classical & opera listings Music
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I Tango Siempre llie \ielim. :S“ .-\i‘g} le Street. ll‘Nll HZ: llillll \pin :— He‘i .\ eiineeit ot the \e\ie\t \igentine tango. perloimed h} the l K\ leading tango L'll\L'llll‘lC. langii Sienipie lango L'llettlllp.t\\t'\ .i huge \.iiiet_\ ot \t}le\. than} ol \ihieh are e\ploied here \‘l.l\\l\ tangox. inilongax and \al\e\ ot earl} Illth eentur} lliienox .-\llt‘\ lheie’x iilxo the nue\o tango ol .'\\lttl l’i.i//o|l.i. \ihoxe i'e\iilution.ii'_\ \t}le l\ enio) ing a lll.t\\l\ e eoineliaek \pll'llt‘tl. \ulu}. \iild and piihetl .ill at tillet‘.
e ,1, Edinburgh ' 0 National Youth Choir of RSAMD Opera School - Scotland and NYCOS Training
ChOil’ ()llt’t'll'\ llall. ('lel’k Sli't't‘l. (i(i.\ lel‘). ~‘pin. {h til Uii. ('hi'ixtophei' Bell eonduetx thexe \oung li'esh \oieex in a (“7" (“15(1'3‘1’} “Ilél'tdl'm‘ l” lb“? “9" programme ol eai'elull) ehoxen and (itiéili‘i, of its; l,"t,(lLlClif}llf3 NOf $300.". \ai‘ied ehoi'al \xorkx. l.aurid\en\ U .llueiiuni. Randall 'l'hoinpxon'x .l/le/iuu and 'l‘tll'hk'.\ [funk ii! l’l'tlli'l'lh am will} the appellxei'x to llitli eentui') llltllllih
ldomeneo l'ir; llSS/xl/ill Urgera
DOV/1!-f>‘;llit,v.,7.§}rtf (:1! i' creasing
or stage 'l‘, the UK since (Agrirlehrmrne r. 19:31. Mozart's
“V3533 ()l')‘3l<'15‘3’3’11 “VP-ll“) "1”3'3 9‘ 'l‘allix‘ \axt and e\ti'aoi'din.ii'il_\ heaiitilul great beauty and ll‘lOllfill', to the end Jll-piiri liltilcl X/H'Hl III hum, of a highly successful terr't filer; — x’itheni'ieurn l'heatr'e. Glasgow's Fr" 4' weaneSday 16 Ml - ECgtlgaLllgiSecuai si (nit-e (xiiiicai-gii MENDELSSOHN 0" MULL N°' The L’s'ls '.‘°t (vet’sxpandm t°. Edmbm‘gh YOUth ombes‘ra Rm ,1] \m‘ 1,; (“4‘ g m] is (6) .H“. the Hebrides, but Mull. one of Scotland’s favourite Islands, is extending its Summer celebrations of the l;ig ‘10 t-H-l'HIiLHMIHIJL‘ “(Mfg (1,, (')[.L,m“\’l\l L reach to Glasgow. The Mendelssohn on Mull Festival - established by for FYO ii>i<;tiiredi commence ."JIll‘ llei'i'iek BllltllLW Menioriiil Rental l\ YiO'if’tiSt.Leonardfriedman to support young professional musicians in the what promises to he a stunning giieii h} Daniel Roili. \\ ideh iieeliiiiiied '"§P"a"°n3' €“V'rof‘mem enloyed by "‘9 Young Fel'x h'mse" (D'Cturedl ‘ Ughpr Hm pmonmmv It 19 Just as one or the leading l-‘reiieli organ brings the frurts‘of its week-long educational endeavours to the Royal ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ’ ’ ‘ \ ll'llltixl. Rodi. ulio L'tll‘l'L'llll\ llt)ltl\ [llL' Concert Hall. In its first ever Vi5it to Glasgow. the festival’s string orchestra “more "‘0 (“Cm/‘81“ 50‘5" “fl V-"ll‘ pthllltill oi 'l'iiiiliiii'e or St Stllplcc iii and distinguished mentors, such as Levon Chilingirian and Marcia great (3thll0l‘teltl and not a little l’ill'l\. and “ho \llltllt‘tl iiiidei l)iii'iil‘le iiiid Crayford, perform music by a selection of composers including, naturally. trepidation. on its highly ambitious Malls-(lull? "\lill”. l‘k‘l‘ll‘l'm “Ml” l‘.‘ Mende'SSOhn himself. (Caml Main) {our of the Balm; 818103 Usher Hm," BM“. “ “W‘- l‘li'mk "ml [JVL 3”“ h“ I i'i/ie/idei‘ssuhri ur‘ f/i'ui’i' x:; at the Rural Concert Hall. G/asgow. Sat :3 Jul.
tmn \\t)l‘l\ la! nuier/iun/iu.
Edinburgh, Fri 4 Jul.
National Youth Choir of Scotland Third Hitlist honour this issue again falls to young performers. In its short histon' NYCOS — and its various associated training and children's ChOirs ~ has established itself to Such an extent that it seems impossmle to imagine Scotland's musical landscape WllllOUl them. Tonight's singers are from the top of the organisation's evergrowing pyramid. Queen's Hall, Edinburgh. Sun 73 Jul.
' Edens Orchefira
.lll l:'.\'/iilrilioii (.‘elelimting Musri‘ and Plants
main 5pm.
)8 June 1) September 200:.
I Mendelssohn on Mull String Orchestra Ro)al Concert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. 353 Stltit). 7.30pm. ill) tL‘h‘i. Set up h} the late Leonard l'llCtllllitll to eneourage the dmelopnient ol‘ )otmg llllhlt‘ill talents in id} llie \lll'rtllllltllllg\. llll\ _\ear\ orehextra pert'ormx \iorkx h) .\lo/art. Sehuhert. \'i\;ildi and Mendelxxohn under the lt‘iltlt‘l'Nlllp ol~ l.e\on ('hilingrian. bringing together protexxional \Ulttth troni Scotland and abroad.
I Organ Recitals Sunimerlee Heritage Park. Heritage Wa). lll 236 43 l 20]. 7.30pm. £5. Dunean Sinelair and triendx pla} a programme ol' \iorkx on Snininerlee'x lainoux (‘ompton cinema organ.
Wednesday 9
I Celebrity Organ Recital Si Mar) \ lipixeepal Cathedral. 33 l’alinerxton Place. 225 6293. 8pm. Free. Matthexx ()\\L‘ll\ performs \iorks h} Bach. Paehelhel. Handel and Dupre.
lxhilntion Hall, Royal Botanii (iaiden fdihlmigh
('ome rindjni'ii iii the
flirt with rissoeiriled
iiiiisi'eril events and ac! it‘ll lt'.\'
Q\. jiii' rill.
liii iiiiiri- Illlt‘llllillli'l. \I'Jl tltll \xi‘li‘ati' at one ll‘2't' i'tz' iil
Ti—' 7 Ju 2713 THE L'ST 67