Music Jazz listings

Jazz listings continued


I Cafe Source Supper Band (‘ate Souree. St Andreux iii the Square. St Andrew \ Square. olt Saltttiat‘ket. 54S 6030 3.30pm. Relaung ia/l exetirrig

I Stuart Gorman Quartet Blaeklriat'x. 36 Bell Street. 553 593-1 9.30pm. l'ree. Ja// ttinl. lr‘orti IIIIS _\ouiig quartet led It} gttttarN Stuart (iorrnati


I Carlos Pena and Hot Charanga Sauce llenr) '\ Ja/I (t‘lldt'. S Morrixori Street. 467 5300. itiidiitglit. L5 See l‘l'l ‘1. I Toto’s Jazz Quartet Hart'} 'x Bar. Randolph l’laee. 3.30 6prti. l‘ree. See Sat

I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band (‘aharet Voltaire. 36 33 Blair Street. 330 (il7(i. 7.30 I030pllt. I't‘L'e. See Sat .5.

I Vente d’Est IIClll') \ Ja/I ('ellar. S Morrixori Street. 467 5300, S30pin. £5, Siting trio loiriied h} guitarists lain (’ar'letoii arid (iraliani Iltgli “till \ Ittllltl\l lati King pertorttiing the rtitixre ol I)tatigo Reinhardt.


I Café Source Supper Band (‘aie Souree. St Andre“ \ in the Square. St :\ll(Il'L‘\\\ Square. olt Salttnarket. 548 6030. .S’.30prti. See Sat I3.

I Brian Molley Quartet Blaeki'riarx. 36 Bell Street. 553 593-1. 0.30pm. Free. See Thu 3.


I Toto’s Jazz Trio The (toll 'I'a\erri. Duke Street. I.eith. 3.30 4.30pm. Free. See Strit 6.

I Macfarlane/Caribe/Mills with Gordon McNeill lICltt') 'x Ja// ('ellar‘. .S’ .\IUI‘I'I\UII Street. 467 5300. .S'.30prti. £5. Ambient. grome ja/I. riii\ing lll\ll'lllllClll\. digital teeliriolog} and eleetr‘ie ereatii it}. I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet Hiinian Be-ln. 3 S' \Vext ('roxxeauxeiia). 663 S860. 0pm midnight. Free. See Sun 6.

Monday 14


I 4 Jazz (iaxiri'x .\Iill. .3 (im in\ Mill Road. .\lilrtga\ ie. 956 3355. 8pm. Free. See Mon 7.

I Café Source Supper Band ('ale Soiii'ee. St .'\llkll’L'\\\ in the Square. St Andrews Sqtiare. ol’l' Saltriiarket. 548 6030. 8.30pm. See Sat l3.


I Cafe Source Supper Band ('ale Souree. St Andreas in the Square. St Andre“ \ Square. ot'l~ Saltriiarket. 548 6030. 8.30pm. See Sat l3.

Wednesday 16


I Café Source Supper Band ('ate Sotiree. St Andrextx in the Square. St Andreas Square. on. SaliiiiarLet. 548 6030. 8.30pm. See Sat 13.


I Funky Do Das Henr) \ Ja/l (‘ellat'. S Morrixon Street. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5. Aussie quartet \\ ith Weather Report inspired sound.

I Chaos Theory Southern (‘roxx Cate. 6.3a (‘oekhtirn Street. 633 0633. 9piii—ttiidriight. Free. See Wed 9.

Thursday 1 7


I Lynne O’Neill Trio Ad Lib. l l I Hope Street. 348 66-15. 3pm. £3. See Thu .3.

64 THE LIST 3—17 Jul 200.;

I Café Source Supper Band (Lite Souree. St Andre“ \ iii the Sqtrare. St -\lltIIL'\\\ Square. ott Stillllldth'l. 5JS 6020 S 30pm See Sat 13


I Mckenzie-Medboe Duo and Guests Henr} \ Ja// (‘ellar. S .\Iorrr~oii Street. J6" 5300 S 30pm. £5 ()til} Izdtrihtirgh hetixeen IS;\ and I).llll\ll (ItllL‘S h) Illl\ \a\ophotit\t and gtiitarht l’Ia}ttig here utth Sign} Jaeohxdotttr ‘I‘er'e i. I‘.\\.ill \errial ll‘.l\\l arid eleettotirea I\) lied ':\\ttti‘ I’al'vilh,

I Out of the Bedroom \\.i\eile) Bar. I St \l;ti'}'\ Street. 55~ l05ll

‘ipiti nitdtiiglit. I-tee. See Ihti 3.

The following details are for regular free weekly dates: see main listings for one-off or ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by city, then by day. Residencies will be listed, provided that up-to-date details are supplied to us. Jazz Residencies listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.


I Danny Thompson Bah} (hand. 3 T lilrnhank (iardenx. 343 4043. l0.30prri. .-\ \\ ide \eleetion l'r‘orn this lotitige plttlllxl.

I Swing Guitars 3(‘lutlia Vaultx. Stock“ ell Street. 5.53 7.530. I'lt'L'L‘. S30pm. Ja// \ll‘lllllltlltlg.


I Bobby Wishart and his Band Borders Hittth 3H3 Bueltanari Street. 333 7700. 7.30pm. I.eading ja/I \;t\t)plltttll\l \Vtxliat't t'roritx this Ullllll. I-‘ortnighth i3 .\la_\ l.

I Stephen Duffy Trio 'l‘lie Slipper (‘ltrh. 70 .-\|hioii Street. 553 3300. .\'.3()prii. Ja// \xhile )till dine l'rorii \oealixt and piatiixt I)llII_\ leading thrx ja/l trio iii a .\'at ('ole/I)iatia Krall \t)le.

I Danny Thompson Bah} (it'dtitl. 3 7 lilniharik (iai'detix. 348 4043. l0.30prti. See 'I‘liti.

I Late ‘n’ Live Quigle) \ & I.o\\do\\ri. I5Sa I66 BatIi St. 3.3] 4060. Midnight- 3aiti. I.ale rtight ia/l. l'Ii_\IIllll and liluex.


I Harry Margolis’ Miller Band l.’:\tlaehe. 37 \Vatet'loo Street. 33l .33 I0. 3 5pm. Big hand in the (ilerin .\lil|ei' \etn. I Lauder’s Big Band t.atider\. Satieliieliall Street. 331 5180. 3 5pm. The big band \otind. u ith \oeal\ troni Heather \Vliitet'or‘d.

I George McGowan Orchestra .\lerehatitx ('orner. John Street.

3.30 5.30pm. Iiighteen-pieee big band.

I Stephen Duffy Trio The Supper (1qu 70 Albion Street. 553 3300. .S’.30ptti. See I'Ai'ltlil}.

I Late ‘TI’ Live Quigle) '\ & l.o\\ dour]. I5Sa I66 Bath St. 3.3l 4060.

Midnight .3arti. Late night ja/l. l'It}lItltl and liltiex.

I Live Jazz Blaekl'riarx. .36 Bell Street. 553 503-3. 9.30pm. Modern jail.

I Danny Thompson Bah) (hand. 3 T liliiihank (idrtICllS. 348 49-13. l0.30piii. See 'I-lttl.


I Chris Clark Trio Drum and Monke}. St Vineerit Street. 331 6636. 3.30 6.30pm. .\lello\\ lttdllherdltt jazz \\ ith \oealx.

I Live Jazz Blaekl‘r‘iarx. 36 Bell Street. 553 593-1. 0.30pm. Modern ja/I.

I Jazz DJ Bah} (irand 3 7 Iilnihank (iardenx. 348 40-13. l0..30pni.

Mondays I Andy Mann (‘oiiiiiliiaii lttl

Irigrarti Street ‘I 30pm I’iaiio ia/x


I Live Jazz llie (‘loekuotk Beer (o l I53 I I55 (‘atheait Road. 640 HIS-l S30 I I. 30pm

I Andy Lucas ('otinthtari. I‘ll lngrarii Street 0 30pm I’iario |.t//

I Bobby Wishart and Band Ilall Bar. l60\\’oodlaiid\ Road S 30pm


I Danny Thompson Bah} (hand. 3 5‘ Izlrtiharik (idttlt'th. NS .1043 l0.30ptii. See Illll.

I Giles Tingey (‘oiiiithiaiL I‘ll Ingram Street. ‘).3llprti l’rano ia/I



I Live Jazz iit‘lltlL'lMllI‘S. 35 I'Ilhlle Street. 335 3 I 3 I. “put. 'Iuo tortiiightl} l'C\ltIL‘llL‘lL'\ on alternate \\L‘L'I\\ \\ ttli ia/I lr‘orti (ied and Doug t3" .\Iar tk Ill .\pt i and I‘ti\\;l rio\a lrorii l)e\alinado 3 .-\pri.


I Live Jazz lleritler’xon'x. 25 Illhllt‘ Street. 335 3 l 3 I. .‘prti, \‘ar'iottx ttl'll\l\ drop iii limit the Jan (itiitat’ Duo and (irahatti High to the I.auelilan Irto and Ian (’har'ltori.

I Live Jazz 8. Blues “'1 (‘lii-ixtiex. 37 3| \\'e\t I’ort. 33l III‘N. ‘)piti, Vartotrx artixtx pt‘o\ tde the \Utltltl\.


I Toto and the Dexters Hair} \ Bar. Randolph I’laee. 53‘).\1l00.

3.30 6pm. Mainstream. \\ itli \oeaI\ l’roni l.i/ .\laeli\\an.

I Infinite Trio the Shore Bar .& RL‘\l;tltl‘;Illl. 3 The Shore. 553 5080. ‘)pni. Ja/I eoniho \\ itli John \Vexle} Barker on piano. Rtek Bartil'ot'd on tlt'lllli\ atid Dmitri I'xatim oti has»


. Live Jazz lihllL' (itlll'. I)ltl\C Sil'L‘L‘I. I.eitli. 3 4pm. I.i/ .\Iaeli\\ati “ith Into arid l'rieridx.

I Live Jazz Baniierrtiari'x. 3 l 3

(‘ou gate. 556 335-1. 5 l0pni. .\ rotating line-tip ot‘ hands.

I Trigg’s Trio Beluga Bar. 30a ('Iiattiherx Street. 634 45-15. 4.30 7pm. |.i\e ia/l.


I Diplomats of Jazz I.exlie'x Bar. 45 Ratelille 'I‘erraee. 667 5957. S30prti. I"ree. 'I‘radiliorial jaH.


I Swing 2003 Malt Slime-l. (’oekhurri Street. 335 684.3. Uprii. Six trig at the longest resideiie) in Iidirihttr'gli. I Infinite Trio The Shore Bar & Restaurant. 3 The Shore. 553 5080. 0.30pm. Ja// eoitiho \\ ith John \Vexle) Barker on piano. Riek Banil'ord on tll‘llllh and I)rtiitri l'xarim on ha“,


I Live Jazz IIL‘ntlel'xon'x 3.5 [I'Itlxllc Street. 335 3l3l. .S’pni. Ja// l'i'oni the Lauehlan I)tio.

I love theway the sections Just make trouble for themselves

. . . ‘s’ouse me, .where’s the ‘fusron’ section? . . . ‘Yeah man, it’s over there between TV , themes and industrial folk.’

Phil Kay on the joy of jazz, see Comedy, page 70.

Folk & orl

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 3


I Richard Thompson and Erin McKeown l\’t{\.il t'oneeit IIall. Satieliieliall Street. 353 woo lop.“ {IS I'outitlrtig ltlt‘lttl‘t‘l ol toll. roek \tarx l'airpott ('ometitioii. Ihortipwn‘x ml” eareei ltl\t'\ tolk. |.i// and a \ll.tlll ot eottiitr) IIILl‘Il\llIIIIIl.IiL'\l‘ll}1\\lIIIII¥ and \turtriitig guitar \xotk \ one olt Support ltotii \itgrriia horn \itigei l riri \IeKeouri.

0 Kelly Joe Phelps King lut‘x \\.ih \Vah lItrt. St \'trieetil Stieet. 33l 53"” S. 30pm. {I3 \eouxtie eotiriti} hluex lrotit the te\ i.i//i rtiaxter gtirtattxt. riit\etl \xttli triereaxtngl} \ittllltll \origx lioiii ltl\ latext .tll‘ttltt 'Sliiigxhot l’rotemrorialx' See pte\ re“.

I Kesha (‘ale ('o\~.teliok. Rtl\\l.lll ('ultui'al ('eritre. King Street. 55 3 0" 33 “pm. L5 tL 3 i. \tgel (‘lark iguitar i. ( )leg l’oriortiare\ txtoltni and In .v\tIa\ l\lttlltil pertorriiirig .i \ irttroxo ltll\ ot Ruxxrati. gnu). ran and kle/riiei

I Kent DuChaine I.l\ e at the Stat. St .'\Iltll'\'\\\ iii the Square. St x\lltItt‘\\\ Stitldt't‘. UII Saltlltttt'kt‘l. SIS 0030 Split (7/935. (ir'eat I'S delta liltrex \itiger/gurtat'ixt,

I Leo Duany Y Su Mambochambo (it-orgi- Square. SM 3400. 6,30prii. I’ree. Ro}a| Batik I'ree Stage. Ne“ Ill-pieee (‘uhari |a// otitlit li'otited It} e\-Soiiora la ('alle llllt\l\‘l;tll\ I.eo I)uari_\ arid Joxe (‘axtro


I Out of the Bedroom \Vdu‘t‘lt‘} Bar. St Mar} '\ Street. 557 “50.

Uprti rtiidtiiglit. l-ree. ()penhite lot \tillg\kl‘lter‘\.


I Nitin Sawhney 'l‘lie .-\reht-\. .-\rg_\|e Street. 564 3400. Spin. L'l3 rii ad\anee L'IJ on the door, .'\\I(tltl\llllt}.!l} in\etiti\ e. pouerlul hleiid ol traditional ttlll\lL‘ lrorti the Iridiati \uheoritiiient.

la} ered \\ ttli elaxxreal. eonteriiporat'} roek. eluh danee gr‘otnex. llartieneo. rap. \aniha and drum 'ri‘ haxx. I’art ol the (ilasgtm Ja/l I'estnal.


0 Kelly Joe Phelps ()ueeri'x Ilall. ('Ierk Street. 663 30I‘). 7.30pm. U3. See 'l‘hu 3 and pre\ tea.

I Guid Crack Club The \Vawrle). St .\lai‘_\ \ Street. 557 5734. 7.30pm. £3.50 \uggexled donation. Regular \tor')tellrrig eltrh. 'l'liix \ieek'x guest is Bea I'L‘l'g‘thtill.


I Beat That! (ieorge Square. 564 3400. |3.45prti. l‘ree. 'l‘ixo do/en \mrrieii pla} .-\lro-Bra/iltan drtrrn rlt}lIlltl\ on the Roin Bank Big Stage as part ol the (ilaxgoix Ja// I"e~tixal.


I Ceilidhs at the Caley (’aledotiiati Bren er). Slatelord Road. 33S 56%. 7pm larti. £6 tL'5i. Regular eerlidh dariee \etiiie \\ ith Ii\ e hands.


I Summer SGSSiOlIS 'Iiilhtltllll. Jail “5nd, 0|7.S(i 374000. Noon. I'ree. Varied Seottixh lilllSlL‘ t'rorti loealx and

\ ixiting performers.