City centre, Edinburgh, Sun 22 Jun

Just a walk”. in the park 3'"



It"; nor'r‘all, t ~e ;;res;er‘.re of lair, stags; and hens to llll the streets «I l rii'rlznrtil‘

fl‘ howll, nurses outfits. animal cost


tlfl‘(k5;£tl1(iIIVE'T‘MI lshirti; But. ‘?.'i"‘ .e'ar

(‘.’ttil; ,'t It; the t

and then resrwctztliiiit, out the .‘.'i".(l()‘.'.’ to [zounil the < <,_.rf;e of 21“» (E's-at S " It'til‘ ‘.’/a 'r. :n noveit, Hrgalia. A'I,t?‘;I<L’/f;le"‘(?'{L'ail'tlforSHUT;‘."."It=i€3£il1(l“1:80:02l.).'.£i'itrlf‘tf;"‘;i. t “t

goal of the hove ::g;l‘t l‘earted entrants. l2u‘. some

exrierlazoh '.'er,

.'.al'r<‘_,-'f; take the a'vxmt /

serousl, lean‘t; of tour to Six can (ryr‘rete vn ‘.arxwr; "ateih'

l" I”? -'-’5l“‘”‘-El lace. .'.."I<;h can be one." six or tv.'.'el.e 'r‘Iles. :lermulirg «n fittest.

and "‘.ohzlzt, Naturally. the '.';alk is; open to at ages and £1I)’llll‘fl'f§. artrl enterta ""‘ii'ii

it; i)r<:'.i<lerl to keer; soirzts; ‘l~,rng high.

Beginning at l-lo|_,"oo(l Pam. a (insolay b, the Golden l ions; l "er.- l all Parachute tea'r‘ marks the start o.‘ the 12~'r‘rte'~.'.talk. ‘.';hrch takes l" the Grasata'rarkef. Pmst Street (ml 1 enh before returning to lt/iearlovs.hahk_ The SIX Yl‘ll(?I(31ll(?l(}ll’)‘.'.’1;£t si'r‘lar path until I e'th Walk. :nsteao returning to Meadovxl‘ank ‘.:a North Bridge,

lhe walk :tselt began ;n t908. but its; ure‘aous; incarnation as; the [zen/Ix; flea-.5; Charity, \"n’alk began in 1968;1er gaze .‘Ja‘, to a 'nore ‘.'.‘lth‘ rar‘grrtg title and a were :n<:lus;r\.e event. Last ;.ear':; event rarsetl ()\.e.' FOR/2,001) and this; ~,ear oer 19“.)

good causes ‘.'/Ill hene‘it. Those who raise

<:<whinen‘Orat-ve plague. ‘.';hile charity (It

over 37:30 are ax'xanterl with a

tilt; ‘.'./:.’l he I)()E;l()‘.‘.“"l upon the senor art<l

jllII'OI tear"5; '.':ho raise the host nroney overall. In keepzng ‘.'.‘rth the sh .nt of goodxwll, all entrants; recene a certificate and a medal.

While other particioatix'e events have a cut off (late for entrants, anyone can Join ll‘ the Great Scottish Walk on the (lit, »- I)"()‘.'l(l(?(l the; report to the (:lirzt‘k :n (l(?§3l\ at Meadox'xléahk beforehand. Neuelt, attire it; optional. of course. so '.'.rliat's;

stoooing you?

‘.'/(zlkers show! assemble at r“earnmbarPk Skid/um beto'e r’u.(')()ar77 1’0 or? the escorted '.'.a/A' to How/ood Park. For more ,Irrfo'nrafr(>r: call (i870 2.10 3/1 762‘ r" go

to xrtscofrrshv.(likaom

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication. Sports listings are subject to change, so please check in advance. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Thursday 19

Outside the cities

Horse-racing: Ayr Races .-\}r' Raccwurw. 2 \VIIIIIL‘lh Road. .-\_\ r. 013‘): Bell“). 7 9.3(lprn. L‘h‘ U5. A \wckcntl ul~ flat racing tor the cuxturnarx runncrx and ridcrx. '


Golf: Scott Hastings CeI-Am Golf Day Bruntxticltl (iult' ('luh. thc (’Iuh lluuw. 32 Barntun .-\\cnuc. 336 H“). Noun 5pm. £405. .-\nnua| gull tournament hcld at thix prcxtigmux gull club. 'l‘hc da} wnxixtx ot' onc round ol- gull'. telltmcd It} a pri/c-gh ing ccrcrnnn} and an cwning dinncr dancc. Iiwnt in anl ut‘childrcn'x charit} SPARKS (Sport Aiding \It‘tllcal RL‘\L';II\'II I'UI' KI\I\I.

Outside the cities Horse-racing: Ayr Races .-\_x r Riit‘u‘nlll‘u‘. 3 \Vltlllt‘lh Road. :\}I'. 01302

264170. LII) SISprn. (H (15. Scc Ilia l‘).

Sailing: Newburgh Coble Boat Race \th Shurc l’n‘r. \cnhurgh. (’upar. 01337 54mm. 0.30pm. IIl\lUl'lt‘ boat racc originating in INth III “Inch [calm cornpctc l'ur' thc Britixh Dutith Ilantlcd and undcr lXx Doublc llantlul chainpmnxlnpx.


Croquet: Meadows Open 'l'ht- \Icadmu. .-\rg_') ll l’lacc. ‘lfitlain. .’\ rnccling ut' cluhx ax tlic top cmquct pla_\crx llI litlrnlturgh minpctc.

Outside the cities

Macmillan Adrenaline Days - Zip lir\I\litL‘ III‘ltlgC IIUIL'I. I'.I'\l\lnL‘. tll~ll XII till}. Illarn (\prn. [IPIIIIL‘ truin IIIL‘ I‘UUII UI. IIIC hotcl In l'alw lltiiltc} lut' cancer CHIC \L‘i'\ Iccx Rt‘gixtration IL‘L‘ l\ (25. and [‘ttl’llL‘l]‘illII\ llIll\l raixc a minimum \polt\t)l\ltlp «it U25. l‘ull dctaih a\ai|ahlc trmn Macmillan ('anccr Rulicl~ at uxx\\.niacnuIIanurguk Athletics: Grand Beltane Sports Ila} lodgc I’al‘lx. \L‘ltlpallt Ri‘atl. I)L'L'I‘IL‘\. (ll‘Zl "2303". l 530ml].£31£|.5tli..v\n attcrnuen UI‘ upcn aIIlIL‘IlL‘\ tllttlL‘l' S( i:\ I'lllL‘\. including: tho I ltlrn \pl'llll and thc

I ltlm licltanc handicap. l’rI/c mime) tur

IIIC cwni [Utah mu LZHHH .mtl :lic .IIIL‘III1'\'II .rlw tt'attnw .t Iliylrlantl

tlan. in; tunnx-hhun tt-r th; I‘,illll\ Horse-racing: Ayr Races \}: Ratctunrw. _‘ \\ lllllk'll\ lx’nrl. \xr. Hl .‘".‘ Shlla” l 1; l ffltni L\ LlR Ihu l‘l


Cycling: Glasgow Cyclefest

Kt'h ingruw l’ark. ( )tagu \nt't't. .‘V' “171 llain 1pm Irct' \ unt- tl.i\ tun uln'clt‘tl c\tr.:\.i;_'an/a organith .1\ but wt \atinnal Mutual Kt'lnngtmt' l’ I: 1x .IIII.|\\ unh t_\\'|r\l\ {akin}: [‘.ttl lllI c \allnnal ('int'tnnn ('hainlnnnxlnp ( "M It: Rau‘. [‘Ith II\I.\ \II\I‘I.I_\\. \katt'lwartl tlixplatx t‘ntnn'i rat't'x. .l niwnntarn l‘tkt' penny and drag I.I\\'\ In .nltlitrnn thcrt' \\lll lw l.’inn|_\ \xurkxlnvpx on cult: \lallx .IIItI III.IIIIIL'II.|II\U. \IIIIII‘III}' \\.Ill\. trt't‘ loud I“! t‘_\t'lrxlx ll‘.lll\.II\\'\. nu It“: .lIItI t'ttllllk'llllt‘lh link to II lot more lIIIt‘IIIIJllUll go to \\ \\ \\ t'laxyn“ \"\\ lt-

th or;


Croquet: Meadows Open Iht- \It'atlmxx. \Igtll I’lat't' Illant \t't' \al II

The Great Scottish Walk Mcmlmxliank Show ('t'ntic. IN I HIItIt‘II Road. (th 531 Ill illarn L“ ‘HIUH ()nc ut tln‘ Itiggt'xt Itnnl lawn}: t'\t'lll\ Ill Scotland lmhnm L'IIIIL'I .i (i HI I) nnlt‘ ualk around I‘tlllII‘lIIfJII lll .inl HI tut-r lllll \‘lI.tllIIt'\ Su- prmn'“

BikeFest IlIL‘ \Ik'dlltl“ \. .-\r'g:}ll l’lau‘. *3-1 M *ll \tmn 5pm I ru- 'I In' Iilth lilinhnigh \'_\\'Illlf_' Ik'\ll\.ll It';lltllt'\ [‘.IIJKIC‘. Illtl Ln t'\. Itltltl \l.tll\ .IIt-l Inc ntuxn'.

Outside the cities

Athletics: Polaroid 10km Series Final Int'li I.(IIIIUIItI Shun-x Ilt'n I.(IIIIU|I\I \\.I_\. IIallitt‘It. Ill ‘3‘) "I l <llll lllk ruatl rau'

Cricket: Lashings Cricket Club v the Ship Inn Cricket Team I IIt' Bt'iIL‘II, I’.I|L'. til it): "Wm. \H inlcrnatiunal nit-cling: ol git-at (in ka'lk'l\ and no doubt a It“ huh it‘gularx tor .l cuntcxt in \xltn'h [Itl\\ll‘lk' platcrx int lutlt' RIICIIIC Rn‘hanlmn. Ilrian I..n.i. l’lnl 'l'ulncll and Sir \'I\ian Rn‘harth Macmillan Adrenaline Days - Zip Slide lirxkinc Iirnlut' llutcl. Izrxkint'. Ill-ll KI: llll‘. Illaln hprn Sn: Sat II

Outside the cities

Horse-racing: Musselburgh Races \lttxxt'lhlngh Rat‘t't‘ourxt'. I.IIII\IIL'IKI Roatl. \ltrxxclhurylt. “I II (:(S 235‘) 2 J .illprn. t'lll U5 “5'; unch lln ltu‘. I'lal racing: on UN gull (Hurst gum l'aL‘L‘ ll'itt‘k

Wednesday 25


Australian Rules Football ‘lht- .\Icatlm\ \. Mg} II I’Iat‘c. “"80 thN ‘5 (LIIIPIII. I'iL'L‘. I’I.i}t‘l\ HI all \lalttlaltl\ tinclutlrng III\II (iacln' lulu [‘l.l}t‘l\l and an) IIIICIC\IL'tI ncxxunnt‘rx arc rnx IIL‘tI In turn out lot this “ct-kl} training: \cxxntn

Saturday 28


Cycling: Edinburgh Grand Prix .\lC;ttItt\\I‘alll\ Spilth (I‘llltc. I W I.UIItIHII Road. (th 5351. lprn .\ gala Qt'lnr: mum in thc \L-lmlrninc IL‘dllIIlll; litt'aI c} (I|\l\ and intcrnaliunal UHIIPL‘IIIHI\

Outside the Cities

Sailing: Scottish Open Challenge Event Sitatln‘htlc ('uuntr} I’ark. Vih Hamilton Road. \Iothcrucll. llIh‘M Zhhl 55,

lll.3t);irn Spin. ‘l‘hc Suittixh I)l\ill‘lL‘tl Sailorx hmt tlnx challcngc tit-inan‘lllf_'

~%‘. "_:~; Sport

ll‘~aii:l:tl\I/\1IONAL ATHLETICS EAR. :.~. K ,, ilk”: than on“ OWE... “M ‘T'- t .. ‘.'° N l‘ l I, ‘.‘ Ill. l1 ' I i I t}: 7 r ‘.‘3‘ 1'" ‘;.r' ,l i'. c 3‘ h .v; .v 'I ‘, rt I lll‘§-'\t.1'»- 't“- :"t x i'll'fr ':i'r« '.' T" I ~' 't t TIN"

.{x "g,;.' 3 K .

' vi. :' ' .T‘ 'i’ t l " '

l' I' ri't' 2 ill {‘.'U H ~ :~ an :t"- a l \\'\' l. . I 1' ‘L‘Jl' .‘ Strut“ r" '.t. “at .f ‘, ‘_ ~I°'7 " 1 l " 'l t .\ AV li"<l"

i“ ' w I I " '

f) If.‘ ' t. (' I ' I} .'. ' l 411.314.“ ,‘ I , ‘.'t” 3‘1." m ' ' t’


Athletics: Norwich Union

International Athletics \tmaunn \lJrlltllll. I).nn'\ Ilrnt‘. \nlxlnun ll\ ‘H 111 Hill I_‘ {Ilium 91 ll.‘ \95 -\l..\:.i

\ .it‘nnn


Cycling: Edinburgh Grand Prix \Icatlmxlxinl. \imrtx ( 't'nlrc. I “l I mitten Ritnl, Nil * “I IIIJIII \tc \il .‘\

Outside the (illl‘kfs

Motor-racing: Hot Hatch Track Day Knutltlnll Ratiny ('ntutl. hnutllnll. llnnlt'rinlnn'. lll W‘ ‘.‘ i i " ".nn <i‘lll {a \\.ilth .iznuntl .‘llllll ll\|I halt ll t‘lillltl\l.l\l\ til .i ratnn' tl.:\ xtnh till liaJ ’urlln‘r t-lll Sailing: Scottish Open Challenge Event \tialln lttlt‘ ('nnntr} l’.nl.. I'll) llannltnn Rnatl. \lwlln-rmll. “INN :(iliI;< Ill Warn Hun \t‘t‘ \at .‘\

Monday 30

Outsztle the Cities; Horse-racing: Musselburgh Races \Ill\\t'll‘lll_'.'ll I<.l\k-\“III W".

I Ilil.ltt'ltl Road. \luxxt'llttnyh. ill :I (.(S

lb“) 0“ 95pm Ll‘l Ll‘ :25» Illltlt'l

lnlnnih'tl tlll"- lll;' ..t.i\ .i

Itn llk't' llal ratinj:

Wednesday 2


Australian Rules Football llit- \lL‘.nllI\‘.\. \If.‘_\ll I’latt'. “VIVI IV“ I; (\ Illltlll Ilt't' \t‘1‘\\t‘tl 3;

Thursday 3

Outside the cities

Eyemouth Beach Festival Itwninutlr lit-.nh and Harbour. I.}t‘riiitttlli. MINNIE <ll<<~ \(mtt \tttli \ littlt \Ia) [iritgiannnc nl ht'ath .nnl '.' I‘Jw'tl .nhxnicx nnlutlinj: \[‘1III\. l‘t'.tl\ .nnl


For everything from kite- surfing to mountain biking, see The List’s new guide, free with this issue.