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114 THE LIST ‘7—3‘ 3"... EGGS

7*: 50‘; CE L SWEET ART CONTINENTAL 139 Bruntsfield Place. Edinburgh. 0131 228 9333

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Although :1 (mils; 21531:” {a dull, 83/04,”. Art (imizsn't imlri v'""«l°.‘, .i'vi “we-w“, many IIUHK; might in: H‘me acumen-l; "lé’f‘uiiilhtfll d‘» it“. " w: flux" -~.o"‘,r'(ili. .‘éll'ti. Ernprizis'sm; this; nan-ct '2‘ W: Hummus. Stiiifil'lux, my 11' w ,vfwi .er .2.” z. 0‘ hnghtiy painted 803021.“. r;<,~';i"w, 1,21%, 1‘05; gznzi <;<>W:é: mum, .r. 4% .it. .2 range of zippozihr‘q rum: i;'(:.'./'\ crime-<1glam/mun .z‘r.’ "' a .sil .utlv x! producer. tins; WW: ‘1'] Pi“;‘.(:¥‘< i: Dam vi Read:

I 8.200! Art H; 0/39!) (LI/I)” 55d}, (1 3711”: "iii-WP”) div} 81m T'm" "WW.

' A deft approach and a local bistro feel i: | l . l .i

NEW VENUE- FIRST COAST 99 Dalry Road. Edinburgh. 0131 313 4404

In April, The List Eating 8: Drinking Guide could write only a preview of First Coast. The initial inklings gave us a pretty good feeling about the place and our optimism was not misplaced. Brothers Alan and Hector MacRea intentionally have not built a pretentious ‘temple to gastronomy', as Alan says. Instead, in keeping with the sincerity of the west of Haymarket surroundings, their 50 to 55 seat venture aims to provide a 'local bistro feel'.

And it does. Their budget renovation of the former Mrs Unis premises is smart and appealing. While Alan, a former teacher. has experience in the catering trade, Hector has been at it professionally for 15 years, formerly working at Glasgow’s Air Organic (where he was head chef). Stravaigin and the Ubiquitous Chip. The influence of those estimable eateries is apparent in the frequently changing fare. From fresh baked rolls to Asian-influenced dishes. a deft touch is apparent. Flavours in a sticky pork salad. for example, are both distinct and complementary. Prices are particularly appealing at lunch and pre-theatre. (Barry Shelby)