Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to

' L ' A to uk, by

post 3r b;fax (in 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Bennet’s at lit'llllt'l.\ llpiii iam £3 tili. \Vcckl}. (la). llll\t'tl. xti'aight ulio carcx .luxt Iiaxc a blood} gootl titiit‘. pcoplc. Shaun lti\ ingl} l;i}x tlU\\ll thc ci'outl plcaxcrx iii tliix cxcr popular 'l'hu mglit iiiaxli up, .\iiiiic alxo pio\ ltlt'\ high- (it‘lttllt' ltlllt';tj._'t'.

I Carnival at 'l'raxh. Ill. illpiii iani. L31 til i. \Vcckl}. .\larth grax at tliix claxxic xtutlcnt \ctiuc. l)J Rolicrt nii\cx up Rtkll. \xhilc Stcwu lii'ouii lilaxtx otit llic chillin‘ liotixc and liotl} griiithn‘ l.atino licatx. 'l'hci‘c'x alxo a hit ol kai'aolxc. il that l'loatx )our boat.

I Columbian at thc .\x} him Back Room. Spin lam. l'rcv to (‘l'Sl‘ nicnilicrx; {I tilllt‘l'\\l\t‘. \\'cckl_\. l’ut xoinc lircakin' lunk iii )our trunk \\ ith thix cntcrtaining mglit ol \llltlt‘lll ltttttltit‘xx.

I Deathkill4000 tll thc \Vtiotlxttlt‘ Social. lllpiii 2am. l'rcc. \Vccl‘l}. llcrc L‘titlit‘x titlc til lhc ltloxl unctiiiiproinixingl) punk cluh nightx lor a \thilc. lilccti'o. liai'tlcorc. aii_\thiiig that gocx. Dcathkill tlon't cai'c \ihat )titi think til \\ littl lht‘) 'I'L‘ tltiillg. l'il'L't' hullh‘ til \otltl} lot thc licxt dancci' cacli \\ cck.

0 Dirty Thursdays at Blankci.

l lpm 3am. £5 tUi. \Vcckl}. (ict tlccp do“ ii and dirt} cici'} 'l‘hurxtla} \\llll

Ra) lllUlltl \Vootlx antl Naccin ini\ing up xoinc ol' thc moxt lioot)|icioux Rtkli in thc cit). “hilc Bill) .\lilligan xci‘\cx tip thc hcxt xltitlciit claxxicx and dirt} pop ltiiicx. For .i’ A’- /U ./u/ UII/\ 'xl-Iiw'um/ hull/wt gt'l I’li’I-[li I-.‘.\"I'l\’ll

I DogGod at () Bar. ltlfitlpni 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. .\cu night ol'cclccticixiu at thc hcautil’ul cluh tiiitlci' (‘oriiithiaii lt‘x hccii cloxcd l‘or ilgCS. and no“ thc} 'rc gctting hack into thc gi‘ooxc. l’urc claxx.

I The Edge til lltt' litlgt‘. (itittllit‘itlgt‘. llplll .ittlll. £3 llt'L‘Cl. \VL‘L‘H). RL‘\itlL‘lllx Stow llaiiiiaii and .\lichacl ()‘Shca gixc thc tlcckx a lull \\til‘l\tilll u itli thc \cr) licxt iii chili claxxicx till 3am.

I Fire Wire at Banihoo. 5pm Sam. [5 iii). \Vcckl}. (irahain l-‘crguxon llll\L‘\ a nick \arict} ol~ inuxical xt) lcx \xith occaxional lixc hantlx in thc xamc room. Jim Brad} p|a_\x an cclcctic iiii\ ol Ioungc groox c'x \tliilc (im in .\laclcotl tlt'tipx clttxxic houxc titttl dixcti.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgou School ol' :\rt. llpiii Rant. {-1 (Bi. \Vccltl}. Dcnia and .\Ir .\‘icc pla} upxtairx in thc main hall and hring thc lunk to thc pcoplc ol' thc xchool. .-\xxcnihl} tiincx \tcrc nc\ cr lhix good.

I Homework at Vault. llpiii 3am. £5 tHi. \Vcckl}. laii and Stci ic man thc ho\. .xo all inxccuritic‘x o\ cr thc tuiicx arc tlixpcllcd. 'l‘liix night aimx lor \llltlL‘lll liappincxx \\ ithout conipromixing thc qualit) lcxclx.

I Hype at (‘ulm l l..‘~llpni Rant. [3

HQ l. \Vcckl}. Jim l)a Bt‘xt tcainx up \\ ith thc ll} pc cum to put on a night ol tuixtcd. ultra-funk) liouxc. l’lcnt} ol chcap hoo/c iiiakcx thix a fun night out.


You pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

See page 77 for details

I Loaded at liquid l ouiigc

lllpiii ‘am {-1 NJ! “ct-kl) lhc l itpiitl loungc picxcntx a llL'\\ lliuixtla} night

c llll‘ that xtartx c\cr_\ \x cck \\ ith thicc li\c l‘.llltl\ till laiii 'l hat'x lolloxtctl up l\_\ a xct ol llltllt' .llltl luiik lioiii tcxitlcnt l cc “alxoti.

I Madhouse at lllt' Shack

Ill illpiii 1am. 2.5 it ii \Vcclcl} (J and .\iitl} takc _\ou to thc liiink ol iiixaiiiI)

u ith xoiiic ol thc iiioxt outiagcoux antl cotiiagcoux xtutlcnt aiitliciiix

I Old Skool Reunion .il \ittiaox llpiii iaiii £5 «licc L3 Mil “ct-kl} ()lkl xchool tcchno claxxicx and tlixco xt} Ic tuncx loi lhc llt'll/lt'tl xtutlciitx tlouii .\i'chaox way

I Polo for Me at thc l’olol outigc lllpiii laiii. l'lt't' “ct-kl} You. thc luck} puntci. talc thc hclm tonight. ax ictlucxt cartlx arc a\ailalilc owr tlic hat .llltl in tlic liooth. .\'oticc loi thc uniiuagiiiatixc oiicx 'l J\lll \Vhat l:\lll- ix prohihitctl li} Ian and punixhalilc h} xpanlcing.

I Push and Pull at thc Siili ( 'luli ()ii holitla}. Back -l Scp.

I Record Player: at (ilgixgou School ol x\rt. Illillpiii 3. illani. {i tilt. \Vcckl}, lli-l‘i Scan tlli-l'itlclit} i and lluxhpupp) tl)i\ inci pcrlorni clicap tlcck xuckiii' to thxccati. tlunili clccti'o .llltl Sllx phuiik. 'l'hc} atl\ ixc )ou to act up. tli‘cxx tlt)\\ll and pin) cax} to gct. l.l\ c gucxt Rogcr ix in on I." .ltil.

I Shagtag at thc 'lunncl. llpiii 3am. £5 ll;i i. \Vcckl}. 'lhix anarchic chili night xa_\x a niaxxi\cl} lilth_\ '\\cll tloiic' to all thoxc unlortunatc c\ain ci'caturcx. \Vhat nunilici' ix xlic'.’

I Skint at thc (’athouxc. llpiii 3am. H ttli. \Vcckl}. \'ci'_\ much a night to t'cllcct uhat‘x going on in (ilaxgou at tlic nionicnt. 'l'ougli clicinical lircakx antl licatx. rock and intlic tor a croutl inucli likc lllt‘ UIIL‘ UlllSlth llit‘ (ittllt‘t') til .\lotlci'ii .v\rt.

I Speakeasy at thc l’iii\crxa| tSauchichall lanci. lllpin 2am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. l’or thoxc \xho lch Iikc a lcxx tlrinkx altcr thc puli. but don‘t \\;tlll to go cluliliing. Spcakcax} ix l'oi' )oti. 'l'hc inuxic ixii't coinpi'oniixctl. and thc \ ilic ix L'lllllt‘tl.

I Soul Shaker at .\l.v\S. llpiii 3am. £4 (£3 l. \Vcckl}. :\ll tiiitlixcm crctl gciii. \Vc |ia\c a llll\t‘tl hag ol' clcctro. tcchno. houxc and l'unk courtcx} ol' Dirt) lair}. thc Junkyu‘tl Dog and John .\litclicll.

I Theorm at thc Vault. Nut datc thc. I Wanted at liaha/a. 8pm 3am. l’rcc liclorc llpiii; Ll tUi altci'. \Vcclxl). l.itci'all} untlci'gi‘ouiid chili houxing xoinc hugc \ocal hotixc and garagc Iowlincxx tlcplo) ctl \xcckl} h} Ian 'l'hoinxon and Vancc.

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous at (ilaxgou School ol'.'\rt. llpiii 3am. £7 tUii. ll Jlll. .\lontlil}. I)Jx lluxhpupp} antl .\looncat tlo thc tixual litixincxx. and in thc main hall. .\'( )J lroni (‘i'itical .\l;t\\ ix t‘oc‘kitl' a \Cl.

I Afterglow at Ad lit».

llpiii 3.3lltiiii. [Sit-1i. ll Jul. .\lonthl}. lixxciitial iiiotl xountlx. l'unk} inn and northci'n xoul lroni thc l'ritla} Strcct rcgularx. 'l'hix iiionth'x gucxl 1).! ix Km .\lc(iuirc lront l.a/_\ Suntla).

I Archaos at Archaox. l lpiii 3am. £5 tlLZSW. \Vcclxl}. .\lainxtrcam chart tlttllL‘L‘. \Utll ttlltl L‘llL‘L‘\L‘ All UllL‘ til lllC huxicxt l"ri iiiglitcrx in to“ n.

I Audioporn at .\lcrctir).

llpiii 3am. £3. 18 Jul. .\lonthl}. into and (‘tii'tltii‘ti} Jack liring _\ou thc liiicxt tlccp liouxc aiitl llllll} tcchiio at thix poucrl'ul club night \\ ith thc olixccnc

I Bar Bloc at Bloc. .\'c‘\t tlzilc tlic.

I Black Rabbit Whorehouse at the Sub ('luli. .\'C\t datc thc.

I Boogie Wonderland at linx). llpiii 3am. £7 (£5i. \Vcclxl}. .\lad tlixco night \\ ith Ioatlx ol tlrinkx proniox and a xountrack to iiiakc thc Iatlicx xligikc' thcir

I Bughouse at Sul‘(‘lul\ llpiii 1am 1" IS Jul \lonthl} lough and lule tcch liouxc v. ith loiiiiitlal‘lc icxitlciitx Han and ('hiix

I Canvas at \ita llpiii Kiiii Ltlic “cc-kl} l).| \\altci pla} x a plctlioia ol lunk. xoul .llltl lx’t\|l at tliix licautilul .\lcicliaiit ('it} l‘at

I City Sessions at t) ( ‘luli

lllpiii laiii L< it it ~1Ju| \loiithl} Stilton ('oitliiici licatlliiicx alongxitlc thc Sulixc iciicc lle lioiu (‘lul‘ U" at tliix l‘lliil.tlll. icl.iti\cl_\ iicxx night on \ iigima Sticct Kcnii \uxtui ix tltc lt‘\ltl\'lll

I Cold at Rncixnlc Social \c\t tlatc ll‘t‘

I The Cathouse at lllt‘ t‘ailiouxc

lll illlllll iaiii Ll licloic llpiii.L-1iL§i allci “ct-kl) Ritliiig high on thc iiu mctal \\a\ c. thix ix onc ol tlic l‘ll\lt'\l niglitx in lti\\ll Rock. giuugc. iuthc and. tlaxlt til lil't‘akl‘t‘al .tclit\\ llitt‘t' “with at (ilaxgim 'x top \ciiuc loi iockcix .llltl altciiiatcciix.

I Coded at \aiilt llpiii iain ‘5 it 1i “with. lhc} ‘i'c lioiii a iccoitl xtoic. xo tlic tuiicx arc going to lic licxh .llltl liighl} lunk}. arcii'l thc} '.\ rotating ioxtci ol l)Jx al'liliatctl to I iitl l’tccinct xupplicx houxc lctl giooxcx at thc llt'\\ cluli. Stcxcn .\lc(‘icci'.\ ix thc main man. but tlic pool ol talciil iiiclutlcx Bill} Kilkic. Hill} \Vootlx and .'\lll.llltl.l l’i‘icc.

I Crash at thc Slictl. “hillle .‘aiu. Li Hi: l. \Vt‘t'l‘l}. (.l'.t\ll llllH lllt' \\ Ct'lxt'lltl\ couitcx} ol thix hugcl} poptilai night

\\ itli tlic Soiitlixitlc xct. (iai'agc l).l (it'll_\ l.}tiiix lioxtx tlic main hall \\ ith thc ultiiiiatc cclcctic part} xouiitltrack and [H Um c .\lulliollantl t(‘ulici takcx thc thm in thc l.olt upxtairx \\ ith a night ol claxxic RtHi.

I Death Disco at lllt‘ .-\Y'c|tc\. .\lontlil} uc\l tlatc l‘l Jul \\llll latl} .\lixx Kt‘il' tl)t‘t‘t‘ l.llL' l,

I Destiny at l)cxtin_\. llpiii 3am, illic. \Vcckl). l)cxtin_\ ‘x rclauncli coiitiiiucx

\\ ith up lor it part) tuncx. liouxc antl Rtkll “max.

I Dose at .\lct‘cut'}. Ill..i(lpiii 3am. L'tlic. l‘rcc on launch, -1 Jul. .\lontlil}. .\ lunk lucllctl lilcctl ol tu ixtcd clcctro antl untlci'grountl tcchno. chitlcntx .\ntl) (iucxt. |)a\ c Ruxxcll. antl () lioyl pltix gucxtx cwi'} month.

I The Edge at llit' latlgt- t‘oathritlgc llplll .itllll. \Vt‘ckl}. Rt‘\ltlt'tll\ .’\lt'\ Kit) and Scott (iraiigci' liring )ou thc licxt ol' houxc and club claxxicx.

I Electric Circus at .'\tl l.ll‘. \c\t tltilt‘ llit‘.

I Electrobix at liar Bloc. \t'\t tlalc llit‘.

I Fresh at thc l’olo l.ouiigc.

llpiii 3am. £5. \Vcckl}, .\lichcllc aiitl .\ntl) takc chargc ol thc iiiuxical tlllllL‘\ in tliix tlclicioux .\lcicliant ('it_\ llll\t‘tl chili \\ lictlici' .\ou‘rc in thc tropli} room or on tlic tlaiiccl'looi'. thc ttiiicx \\ 1” Incl _\oiir liappincxx.

I Fridays at Trash at 'l‘i-axh.

ltlpm 3am. £5 tt—ii. \Vcckl). \Vall-to

\\ all drunk pcoplc: \\;tllt‘)' l.ixa l.llllL'\\titltl and Scott .\lacka} pla} ttplt‘out hotGC to a packt‘tl tlnticc llooi.

\\ ith part} tuncx in tlic lun room.

I Friday Funk at liquid l.oungc. lllpm 3am. £51L‘3i,\\'cck|}. I)J‘ \Vatxoli. lirciitlan llixlop aiitl 'lhoinax Kinlx pla} l'unlx. xoul. hip hop and lirokcii l‘L'ulx lti thc L‘t'tm tl illNH t‘ \lt‘t't‘l lt'\t'l.

I Fridays at Blanket at Blalikcl tloriiicrl) Bctli. llpiii 3am. UitUi. \Vcckl). 'lhc big liaclx room hax an Rtkli llaxa ctcr} l'ritla} \xlicii Ril}llltHltl \Vootlx. Naccm and Stuart .\lc(‘a|luni takc ll in turiix to takc _\ou on a trip cwr} \\ cck \xhilc Bill) .\lilligan hi'ingx xonic .\lotoun lun nii\ctl \\ ith part} claxxicx in thc lront room.

I Fuel at l‘ucl tBixhophriggxi.

10.30pm Jam. {-1. \Vcckl}. .\cu chili \cnturc li'oiii thc (il group. \ihich ix attcinpting to c\pantl thc axcragc (ilaxucgian'x itlca ol \\ hat \\ cclxcntling nicanx. l’aul Rca pla}x cluh claxxicx. Rtkli. limit and an)thang \\ ith a grow c, Stitllhxitlc tttttl Nttt‘lllxltlt‘ ilix \lttl‘ltttg‘ lit gct Iilxc London in licrc. .\ \icc hit.

E‘Si 'rcis Clubs

Dirty Thursdays

Transmission Presents Logarythm Tour 2003 Th... ' \li‘g;

f'---:~-i an"

E 'tvi‘ Hm; ()“u- :i'“: Vol: {\C'w' (w. flio- ’iit‘ " ‘i Inuit/(Law; ot‘ film; tigiltr He’ll/t Wood / Iii/l. liltil'ii' .1 ./;1/.

Misc ll‘t: tarotilt“ f'ti") th'irii Billll’. litiiiti gm. iillf; firit: tll‘(J(?"Cl't)tl'l(l ‘}.‘?ti’.")ll|" "‘tl‘;" .v'iw‘l'“ VJé; .‘i'ltl [1.Jti a": girl if fliw exile." 01w; (27“J llwaiw. Ste," ins,

Vinita aiirl luv; ‘l' Ha, (liti'ltl‘a’h

Xzi‘m' l‘ivw'iu I‘leii‘ti- ill/it}, mil ., Jul

Superfly A it)"(} ()‘.'(tltltl(? l litist fti' tlia; 'l‘it )Txi (llfiillli’LiI‘fitf til (ilzifititiw (I‘lliXx. lliw gig/.rf'wi-t infirm (:gila'iié-t '.'.'é:‘(;<,'ti‘:ss fill‘f’hi‘ (lti‘rfii (iill‘iilltflfi;

to Ilit: party. 1 (it illlf; (innit (:ltili Urn Woo/181(k)

S.'.’{lllt)‘.'.' ‘,"3.l .‘f'ltil‘: Sozxqi’. 8a? '3 ././’. A Massiff Adventure /\ timi‘ (20:2 Tl‘é‘i’. donor/wt; "‘él‘l’)’ tiroiiu \JEl/i', {ill’l till} ii’ii ll SUM f",'..'"lfi;.'>‘.‘:'l‘: ll‘nt’l t: illii ‘ti'u'ti WWW/10$; l‘/':i l’uaa'iu‘i. l/luwsih'iqm S'zllllll 8,6;10'1‘ a'i’l Mti'Vyi"; l l' li Stiiiii'w f) ' ‘1":éi'. 1 fl”: "Nit,- l‘, r'glil. (lung's (Joli/l. fiatiu‘hV (i ll! Optimo (Espacio) [J‘Eflllrl‘tj aim :r‘ flinclili'f)l1if;t'ii‘,'. (if) (mum? lizitmi :irirl \‘Jllkm' lei/(innit: ljé‘il‘itlfi tin; zi all (Hi Their r'ti‘fOlllléliIOl‘ tour.

lzritivl liriaiti, who (in/r: 3W: '; tléll‘l‘x tilgi, ll."‘.} {it this; lt/iriif, Sari/lay lttllfi‘fl. It's also a t real way to

{;(,ttt{; (lUf/W frrivr‘. IN: T ll‘i TH} Part!

axon-r (rice. Saturday: Sun 73 Jul.

I Full On at l’rntlcgc. ltl..illpiii .iam, U) t 1.7 i, \Vcckl}. loin \Vilxtin. (ickktiliti), Stcuart (irccn. William l)anicl. (iax llouxton. Stti “rm and (Bio l’crri arc )tiiir hoxtx at thix u cclxl} tlancc night don. n on litiPL' Sti‘cct.

I Funhouse at Barl'l}. I Ipin 3am. L31 t£3t \Vcckl}. A night ol \'.I\L'(l up punk traxh and cathartic nonxcnxc pop. tJL'xigiictl to clcar all ol thc xhit out til~ )iitii' carx. Radio l'x charming Vic (ittlltma) and Mr Paul \ccdlcx arc in chargc ol thc lllthlL‘.