Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to

' '- 0' g ..’;T‘,...‘.:‘ co uk, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Bed-Sit .iI I£|.inI.cI IIniincII} lik'tII Ilpin I.|Ill I_ l Itji \\ch\I} Hill} \lilli; pinuIch lhc xlIiIIcnl Lnnniilcx Ill lhc Inn k thIinnin .lIItI \Inll 'I'ingcix‘ \lc\ nii\cx up .i xIniiii Ill Ihc linnl hcilinnni

I Bennet’s .iI Iicnncl‘x IIpni Min IQ i Itfi “ct-kl} (Li). nii\cII. in.n§.'hI

\\ IIH \ .ll\'\ ' .Illxl II.I\L' .l I‘IHIHI} jgmnI Iinic. l‘t'lIPIk' Shaun In\ in§_'|_\ |.i_\x tIlI\\|I lhc cinmI plc.ixcix in Ihix c\ci impiil.ii IIlll llljJIlI iii.ixh up \iiinc .iIxn [Hm iIch hiin Illllt‘.l_‘..‘\‘

I Carnival .il Ii.ixh. III Winn Kim {I It}: \\'cck|_\ .\ \xcckI} lll.lltIl gmx .iI lhlx cl.ixxic xIIiIIcnI \cnuc I).I Rnhcil ini\cx up RAH. \xhilc Slcxcn Iiinun h|.ixIx nIiI Ihc chillin‘ hnnxc .IIIkI hnII) yiiiiilin‘ I .iInin l\c.ilx IIlt'l\"\ .iIxn .i hiI nl k.ii.inkc. II lln.iIx _\niii

I Columbian .il Ihc \x)|liiii [Lick Rnnni, .\piii I.ini I'lt't' In (‘I ’Sl incinhcix. L’I nIhcixxixc. \\cck|) I’nI xninc hicukiii' lnnk in _\nui Iinnk \\llIl Ihix L‘lllk'lldllllllj: nig'hl nl xIIiIIcnI iii.iIIncxx.

0 .II [Ilt' \\IHHI\ItIk' Sm‘ml. IIIpni _‘.iin. I'icc. \\cckl_\ iliniii In Jill] I, Ihc \\cckI} IIcic cnincx nnc nl lhc iiinxl nncninpininixiiipl} punk chih ingJIiIx lni .i \\hi|c lzlcclin. h.ii’IIcnic. .Ill_\IIllll}_‘ Ih.iI gncx Ihc l)c.ilhkill IInn'I c.iic \\Il.ll )nn Ilnnk nl \\Il.ll Ihc} 'ic IIIlllljJ. ()n In .Inn. Ihcic‘x .in .ippc.ii'.incc linin .\InlIIpch. .i pnnIx_\ cIL‘cll'n nIIlIIl IInIII (iI.I\‘L'H\\.

I DogGod .iI () ILn, III. Winn Min. [2. \\cck|_\. .\c“ llljJIlI nl cclcclicixin .iI Ihc hcginlihil clnh lllltIL'I ('ni'inIhi.iiI ll'x I‘k‘k‘ll L'Inxt‘iI IUI .lfJL‘M IllltI nnu Ihc_\ .IL' gclling hack inIn Ihc ginmc. I’Iiic c|.ixx. I The Edge .iI Ihc I',II;_'c. (‘nulhinIpc I Ipin Idlll. t i Ilicci. \\cck|_\. chiIIcnIx SIc\ c .niII .\Iichncl ()'.\‘hc;i gnc Ihc IIchxx .i lnll \xni‘lxniil \\lIIl Ihc \ci'} hcxI in cInh c|.ixxicx ‘IiI i.nn.

I Fire Wire .iI ll.nnhnn. Spin Run, [5 II it. \Vcckl). (iiuhgini I-ciynxnn nn\cx .i \iiIIc \Ill'lt‘l} nl inuxicul xI}|cx \\llIl ncc.ixinn.i| II\ c hginilx in Ihc x.niic innin. .Iini Hind} pI.i_\x .iii chchic llll\ nl Inungc f._'liN\\t‘\ \xhilc (i.i\ in .\l.ic|cnI| IIinpx cl.ixxic hnnxc .llItI IIixcn.

I Freakmoves .iI (iI.l\:_‘il\\ Schnnl nl .\ll. llpin inn. t-l It' ii, \Vcckl). Dunn and .\h \icc plu) ll[‘\l;lll'\ in lhc in.iin h.i|I .IIItI hi'ing: lhc lunk In Ihc pt‘nplc nl Ihc xchnnl. .\\\k'lllI\I_\ Inich

\\ L‘l’t‘ llt‘H‘l lIll\ :JUUKI.

I Homework .iI \'.niII. I lpin ‘~.ini. {5 IN i, \Vcckl}. Inn .niII .\‘Ic\ Ic Ihc |\n\. xn .iII inxccui‘ilicx n\ci Ihc Inich .ii'c Ihxpcllcd 'I'Iiix inghl .ninx Ini" quIIcnI Iiuppincxx \\ iIhnul cninpi'ninixing lhc tlllJIll) |c\clx.

I Hype .iI ('iilm II.:II|\III Run. Li (ill. “cckly IN” IN IicxI Ic.nnx up \\iIh Ihc Ihpc cic\\ In pnl nn .i nighl nI I\\l\lC\I. IiIIi'.iAlnnk_\ hnnxc. I’Icnl) nl chcup hnn/c nmkcx Ihix .i Inn nighI nnl. I Madhouse .II Ihc Shack.

IIUIIpni .itllll. [5 I53». \\cck|_\. (II .llltI .‘\IIKI'\ Iukc _\nu In Ihc hi'ink nl' inx.iiiil} \\llIl xninc nl Ihc inan nuIi'.ig_'cnIix .inII cnui'ugcnux quIIcnI .niIhcinx.

I Old Skool Reunion .11 .\I't‘IMnx. llpin 3am. £5 Ili'cc {ZSIIL \Vcckl}. ()ItI \CIIUUI lL‘t‘IllIn CIJ\\IC\ .IIIII tIIxcn xI_\Ic Iuncx l'ni' Ihc l'i‘cn/icd xIIiIIcnIx Iln\\ n .'\l'\‘Il.Ii\x \\;l}.

I Grindin’ 101 .iI liquid l.nIing_'c. llpni Rain. {4 «LCM. \Vcclxl), ()ItI

76 THE LIST ' a

PUSH a. PULL The Sub Club. weekly Thu

Push & Pull has been causing quite a commotion since opening in December. ‘lt‘s a platform to showcase young and unknown talent while providing a quality and uniquely eclectic night,‘ says organiser/resident Mark Heavenor.

But it‘s not all about fresh talent. They‘ve also played host to many a well-respected guest. including Brett Johnston. Herbaliser and Ninja Tunes. Heavenor and business partner/fellow DJ Graham Wilson. are determined to provide Glasgow with a quality. non-commercial night at a next-to-nothing entrance price.

On Thursday 26 June. the club welcomes very special guests Luke Solomon and Justin Harris aka the Freaks. Best known for their hugely successful record label. Freaks, Solomon and Harris. who are just back fresh from their European/American tour, have had a phenomenal three months. Along with the release of their album The Man who Lived Underground (featuring artists such as IZ & DIZ, Johnny Fingers and Rub), they‘ve played Homelands. Cargo and Plastic People among others. Solomon also runs Classic records alongside scene legend Derek Carter. According to Heavenor: ‘lt's cutting edge, quirky and out there music with a difference.‘

This rare appearance of the Freaks coincides with the last night of Push and Pull before their well deserved summer break. Miss this, miss out. (Louisa Boyle)

xchnnl cnIhIixi.ixI I).I Snuln Ilipx IIccp iiiln Iiix “NIH innnj: IccniII cnIIchinn In I‘llllf.‘ )nii lhc liiicxl xclcclinn nl UItI xchnnl hip hnp hc.iIx Iiniii Ihc Iikcx nl R.ikiiii. I'IIi.i .\i.l_‘._'llt'll\' .inII I.tI.lII

I Polo for Me .II Ihc I’nIn Immut- Ileni I.Illl. I'icc \\cckI) Ynn. Ihc luck) piinlci. Likc Ihc Iiclin Inniphl. .ix icqncxI c.iiIIx .n'c .i\.ii|.thc n\ci Ihc h.n .IIItI in Ihc hnnIh \nIicc lni Ihc llllllll.l;_‘lll.lll\\‘ nncx: ‘I .\in \\ h.iI I \lll. ix pinhihiIcII h) |.i\\ .inII pninxh.thc h) xlmnkinu.

I Push and Pull .iI Ihc th ( 'Iuh llpin inn, [5. \Vcckl). chiIIcnIx llljJIlI .iI Ihix \‘Il.lIIt'llf_'lllf.1 nigghl nl cclcclic II.incc innxic in Ihc cil_\ 'x lincxl \cnnc \Vilh .i .\Inxic Ini I'ic.ikx xiiccml nn 30 Jun ihclnic Ihc} Likc lhcii iniiinici I‘lcnk l. .\n pm It'll.

I Record Playerz .lI 0| Schnnl nl \iI III “Ipni I ilknn ti ItII. \Vcckl} Ih i'l Scan Illi I'iIII‘IiI}i .lIItI Ihixhpnpp} Il)i\ inci pcilnini chmp Ilcck inckni' In \Il\\'\'.lll. IIIiinh cIchin .lIItI .\‘IIx phunk 'I hc) .iII\ ixc )nu In .icI up. IIicxx «Inu n .lIltI pla) c.ix) In gcl

I Shagtag End of Exam Party .u Ihc Illllllt‘I. Ilpin Min {51th \\cckly IIll\ .iiiniclnc cIIih nigghl x.i} x .i iii.ixxi\cl} liIIh} ‘\\cII Ilnnc' In .iII IIliixt' IinlniInn.iIc c\.iin cicuIIiicx \\ h.iI nuinhci ix xhc’

I Skint .iI Ihc (liIhnnxc llpin i.llll U It'll, \\cck|_\. \ci) much .i nigghl In i‘clIch \\h.iI‘x uning.‘ nil in (iI.l\:_'Il\\ .II Ihc innincnI. 'I'nngh chcnncul hic.ikx .inII hc.iIx. i'nck .IIItI inIIic Ini .i cinuII innch Iikc Ihc nnc nnIinIc Ihc (i;lIIL‘l_\ nI .\IiliIClll .\ll.

I Speakeasy .iI Ihc l’in\cix.iI iS.nichich;iII I .inci lllpin 2.nn. I-icc. “(CRIN I’HI lIi\I\L' “Iii! ICCI llka' .I IL'\\ IIi'inkx .ilIci Ihc pnh. hul IInn'I \\.IIII In gn cInhhing. Spcukcax} ix Ini _\nIi 'I Iic inIixic ixn‘I cninpininichI. .IIItI Ihc \ ihc ix \‘IllIICtI.

I Soul Shaker .iI .\I \S. I Ipni idlll {-iit31.\\t't'kl}..\iinnIhxcmcIcIIgcni \\c h.i\ c .i ini\cII In; nl cIchin. Icchnn. hnnxc .lIItI lunk cnni‘ch} nI l)ii'I} I..n'i_\. Ihc .hink).iiII Mn; .lHtI .Inlin \IiIcIIcII

I Theorm .u Ihc \.mlI \c\l ILIII- lhc I Wanted .iI II.iI\.i/.I. .\pin Run I'icc hclnic llpin. L4 it'FI .iIIci “cckh |.iIci‘.ilI} .III IinIIciginIinII cInh hnuxin; xnnic Inigc \nc.iI hnnxc .inII g.ii.ig_'c Imchncxx IIcpln}cII \xcckl) h} 'I'hninxnn .niII \nncc.


. l r 3/ . E - 8" . 7.“. _

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous .Il (iIijJim SL'IIUUI HI .\ll .\CU \IJIC IIk'

I Afterglow .lI .\tI I.II‘ \C\l tI.IIL' II‘\' I Archaosn \ich.inx Ilpni Kim '5 H4351)! “cckh \I.nanic.ini \IJIIk c. inIlI .IIIII chccxc .II tillt' HI lIlt‘ I‘II\IC\I I ll nighlcix in ln\\ll

I Bar Bloc .iI IIInc ‘Ipin |.ilc I'icc 3“ Jun .\lnnIhI} l).iiiii} Shuikc) [\I.i}x nnI Ihc lincxI lnnk. nnilhcin \IillI I‘IL'.II\\ .lIItI hc.IIx Ini .iII lhc hc.niIilIiI pcnplc .iI Ihix \chI cnIInucII Iin Iiplnun i'.II\IlI\\CtI in Ihc xcnxc Ih.iI iI Ii.ix .l I.ilc Iiccncc

I Black Rabbit Whorehouse .II III\' Suh (‘Iuh I lpni inn t3 III Inn .\InlllIII} SIIII .iIic.iII nl Ihc fldlllk'. Ihix culling cIIpc gglnch kiIxch nigghl nixI kccpx nn llll[\l\‘\\lllj_‘ \\ iIh (‘.ipI.iin ("niii.iInxc nn lIIl\ tIJIL'

I Bughouse .iI .\Iih ( ‘Iiih \c\l II.iIc [IN

I Canvas .iI \iI.i I Ipin idlll tIhc \Vcckl} I).I \\.i|Ici [\I.i}x .i pIthnm nl lnnk. xnnl .IIItI RA‘H .iI Ihix I\c.inlilul incich.inl cil} I‘.ll

I City Sessions .II n (3qu -

lllpin {.iin ‘5 IN! -1.|nl_\ .\InnIIiI} Ihix cl.ixx ncxx hnnxc lllfJIll nnIIci (‘niinlhmn thiI nnI .illili.iII~II \inh Ihcin in .Ill} \\.l} I cnnllinicx \\ iIh Kc\ in \Iixlin .inII .i cnnI cin\\II inckin' .iII lllfJIll lnnp. \n IIicxx cnIIc .IIItI .i I.nII Imck. Inn .iIinnxphcic in.ikc Ihix .i gnnil xcxxinn .ilI IlIlIlltI

I Cold .iI Rncixnlc .\m i.iI .\c\I II.iIc lI‘L'

I The Cathouse .II lhc (xiihuuxc

III. zIlpin Kim {I hclnic llpin. L1 IL ii .illci \\cckI_\ RliIlllj.‘ hiin nn Ihc llli incI.iI \\.l\ c. Ihix ix nnc nl Ihc hnxicxI nighlx lll Inun Rnck. f_'l'llllf_‘t'. inIIic .lIItI .i \I.I\Il nl I‘lt'deI‘CdI .iclnxx lIIIL'C IIINIIx .Il (iI.l\:_'l‘\\ Ix Inp \cnuc Ini inckcix .llltI .ilIciii.iIccnx

I Coded .iI \lniII, I Ipin inn {Fit-1i \\cckI_\ Ihc} 'I'c linin .i iccniII xIni'c. xn Ihc Inncx .nc gning: In hc Iicxh .lIItI IllfJIlI} funk}. .iicii'I Ihc} ' \ inI.iIing_' ianci nl I).lx .lIIIIIdIL'tI In I‘mI I’iccincl xnppl} IIl‘lI‘C'IL'tI film“ k'\ .II lIlL' llL‘\‘- \IIII‘ SICH‘II .\Ic(‘icci_\ ix Ihc in.nn I‘lll Ihc pnnl nI I.ilcnI incInIch Hill) Ix'ilkic. Bill} \\nnIIx.n1II \ni.inII.i I’iicc

I Crash .iI lhc SthI III iIIl‘lll 2.1m ti l‘eji \\cckl_\ ('i.ixh inln Ihc \xcckcndx cnui'ch} nl Ihix hugcl} {‘HPIII.” nighI \inh Ihc SnIiIhinIc ch (}.ii.ig_'c I)_I (icii) l )Iiiix

hnxlx Ihc lll.ll!l h.i|l \‘.lIIl Ihc nIIini.iIc ctlcclit pull} \lIlllIlIII.l\Ix .inII III I).i\c \ilIIIIl‘II.IIItI I( 'nth Likcx Ihc hclin in Ihc InlI IipxI.nix \inh .l iii-.‘hI nl \I.l\\l\ Ix’.\Ii I Death Disco .iI Ihc \|\II\'\ \c\I \I.lIL' II‘\.

I Degree Show Party .lI (ILprIm Xchnnlnl .\iI (min \iiii tIhI .‘ll Inn nnl} Ihc .\chnnl IcIcI\i.ich iIx pinihpinnxl} I.lIk'IIik'lI \\.lllI\ f.‘t‘II|ll_‘.' lhcii \xnik IInnc \\lIII Ihix Innk} IIII'III unh I)ciii.i .inII .\iI c. .llllI Ihc I)i\ inc' .lIltI Illl\Il|‘ll[\|‘_\ ;'ll}\ \ Ii\c pcilninmnt c linin .i lll}\|t‘l} Ixniil HM} ni in.i_\ nnI hc [Mil nl Ihc liin

I Destiny .iI IchInn I Ipin {.iin Uht \\cckI_\ I)cinn_\'x It'I.|lIII\II cnnliniicx \xilh up Ini ll |\.iiI_\ Inncx. hnIixc .lIltI R.\Ii I|.i\.ix

I The .lI IIIL' I (It'k'. (ilkllI‘Illlt't‘ llpin {.ini 95 \\cck|_\ Ix’cxnlcnlx \|c\ In) .llltI \cnII (imnyci I‘llllf.‘ _\nn Ihc I‘t'\I HI IIUII\L' .IIIII \ IIII‘ \ I.l\\|\ \

I Electric Circus .II \II I II»

I Ipin inn 1* .‘fi Inn \Innlhl} III

I nnxcininIx .lIltI IIIt'IItI\ xiiininnfg .i I\.lIk‘liIii\cHPl\ llll\ nl IiiiIIcii'inIinII Nix ;_'inn\cx includiin (LipIJin IIcclIicuiI. l,|l\t'. I iIII I IHUI I I\'\.Illll\. IIIC \t't'IIN Ihc lechiiI I’Inncx. ()h‘. Ihc ( 'ic.iIinn .lIIlI In.in_\ innic \Ixn. nn Ihix II.iIc. Ihc I’cnplc \inI hc pluyny nii;'iii.i| in.iIcii.iI inxpncII h} Ihc ynlilcn ci.i nl |)\_\\'Ilk'iICII.I

I Electrobix .il [Ln Illn. Spin I.nn LIIII IIIInn \InnIhI} cIuIIn nij..'hI \‘.IIII It‘ll}. k‘mn. \III) .lIItI \Ic\ ic (i ll'x .i Imngin; lunk} .in.i|nj:nc cIcIIin lllfJIlI \HIII nnc} Icthnn hicukhcul I\‘-I\I

I Fresh .iI lhc I’nIn I.nIIII§_'c

Ilpin inn ‘5 \\cckI_\ \ilkhk‘IIk'JlItI .\nle I.ikc ch.ii;_'c nl Ihc llIleI\.iI IInlicx in Ihix IIcIicinIix .\ik'IkiIiliIi ('iI} ini\cII cIIih \\thhci )nli’lc Ill Ihc Iinph} Rnnin ni nn Ihc duikcllnni. Ihc Inich \in] Incl )niii Il.I[I]‘llit'\\

I Fridays in Bed .lI liluiikI-I ilninicil} IicIIi. lein {.ini ‘5 it in \Vcckl} \.iccin Iukcx _\nIi nn .in RIKII .lIItI Iin hnp Iiip C\L'l} \xcck \xInIc Hill} .\IiIlignn hi'injgx Ihc Hill In Ihc linnI thIinnin.

I Friday Street .II lilitknmn “.ht’llIL'III 8pm I ‘Ilpni L-I ItII :ficIllll nnI_\ (ilnxgnu ‘x .\InIIcinIxI \M'ckcniIci kickx nll \inh Ihc I'iiIIA} \Iich cicv. pl.i_\ing: Ihc \ci} hcxl innd .llItI iinilhcin xnnl \in}| .II Ihix piciiiici innd LIllI‘