Art listings

/ri our regular co/iirriri, a team of mystery artists give their thoughts on the current art scene.

LIFE’S TOO SHORT Words: Artbug A

It was a warm sunny (lay and what better way to make use of it than to have a spot ol lunch at the bright and airy liuitmarket Gallery cafe in Edinburgh betore doing to the newly opened exhibition? How ciyilised or so I thought.

I uncli was great. don't get me wrong. It was the post lunch entertainment in the Visions for the Future V exhibition which soon turned my mood.

Call me old fashioned, but I have never been enamoured when | see Video as the staple diet of any exhibition. It's not because I don't enjoy Video work. it's more that it rather arrogantly makes demands on your time and so requires some effort and attention. It's not the kind of stutt you can shoot round in live minutes before deciding it what's on display is worthy of further attention. In my experience. and I've seen a lair tew, 95% of the time it's not. but unwittineg you can only conclude this alter the stress of sitting through the viewnig.

Another pitfall of Video work was aptly demonstrated where Michelle Naismith's piece, Air ROW)" Mood/e Po/ar't. was supposed to be showrng. But after five minutes of waiting while a stressed—out gallery assistant struggled with the remote controls. I gave up. As I climbed the stairs I was reminded ot the recent Greysca/e exhibition at Tramway where in its third week, not one of the 14 or so videos was working. 'Nutt said.

Upstairs. the newly crowned Beck's Futures Winner Rosalind Nashashibi was displaying. Lucky for her there was something to see. Unlucky for me. though. as I had to spend the best part of a dull half-hour to see her work. by which time the sun had gone. replaced by the ineVItable rain. Life's tar too short.

88 THE LIST ‘9 \JL.” n‘ Jul


Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


7 Iiiiulllitlll (itlltlt‘lh. 33‘) 42Sl Glasgow Heights l'iitil Jim 15 Jul l’||tt||tf_‘l;l|t||\ ol (ilaxgim h) Nicolax liiihault


|(i4 \ViiotllatttlS Road. 332 “023 Mott l't'l l0ani 5pm; Sat |0aiii l2 30pm

Mixed Show l'ntil 'l'liu 20 Jun. ()iiginal pitlllllllg'S h} icgiilai gallci}


‘la Stcuai'hillc Sticct. l’aitick. 357 074" .\|on Sat 10am 4pm

Festival Exhibition l‘uiil Sui 5 .iul .-\n c\ht|iitioii locuxing on tlic \ioik ol local .llll\|\ incliiiliiig ||ugh |i)i‘c\. (‘K l’iiiaiiilaic. |)a\iil l'iiila} (‘tii'i'ic anil .liiii .\lt‘(‘.tl|l|. l’rlllr'll/lr’ |li'\l/1Ilil/i'\lltil/.


S33 (.l'tt“ Road. U54 5(iS7.

Old Anniesland l‘iitil Sat 2S Jun l’liotograplix ot olil .'\l|lllt‘\|;tlttl and ‘l‘ciiiplc. ’ur’! I” Illl’ HUI lurii/ /'('\JI|(I/.


35: Mg} it- sin-Cr iiiiiil 022 0300. Wonderwander l'uiil Sun 20 Jul. .\ \L‘l'lL‘S ol black and \xhitc pliotograpliS h} Monica (ici‘inana. capturing thc tlora. tauna and pcoplc ot Scotland and Sicil}.


|‘) l’ai‘nic Sti‘ccl. 552 777‘). Mon Sat noon 5pm.

The Summer Show l'niil Sun 27 Jul. |.anil\capc\. \caxcapcS and ollicr' \tiinnicr tliciiicil paintingx h_\ Moira Kcliiian.

Br} an laxanx. ('larc Brad} and laii Jilliol.


l2‘) Bath Strcct. 07703 222323.

Suite Art l'ntil l‘ri ll Jul. .-\ \cricx ol \icckl) c\liihition\. cach \hoixing tlic \xor'k ol a tlil'lci'ciil (ilaxgon School ol- :\l'| Stiiilcnt. With an opcning cwr} l‘i‘l li‘oin 5pm. l-iona :\iii|ci'hci'g and lilcanor Rccwx \lIU“ \iork until 24 Jun |Ull0\\t‘(| h} llaralil McIr'mc-Jiiick (25 Jun l I Juli.


l.\'5a Bath Strcct. 222 2S30. 1th Sat l0aiii 5.30pm.

Ronald Ryan l'niil inc 2: Jun. l‘iguratn c and Iaiiilxcapc paintings h} liilinhurgh—lniScil ill'llSl Ronald R)aii. Andrew Hay Hi 27 Jun 'l‘hu 3| Jul. Work in oil h} Antlrc“ Ha}.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART |34 li|}l|tx\\ood Sll'L'Cl. 332 4027.

Mon l‘r'i 0.30am 5.30pm; Sat

l0ani lpm.

Drawing from Experience Sui 2t .lun l’i'i l5 .‘\llf_‘. s\n c\hihition ot SCUIIISJI ili'axxing li'oin |‘)00-2003_ including \xoi'kx h) .-\nnc Rctlpath. Joan liartllc}. Sir Roliin l’hilipxon. DY ('amcron. \Vill .\laclcan. Duncan Sliankx and (iordon Mitclicll. Nl St lOW

Andrew Hill Sat 2| Jun Hi 15 Aug. Raku tircd ccramicx.


l0 King Sti'cct. 553 0.733. 'l‘uc Sat ll..‘~0am 1 1pm.

Eastern European Summer l'niil Sun 20 Jul. .-\n C\||ll‘lll0ll ot' [Mllllllltg'S h} ('/ccli. Rtixxiaii. (icorgian anil olhcr ca~tcrn liiiropcan artixtx


350 Sauchichall Sticct. 352 4000 Inc. \Vctl .\ I'll Sun llaiii hpm. lihti

llain Spin

Beck's Futures 2003 l'ntil Sun 2" Jul ||ic lourth licck'x l‘llllll'c‘S .mard IUUl rcachcx Scol|alti| alli| lL‘altll'L'S llk‘ \xoik ot ||tl\ yank \xinncr. (ilaxgmy haxcil R(|\;l||l|t| \aSllilShll‘l llcr tour lliinm llIIIIS \xon thc 9224.000 pri/c anil iticltiilc I’d/iii t (1/ Him 4 i1 l,)l\J’l( t or Mr ’iur ()r/ii i'i. Iillllt'tl iii an urban ncighhourhimil in thc \\c\t Hank. ncai' thc ||l\l lxiacli clicckpoinl UlllSlt|C .lt'l'lhuh'lll. 'l'hc othcr \lltll'llhlt‘tl .ll'll\l\ iiicluilc (i|;ixgo\\ J‘HSCtl ill||\|\ l tic) Skaci. |)a\ id Slicrr} and .\|an (‘iiirall. p|l|\ Nick (touc. ('arc) Young and l~iaiici\ l‘priicharil Scc icucu Artist’s Talk “in 2b Jun 7pm licck'x I'Ullllt'S nomincc .-\|an ('ui'tall (||\t'll\\C\ |ll\ \uii'k on \hon at thc (‘(‘.v\

David Sherry in Conversation with John Calcutt Thu 3 Jul 7pm. Slici'i} ilixcuvcx |ll\ \iork \\ ith critic and curator .Joliii (‘alcutt

Beck’s Futures 2003 Student Prize for Film and Video Sui 2! & Sat 2S Jun. llam 5 30pm l'lllll \ci‘ccningx h} lhc \|l(ll'||l\|t‘(| tll'llSIS including tlic \xiniiing uork h) Richard llolgatc. l'tllllll\ ’orlrirr! liri'irLriic' I/ii' .SI/i'lti i'.

0 Digital Design Studio (Glasgow School of Art) Sui

2| Sat 2S Jtiii. Hcgrcc Show c\|ii|titioii lcatui'iiig \xork h} gi'ailiiatcx Studyng on tlic l\\o _\car iiiiilti ilixciplinar} pi'ogi'ainiiic iii 2|) and 3|) motion f_‘l';l|t|ll\‘\.


l'nncrxit} ot Strathchilc. 22 Richmond Sti'cct. 548 2558. Mon l'l'l l0am 5pm; Sat noon 4pm.

June Evans: Borderlands l'ui'il Sat 2| Jun. |:\pi'c\\i\c. liguratnc [tillllllllg'S h} Jlllk‘ l:\an\. IIISPITCtl h} thc lilc and culttirc ol ti'awlling pcoplc. Sons and Mothers Sui 2S Jun Sui lo Aug icloxcil lS 2| Juli. ln rcsponxc to thc cit) ~\\ iilc Janicx .\lc.\'cill “Jihlk‘l' L‘ClL’hl‘illlUIIS. thc (‘olliiis (itillt‘l‘) haS ll|\llL‘(| l'K artists to prcxcnt L‘UlllL‘lllpUl'ul'} lltlL‘l'plk'lilllUHS ot rclationxhipx hctuccn \otix and lllttl|lL'l'\. ilr'ann t‘roiii [ici'xonal cqwr‘iciicc. NlW 8| l()\‘.’.


|7S \chl RL'gcttl Slrcct. 22| (i370.

.\lon Sat l0am 5.30pm.

Recovering a Body l'niil Thu 3 Jul. l’aintingx anil (ll';l\\ ingx h} (ilaxgow School ol .-\r't grailuatcx. Siixan liatoii and Stc\ cn Anilcrxoii.


3h \Vc‘xl (icor‘gc Strch 332 5.5.5 |.

Mon Sat l0am 5.30pm,

Highlands and Lowlands l'niil Sui 28 Jun. l.anil\capc paintingx h) John |.o\\ric .\IUl'l'l\Ull. lirancis Boag. l’ani ('artci‘. llilllllSh Mactloiialil. Scott Naixmith and Kim} Whither.


Saltotiii |.anc. 24 Ruthwn Strcct. 357 WW). Mon l‘ri & Sun 12.30 5.30pm; Sal llam 5.30pm.

Mixed Show l'ntil 'l‘uc l5 Jul. l’aiiitingx h) Jock Maclnncx. Simon Lauric. (iorilon IIL‘lltlL‘rSUH. (’onnic Simnicrx. |)a\iil R(i\\ Warrilou and Blair 'l‘homxon.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Quccn Sum. 22‘) l‘)‘)(i. Mon Thu & Sat |0am 5pm; l‘ri Sun llani 5pm. sanctuary l'tllll .\lolt 2‘) Scp. 'l‘ackling ISSllL‘S ol human rights and thcir ilhllSL‘. this ltiajor L'\|llhtlton\ brings togcthcr thc “orlx of o\ cr 30 contcinporar) artists. l)c\c|opcd in partncrxhip \x ith Amncxt} lntcrnational and thc Scottixh Rclugcc (’ouncil. it cxplorcx Subjects Such a\ forced migration. (llSplilCL‘lllL‘lll. torturc. UPPFL‘SSIUH. idcntit} and conccptx ot

homc .-\l'll\l\ includc .-\nthon_\ (it‘l'llllt‘\. Bill \ iola. Mark “alhngcr. l ouixc - Bouigcoix. Shirin .\'c~hat. Ro“ Sinclair and Kciin} lluntcr

Sanctuary Selling Show l'niit Sun 3 Aug .-\ \hou ot .itlortlahlc art \\|l|| procccilx going to :\lllllt.‘\l_\ liitcrnatioiial and thc Scottixh Rctugcc (‘ouncil liiclnilcx “ork h} Korcan artixt and lornicr prixonci ot comcicncc. ||ong Song Dani


Roukcn (ilcn Road. 020 0235 Mon. “in. in x Siin I30 5 input. Sat

ll 30am 5 30pm

Barry Atherton l'ntil Mon 10 Jlllt .-\

\olo \IIU“ ot ncu paintingx


|4iS \VCSI chcnl Sticct. 221 “NS

Mon Sat 0.30am 5.30pm

Josef Herman t'niil Sui 21 Jun on \hou lor thc lil'Sl how. an t‘\llll\l||t\ll ol ptllllllllgS and draw ingx ot Scottixh taiinci'x. \Vclxh llllllL'lS and .\1c\ican pcaxantx h} thc l’thh ill'llSl Joxct llciinan 1 NH 2000i llciinan tlcil Poland in l” 38 tot liclgiuiii hctoic cniling up iii (i|.t\g'o\\. bringing to it an intci'iiatioiial llaxoui' to thc (i|;I\go\\ .iit \c‘L‘llt' |/\\Cs| til |»\N( 3| |(3 |

First of the Summer Wine Sui 2S Jtiii Sun 3| .-\iig ,-\ \caxon ol changing with on a \uinnici' thcinc including work h) liarillc}. |)\' (‘aiiicioiL l‘crglixxon. .-\lllllt' |"i‘i‘iic'|i. “(i (ill||t‘\. .\|c('ancc and man} ot|ici\ Nl W St l( )\.’\


()uccn Margarct |)ri\c. 357 373‘) Paintings on Railings Sui 2|. Sun 22. Sat 23 i& 2‘) Jtiii. l0am opm A \t'|L‘L'llUll ot paiiitingx on SIN)“ and lot Salc on thc Botanic (iarilcn I‘lllllllgS. l’iirr u/ t/tr' WM! Izml I'mtli'rll.


|2 Row Sll‘t‘t'l. 332 HI2S. Sanctuary: The Project l’niit Mon 30 Jun. l’art ol' lhc (iallcry ot Moilcrii Art's .S'um'rrruri cxhihition. Worlu h) ax) luni \cckcrx and t‘L‘ltigccS \\ ho attcnilcil norkxhops run h} AIHISIS acriin (ilasgou,

GFT Staff Jim I Thu 3| Jul. An cxhihition ot \xork h} rccciit (ilaxgon School M An grailiiatcx who no“ work tor thc (il’l‘.


22 (Q 25 King Slrcct. 552 0704. TM Sat l0am 5.30pm.

Elizabeth Blackadder l'niil Sui 28 Jun. A ncn \cricx ot ctchings. watcrcolotirx and oil painting\ h} lili/ahcth lilackaddcr. cclchrating thc launch ol hcr ('rilulngru- Rurwiim' ii/ (imp/iii ll'urlu and including a ncn Scricx ol clchings. Slur/rim of (on. IASJ CHANCF l0 SPF

Catherine Stewart: Elements of Grace l'ntil Sat 28 Jun. A Sllllt' ol intaglio prints h) ('athcrinc Stcwart inspircd h) Ncuton'S I’rrrir‘i/iiu .Urllltr'lrlrlllr'u.

Ex Libris - Five Continents l'niil Sat 28 Jun. An cxhihilion ol (IHISIS boob troni across the world and prints l'rom l'K print studios.

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM Top floor. ()4 ()shornc Strcct. 552 I472. Tuc Sat noon (ipm.

Apocalypse Now Sui 2| Sui 28 Jun. An exhibition ol work h} Will Holt. l)an Millcr and Brcnilun 'l’rcsslc,


167 chl‘rcw Street. 353 4500. Mon Thu 10am— 9pm; Fri Ilium 7pm; Sat

|0am 5pm; Sun 2 5pm.

0 The Glasgow School of Art Degree Shows 2003 Sui 2t Sui 28 Jun. Thc annual ilcgrcc ShUWS for all graduating students from thc dcpanmcnts ot' tinc art. design. architccturc and digital dCsign. NEW SHOW