Music rock a pop listings

Thursday 3 continued

I Req One and Kid Acne Bongo (‘Iulx I4 \cv. Slreel. 5.55 "Nil

Ilipin ‘mm 1.5 ('nlirn: edge In c Iirp hop perlor'nmnce lrorn lIll\ double hill or irul} innomlne \\.rrp \IleIlIIf._'\ I.r'.e sch. I).I skills. \\;ir'p \l\ll.lI\. Inc gull. lllt'l't'lilililllxt' .rnd w rrnich rnore


I Good Charlotte ('.nhng_' \cmlern}. Ill Izglrrilon Slreel. li‘lll5 lilll “NIHISWI 77] Ilillll 7pm, U05” Noise rcxlrrclron on lhrx \Iion. I’r'elend punk lor lhe leen} In ipper'x.

O Hitin Sawhney 'l he mil-x. :5: .’\r‘g_\le Slreel. (Mill 022 Hill“ Spin {Ii ltl-i on door'i 'I'he l't'll.ll\\.lllct' rn.rn lL'IL'\l\llili \cl’ipl \xr'iler. diurii & Ixrxx duhhlcr'. cronoxer |.i///\xorld lilllSlclJli pl;i_\\ as Plll'l ol lhe J.i// l't'\ll\.lI

I JJ Gilmour, El Presidente .md Bob Dollar King: lurk \le] \\';ih Ihrl. 27% Si \‘incenl Slreel. III 53“) S illprn £8. l-or'riier' Silericerx rn.nnrn;ni \lrilcex our in solo \ein.

I Ted Leo 8. Pharmacists Slcl'co ll'orrner'I} \Vexl I illii. II I-l Kelxirilinugh Slreel. 57h 5IIIS. Spin Ur I)I\' punk'x ans“ er lo I'.|\ I\ ('oxlello. \eler'nn ol ;i leis hands including: lhe Inpxe. \\ Iio .ilm spanned the ler‘r‘rl} in): Ilnr’ .\I;n' Super'xlar I The Wde \ice'n'SIeri/v ~lll Siniclnehrill Slreel. ‘33 0M“; ‘lpni. I‘ezilnrrn}; rnernherx ol lhe |;i/). Iii”). Ii}i‘dxi;iii BUIL‘IHHHNI Spui'ln

I Black McSabbath and Zeptepi 'I‘he I‘er'r'). 42 (’ler Place. 42‘) llilli. ‘lplll. £7. ‘l'r‘ihnle lo the ringhl} S.ihh;ilh urid lhe e\ en iiiighlier I.ed /.ep.

I Soyuz Mono. I3 Kings (‘ourL 553 3400. A \liiol‘g;l\liol‘d ol onlrne \llllllillllg. and rock. SPAIL'L' lunk and eleclronrcn \ouridlr'nckx. I‘lic‘k'ii'lloiigo \\ III .lI\(i he plining :i ‘\’ni_\| 'lnp' I)J \Iol. clung: nun) e\er‘_\ record llie} plil}.

I Silvertone, the Stand and the SOU’OWS 'I'Ilt‘ I5lIi Nlilt‘ (Illle. .5” (ill King Slreel. 55‘ IMH. ‘ipni. U. Indie rock \\ llIi \lliltlL'S HI llIL‘ ('I.I\Ii lllltI .\ler'cur'_\ Rex.

I Recliner, Skin On Skin and Rolla liar-ll}. Jon (lull- Slreel. (ix‘n no“ 000‘). 8pm. £4. Iridieane lr'iple I‘lII. Skin on Skin ;ir‘e pronioling lherr currenl single 'In Your Mind.

OKain and David Viner ’I‘he riu' (‘Iulx lhe Yule. 5 “Width Slreel. 333 ()‘i-lh. 8pm. £3. Rock'n'r'oll \lunce lrorn Killll and guexls ul lhe \ieekl} club nigh! pl;i_\ lle.’ ;i nii\ ol’ cool llllhlt'. I);i\rd \iner IS currenll} being: louled us Detroit's linonr'ile Iinglixh IiIllL‘\lli;lll h} \ nine of III\ pulrongige Ii} Jack \VIIIIL‘. lIiC \iili Iiiilidlt‘x :Ilid olIiL‘l'x.

I Brokin, Locker 30 and Milestone I'ur‘) Murry. Uh .\I;i\\\ell Slreel. III (r5l l. 0pm. [-1. including enlr'} lo [MRI-glg t'IllI‘. 'l'r‘iple hill ol upcoming local indie hundx I Wanted (irnnd ()Ie ()pr'). I’urxle) 'I‘oll. 42‘) 53%. " iliprn. {.1 IL: nienilierxi (‘ourilry


It’s a dangerous coincidence that this Californian quartet emerged around the same time as grunge pop tarts Busted, as it could have been difficult to differentiate between the manufactured boy band and the ‘4 real' rockers. Only Good Charlotte's hair is the decider, as their revamping of Green Day’s 90s punkpop format is as transparent as Busted‘ . The bind, however, is their infiniter singable single, The Anthem follows Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and Boys and Girls as a ham-fisted, if cutesy. charmer you can’t

get out of your head.

I Good Charlotte play Carling Academy, Glasgow Fri 4 Jul.

I Abba Tribute Ilourlion Slreel. Ill.\ (it‘lilgt' SIICK'I. “Ill. 5pm Li IIl.lIl price lielorc Illprii. LII 5“ \\ illi dnineri 'I'riliule lo SuedcriK Igrli low

I High Heel Sneakers Ii.” lil. tll (Kindlerrggx. 55.‘ 5II I ‘iprn I ree (iroo\_\ Ill/l .nid lnnk iroin lIiexc Hull (‘Iuh regulars I’m! or {in ./il.. Ir who."

I The Counterfeit Clash .\l.rcSorle}x -l_‘ , Slreel. DIS S5.\| hl‘lii I-ree (Iixh .ind olher co\eI\

I Deke McGee 8: the Blue Rockets I..iurre\. M King: Slreel. 5 ~l3.i " .‘llprii I'ree Rtkli lrorii llnx ~r\ piece I‘JIItI lionled In (NH ( ir.rnd'~ \.l\\\pIIUlIl\I

I Bronx S.nnuel |)o\\\. h" “I \rlhxdule Road. I.‘ Jill!" .\ VIP”). I'rec I’op

I Daniel B Shenkin (“.rre IIuI;r. ill

lIope Slreel. ‘5‘ llrhll .\|‘III Iree \conxlic

rock rexrderic}


I Storm on the Shore (‘oriiriiple\ rloi'riiel'l} (‘Iuli .|.r\.ri. Ill ('oriiriiercrul Slreel. I eilli. 555 5h33 5 :“pm :dIII

L5 to I r\ e I‘.iII\I\ lo he conlnnied liul llic

Crail Festival 2003 16th - 27th July 19th Annual Festival

A great programme of events featuring La Boum, Whistlebinkies, Heisenberg Ensemble, Simply Songtime, Skinny Jim, The Jim Woods Trio, and lots of other fantastic music and events for adults and children.

Information from the 16th July from the Festival Cafe, Crail Town Hall. Tel: (01333) 450 447

For information prior to the festival Tel: (01333) 450 316 or (01333) 451 115 (after 5pm).

Or look at our web site


Sh.nnh|e\ II.rl |).I\ .ne in IIIIII conlrol ol the .rllerp.irl_\

I Rage 'I Iiee l’nderuorld.\. \rddr} Slreel. 55!» ‘251 S ~l5pni L5 Rice .\;_'.nnxl I lie \l.ichirie IllI‘lllt' .icl lor Independence IN}.

I Tam I'Uli't‘Sl (Sllt‘. ‘l \\c'\l I’Ul'l. JZI

II.‘ I“. .Spiii I'lee \IeIIo“ .lciilhllc' \iliex .il lhrs chilled oul Irllle;_' oul.


I London Community Gospel Choir RU}.II Bank Big Sl.i;_'e. (icoree Square. 5lrl i-lllll, h illprn I'ree 'I‘hc counlr) \ riioxl l.niiou\ :Jlupt'I choir celeliruie llieir _‘ l \i .IIIIII\L‘I\.lI} lIiI\ )c'dl. blending gospel \l.ind;rr‘d\ \iilh slick conleriipomr} lune» I’m! ol 1/“ .lu’.'.'

Ir \Iralr/

I Req One .rnd Kid Acne llcrir‘} \Viirill a ; (.IJI'CIHUIII SIIL'L‘I. 3:“ iShS ‘iprn t" Second ol lhe |,o;_'.irh_\lhni lours. lln~ linie \Iiimchxllif: l\\o IL'IIJISMIIIcC liip hop .ll'll\l\ u Iio r'h} me and .ne .i In! h.rnd_\ \\ ilh .i can ol \pr.i_\ p.nnl

I Left Hand Element, Mendeed .ind Broken Oath King: ‘Iui'x \Villl \\'.ih Ilul. flu Sl \incenl Slreel. III 53“)

.\ 5UP”! ‘5 |.oc.i| rnelnl lineup

I Clearway Il.irl|\. 3N! ( ‘I}de Slicer. ovum)" (NW) xpnr U Rock quai'lcl Irorii Melbourne

I Benge, Vessel, Stendec .md Tench The l ‘rh _\'ore (fine, So (in Km; Slreel. 55‘ lo VS. ‘lpni. l; i. Ihme nee. t‘It'clliililcd H\ C! Iiiilli illioh HI IIIL' culc.

I Your Sound Sler'eo llor'nier‘l} \Vexl I‘lhi. I: I-1 Kehinhnugh Slreel. 57) 5lllS Spin I'r'ee Regular \hoxxcuxc ol lmridx' dcrno r'ccor'dnigx

I Good Ole Boyz (imrid ()Ie ()pr‘}. I’.n\lc} loll. 43‘) 53W». "fillprn. H I55 IIIL‘IIII‘CIH. ('ounlr').

I Abba Tribute Bourbon Slreel. IIIS (ieor‘ue Slreel. 552llI-1I. —[‘III. {5 l£l(\_5li \\ rlh dinner: 'I'r'rlinle lo Sweden's luh lour. I Mellow Evolution .\Ic('hurII\.-1ll Iliin Slreel. 553 Ili5 Iliprn, I'r'ee Reggae .rnd |.l// sounds

{ - ‘99 .v’ ’,

I The Boogaloo Investigators [Ln ‘H. “I ('iiiilller'igyx. 552 53| I. ‘lprn. I'ree. Reir‘o :giI/ lunk erixernlile l’url ol [Inn/(1:; /('\ll\ll/.

I Jamie Barnes & Cochise .\I;ic'Siir'lc‘}\, ~12 .Inniurcn Slreel. Z‘lS S5SI. (rprn I’r'ee. Residenc) lr'orn lhe Rin \eler'.ni.

I Kong .\I;ic'Siiilt'}\.-13 J;iiii;iic.'i Slreel. l-lS S531. Spin. I'ree. Rock

I Open Stage The Ilrill liar. loo \\oodl.ind\ Road. 5o! I53". -1 Spin. I'r'ee. \Veekl) \L'SSlHll lor Iocnl inuxicinnx. I Aconite Thrill and We Become Less 'I'Iic Hull Hui. Ilil) \Voodlgiiidx Road. 50-1 I53". ‘lplii, I'i‘ce.

I Raggaels Snrriuel I)o\\ 'c, (,7 "I \illixdnle Road. ~123lllll57. Siliprii. I‘l'cc. I‘olk rock,

I Deke McGee & the Blue Rockets ICIIIPU. IZItIL'l'SIlL‘ Sll‘t't'l. Vilipni. lice. mm: 333 (MIN, Rtin r'exidcric} lr'oni lI1l\ \i\-piece hand li‘oiilcd Ii} ()li\ (irund‘x \;i\ophonixl


I The Element, Toledo and The Universal Sulmn}. (i‘) ( ‘ougnlc. 32.5 (PM) “. ilipni. L33, Indie rock lr‘rple hill. I Gamma v Delta, Santa Carla, Emergency Red, Rococo and Jiva (‘ornrriple\ llor'rner'l) (‘Iuh J;l\lll. -lli(‘ornrner'cr;il Slreel. I.erlh. 555 5623. .S‘prn. £5. .-\nolher |.eilh Build Night \iilh ;i run ol indie and rock.

I The Silver Pill, Slowloris and Major Major Iiuririerrnun‘x. \iddr} Slreel. 55h 3354. 3.45pm. U. More hol I’ill uciron lr'orn lhese quzilil} locng norxenrlxx igind lherr pilIS i.

I The Counterfeit Clash Nlililcx Bur. 4-1;i('ori\liluliori Slreel. I.eilh. 553 385 i. ‘Jprn. ('Izixh and other punk}


I Tony Bennett Roin Bunk Big Surge. (ieorge Square. 564 Hill). (rpm. £5. The Icing ol rul/ cool performs :inolher' ol his rrnrnziculrile \L'lS. but [his