3.-IS. IIIS. S45 ThathtlaPolarBaarII'I 1000.00
The Matrix ReloadedIISI S III. .\ <0 Piglet’s Big MoviaIl'I III IS.IIII. I2 IS. 1
10 45.00. | 15.
mm Furious I In. III 15.00. I.‘. 45. 3.15. 5.45. S715
WrongTumIIxI II.2II
Agent Cody Banks I I2 ‘\I
1110: 500. S00.
Brown SugarII2.-\I
Dull): 10.45.00. I 1.5. ‘45. II 15. 845.
Bruce Almighty I I 2.\ I
l)uI1\: 10.20.00. 11.50.00. 12 50. 220.
3.20". 4 S0. S S0. 7 20. x 20 :\l\II llllt' l'I‘l N Sill 10.50 Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I I 2.-\ I Dull}: 1115.00. 12.45. 145. 115. 4.15. 5.45. 0.45. 8.15. ‘I l5
.-\l\II IIIIIIIIIL‘L' \\L'L‘l\(lli}\ lll 1.5.1111 .-\1\II1uic l’II Ik Sui. 10.45
Daddy Day Care Il’(iI
l)uI|\: 10.10.00. 11.10.00. 1210. 210'. I10. 410. S.III. IIIII. ” III. Slll.
.'\l\IIlRIlL'l'1'1I\ Sui. 10.10.
The Four Faattrars I ISI
Hull}: 4.10. 7.15 .'\l\i) lulI' l‘I'l Ik Sui The Hours I I2.-\I .\1uIInI'I-\\'I-I1: 11 ‘IIqu The iiqu I I2.-\I
Dull}: 11.10.00. 12 ‘0. 230. 1.10. 5.51). (I‘ll Sill ‘) 511. IdenfltyIl5I
Hull}: 0.10.
Dull): 10.50.00. 1.20. 1.50. (I20. 3.50.
TireJungleBooltz II‘I
l);IIl}I 1005.00.
The Little Polar Bear I I 'I
Muimcc l'I'I Ik Sul. .\100 I\ '1III'.‘11I0 10.30um.
The Matrix Reloaded I ISI
l'l'l IS; Sui: 0.50.
Piglet’s Big Movie II'I
Dull}: 1015.00. 12.15. 2.15
Shrelr II'I
Dull): 10.00.00.
Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas I I 'I Mulmcc Sui & Sun. 1010qu
2 Fast 2 Furious I l3:\l
l);lll}2 12.10 IIIIII Sun Ik \VI-III. 2 40. 5.10 A; 7.40IIIIII'1'huI.
.-\1~0|ulcl'r16; Sui: 10.20.
Wrong Turn I IIII l.ulc l'I'I ck Sui: l 1.00.
-. THE LIST 55