lllkllltllll‘J [34511. India. \cpal. \luta and Sunlland \uxu Illlt'\klllllllg'\ll‘-.il or; ul.

I Live Music \uxrc'x Dim-r. \M'xl NIL'Hlvlll \llL'L'l. “()- bq3‘} l'lL‘L' \ll~\l.i_\ muuual cnlcrlauuucul int lude drumx. mbrra. \Hk.ll\. tltkllltllllll and harp ’m: Hf .lllhlr /)u\ hr Ill/(Ull/

I Clare Mann and Aaron Jones (‘a\l|c 'lcrrau- llam l-rcc l'iddlc. llulc. L‘Illcrll and \ot’al dllu I’m! III Hum Hm 54 III/um].

I Ocean Kitchen ()(t'dll lcruunal. lulh. 555 3338 1 ‘pm l‘ru- l.l\L' lolk. la// and blucx pcrlormcd lllIlIrIil\ on lhc L‘L‘nll‘c'x \\;ill\\\.i_\\ I’m! u/ Hum /)u\ .31 III/um]

I Live Music ('11) ;\il ('cnlrc. Marla-l Stu-cl. 53‘) W‘“. 1 4pm l'rcc Inc lllll\lt' taking: in \;I\/Illf_'ll;ll

improx ixallon. a capclla origin): and |a// \ocalx. I’m! u! .llum /)II\ M uI/mul.

I Live Music l'llmhouw (Kilc Hal. l.olhlan Road I'uIlu/ Um“ /)u\

.8} Ill/(UNI.

I The Peggy Vestas ('abarcl \‘ollairc. Blair Slrccl. 231mm», 5 opm. l‘rcc. Acouxm urban lolk \Iilh \lrmgx and braxx. I’m! HI l/uui Hm Si ul/um/ I The Decibelles and Leathermonk l)am\h ('ullural lll\llllllL'. l)ounc ‘I'crrat'c. 335 "ISO

5-15 oll5pm l'n‘c 'l'hru' pail \m';il harmon} group pcrlorm luau-rial liom luaxlcrn lauropc. :\lrica. Seolland and lrcland. l’lux dlcmbc drum» I’uri u/ .llum /)u\ 55¢ III/(IIIII.

I Waaswalla luxulul l’l’;lll\';ll\ d‘licosw. Randolph (Emu-Ill. 335 5 Vin. (Mo (y55pm. l'rcc. Sn .-\lru'an [K‘I'L'll\\l0lll\l\ and luo dauucrx. I’m! “1 .lllnll “(H .h( nlluml.

I MGM Trio lll\llllll l'rangalx Il'lit'uxxc. Randolph ('l't‘xt‘t‘lll. 33.5 55(ih. 7 7.30pm. l’rcc. l’iano. accordion and

\ iohn trio pcrlorm t‘l;l\\l\‘£ll. traditional and Ian \oundx. I’ur! u/ .llum lhn Suit/(UNI.

I Ceilidhs at the Caley (’alcdoman llrcucr}. Slalclord Road. 333 5633. 7pm lam. (L51. Hancc lo liw bandx.

I Un Chat dans la Guitare lnxlilul l‘l'ullg‘ilh d'licoxw. Randolph ('rcwcm. 335 53M». “.3” ".5er. l'rcc. Salon Arabc. Raphacl \larchanl on \ocalx and guilar. \\ llll doublc ba\\. pcrl'orruing: lhc songs ol (icorgc lil’avcnx. l’ur! n/ .llum I)u\ Si (ll/(HUI. o I Rachel Newton and Fiona Rutherford erilul l'l';lll\‘;ll\ d'licoxxc. Randolph (‘rcwan 335 53nd

7.30 Rpm. l’rcc. l.ll\l‘;ll"\. Young clarxat‘h. liddlc and mud duo pla} lradilional llll|\lk‘. l’url of .lluxu Ihn Slut/um].

I Sangstream lnxulul l'rangaix Il'l'LCIhu‘. Randolph (-l‘tNt‘Clll. 33.5 .5500. h'll) 8.35pm. l‘rcc. Scolllxh lolk \ongx l'rom llll\ [\u‘nl} \lrong choral group. I’url of .lluui' Ilm Xl'l’lldlltl.

I Dong Yi lll\llllll l'l‘ullg‘ah tl-l'.t'()\\t‘. Randolph ('r'cxccnl. 335 SW“).

8.5” ‘lfillpm. l-rcc. Library ('hmcw ercng uumc. l’ur! u/ .llum Hm SUM/um].

I Algerian and Rai Music lnxlllul l‘rangaix d‘licoxxc. Randolph ('rcwcnl. 335 53M». 0 I Ipm. rm. Mung lrom lhc lmmuicx muxic librar}. \xhilc la (‘uixinc d‘()dilc \L‘l'\ L'\ :\l‘ablL' pa\ll'lL‘\ and minl lea. I’ur! u/ .llum Um Null/(Ind.

I Indian Music and Dance Collective lnxulul l’rangaix d'licoxxc. Randolph ('rcwcnl. 335 53M).

0.45 ll).()5pm. l-‘rcc. Librar}. Part of Maui l)u\' Slut/um].

I Zuba lnxlirul l-‘ranqaix d'licoxw. Randolph (‘I‘L‘xL‘L‘nL 33.5 53M).

llllll lll.55plll. l'vl'L‘L'. SL‘C (ilaxgmx. loda}.

I Gordon Ferris Inxlilul Hangau d'lit‘oxxc. Randolph (‘I'L‘WL‘HL 33.5 55M). Ill-ll) ll.|5pm. l-‘rcc. Library I‘lh and IS”) ccnlur) baroquc mum: l’arr u! Mqu~ Mar .81 ulluml.

I Valentina lnxlilul l"ran\‘;u\ d'licoxxc. Randolph ('I‘L‘wcnl. 33.5 53(10.

lll.5l) l 1.15pm. l5rcc. Latin lllll\lL‘ and \ong. ’ur'lol.\l11m'l)u\ Si ail/uni].

I Raga Night llhllllll l l.ill\.ll\ d'l'tmw. Randolph ('imtcn'. 335 5V“) 11 zllpm Iron Indian \lawital muxu lrom \otalixl ('huannb (liakraborl) Ilium \Igux. /)i.-.

\( I'll/(17114;


I Rostov Balalaika (pal-

('o\\at hok. Rll\\l.lll (‘ullural ('cnlrc. King; Sui-cl. 55 i ll“ 1‘ .\ lllpm L5 -L choxxucd l<ll\\l.ill will: and damc Iroupc


I Christine Kydd \M-l- lolL ('lub. Ro}al ()alx. lulumai} \liccl. 55" 3‘l5h X illpm U ('cli-bralcd uilcipicu'r ol St'ollixh lolk \ouggx


I Me Suena Tu Cara Ilii- bout- Illl\t'lll. \lallu‘l Sllt'k'l. .335 lllb-l Nillpin l'rcc SpamxhHia/iliau quarlcl

Wednesday 25


0 Fred Morrison and Jamie McMenemy Izdmbuigh l‘olk (’lub. ('abarcl liar. lllt‘ l’lL‘axant‘c. b5” 3 I-l‘) 5pm. £5 to 1H i. (hit ol 8collale \\llIlt'\l Plpt‘l'x. \\llll lhc m lidlllt'llk'lkl \mgcr and boo/ouki Illa)“ no“ bawd In lirillan).

I QC Country Band (‘lllt't‘ll ('harlollc Roomx. ()uccu (‘hailollc Slit-cl. 555 («mu Spur [3.51) 1L3 lllll\lt'l.lll\l. ()Id \I} It uounlr}. rockabill} and blucgraxx.

Thursday 26


0 Fred Morrison and Jamie McMenemy Inc al lhc Slai. SI .v\ndrc\\\ m lhc Squaw. SI .\ndrm\\ Squaw. oll Sallmarkcl. 5-18 (ill3ll. Hpm, £5 L“. Su' l2dmburgh. \M-d 35,

I Traditional Music Concert RS.-\.\ll). chlrcu Slrccl. H3 5H5". 7.3”er. l-rcc bul lickclcd. Vot‘aI

\lln“ (aw (ll (laL‘lIL' allIl Sculx Song hoxlvd b} Yt'lll' l \ludcnlx lrom llk‘ li.\ iScollixh .\lll\IL‘l yourxc.

East Kilbride

I Scott MacDonald ltaxl Killmilc .-\rl\ (‘cnlru ()ld ('oat‘h Road. “I ‘55 3olllllll, 3pm. LN itor MacDonald

pm rcu \ acouxlrt' and harmonica driwn muxic lrom lll\ album. \l/a'n' Iln' III1\('//I'I\(;II.


I Out of the Bedroom \Vau‘l'lk') liar. SI \lar}\ Slrccl. 55" lll5ll.

0pm midnight. l'rcc. Soc ’l‘hu l‘).


I Kevin Montgomery and the Road Trippers King 'l'ui'x \Vah \Mili Ho! 8! \mu'nl Sliu‘l. 33] 535‘). lop all-L'olmll'} pcrlormcrx pla} \ongx lrom lhcu Ialwl album 3..\'llum.

I Evocation: An Evening of Latin American Guitar Music ch lll\lIlL‘ llillhcad l’;ll'l\ll (burgh. ()bxcnalor} Road. 3 i4 3‘83. ".Rllpm, Lb (U l. l'rcnch-born .\nnc (‘haurand and ('hilcan guilarixl (ialo (broil. \\ llll a gucxl amwarant‘c b} (‘hilcan PI‘L'l Rubcn RUlllL‘ln. ’drr Hf I/u Hm! [Jul l'¢’\lll(l/.

I Common Rotation Snailichdc Surlc. Ro}al ('ont'crl llall. Saut'hrchall Slrccl. 353 moo. 5pm. {I l. l.o\ Angolcx acolrxlrc gurlarwdrhcn pop, lolk band.

I Ceilidh Dance Riwrxidc ('lub. l-‘o\ Slrccl. 348 ‘le-l, S I 1:15pm. to .\lu\1c lrom Rcrrc 'I’crrc.

I Cafe Carioca ltll.ll ()\ ha, I )iagg.‘

l.'.ll\. '0‘-

'o ‘lg‘iii Li \tolhlu Hia/iliaii mum

l Hiram)"

I Pod Launch Night l‘uiio‘iu-llu loan llall. l’orlobullo "pm 1V UH liar lx’clicxluucuh l’oilobcllo ( )pcu lloni l\ a lit-xx .lll\ organixaliou dcxwlcd lo Luxury Ilu- piolilc l dulburshK waxidc tt‘llllllllllll} Ihl‘ urchin}; luridiaixci intludcx nuiin lioiu lhc llcllc \lai ('cilidli Hand. \ l.ll\.l\ll and liddlc lioiii \lacw and l oina ( llltllll\l. llitk I ask I lallllt‘l. \i'llf.'\ liom \laiihcid (ril\\ll‘. \lac \hau and Ion} \lllthcll. \.:l\.l mum and a bell} dauH-i

Saturday 28


I Ceilidh Dance l\)l\t‘l\|Ilt‘ (’lub. lo\ \uci'l. 3 l\ {I H \ II 15pm Ur \L'I‘ l ll 35‘


I Ceilidhs at the Caley (‘alcdoriian llrmwr}. \lalvlord Road. 33\ 5o.\.\ "pm lam Lb iL5i \cc \al

3 l


I Anna Ryder \lllllfJ lam (lub. \almon lnu 5pm L5iL-1v lulormaliou lll 55” 3H5 *8 laiiporl .llk' \omvlimm hcr l‘.l\‘l\lllf_‘ band. .lllIl \llI' llllt'l\ \\ llll l IlIllI' Rcadci Rook) l'ufglixh mulli lll\lllllllt'lll.ll muguulcl

Sunday 29


I From Russia with Lev (1m- (‘oxxat'hok Rll\\l.lll (‘ullural ('cnlu'. King: Slicul. 55‘ “5 N .\ Winn L5 1H: Rll\\l.lll. plaxxit‘al and 9px) muxu liom \lUlllllNl. \ iola Na)“ l.c\ \lla\


I Anna Ryder \M-c l olk (lub. lx’o}al ()ak. lnlumar) Slrcl'l. 55" 307) \. illpm. U Scc Sal 35

Monday 30


I TMSA Session 'I lk' ( )uoia liar. Your); Sliccl. 5 W “I I” Xpm l'icv \ \L'\\lUll ol lll.lllll} \Illl_L‘\. Uljj.llll\t'Il b} lhc l'.d|nbur_‘_'h and l.Hllll.lll\ brant'h ol lhc 'l'radilional .\lll\|\' and Song: '\\\Ik'lallnll (ll St'ollaml

I Me Suena Tu Cara [ho hum- ‘l-il\L'lll. \lallxt‘l Sll't'k'l. 333 lllNl

K. illpm. l'rcc. \‘cc .\lon 3‘

Wednesday 2


I Suzanne Vega l’a\llloll llimuc.

Rmrlicld Sliccl. “3 l.\-1o. "pm, Llh 5H Slar \c“ York \lllfJi'l \I)!lf_'\\lllt'l. \Iilh

hi'r band.


I John Watt and Jack Beck ladmbuigh l‘olk ('lub. ('abaicl liar. lhc l’lcaxant'c. M51) 3 U”. 8pm. £5 to It‘ll. \‘oirgm’ilci .lohii “all l‘Ki'll) (‘hppici ‘l'ilox (iol l:wr'_\lhui§_" l and lt'llim l'ilci and guitarixl link lcamcd up al all .\ut'hlcrmut'hl) l't‘\ll\;ll a [Cu )carx ago.


0 Richard Thompson and Erin McKeown Ro}al (‘ongcrl Hall. Saut‘hichall Slrccl. ‘5‘ MM” " illpm £15. l'ounding mcmbcr ol folk-rock \lar~ l'airporl (hilu‘llllull. 'l hompxonK \olo part-er luwx lolk. ia/I and a \lram ol counlr} lll gonxunuualc \Hllj3\\l‘lllllf_' and \luuuing guitar \knl'lx Support lrom Virginia-lmrn \mgcr l'.l'lll \lL‘Kcoun.

I Kelly Joe Phelps King link will “all llul. SI \ingcnl Slrccl. 331 53“)

N illpm, L'l3 .\cou\ut' younlr} bluw lroin lhc im-ia/n llllhlk'l’ guitarixl.


Richard Thompson '

Fred Morrison and Jamie MCMenemy '_-, -. ..

' ’l/l " "'4 f ' 'l I a'/' I/' l'/\ I ‘, 1v“: ,v 1:1 /7, , m. ‘, ‘.‘o 0,,“ pm: . N ,‘- IE.‘ 1 i I / l l ‘,‘ A til [I :‘ .(' K «v ' .v I '(r (.1 9r~{.r(. / r .,*: ,."‘, ' ’, ‘, i l. il,’l',,( Mr ,. . “I. l ' ‘r / I I If /!

mru‘d \th lllL‘lL‘aHllle} \oullul \Hllj._'\ Irom lll\ l.llt'\l album XII/iuxlirll

I'luh \\IrIIIil/\

I Kesha ('alc ('oxxatllolh Rll\\l;lll ('ullural ("t-mic. Km; \ln'cl. 55 i U7 i i ‘lpm L5 H; il \Igcl (larl. rpmlar l. (Hug: l’onomarm «\iohni and l.c\ .v\lla\

1\ iolini pvrlormm}: a \uluoxo um ol Rll\\l;lll. f3}px}. |a// and lxlumcr.

I Kent DuChaine law al lhc Star. SI .'\llIll't'\\\ lll lhc Squaw. SI .'\lltll'L'\\\ Sqllarc. oll Sallmallwl. 5-1thl2ll, Xpm, 95 t". ['8 \llljJL‘l'.

I Leo Duany Y Su Mambochambo (lL'UI‘jJL‘ Squaw. SM .i-lllll. o. illpm. l'rcc. l{o_\al Bank l'rcc Slagc. Nu“ Ill-prccc ('uban |a// oull'rl lromcd b_\ cx—Sonora la ('allc lllllle‘llllh lw l)uan_\ and Jmc ('axlro,


I Out of the Bedroom \Vawr'h'} liar. SI \l;ll'_\‘\ Slrcul. 5.5-. “)5”.

‘lpm midnight l‘rcc. Scc ‘l‘hu I‘).

