I Audio Deluxe at thc lli'llt':>u'llil‘ llpiii ‘ain llt't'l‘t'll‘it'lllltllllL'lll.1;.1llt'i \Vcclxl} Smooth. \l'lllllll hoich at lilh \hmilig hmtctl h} iL'\l\lL'lli(vl.1l_' \mith llllhll lllhll'

I CC Blooms .tl ('(‘ liloi'tth

ll) zllpiii gall] l lt't' Mull} l).l \ll} I\ had. again 'filllt iiiorc ot lici tiatlciiiail. high camp to lioiivc tit-tiaiical L'\[‘L'lll\'\' at lll|\ .il\'..i}\ hoaching ga_\ \ciiiic

I Colours Live! at thc l,l\|lll\l Room Moiithlx \c\t tl.llt' l3 Jul

I Cus'hyai \iaia I amt llpiii Am. {I :5 Jtin l).l l.iiaii Jatltt'\ il iitiiic \Hl‘tllk'. ('it} (alt-i pla_\\ kickin llt'lht' mimc ot all \.ttlt'Ilt'\ (kcaxional \llpl‘itli tioiii \|c\ ,v\\ci) antl l.cc Mtiiia)

I Diggin’ Deeper .tl \ithot l,tl\\.tltl\ \lotlllil} .\t‘\l tlitlt‘ 2(\ Jul

I Diggity at thc l‘.\[.il‘ll\lilllt‘ll[

lilpm iam, U hcloic llpiii. L~ Iii lllt'llll‘t‘lH aitci \Vcckl} l).l l-ahtilo/ .llltl llill'l') l.(i gt‘l tlinkli \\ tlli lllt'lt l‘dtl \t‘l\t‘\. [‘l;t_\lllg \Klltl\l}lt' Rtkli. hip hop and \ticct \ottl

I Disco Inferno at l,go Iii ‘Hpm lam {1“ do in taiic} tllt'\\l 35 .liiii Monthl} -\ night oi tlixco ci'cam oii tuo tlooix (ilammctl tip and in _\Ulll lacc tlixco action Mom I” l.o\c. Nick Sihct. M(' ()ll\. l’tinkmaxtci' l-iyct and [H (‘axaiioxa

I The Egg at \Vcc Rctl liar llpiii ‘am H Shit-1i \Vcckl} Still thc licxt llll\ ol llltllL‘. (ilk gaiagc. noi'thci'n \Ulll. \ka. "Hx punk and nut “.m- _\oti'i'c liltcl} to \taggci' actoxx .'\ \\L'll-ll‘\k'tl lll\lllllllilli that i’cttixcx to changc.

I Eye Candy at Maxxa Itoi'mci‘i) ('ltih Mct‘catloi. llpiii ‘am. L' I” iih or to it 'Utllt‘agcottxl} tlt'cwt‘tl' l, \Vt't‘kl). Rt‘\ltlt‘ttl\ thc li_\c (Emil) 'l'ixmx and \ciat llai'toii hoxt thcii' llll;lllltlll\ glam and llitlllhll't‘utll hotiw part) in tlic ncn I} i'clui'hixhctl \cnuc Rcmcmhci‘ to 'ili'cxx glam oi' \ci'am'.

I Flaunt at Mmm (ltil'lllL'l'l) ('ltih Mcrcatloi. llpiii 3am. to {lit 3| Jun l-‘oi‘tnightly Back to llaxicx pi‘cxcnt llll\ night ol' llllit‘lt‘\\ cltih claxxicx that matlc hotixc lllll\lL‘ \\ hat it I\ totla). \\'itli .\'cil .\';i\ai'i‘a and ()ll\t‘l‘ l.aiig.

I FUNflt] at l’i'ixc ('ouncil. liipm Rant. [5. \Vt‘t‘kl}. SL‘L‘ l‘il‘t.

I Funkysensual al l’o .\’;i .\‘a.

0pm 3am. l‘i‘cc hcloi'c l lpm; t5 it-li aticiz \VccH). llot mi\ ol \c\} ltink} hoiiw lllllKIL' from [)1 llcnch} and Rodd} Mac.

I Give it Some! at Bongo (‘liih

llpiii 3am. £3 hct'oi'c midnight; {5 attci' 3‘3‘ Jun. Monthl). l-catiii‘iiig thc hcxt iii llllih. \Ulll. inn and all that inxpii'ctl hip hop ii‘om lhc lil chtintlo moh.

I Greazed Up at Spidci‘x \Vch ('L'llill‘ liar. .\'pm Iain U». 38 Jun. Montlil). Sti‘a} ('atx \t}lc i'iit‘ktiliill} Mom 3 liomh Rockct and rotht' I)J action ii'om 'l'oio and Small Paul.

I “:24 at llci'iot-“att l‘nnci'xit} l'nion, .\’pm 2am. l‘i‘cc. \Vcckl}. Stimiiici'timc Sat'x \\ itli thc tip-hcat “:34 DJ \qtiatl

pla) mg an cclcctic llll\ ot contcmporai‘) chart claxxicx Sttitlcnts aiitl thcii' glit‘\l\ onl}.

I Headspin at Bongo ('liih. Monthl}. NC“ (ltllt‘ l: .llll.

I Hoffbeat at lici‘lin liici‘hatix.

llpiii 3am. £5. 3! Jun. l‘oi‘tnightl). 'l'hc l-nnkc} magic gti_\\ and llollhcat put on a llL‘\\ night in a ncu \cntic “llll moic ot that tlccp hoth )oti lo\ c \o much. l-‘iinkciiiiagic hacklhack “llli Stiikitl. J Bach and Spriiigl'cllow D] Q l‘L‘llll'lh on 5 Jul

I Ignition at ('ommplc\ tl'oriiici‘l} ('luh .la\ai, 0.30pm 3am. 2\' Jim. \th night of trancc and tcchno ax thc ('ommplm \lcp\ up ll\ cluhhing actix lllL‘\ oncc again \\ itli l)J\ Dolphin. .-\citl (i0. \clcctoi’ and D] U, I'iiI‘I/IH t!¢1[('i’lll\ Illt' tint 3i) '.'l-].l\l. turd Ito/(INN L'i‘t Int/I [nit e' Him.

I Joy at ligo. llpm 3am. {iii ([8 lllL‘llll‘Cl‘\i. 5 Jul. Monthly l'p-l’ront. dirt} liolht‘ gt'om c\ on thc main llooi l’rom Alan and Maggic Jo) and limit King to \xork _\oii tip into a lathcr on tlic main floor. l’lii\ 'l‘rciitl} \Vcntl} and Sall} l-“x chcck} mi\ ot' xoul. funk and chart in tlic do“ ll\lttll\ \llllL‘. \otc that Jo} i\ a club for ga) pcoplc and thcir l-rIL‘lttlx .-\l\o llit‘ l;t\l JO} ttl ligo. hcl‘orc it nipx acroxx tomi to thc \cntic.

I Latin Flava Night .1: t li.-:' altii lam liq; lx-totc llpzx 95 attct “stilt lh; l atii‘. l'i~\\c ':.:l tlic tit-xi and lioltcx'i | .zi:i: than In \kllll lx’t\li anti hip hop lac In t \‘.\‘.\‘. clhaiiio co tilt to: zinc: "'

I Lick Shot at liiitt,'w( 1m ‘.";“: L< :\ .llllt Hip hop. i.:-.:;;.. .tiiti l\’\\li it" llic hl\l\ iagtw l l phiw iimzcti |-‘.:;.:r. .li'llt‘\. \a~t\ l’ and thc li‘.\‘ \Y'x Ii:.,'\ of

thc \otlaiiil \aitl \l( x

I Luvely at thc I itpiiti lx’ooiii

l‘tpiii iattl Ll: iLlH iiiciiiht'iw .‘\ llif. \lonthl} a ga} mi\ctl tioval aiitl it‘.:ltlllil:' a :ii::\:t polit} oi hill on. illl‘~lll‘.' lIHUM' lli'lii lt'\ltlt'lll\ loiiiiii} l\. (il’. \C‘J-Ii'll anti Stonc aiitl .laictl \lahalltl \llll‘\'\1l!\'llt‘ llll\ month \o iiitcipict that iii _\oiii :1 \\.l-\

I Majestica .ii lltt‘ \t-mit-

Ill illpiii 1am ‘A * .ltil \loiitlih lli".‘.li antl tliil) hoiixc iiiglit lcattiii'i:' lt'\l\lt'lll\ l).l\ltl .\lllt\\_ l Ll l). lic\oi (i. liiimol l\ .llltl l<_\an lilll\

I Medina at \lctliiia aliii ‘aiii 9f “cckh l).| l)a\c pla}x ainthiiiz' thl t'\\'l)llllllj:. l’lcnt} ot think [\li'llli'\ all night and don’t toigct to plioiic iii atlxancc to lt'\t'l\t‘ _\oiii pii\atc l‘iliilll

I Messenger Sound System at llotigo ("Itili llpiii 1am 1" fl liiii l‘itlllllg‘llll} liaxx oi lioucl \lllllllli' [\l'iiptilllillh ax lltc might} \ltNM'llg't'l Soimtl Sptcm l‘laxh oiit tlic licxt in lllellt‘i‘lh liiiil\ .llltl \llll‘ icggac

I Mingin’ at Studio )1 \li'llllll} \t-\t tlalc l3 Jill.

I Mission Jnr at Stiitlio .‘-1 IHpiii t5 “Wkly (ioth. iock. ptiiilx .lllil ot cotiixc all tlial nii iiiclal \lllll that thc l\l\l\ cia\c \o much So ll _\oii c\ci \xoiiilcictl \thcic all thmc lilack t l.l\l )oiitlh liom tlic top ol (‘oclxlitiin Stich \\Clll altci

\ \.tll\\ \oitt‘c. :‘caicii Yi".‘..11ti\


I Mission .;' \'..t‘.:w. l tip: i.:".‘.

'\ '-'I t \ _‘. l.‘ l f...\

\ " '1 '-t .::t

I. .y 'I y. \ KI ..

l tilf,"_ll,':l t'.\':',..'_ o

I Moving Through .;',( atmzt-t \oi‘atzp jig‘t' ‘\ f'i ‘\ l_.t. \l«-:.':il‘. \ its; flounzz‘. '.:Z‘:. that ;‘:t\ frit- ‘\ i'\ i' t‘ \ IT‘.:\\ \Ilh t .i;'.:.::\ V" \ .. ;\\ w lit-.ziixzvii :;.;=. 'o'm thy l\’c‘\i‘Y‘:.t3‘itt' lit; lx’cm‘iraiitc li.ll\ll\ titx't'. .:::\ 2::ttot‘ait an. ioxzza‘: Ilit'xt' ‘it'z; pai‘.» lhati T‘..:‘-\' mount-ii .l\ tiit- hat Hmiit' o! k111i: \ lax," loitzf '~.‘.:Ili flit" l.:‘\l‘.:( olictfz‘.c \l\o

lii;'?1i\ inaolxcti :ii it'xt'ait h .lii\l c\'.\~i:iiit'::t.:i \tatticx oi :‘roo\c hawti :xt.a'.i\atioii ot \i‘tlilil

luai xii/fr

iritixit aiiti {ht- '. [in M], “ruf .tl‘\

I Opal Lounge at opal I omin- lllpiii ;.tll‘i t" “coho l)a\t'\lictltlcii \‘.lllllll\llll\i‘i\ll\\i‘.illtlfllllh}l1l'll\\‘ ltatltx

I Pressure meets Bugged Out! at ll1\‘\t‘lltit‘ lit mpiii iaiii Ltlu .‘\ Itiii \liillllll_\ (il.i\}.'o‘.‘.\ l\i~.'j.'c\t lt'tlllli‘ lii‘ll\\‘ night li‘ill\ toitcx \Hillt \laiitlicxtci\ lllltlt‘lt'li‘llllil \lll‘t'h liih tight licic iii thc t apital Ix’ottci\ ( loll ('liili \pccial '.‘-llll hcatl iiicii kcith lt'lllll\\‘.iit\\l iii lll\ li\c ‘.'lll\\‘ lx’aihoactnc \laii .llltl \ll\li\'\‘- \\c.ithciall li‘lllili‘,‘ tlic iiii:'lit\ \laiii aiitl llllllxt'}lll.lf.‘l\ l\‘\lilt'lll\

I Progression at thc | ltlllltl lx’ooiii Ill {llpiii zaiii 9,1“ ‘litl licick \laitiii. (i.l\ (il.iltl .lll\l \laii liolixoii hcatl thc iii;'ht at llil\ lt‘\ltlt'lll\ \pccial \\ith pic chili «Noon at ('itt (‘alc lioiii .\piii

Transmission at the Bongo Club. Edinburgh. Fri 27 Jun

'What‘s one of your ultimate goals as a musician?‘ rapper Cex asks of Kid606 in the rather tongue-in-cheek biog section of his website. to which the artist otherwise known as Miguel Depedro answers: ‘To become president of Apple computers.’

It's a fairly innocuous statement, but it nicely encapsulates the Kid's ethic of boundless musical innovation married to ludicrous, tongue-in- cheek piss-takery. You want proof? Just check out tracks such as ‘Luke Vibert Can Kiss my Indie-Punk Whiteboy Ass‘ and ‘lt'll Take Millions in Plastic Surgery to Make me Black‘ from his Down with the Scene album.

Or the supreme irony of naming a tune which samples Missy Elliot's ubiquitous ‘Get Ur Freak On’ as ‘Never Underestimate the Value of a Holler', from his ingeniously~named foray into bootlegging, The Action Packed Mentalist Brings you the Fucking Jams.

It's fair to say that the 23-year-old Venezuelan-born artist won't be putting on your standard show at this one-off Transmission showcase of 606's record label. Tigerbeat6. Also featured are DJ/Rupture and Random Number, but it's the Kids appearance which should excite club- goers the most. as he‘s already proved himself at home with every genre from glitch techno to ambient. by way of some startlingly messed-up Alec Empire-esque white noise escapades. (David Pollock)

st Clubs

I Rewind .st Ihc l itttitti lx‘ooiii 1“ 1";‘3. lair: 1" 1'» .‘i ILLI‘. \t.~:i:!i3\

h; l 17C l\1.-.:‘.ti lilx \kzi'. 'f‘c oz‘. haul to: witchn‘apll: \l\)(t.:\iii‘1117llik


.‘.‘.\KIi‘i‘.li '\.lll\ t‘lu \hi‘i‘l \li\\i‘

Ma r. ( ooi anti \lttu. : \ lkat ttixl‘. oizt inc

‘c \. "\ .'..‘i\'. \"\ .‘i‘;".u.\i.\ Zulu \1..'.Y‘.t'

I Sist $.13 \larcok l ci\titctctitic

:1 l‘t‘foic itiitiiiix'ht t‘ *I'

l";‘f‘,‘- it..‘ 1‘. 1th I'.\c: .zttci \\ccl\l\ \‘c l l:

I Souler Power at llttn‘txt lut‘

\piii 12 .‘l hit: I :itlciplanxl \‘l\il\'\ .llltl Lip tioiit Nix \i‘lll lioiti ic\itlt'iit\ \l:. llaiiiiio .ill\l ( ia:_\ a\ ucll .i\ \pct l.tl :‘ti\'\l\ lx'olil‘o lilil t'ltil‘I .lllll l\.tli lx’hotlcx I\ll\ ll‘l.'.t .‘t N it

0 Stereotype ai lit-rim litt‘tliatix llpiii iaiii 1* hctoic iiiitliiight. to .ittci .‘\ lttii \loiitlil_\ llii;'~.'\ lint-sci ()iit'cii ictiiiiix in lll\ new f.'tll\t‘ at \tcicotxpc. hiiiigiiif hoiiic thc lx'xt hoiixc .ll\‘llll\l .lll\l \‘-\‘l\t‘llllllf,‘ win; of thc licxt giicxtx in toxxii l'atha ll i‘llili‘lll icxitlciit \caiiiiix Ilaii iiiakw all at lti\i\c tiip to \totlaiitl to \l\ll llii;';.'\. hiiiigiiig lll\ tip top hoiixc tollct lion and ctntahlc icpiitatioii \‘.llll hiiii

I Tease Age .ll ('itiii\ ('liih

llpiii Rain 1* Mcckh llll\ llltllt' \l.tl‘~‘..tll «li\lic\ tip t'\t'i}tliiii;' lioiii \\‘.lll_‘_‘lll;' Nix lill\ to liaj.';.'_\ \l.l|l\llt'\l\'l how .i\ \xcll ax a howl ol \ iiiiciit \ \I/ \lltlll hothcicix

I Thee Jailhouse .il l\'\li'l Kim.

I nioti llpiii 1am H .‘l liiii loitiiightl} lx‘ightcoih llkh and old

\t liool iiictal iii a t l.t\\lc \(' |)( ’. \lotoihcail .llltl \a\oii \cin. l‘llh .i lc\\ ot thc iic\\ tontcntlcix that iiicct tlic giatlc \lltllt\\l.t\\', that kiiitla thing

0 Ultragroove .ll (Lilian-i \ollaitc

Ill illplll *aiii 2.1” .‘l .lllll loitiii-.'litl_\ l ltiagioo\c lt'\ltlt'lll\ \pccialixc iii ical tlcal lli'lht' action liom (iatctli

\omcn i||c .llltl (‘olm ('ook liaicaitli lihai \pccial Will] an c\clti\i\c l i\ appcaiaiicc llUll‘. .loii (‘iitlci lhc \\ (' lt'\ltlt'lli hchintl tlic lll.l\\l\ c t llll‘ hit ‘lt'x \Htlh. .t\ l‘t'lttn'tl ii} liittlt‘ \t'ffla. l’llll \\llt'l. (illlL'\ l’t‘lt'lvill .illtl llll‘lk' \\ \kt‘ll ax hcatl man at lll\ \I\\ll l)l\l.'tlll \llhlt‘ iiiipiiiit l’lll\ ll\\' pciciixxion lioiii liaxil iliaclx ll llaxtcw

I Vain at lc\iot Rim l'moii Monthl} \t'\l \lalt‘ l: .lttl

I Vegas at ngo Moiithl} \c\l tlalc l.‘ Jill

I Wiggle at ligo lit iilpm ialll L” it'o' lllt'llll‘t‘h) 2| Jim Moiithl} Maggic .llltl '\l.lll .lo_\ llt‘t'tl no ititiotliiction .llltl llll\ l\ thcii tic“ night ol ga} liiii .llltl lltlll\'\ In thc main room Siiiimotic Black |iHll\ Jon l’lcaxctl pl.i}iiij.‘ tiath that .iic a littlc hit camp. a litilc hit cutting ctlgc hut a \iholc lotta tim l)ii\\ll\l.tll\ hall; I‘ and Mtclicllc \xill hc tlcplo}ing Rtkli. hip hop. llltllt' and chart lllllt‘\ and him could u c loigct thc Ion-I} l’cnii} l’oi‘nxtat on ll.llltl to mcct and gicct thc pimtcix l’ic chili \t'\\lilll l’lattcl ()tit \xith Ilictt King

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva .tl ('a\cntlixli/l)i\a, Iiipm iaiii l-icc hctoic llpm. Ui altci \Vcckl} lltc lull} lt'lllll‘hllt'tl \pacc hoxtx a night ot all thc }jliiti\lc\l ll|l\ lioin tlit- (ill\ Uilx. \xith ctii‘iciit chait tau-x on thc top llooi ()\t‘l 35\ will}.

I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party at Mootl. 0pm ‘41”. MW hcloic llpiii. ti Ili'cc to lllL‘llil‘L‘l'\l altci \Vcckl). ('hait. part} and mu] llll\ [tom [)1 Martin

I The Party Continues . . . at l’cppcimmt loungc lilpm iam i; i. \Vcckl}. Scc l'l'l

I Shake It at l.‘.'\tlachc.

lilfiiipm iam U hcloic llpiii. L" altci \Vcckl) l’ai‘t} lllll\lL‘ lr'om thc (iilx iiglit tip to laxt \\ cck. plttx loatlx ol tlt‘itilu pt'omm to “ash it all (l(i\\ll with,

I Subway West End at Sulma} \cht lantl, (ipiii ‘ain l'i‘cc hcloic 0pm; £5 iL-li altci \\ cckl} ('hai‘t. tlancc and chccn lllllL‘\ all night long bah},

I The Subway at Stilma} "pm iam {l \Vcckl} Scc 'l‘hti,