I Designer —' middleweight experience triim eiiiieepi iii - m artssiirk seeks gimd enmpan} SCOnIShBaHet I! you are a high achieve, with dnvo and enthusiasm all“ Upp‘." tulan \ l“ dt \ k .nd stinking. \\ illing tn lcdlll
Scotland’s National Dance Company has recently annOiinced . . and not atraid (ll tea making' its first season under new Art stic Director Ashley Page. m Telem.arket'ng EXGCUt'Ves llm Number: 472/] This is the beginning of an exc ting new phase in Scott slt To lom 0"" wmmng team
, , ,. . . .. it Buildin 8 Mana er Ballet’s histOry. We have the following vacancy n Otlr' J“_,‘jm“",’,,j.;f’ , f‘ _" ,‘"4 fl; '_ 1"- ,' ' . 9. . 9 6| k ’ Ed C to U 1 ' > -- ' i ' - d “a” i ‘- reqnn'ed lur Izdinbureli based d ( V l (W U 1 n '1.- i'. " "' l’ ' ’3 " I 'h' ’i ' ‘ 1'01" I'7.'.t"t’v-" . 'il ‘ ‘30 ’ )‘ 3 ‘ ‘ theatre eoinpans. Responsible . D t. k. MM, e “1:”, W... tor the mamlenanee ul three Trainee ance uca Ion Icer i .. mm. m... .U Wm , and salets eu-nrdinator, I’Iease hOUl’S p€l week) One year contract. H 585 are an Edinburgh based company. '
eontaet Ruth Bllllt'HHlI'llI l'nr lurther inlnrmatimi on 0| 3| 248
430i) y - en lo add to our highly regarded ldiication Team, we are loolxng ‘ I “l” rbutterssiirthtu l}c‘t'tiiii.iii'g.tik
for a self motivated, committed individual who can work either . Closing date for
is )irt of ‘1 close knit te im, or On their own initiat ve. . . ‘ l‘ ‘ ‘ applications 18 August. The successful applicant will be involved in all aspects of the
department’s werk and will gain first hand experience of both
Salary £12,000.
teaching and administration. seeks Research Project: Young . . . . People Alfected By
This exciting new position has been made possible by a bursary Box Office/Marketing Ass|stants (Fun "me and pan fime) Parenta' Drug Misuse. I)”
award from the Scottish Arts COllthil, Hm haw n purcm “h” In“ m
to create a dedicated and intuitive team responsible for the effluent running oi the Box Office. providing excellent customer care and assistance to the
For a copy of the job description Visit Marketing Department. ExpenenceolDatabox is preferred but not essential. 1 q . , I _ I k _.| CW;Ei..wuumi-.y betlseen Iii--3. II sun \snuld wwsiscottis ibal or cmai “M m mmmmw >01”
5"“ 5C0““"”“”“-¢°-“* 0’ Cd" 01’” 351 2951- Front of House Assistants liiimlcilge in [his Edinburgh
has had a problem \s ith legal or illegal drugs'.’ .-\re sou aged
T0 “W'Yi D'C‘N‘ 50”“ CV “"“ toworkwithourdedicated Frontofl-louseteamcontnbuting to maintaining “"W‘“) WWW“ I‘l‘llll'l‘li C0V0l'1'l9 IN!” 10 J0<""‘d “'nSlW'V/OOU, our high levelolcustomer care as enthusiastic Ushers. Bar andDoorStafl. I‘ll'iN' 94'” Administration Officer Scottish Ballet, Contact: LuloyDavidson 0131 651 3002 or email 261 West Princes Street, Glasgow (34 9!: E
Please send your current CV to the appropriate contact at: I Theatre Group looking
‘A‘R:"‘;::W [I szens Theatre Inf perl'i-irmers interested in Gorbals Street duelnpmg imprm isalinn. Glasgow Scottish des ising. ensemble skills GS 903 Arts Council (‘ilnsiiiiw (inspired b} Improbable. Keith
Johnstune and Plus baekl. ('untaet Zoe 0n (ll-ll 43-1 Inna nr ereatem hit/(N)kililrl\.Ct).lll\.
Closing date: Monday 30 July
are seeking a PLAYWRIGHT For their winter 2003 production
Please send a covering letter and a short example of your work
We are also looking for CVS from freelance technicians, designers and specialist skills practitioners
Please send to or WPT, Unit 1A Millburn Centre, 221 Millburn St, Glasgow 621 2HL Tel: 0141 552 0234
Part funded by BBC Children in Need 05-22;
21-51, Renfrewshire Dance Project . 30 Years of Dance for All
Co-ordinator o“ a \_ l‘ ('0 This exciting dance protect needs a (tyrtamic‘ d'tU motivated iridividaai to died ts Y programme, develop hindraising (lawlle apd won't along $00 a Cam 0 woditer to o“’
promote the aims and objectives 0" RDP YOU shoald have experience 0? wo'kir‘g wt" a cattery a'ts cc)r'.‘r)a"y (PC the drive and initiative to take the C()t‘.‘i:)8"\' ‘o'wa'o
Excellent COmmtinicato" Skills and ar‘ enthuses!“ ‘0' dance a'e essentia as are an arts or relevant degree or end \'dit"". expe~e"ce
The post is for an initial poroa o," ‘i yea'
Salary within the rar‘ge {ioC‘OO 3‘18 300
Fer application pack and further iri‘o'rrato‘ please co"tac!
The Chairperson Renlrewshire Dar‘ce P'oiee’a Roar“ 38.
West Primary School, Newton 91th 9a soy PAi 2RL
0141 849 1.292 V, rentrew dancepro‘ects‘turgin no: a Closing date for Applications 313t July 2003
118 THE US? 17—31 Jiiit 200::