


Collective Gallery. Edinburgh. until

Sun 20 Jul .0.

What creepy little fellows Beagles and Ramsay turned out to be. Greeting visitors to the Collective with their preternatural joviality, their plastic smiles and glassy stares belie the evil lurking beneath their polished exteriors. One look at them is enough to resurrect childhood nightmares. I am. of course, referring to the two ventriloquist dummies that Beagles and Ramsay have bestowed their likenesses upon.

These two little characters sit like evil twins watching themselves perform on video with the two artists. Has anyone seen Beagles and Ramsay lately? From Pinocchio , H . to Chucky. inanimate objects have Beagles and Ramsay: amusingly creepy ' '- z :- :' : ' the power of life and most of it is ; ._' ;~; _. bad. In this amusingly creepy puppy love for David Cassidy. On beaded effigies of stars such as : - : ,~ :' : exhibition, Beagles and Ramsay are display is the memorabilia from her Eminem and Elvis, you appreciate '- 1- -' " 2 ' '. : :- continuing their investigation into official fan days and even toothpicks that nothing can come between fans : . :' : ' . role swapping and the macabre Cassidy gave to her. Wow! and their devotion. I suppose we : ' . x 2' '. " ' :-- ' aspects of theatre entertainment. Voorsanger effectively evokes have all been there. As a late starter, : 2'_ g " ; :' ' Here, they take their inspiration from childish first loves, what it feels like my fever pitch was reached when I _: : °. “l. , an old black and white movie where to be a fan and the absurdity that received my Gnasher badge from : 2 : ~ ~ in: "'. the dummy takes over. If only Orville can surround it. As you take in Dennis the Menace himself. If .': :r‘ I '~ : and Emu had had such power. Voorsanger's embroidered snippets anything, this exhibition is a z n -: ' : 'p y: : i " '. l' l: "

Continuing the theme of evil of star wisdom, her fan club humorous reminder of childhood ' -vr ' ' m; '2' possession is Jessica Voorsanger’s membership, the Liverpool football delusion and fledging psychosis. exhibition about fandom and her teams' footprint casts and the little (Isabella Weir)

lb‘x, N l 3 DAVID AUSTEN: HARD TIMES Ingleby Gallery. Edinburgh. until 26 Jul 0..

Hit-HIL- l'llilf: ‘;l‘(:'.'.’l"illl'. .2: l eai' .:t T: .' '

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Untitled 2003 3?...1" r~-.- :g:-.-~- : ;: z" :" " :* ' new Muftrarr,