I Fresh .11 I'11'.1' ( 1111:1111 1";111. 1.111.
1.; EI11I «INT-I. :.1'lI.' '.'.'1‘1‘I.1'I.\I If. \11I1".1.11I1I1111311111'11K111111w1 11:11.11. x111”. 1111I<1\I1.1111I11:;1I111311-11.11:111I1.'111".1'I. 11111111I11'1111.111::.'I)I'1'.:111I.1‘111I11/ I .19. Il, \.11'1'111 \111I1.1\\.11I111 I\’11I.:.' Ix’1111111111'. .\I('II11‘.1..\11\11'1'1.11.1I1:111t1'
I I Love Music .11 1111.13 1 11.11::1-
\111111 1.1111 I11'1-I11'11111‘ l'111111.t_1.1111‘1 \\1'1'I.I\ (1.111'1I1 \111111111‘1'. :3I1'
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I Tackno.11\1.111.111111111.-111111111 \I1'11.11|111 \I11111|1I} \1-\1 1I.111- .‘fl .I11I
0 Taste .11 1111' I 1111111I I\’1111111
Ilpm 1.1111 15111111111 II 11111111. LN .1111'1 1U11111'111I11'1xi \\1-1-I1I_\ II11'1.11111.1I'\ 1111.11111111x \1111 11113111 \1’\\l11|1 111111111111-~ 411.111 I1xl11'1 1\ I’1111‘ x111111|1 .111111;.'11'\\1\1' 1111\111111111\1'.1111I1211.11'1'1111111-111.111111111111. \\I11|1' \I.111111\.1I1'1111111'.1111I \11-\1'\\.1111'I1'\\ \\11\1.\1I11'llll\1'1I13.1} 1111\11111.11I1I11\1111111} l8 I11111x1' j_'1‘111\ 1|111111_1_'I1 1I11' 11.1111 (1.111I 111.1110 1111' 111111111'11111ux ‘1111 1111111114} 1I1.1\11 11*.1II) I11'1'111I1.11 |1111;"11.1.1111lI11'\I1.1111I111}\ .1111I1I1111'11'111(i1‘.1111'.11I} 1111111\ .11 ‘1 z1111111 .111111-1111} 11111111x1111'I1l1‘111'11111' 11111111. tI.‘ 1t|111111'111|11‘1\1.1111-11 \11 [11121111
(3112111 81 Party
I Devils ‘n’ Angels .11
('.1\1'111I1\l1.I)1\.1 Illpm 1.1111 {1111* \\1~1'I11_\ 8.1111) 11111.111111\111'\\l} 11*11111'1I1'I1II1. \1111111 Ilt'.l\t'll 1|IltI Ilt‘II lIlt'lllt‘. It't'I llt't' I111Ilt'\\ I11 \1111.1111II111111'11‘l111'l1.1111I.1111'1‘.1II 111;:111 long.
I Mood Live .11 .\l111111 ‘111111 1.1111 II1-1' 111-1111c lll1111.[3.1111-11111'1'1111111-111111'1w \Vct'kl). .\l11111l 11111-11x 11x 1|11111~ 111.1 \1‘I1'1‘11111111l lI11'1‘11111111}'\ 11111 1'11\1'1\ I1.1111I\. \1l11l1' I).|\ ~11111 I111x 1111111 .11‘111xx 1l11‘ _\1~.11\
Hed Kandi’s Andy Norman
I Peppermint Lounge I’1‘1‘1‘1‘Iz11zri I I11'1' {l “.1111; \.1 I3...
I Subway West End .3 \.g \\1‘\1 I 1111 111:. 1.:12. I :4 ..1:.~: \\.~.~i~ i-. \.1 1:.
I The Subway .11 x
11 \\.-.~11;. \.1 11...
Edinburgh Mondays
I the (post)man collective: in(ter)vention #7 .111 .111,.:_-'_ \1-i'., z.- "[1111 1.1111 9,1 11111! \ :1. 1111'I11 I1111111111: 1111‘ 1111111111.;111w "~.~'1 l1I111.11111\11_ 1.2. 111;'I11 1x .1 111111 \1.1:'1‘ [11111 1'“ I11\: .1x111*1'11111§,'111 /:11'11:/)1":-1 [:11
" {1111111.111II11'.1.1'1II1j. .11‘).\ \'.1.1111:1\ \1..: I \-.1'11|111'111111'1 II11'111111111 111111111111‘.1..::.I\ 11\I1\1'11111\111111111111111111'.11111\1‘111I.\ (11.1111 I.111I1.1111I1I11'I’111111l11.1' I |)I\ .1111III11'11.1Il1111.111'.1'1111I.111.1\I11131
I CC Blooms .111 1' 1111111111
“111111111 1.1111 I111 \\1'1‘I.I} I11111.'\ 1111'II11\1111111111\11ll11-111.111111.111111\:'.1\ 1'l11l1. \111I1.1111111111211111x111x1-I1-1111111
I Latin Quarter .11 \I1'1I111.1
‘111111 1.1111 II1-1' \\1'1-I1I} I\’1‘I1'.1\1~111111
I .1111111.1111 \[11111 1'11'11 \I1111 \\1111111~1~
\.1|\.1|1-\\1111\1111111I’1'l1'1 I\’11;'1'1\.11‘111111
111111\.-.111I.112 II1." 11:11.:
l|11‘11\.1I\.1.1111I \1.111I1II11‘.11\ 1111111 |.11111'\ ('11111111'111111|1|11x111:'
I Spanish Fiesta Night .11 I I I1.111111 |11|1111 1.1111 I111 \\1-1'I.I_\ \11;'I11 11|1II1111'1*\ 11111111 1111‘ \11.1111\I1.1111I 811411141 I11\111;'1'11111111111111} 1111\11-1I |1_\ I),I\I‘1'I1\.1111II1I11.1111I11'.11111111;' 1I.11111'1111111111\11111;'I1l 1111111111I1111II1\11.11111 1‘I1.111I111\
(3111111 81 Party
I Decadence .11 111-111111111111
[11. 11111111 {.1111 H1131 \\1-1‘I1I} ()Ix'.11'1 \I11111I.11.I1111 l|1.1l\11111'\1‘11\1' (111-(x) 111111-\.1111I1'I11-.1111I1111I1\.1||1111r|11 111111:
I Flare .11 \VII) \111' I11|1111 1.1111 95 11.311 " .l11I, I'1111111§:|11|_\ (11119 111.111.11111
I Peppermint Lounge -;'I
t. \\.1- \ I
I Subway West End. \ \\ - \HI'
I The Subway \ . -'\\.-_..\‘_|1
ITasty!.r\l...: 1' \\.-_*.»'..I<.v‘..'11|l1...:\;‘..1"
I Toss the Boss ..: \\1 \.1 .::. f ;,f.f:.-11_-.:,.;1 jLIH I111i:.: It:.'..':.':.f\'1‘ “
Edinburgh Tuesdays
(11:11 I Lyrics to Go .111 .111.11.-1 1111.111.- II11111 1.1111 I11'1' I‘ I11I I1111111:'I11|j. I1_\1|11\111.1'I1111I11111.1111I111111.1.111111111 1111\1/1‘ I’l1'111_\111111-1'\l\|1-I1.1111111_'. 1'111'\1\I( \ .1111I x11.111I1\ 1111\1111'\\ -.'11111;' 1111\1.11.1II11\1‘1 1I11~ \111111 I 1111' \111'111 1N .1111I|)||{1'1I(1111.1111I11‘111.111111111111‘.1.I11I1' I11I11 \11111 II1 I 1.111'1111I1.11~.'1'
I Motherfunk.111111-1111111-111111111 11111111111 1.1111 II1‘1' \\1'1'I.I‘. \I1‘\\1\ (111111. | 1\1'1 .1111I \111'11111111 111x11. II11- 11111I1l.111l.1\111 .111I11'1111111\1\l1'111I1 1.11111111'1I1111'I111111I.1\\11 \11I1I.1111I111'1.1.
I Opal Lounge .11 1 111.11 1 111111-11- I1111111 1.1111 1.1 \\1~1~I1I§ \1111\1‘1II1.1:'111 “111th 1111 \111‘.11111111\1'. I\’1\Ii.1111I1I.1\\11 1I1\1111111111 I11I1\ \.1I111:1\1.1|I
I Punk ASS.11 (111111111 | 111111 1.1111 I111 “11411) \1'\\ I111'\1|.1\ 111-111111 .1\ 1H I’\\.111I_\ 1I1\I11'\111111111'I11'xl111 I1.111I1‘1111'. \I1.1l1'.1111I111111I1
I Rhythm! .11 \I11111I ‘111111 1.1111 I111
I11‘11111‘ I 111111. 9 _‘ .1ll1'1 11111 111 1111-111111-1x1
' Clubs
\\.'.'1". ‘1 x |\'.\I% 1 1 .. .. ll..11:\
I Salsa Buena 1*. \.. \.;
1 " \\.'.'-_. |,.".‘\111:::"1.' \.1 11’ \,_\.\ .__1'..."1
\‘11. '~_-' \.‘I1_. 311.11 1’1 I \;‘.t ";1: I Split “i .‘1..:." \1-",..':.‘ II;"‘ I'.. \I. I" .\ \' I) III ..
11.. 11 " IVibe '1 :1;1~~ 1‘ \\.~.~1_.1 '.: 1.13: I..::.1‘\ I 1-11-".1.111'.I1 1111 T311'1' 1x 13‘1'Ilv'1111:-' \1111I \I1111111x 1111’ \::"" II.1::.I-'1:11'.1 :111I ’.‘\I;::1111:' \11II.'\'..1.'111'1.1"11
3.". nip”.
I Nursery .111 .1-..-:.111111 11111 I‘Ii‘Zi 13:. f1 “ f:.'.' .111
‘11'11-tu ::.:1lt1::'111 \\.11"1.I‘. \11I.1\ .111211111 .:1I11If-1 :13: . I:1:.'1'::1' 1:.11111'x 1' 1 111.1111\111‘.::111I1.11: .1111I I\'1\Ii.11111111 I Peppermint Lounge .11 I’1'11111'11111211 I 1111111'1' [1111111 1.1111
I11'1- $2 \\.-1~|1.I\ \.1 HM
I Subway West End .11 \1111~.~..11 \\1‘\1 I 111I 1111: 1.:111 I I11‘11111' “11111, $11! ‘1 .1111'1 \\.‘1'I1|\ \1‘1‘ IIL11
I The Subway .11 \.111‘.1..1\ '[1111 1.1111 1] \\.-1'I.I\ \.‘1‘ II111
Edinburgh Wednesdays
I Bling.11l’11\.1\.1 |i|11111 1.1111 I111 “111111 |1.11.11I ('1.11:' In \1I11'.1.111I11'11111‘\1 Ix’.\|1.1111II1111I1111111111111I11‘I.1\111'11\1-.11\ I Dipt .11 \I1-11111.1 I1111111 1.1111 111th \\1-1~I11|\ ( I11I1' .\ | 11111-1111‘x1'111lI11\111".1. 111191111111I11'I1.'\11111l.1\\1111|1I\I11111|111|1 111111, 111111.. \1111|.1111I|{1\I11111111 \.1xl1. I’ .11111 I’ \111/ 11.111111‘1I1I.1111 1‘1x .1111I [11‘1111\\11111
\1 1111111‘.1|l|1‘1I I1\ 1111111
111111I1111.1111111111.11‘x x1111'11111.11I_.11111111I1
Berlin Bierhaus, Edinburgh. Sat 12 Jul
“I've run clubs for ten years in Edinburgh and never seen a night like it,’ says Stereotype resident and promoter Hugg‘y Burger Queen about the last time the Hed Kandi DJs came to Edinburgh. ‘We opened the doors at 11pm and by 11.30pm it was absolutely rammed.’
Hed Kandi certainly has its fans - its compilations sell by the bucketload. But it’s hard not to feel that this is a label, with its glossy production and simplistic genres (compilations are classed as ‘Chill Out’. ‘Nu Cool’ and ‘Dancefloor'). that is more about style than substance. Huggy disagrees. 'It evolved through Jazz FM, at a time when every compilation was about cool records. Hed Kandi turned that around and said: “Here's some good songs, they’re not mixed by some big DJ.” They could have roped in Danny Rampling or Masters at Work if
they'd wanted to be cool.’
The night runs as part of Stereotype, the club Huggy set up after Blast, his previous residency, closed last year. He seems equally keen on the night and the venue. ‘The main
dancelloor is really Iow-ceilinged and it's great as a DJ because you get people slapping and banging the roof, like there's a train rumbling overhead. It seems like just now we’re getting the right people in the right venue at
the right time.’ (James Smart)