Art listings
Lighthouse continued
Welcome to the Hoegaarden in 30 Jun. ()plll. St‘c (ilaxgim Schmil oi Ari. Emerging Architecture 3: Kommende Architektur Sal 3|
Jun Sun ll) Aug. The third II] a {11103;} mi cxhihilmns lhal ducumcnlx lhc thwml} and high dcnxily nl~ indnulual slant‘t'x in lhc :\ll.\ll‘l;lll .-\i'clnlct‘lui'c \t‘cnc. ('uralul h) ()ltu Kaplingcr. lhc cxlnhiimn prcwnlx a nth gcncralmn ul piat‘lit'cs.
Ni W SH( )W
100 Houses for 100 European Architects of the 20th Century Fri -7 Jun Sun l7 Aug. .\ lows on lllL' arclulccl's hmnc. lcalln'lng llll) lllL‘\l/L‘ imagcs til I()() alclnlcclx \\ uh
phulugi‘aphx and than ingx nl lhcir u“ n
litilth'N. NU'V Si l()\‘.’
Opening Closes - The North Holyrood Site Sal 3\' Jun Sun 2-1 Aug. An mlnhilion charting lhc changt‘s
Locksmith’s Hall and Bar designed by Austrian architects, Pool, forms part of the Emerging Architecture exhibition at the Lighthouse
lhal haw lakcn plat‘t' Ill lllL' \iulh llul)i'uml \llL‘ Ill lathnhurgh Ni Y)"
LILLIE ART GALLERY Slalmn Road. .\lilng_:a\it'. 5".\' 88.1”, 'l'uv Sal Iliain lpni & 3 5pm.
Milngavie Art Club l.lllll l'll 27 Jun.
Annual mlnhilmn \l1\i\\t‘;l\lllf_' nth will h} local ill'll\l\ including; landscapes. pm'li'alluic and \llll lilc,
5 ll_\nt||and Slrt‘t‘l. 57» HUI“. \Vcd l'l’l Ilani (ililllL Sal llain 5pm; Sun
nunn Jpn].
Contemporary Scottish Landscape Paintings l'nnl Sun In Jul. 'l'hc inaugural mhilnlinn oi llll\ nc“ gallci‘}. \cl up h} l'lanccx Buchanan “hm l’ni'nici'l} ran the cnnlcnipm'ai'} ails ni'ganixaliun knmm as lhc ligg. ()n \hmx \\ ill hc a \clcclmn nl t'ulllt‘lllpnl'dl') paintings h} Jnnalhan .\lcuh. Janics
Glasgow Print Studio Gallery
About Fred m a Box etch n,; i
l6 May - 28 June 2003 Ca lery Elizabeth Blackadder Paintings and Prints
Ca er‘y Catherine Stewart Elements of Grace Cry 1‘
Five Continents - Ex Libris
L; a {P’). '39.. \; :1‘; VJ. \: .2le
90 TI'IE LIST ‘9 Jar
(ii'ct‘n. l._\nn Mucus. .luha .lcllu‘). lhc lalt' lil \cllwn and Sluai'l llllt’lldllall
2"” Sauchichall Slim-l. HI 1354
Mon Sal Illaln 5pm; Sun nunn ipin Art Treasures of Kelvingrove l'nlil Ialc Zillifi. .-\\ lllL' Kclxingimv Muwuniaml:\rl(ia|lc1} t‘hin lHl inalur l'L‘llll'l‘hlllllt‘lll al lhc cml nl .lun. mm Jill) painlingx lmni Ilic Kclx inng t‘nllt‘t'lmn lakt- up it'xnlt'nt'} al lhc .\lt‘l.cllan (iallcrit'x. 'l'hc ill\]ll.i} lllk llulcx 'l'hunias l'at'd\ l/ll' /.u\! n] [In ('luu .unl Rt‘mhl'alldl\ ,\ .l/im III .llIllHlIl. [lllh \knl'h h) ('hailm chnic .\'l\lll|\i\l1. I)lllL'll and l'lcnnsh ai'l.
73 Rnhcrlwn Sll'ccl. Sllllt' (i. Him: I. NH 371 I. luv l'l’l nunn 5pm.
0 Dirk Bell l'nlll Ill .1 Jul \t'u paintings and works on paper h} (icnnan arqu Dirk llcll Ill lll\ lii'xl wlu \hmx lll lllt‘ l‘K. lnl'lucnt‘ctl h} gullnt‘ and Minimum li'athlmnx In (it‘lllldll .ul. lit-ll collagt‘x dillcrcnl lt'thniquu nl painling: \\ ilh papcr than 11135 and \L'llllillllt'
23l \Vt‘xl (icul'gt‘ Sll‘ct‘l. :48 0‘55.
\lnn l'l‘l Ilialn 5..‘\llpiI1;Sal Iliain 3pm. The Scottish Colourists [mil in 4 Jul. Paintings. \xalcrt‘nluurx and drawings h} lllL' St‘ulllxli L‘ululHINlV ('allt‘ll. l'cl‘glian. llunlcr and l’t'plnc Whistler and his Adherents l'nnl l'l‘l -l Jul. l’ainungx h} \Vhixllcr. l)\' ('aincmn. James Mullc}. Muu‘hcad Hunt- and Arthur Mch illc.
315 lhnnharlun Road. 33‘) l NH. .\lun. ‘l'uc tk 'l‘hu 11am 7pm; \Vcd. l'l'l «k Sal Vain 5pm.
Partick Thistle - The Great Glasgow Alternative l'nnl Sal Ix Jun. .-\n ulnhilmn hulking al lllt' lil\lUl}
\‘l I,.llll\I\ llll\ll\' I’ll” HI 1/14 “(\I l./lil l4 \lllu'l
{h \\a\lnn;rlun \ln‘t'l. .‘._‘| _‘|_‘{ Mun I II ".1111 Rpm
Termini l lllll \al In .lun \ nmnl (\llll‘llliill ul milk hi Ihml )L'al lllll\ll.llUI\ and ;'Iaplm llt'\l;3llk'l\ al (il.l\f_'n\\ \tlltml Ill \ll. lll\|lllt'tl l‘} .i Ictcnl Iivhl Hip In Rulnc
('cnllt' In! Ikwhpnmual \ll\ IX .'\llll(lll \liwl. "‘3 .‘.\.‘.7 Hull lll Illain *pni Same as you? I lllll ill 3” Jun .r\n cxhilnliun h} \Il lick \lll\l\ Illl. a unnlm' tiH'l‘x‘ldllH‘ lllll h} Inc .llll\l\ mlh lcannng \ll\.llllllllk'\
llh l)illlj,'l.l\ \llt't‘l. 3-13 (WM! \llill l'l'l Ill lllain §pin. \al I” Wain Ipni
An A-Z of Watercolour Painters
l l1lll\.il .‘I ,lun Ihc lhml III a \t‘llL'\ nl C\llll\lllHll\ h} lllt'llll‘t‘l\ ul lhc Rinal \tnllixh \utn-l} ml I’.lllllL'l\ Ill “alt-iwlum. lt‘.lllllll|f._‘ \mik h} .Illl\l\ mlh alphaht-Iital suinanicx liclchn .\l /.
IHH Rk'llllt'“ Slit-cl. “I 5057 Mun l‘ll ‘Lnn -1 illpln
Una and Branka Dimitrijevic l'nul \lnn in Jun ()il. [Mxlcl and \xalcrmlnui lilllll\k.lllk'\ and \llll hlc h} nmlhcr and «laughch I na and Ilianka [huntith-Ht.
(i Hmnln'hl Rinlll, (illlnmk. (xix 121m, luv ln llain *pm, \al Illaln 5pm. Sun lllllll. ‘Ipni
Launch Exhibition l mu! Mun 30 Jun Swllamlailtuin launthcx llx nu“. huggcr L‘\llll‘llll)ll \[l.IL'C mlh an C\lllhlll()ll ()l landscape and liguralixc [)illllllllgx b} l’.il~_\ \lt' \lllllll. lzlainc ('unningham and \hwn \uhlln