Monday 14


I Julio lglesias (lulu- \uditottuiu. Sl;(‘('. l‘llllllc\ltllt ()ua}. ()\"o 0.30 .1000

L ‘50. i3 50 'I ha“ than “how ltllll\ \paxxncd lant‘iquu. it that\ not too hoiiihlc an unagc to L'UllllllL'. lL'llllll\ to plauu lux troonct noun trout thc )ounj: uhtppL-ixnaptwt and \L‘lt‘lldtlt' all lllt' gulx ltc'\ lo\ Cd lk‘lot’t'. ClL

I Embertall and Screeming About Nothing 'l'hc l 5llt \tllk' (ulc. in (ill King: Sttu‘t. 55“ low 0pm Li .\lt tnctal.

I Rev Doc 8: the Congregation Studio ( )nc. (ittt\\L‘llUl llotcl. (irmxcnot 'l'criau- toll |l}ic~ Roadi. i‘ll h5lo 0pm l'tu'. 'lt'ad Rtkll.


I Acoustic Jam \m‘n‘xlmx}. .ljl Satu‘htchall Sttcct. “‘Wi‘". Spin. l'tcc With a lrcc drink ax lllt't'lllHt' tor participantx.

I Open Mic|llltl lounggc. ‘H \M-xt RL‘gL‘lll Sll‘t‘t'l. ‘53 (ii.5 i. ‘lptll. l'l’L'L‘.

I Acoustica (‘aharct \oltauc. Wt 35 Blair Sttu't. 330 MW). 10pm. l'tcc txoluntar§ contributionx on cut I. Scc Mon 7.

Tuesday 15


I Sepultura, Stamping Ground and Atreyu ('arling Acadciu}. |3l liglinton Stt‘cct. 0005 030 3000/0870 "I 3000. 7pm. [I I. No agc t‘cxtrtction on tlux \ltou. \k-tcranx ol thc lira/than hardcorc mctal \ccnc.

I Haven King: 'l'ut'x “ah “ah lltll. 373a St \‘inccnt Strcct. 33l 5330. 8.30pm. £7. lipic llltllt' rock “lttclt domn'l t'call} go an) \\ hcrc.

I Fallento, Mendeed and Jaded Bat-ll}. 3N) (lulc Stu-ct. 0.\'"0 007 0000. 8pm. 9.5. ()\cr- l-l\ \hou. l‘allcnto arc an llltllhll'lul mctal comho lrom ('ornuall. l'rontcd h) Jamm .\'orri\. a man \\lto claimx to knoxx a lot about unhhroomx. I Multiplies and Party Bacon Slt‘l'CHllt‘l'lllL‘l'l) \\'c\t Hill). l3 I-l

Kch inhaugh Strcct. 57o 50lS. .S‘pm. (iuitar/LC) hoai‘dx \oundclaxh lrom Multiplicx.

I Azzuri 'l‘hc lilli Notc (‘alu .50 ()0 King Strccl. 553 loiS. 0pm. £3. .\lclodtc l‘UL‘ls.

I Stewart Traquair 'l‘chai ()\ na. 43 Mayo l.anc. 357-1534. Spin. l‘rcc. Singcr/xongu ritcr.

I Phil’s Session l'txgc licatha. 353 \\'oodland\ Road. 504 I500. 0pm. l~rcc. \Vcckl) lam.


I The Cruxshadows Sulma). (it) ('o\\:_'atc. 335 (firm. "Millpm. [-1033 [51)“th tncmlwrxl. Mug-Hum darkuaw goth act \\ ho cmliracc thc black. lutut‘ixtic \idc ol' \_\ nthpop.

I Lyrics to Go ('ahat'ct \‘ollait'c. .‘(i .‘MS Blair Strcct. 330 M76. Ilpm 3am. l‘t'cc. .‘\n opcn mtkc hip hop lam \cmon lioxtcd h} l.i\c Scicnccx and DJRcdh. \Vith duh and rcggac in thc lungc trom Itch} Soul lli-l‘i.

I Aberfeldy l'illl'HNl (Kilt-K 0 \le l’ot'l. 33l U357. Split. l'hl‘CC. \lL‘lltm ttt‘tllhllt‘

\ ilwx at [lll\ chillcd ottt littlc hang out.

Wednesday 1 6


I Sparklehorse and Mountaineers King 'l'ut'x \Vah \\'ah llut. 3"3a St \‘inccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). «Suillpltl. U5. SL‘C

pm it“ t'or thc rutnutatnc indtc countr} ot' Sparklchorxc. aka Mark linkoth. a man \\ ho t‘call) don ru‘ord lll\ muxtc tn a \hack otit hack on hix ranch.

I Keitel, Second Skin and Phelix Culpa Bartl}. 3N) (‘l'HlC Sli'L‘L‘l. Us-” 007 0000. 8pm. [-l.

I Driverdown and Micawba MacSorlcy. ~13 Jamaica Strcct. 348 $58 I. .S‘pm. lircc. "l‘rip—rock' l'rom l)t'l\ct'do\\ n. combining thc inllucncc ot’ l’orthhcad.

\la\\1\ c \tt.i\l\. \luxc and (iailiagc \Ilk|i\\"t‘\‘[k.|‘ll1!]‘1‘k‘k‘lll’1l‘IIIII‘I‘] \L'\'~\.l\ll\.

I Acoustic Night lhc l 1m \uit- ( Lac. 50 (ill Kin}; \llt'k'l. 55‘ lo“ 0pm 1‘ “Hill: )otti out] guttat and pla} tor a pint I Open Stage lhc llall tm. 1m “oodlandx Road. 501 153‘ \pm l'tcc \M‘cld} \t'\\lllll tot lllktll lllll\l\l.tll\

I QC Country Band ()uccu ('ltatloltc RHHtlh. 5m ()uccn ('ltatlottc Sttct'l. 555 “(will Spin :3 50tL3 lllll‘ltldllSl Scc \\cd


I Troika, Sam’s Hot Car Lot and EHKi “Ullgi'Vllll‘. l-l \k'“ \llt'k‘l. 33* “(ill-1 .\ illpm L31 it'll llal‘) ligci .tj_‘.tlll wt tip thcu diwtw \lall at thc Bongo

I A Close Last, Tearjerk, My Own Religion and Given lhcc l'ndctuoild. lianucrman'x. \iddi} Slim-t. 55o i35-1 .\ -l5pm L-l Skatct punk and hardcore ttom thcxc tour I K hand\

I Chaos Theory Soulhctn ('to“ (ltlc. hial'ot‘khutn Sttcct. (1330033

0pm midnight. l-rcc Scc \\cd 0

I Fleamarket Funk (Lilian-t \ltllallL‘. in ‘S lllau Sticct. 330 M50 llput Run l‘lL‘L'. SL'C \Vt‘tl 9.

I Om Rada l'ot'lL‘\l (Lite. 0 \M-xt l’oit. 33l 03“. .Spm. l'tu'. \lcllou acouxtit‘

\ ll‘L'\ at tlux clullcd out littlc hang out


I Paul Weller (ailing: .\cadctu_\. |3l lzglinton Street. 0005 030 i000x0.\‘"0 "l 3000. ".illpm. [35. Hope _\ou'rc ltapp} \Vcllcr ‘dadrock'. tlic gcnic _\ou ‘ptoncvicd’ hax math ll into thv latmt k'tlllltlll ol the ('olltnx l‘.llf._'ll\ll lht‘llt‘lldl}. I It’s Jo and Danny, Elaine Palmer aitd Skin on Skin King 'l'ut\ \Vah \Vah lltit. 3"3a St \‘inccnt Sti‘cct. 33l 5330. 3.30pm. U». \Vllllll\l(;ll llltllL' pop l'rom lowd-up duo .lo and l)ann_\. Scc ill 4 lor Skin on Skin.

I R098? RCCUl'tl l’l;t_\L'l'/. (ilttxgtm School ol .r\rt. In.\' chlrcu Strcct. 353 4530. llpm. [l 033 \tudcntx/U (iS.\ l. lilcctroclaxh mclanchol} trom .\lanchc\tcr. I Butterfinger and Salt Ashes \it‘c’n'Slca/y -l3l Saucluchall Strcct. 333 003". 0pm.

I Templeball, El Chupacabras tllltl Ramp Bill”). 30” ( ll}tlL' ~\lll’L‘L‘l. “55‘” no? own. Spit). Rock/tttctal bill.

I Jopus, the National Rifle Association and Stickman 'l‘hc lRth .\'otc ('alc. 50 (\0 King Strccl. 553 I033. 0pm. [3. Stoncr rock. po\t rock and llltllL' lunk KNPCL‘IHL‘I}.

I Escobar 9, Viva Stereo and Rolla l.oadcd. Liquid loungc. 0-l \Vt'xt RL‘gL‘lll .Sll't‘cl. lllpltl. {.5 ll3-l (ill tliml'l. \'I\a Stcrco plug; thcu' \aru'd. iucxincrtt~ \i\»tt‘ack ‘chhtant‘c' lil’.

I Sticky Fingers Studio ( )nc. (iroucnoi llotcl. (il(t\\L‘lltll' 'l'crracc toll ll}ic\ Road). HI (filo 0pm. l'rcc. Rolling Stonu tt’ihutc.

I The Vagabonds ‘t‘hc Scotta.

ll3 ll-l Stockucll Strccl. 5.53 .\'(i.\|. 0pm. l't'L‘L‘. l’ttpttlgtt‘ (()\ Ch.

I Battle of the Bands .\l;t(Soth}x J3 .l;tlll;tl\‘.t Strcct. 348 S58 l. .Spm. lies I Open Mic ’l't'hat ()\ na. 43 ()tago lanc. 35" 4534. Split. l‘t‘cc. l'orttughtl}

I Jam Session Samuel l)o\\ 'x. (W ~l \ttltxdalc Road. ~1330l0". S30pm. l‘iu‘. HUSlk‘tl l‘} llltlk'l‘t'llklk'llk'k'.


I The Beat (‘itrux (‘luh 40 J3 (ii‘tndla) Stt'cct. (\33 "080. ".Fllpm.

{I I50. ()nc ot thc carlicxt and tttoxl important lil‘llhll \ka l'C\l\.tll\l groupx. tormng in 103'. hchmd clawtcx lila- ‘.\lu‘ror in thc llathroom' and "Stand do“ n .\lar:_'arct.

I The Ashtray Hearts lhc \‘illagc. In South l‘ort Strcct. l.cith. 438 "M0. .-\mcricana.

I Out of the Bedroom \\'a\crlc_\ littl'. l S! .\l‘tt'.\ .\ Stt'cct. 55‘ lllfill.

0pm midnight. l-tcc. Scc 'l‘hu 3.

dz; listings Music

l-llTIST *

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 3


I By George! George Melly and George Wyllie in Conversation Spicgcllcnt. ( it'oigc Squaw. 501 Ulltl 3pm L V50 lxxo git'at (icoth ottc a \\ll. |a// \tuyci and art hull. thc t‘lllk‘l a xtulptoi and hi3: thutkci lllk'k'l tot tanClmtllHll ax part ot thc ( il.t\:_'n\\ .l.l// l'cxlnal

I Neural Interface (mugc Squatc. 5o-l {-100 5pm. l'icc Rll}.ll Hank lit; Staggt' 'l'ruiupctci 'l'om \l\'\l\\‘ll Icadx tlux quartct \\llll .\l.utm Kk'l\ll.l\\ on \a\. \igt'l (‘laik on lellldl. .lohn .\llcn on ha“ and Stuart Brown on tlllllll\ l’att ol thc (il.t\;_'n\\ .la/l l'cxlnal.

I Leo Duany Y Su Mambochambo (it-myt- Squaic. SM i-lll0 h. illplll. l'tt‘t'. Ro}al llank l'lL't' Stagc. l'plittiug. llllt'k'lllllIS th}thiu\ .utd ltarmontcx ltotn tlux tic“ l0 pict'c (‘uhan |a// outlit ttontcd h) l)u.iu} and .low (Intro. pt'm ltlll\l} ol Sonot'a la ('allc. l’ait ol the (ilaxgou .la// l'cxtnal. I Richard Thompson I<n_\..l (‘Ullk‘k'l'l “till. 3 Sttllt‘lllt'llttll Sll'CL'l. .555 8000. 7 illpin. US. ()nc ol thc louttdtng.‘ mcmlwrx ol lolk rock piouccix l'au'port ('om Clllltlll. Richard 'l'homxou'x \olo (arm-r lt;t\ tala'u llllll lrotu lolk to Mum and mu. 'l’oda} hc luwx all tlu'cc III a uniquc \t} It. Supportcd h} Virguuahoin \ingcr l'.t'lll \chcoun.

I Stewart Forbes Quartet l.aurtc\ liar. M King: Strcct. 553 "I33. “.illpm. l'i‘cc. .la// \tandardx and original compoxitionx.

I Andy Lucas lltc (‘orintluaiL Ingram Strcct. Spin. l'rcc. Solo piano ia/l (lilSSlt'S.

I Ronnie Findlay Trio littt‘ltanan llotcl. Buchanan Strcct. 3 ‘3 “38.1. Spin. l‘rcc. ‘l’rio lcd It} pl;llll\l p|a_\ in; thc lllll\lt' ol \lit'hcl l’clt'ut't‘ant. (‘cdar Walton and “Ill l'.\an\. plux original L‘ntltpttxtllttlh.

I Kent Duchaine (‘atc Souiu'. Si .-\ndt'c\\ \ in thc Squaw. St .'\lltll'L‘\\ \ Squat'c. oll Saltmat'kct. 54S (i030. Spill. LG 05 l. l)L‘ll;t iilllt‘S.

I James Cairney Trio 'l‘hc lil'llll\\\lL‘l\ llotcl. Hit» 3 llrunxmck Strcct. 550 5030 Split. l'iu‘. l’ianixt ('airnc} IS onc ol thc hi3; iu‘cnt dixcou't'im tn Scottixh |a//. l’art ol tltc (ilaxgon .la/l l'cxtnal.

I Lynne O’Neill Trio .'\(l l.ll‘. t t l llopc Strcct. 3-18 (lo-l5. Spin. [3. Mime ()'.\'cill Icadx llll\ trio \mgtng lira/than tuncx and |a// \tandardx.

I Suzanne Bonnar Quartet Spicgcltcnt. (icorgc Squarc. 5(>~l U00. 8.30pm. (Ii. Scottixh ia/I dna élk'k'ldllllt'll lor hcr \xarm llllt‘l'plt'lulluth ot tau and hlucx songx trontx llllS quartct ax part ol lhc (ilaxgmx Ja/l i'CSIHAIl.

I Pauline Copeland Trio \ltllcnntuin llotcl. (icorgc Squarc. 33 ()HI I. H.50pttt. L' l “.05. Jan \ocaIN (‘opcland lcadx llll\ trio ax part ol thc (ilaxgou JaI/ l‘cxtnal \uppcr ia/I \L‘I'IL'S. I Kesha ('alc (‘oxxachok Rll\\l;lll (’ultural (‘cntt‘u l0 King Sll’ccl. 553 03.“. 0pm. 9.5 113.5). .\ ticu. group loi‘incd h} \igcl ('lark tguttarl. ()lcg l’onomarm l\ Iolin l and In .-\tla\ n iolinl pcrlorming a llll\ ol Rll\\l;tll. 9px}. iaI/ and Klwmcr lolk muuc.

I Ruth Lambert Trio ('it} Inn. l-tnnioton Qua}. 337 l0l0. 0pm. U305 £35. Jal/ \(k‘illlSl l.ainhcrt l\ accompaniul h} \tgcl (’lark on guitar and .\lario (’arihc on haxx ax part ot' the dinncr [an \crxcd up h) (ilaxgou Ja/l i'iL'Sil\;ll.

to". ".i'z t'l'k" r ':'I ' ' l' ll i'til l"

“\t‘ ‘1: l! ' l‘ ' 5‘ 'I \i

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i" ' ' i, i‘ All" i ‘. 'l'«‘i '\

ili'i'fiil l kl'l, i‘l‘t‘ a :L-‘? '."‘wzull" {ii/v in"; Sirn‘: 8.." u

Billy Jenkins l

Uta .tt «i; lltfti'tlh '3 lil'

i‘J H) l\, “ll "5 ,ti. .

(l ltii'.’

«than t' I" vats". up '.'.':tl‘ (in: initial: .:"Ilv‘:; guitarist lii' '. .Jlevwnr; 4‘ .1 lat; satrfttttt; lfizllx ilrtttlf; lll‘.» [llama (lo:!t:<:t".(:. a'ttl .‘at‘ <lt:;l‘. tit) l‘lé"‘.l‘, of tio'ttaitu "Martial, l)t:lll'l(l flit: lunar... fif>.’e,’§}t.’.‘f(”'f. (i/t'lf;_(;(:‘.‘., SIN: (S ./!/U Graeme Stephen/Fraser Fifield Quartet A l‘-<}‘.'. hand. tut guitar sf (ilt'tti-l‘lt: Sl‘fl:llt:l‘- and "Hill! s'tt;'."u"l<:tttzilrsf l raster l lfa-ld {llr'r militia! <;(>l.£ll)()l£li()lf3. notabl', l.’l l ram! 3; firm lttmr ll‘llf3l(, flijll‘l‘f) (any. Oiassnmattur‘. l>ut dram; togothnr .ttfltn:r'..,w; hut". folk. lél/X, (Alina. "tick amt t:l(:(jltt)l‘l’i “tum; ill fresh and murmur; fashion. Hort/t, ./<i// (Io/W. I {twining/é, Lied 0 Jul.

I Hung Drawn Quartet 'l'ron lhcaltc. (ii'l'iongatc. 553-1367. 0.30pm. Ur t H l. 'l‘hix \a\ophonc quartet lcd h} Rayuond .\lacl)onald pla} laI/ \tandardx. l.atut. lunk and original nutulwt‘x. l’art ol thc (ilaxgou Ja/l l'cxtnal.

I Brian Molley Quartet llccr ('alt'. ('audlcriggx. 553 US | 5. 0. i0pin. l'iu'. Young: \;l\UpllUlll\l MollL'} lrontx llll\ lourxomc. l’ait ol thc (ilaxgmx J:i// l'cxttxal.

I The Fusion Experience lilttL'lxlt'ltth. .Vi llcll SII'L'L'I. 553 593-1. l0ptu. l'i'cc. .\'c\\ (ilaxgoxx -ha\cd tht‘cc- pit-cc acid |a// tunk hand lcaturtng

Ra} mond llarrix on Hammond organ. Stclt .\lc(‘lu\kc_\ on ham and Jamic ('urric on druinx. l’ai‘t ol thc (ilaxgou Ja/l l'cxtnal.

I Laura MacDonald Sextet Spicgcltcnt. (icorgc Square. 56-1 3400. l030pm. £5. Alto \a\ophonixt Laura \laulonald pi'cnucrcd llllx mhilaratmg wt ol' tic“ tllllle‘ lL‘t)lllllll\\lUllC(l through thc Scollixh Arts ('ouncil'x NC“ Work \CllL‘lllCl \\ tth an intcrnational hand last month. and rcpt‘tscx thc lllllSlL‘ hcrc \\ tth a homc-haxcd lmc-up it‘ltlllrltlg hcr alto arid \(iprttlln \axophonc itltlllgSMlC R)an ()uiglc) (trtiinpct l. l’aul 'l‘oundroxx ttcnor \;t\tiplttlllCl. Stcx c Hamilton tpianol. Mario (‘arihc thasxl and John Blcaxc ltlrllllhl. l’art ol thc (ilaxgmx Ja/I l‘cxtixal.

f ’x’fl': THE LIST 61