Edinburgh I Melting Pot llcm; K la/l ('cllai, \ \lorriwn \IIm-I. 1’7 5300 \lidmshl :5 lrnmprm ( ohn \Iccl'; lcadx lll\ ~I\ [‘lk'tt' llIlHllL'll a daIm-Ilooi mmdt'd i.:// wI. unh lllk' t'llll‘ll.l\l\ on Ihc 31ml. I Live Music {'11} \II (Vt-nut". 3 \laI'M'I \lit't'l. 53‘) ‘0‘); 1 »1pm llk'L' ll‘rx. \a\. \llleldl lllll‘lti‘.l\.lllt'll. till‘k'lld \mgmg and l-Il/ \Wah I'm! 1" Hum Ila. \i «u‘nIIm’ I The Italian Connection llopcIoIIII llonxc. \hoit- Road. \oulh ()nccnxlcir}. Hl 315l 3 §0pm l Icc lhc lIalIan lnxlnnlc picwnl llll\ |a// hand unh a 1 .inii ].I// \onnd I’d/I ol llll\ll llm \l wild/Id I Live Music l'llIIIlIoIIxt' ( an llai. \\ lollnan Road. 33‘) 50:3 ‘ 5pm licc \aIn'l} oI hxc mnxn Io cnhantc )oln pic \lllt‘llld drinkx I’mr or ilzml Ila. \l III/lulu] I Toto’s Jazz Quartet ll.Ill_\ '\ Hal. Randolph l’lau'. ‘ ‘0 6pm licc \ngn' King: |om\ llll\ Iunk} quark-I on \ogalx I Mercy Breheny l).IlIl\ll ('nlIuIal lnxlnnlc. ‘l)onnc l‘cnau'. 335 “lh‘l " 3 30pm l'lcc \omlhl lht'hcn} Icamx up u nh Ihc l.llt'lllk'\l llaIIoI \lcdhoc on lelll.ll ill/Ill l/IHII l’illl \II'H'U'IH/ I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band (.illlillt'l \lllldllt'. ‘0 ih llldll Sllt‘cl. 33H 6|"6 " ‘0 l0 illpm l-iu- lulu'lin |a// I|ll.lllt‘l lt'tl h) drunnncr K}lc I’m! ul .l/lHli /)l1\ \(I'l/(lllrl I Vente d’ESt lll\llllll l'l.lll\'.ll\ ll'la'omk‘. l l Randolph (‘It'u‘t'IIL 335 5:66. H 0pm Inc Jan cnxcmhlc Iormcd h) _‘_‘llll;lll\l\ lain ('arlclon and (iiaham lhgh pcIIoI'm Ihc mum~ ol l)|ang_'o Rt'lnhal'dl ’ur/ ol l/Irm llm \iuI/iuul. I Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra llt'm} '\ .la// (I'llaI. h \ltill'l\llll Snu'l. ~16" 5300. b.30pm t“ Sa\ophom\l 'lomm} Smnh'x hucn lt'llt‘;ll\lll_‘._' Ihix young: lug hand \Inu‘ laxl \ununcr. and lhc_\ 'I‘c \oundm; prcll) hoI I McKenzie/Medboe Duo l).Illl\ll (‘ulIuI'al lnxlnulc. 3 l)ounc 'l'cnat‘c. 335 alh"). .\ 3‘” (ll‘lll. l'lt't', l'lll\IUIl l‘l conlcmporal') claxxn‘al and lauropt'an Ilaxourx \nIh malt-rial II‘onI lhc duo'x loI'Ihconung alhum Hill/\UIILH. ’urI ul .lIlHII /)(I\ St III/(Hui, I Jazz Band lnxlnuI l'l';lll\‘;ll\ d'lzcox c. Ii Randolph (’I'cxt‘cnl. 335 5 Wm N55 0.15pm. l‘rcc. .la/I hand Irom SI .\laI‘_\ '\ .\lu\lt‘ School. I’url ol .llum /)m .8} uI/uml. I The italian Connection Danish (‘ullnral lnxlnulc. 3 l)ounc llt‘l'l‘ilt‘t‘. 335 "lh‘l. 0.30 0.50pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sal 3l. I Alien Cabaret lmnnn l’I'angaIx (liliCiN‘L'. l5 Randolph (‘I‘L‘WL‘IIL 33.5 5i66. 0.30 0.50pm. l-I'cc. liclccllc nm of l‘rcnch and lll‘llhli \ongx lcalurm; lilhc Buchanan on piano and \ocalx and l’clc
Borders-born pianist David Miliigsn has been a significant presence on both the jazz and folk scenes in Scotland since he arrived back in Edinburgh in the mid-90$. In recent times, he has sounded like a , musician whose time had co ‘ and now gets a chance to demonstrate just why that is. This short tour features both his trio with Tom Lyne (bass) and Tom Bancroft (drums), as featured on his debut album, Late Show (which will be out on Caber to coincide with these dates), and a more ambitious project. ‘North Songs’ is based on a celebration of music from northerly latitudes, and features the pianist with a specially convened international group made up of Norwegians, Swedes and Americans. (Kenny Mathieson). I Day/(l MI/l/ggin's Noll/I Songs is (I! Owen}; Hall. [:‘(l/nlw/gli, Fri 20 Jun.
(l.:lllk'll on .zuordzoi‘. I’ll/fr ' ll Iv. ll..
\. mama."
I Jafaia l).:m\h ('Liltuzai lrtxttiafc. 1 l)omic lcrrat'c. 335 "1“l E" l" I‘l»10;‘:rz l lCC l«lllll‘ill:_'lll‘ll\t’tll.1//.:Lllihdlltl l.:'.ll‘.\t'\lt'1l‘laMlIgall'IlZIII\I‘lHZI;EII.:l\ .llltl\l.llltl.1l\l\ I’IH,‘ «" ll.l\fr I)..,
I Sunday Jazz with Duncan Nairn Quintet Him- luagtw. IJI lhnnhaIIon lx’oad. 3‘" ;055 3 "pm licc llcaI \ann aIIcI Ihc \ll\l\llllllllk‘l (anxai [\I\\L‘\ lllL'\t' \lUHh I'll/f r" fin ll! \.' I Nu"
Ii \lllu'l
I Baamjazz Rdllhlltllll lhcaIIc. "\ Ingram Slim-I. 553 V150 \pm 15%“ \n cwnm; oI \aIn-d Ia/l \I}lt'\. hour 30\ mm; Io \Hlllt'llll‘nlal} Iunk Iunon pcIloImt-d h) \Iudcnlx oI Ihc umwml} \ undcrgradnalc |.I// gomxc
I Lorna Brown Quartet llldt'l‘lllalx Vi licll \IIUCI. 553 503-1 0 ‘0pm l'Icc llux ].I// lIIlllMilllL' l\ Ironch h} on lllt" up \a\ophonI\I lhoun
I Mike Rogers Trio with David Patrick ()lolow. H (uxllc ~\IIL'CI. H” V33 1 4pm. law. In a nun |a// \cnuc loI' lzdmhuigh Ihc \hla' l<llt3t‘l\ pcr‘lorm \\llll um )oung: Ialcnl lllL'lllLllllL‘ lut'} Kcndra. Slrxan llcnnmg and lorna vad on \ot‘als.
I Toto’s Jazz Trio lhc (ioll ’l'awm. l)ula' Slrccl. lfcllh. 3.50 4 30pm l-i'cc. llll\ Innc II'x .hmm} ('nhnorc lormn; 'l‘oIo IoI‘ \ot‘al lllt'liltl).
I John Bunch Trio llcm') \ .la// (char. 8 .\loI'I'I\on Slit-cl. .16" 5300. 8.50pm. £6, ()cIogcnanan “how plalwd
\\ nh all Ihc f_‘l't‘;ll\ Irom \\ood} llciman Io llcnn} (ioodman.
I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet Human llcrln. 3 X \chl ('I'oxxcallxmul}. 663 \'.\'60. ‘lpm nndmghl. l'll't‘t'. SL‘L‘ Sal 3|,
I 4 Jazz (ia\m\ .\lIll. 3 (iann'x Mill Road. .\lIln}_'a\n'. U56 3355. .\'pm. lii‘cc. ()uaI'IcI producing \\\lllf_‘lllf_‘ Ian ~Iandardx Icalunng gunaan lloh Sloan.
Tuesday 24
I StandEasy ’l'hc Siand. 333 \Vomllamh Road. ()8qu NH) (10.5.5. £4 IL'RI. \cu mghl aI lhc SIand oI
.llli‘i“\ l\'\\. .:.l\. t\{\7ll‘.l;f‘.f.ll .lr /. \Hlli
arid 312p hop
I Live Vocals llillliafl ll; ll‘.,.3 \ \M'xl (':.w\.-.I.\“.\a\. NC \\'\0 “pit: licc
\lio‘u.\.:\; MI l dmhmghk top ia/x
Wednesday 25
\,1 (15\}\/--
I Stardust, the Hoagy Carmichael Story (minnm-IHIIIIIZ. U l Hint-Iva} \wnuc. :1" 5533 It; l).1‘-C \ndcixon and llaw \latl cnnon l‘lt'M'lll a xcnInncnIal mnmal Iomnt'}
I Three Candiru ldiai (hna, .12 (Mayo 1 ans. ‘55-1531 \pm :1 50
\lithacl lh-anx and \ka \M'onn m c1 ghangmg Ial/ hand and 331me
" {llpln 1\
I Open Mic llcnn \ .la// ('cllar. .\ \lornxon Sum-I. 4655300 5 ‘0pm L5 \ ghant'c loI axpnm; lIIIl\l\'I.IlI\ and \Ingcix Io [‘Clltlllll \kllll a [‘lt‘lt‘\\llllldl Ih}Ihm
I Chaos Theory \oulhcin (mm ('alt'. (fia (‘ogl‘huin Slit-cl. (\33 0h33 ‘lpm midnighl l'Icc Ullffllldl t'ompoxmonx liom llll\ ncxx duallcl. lunn; |.l//. Iunk .llltl I'lk‘lx
Thursday 26
I Stardust, the Hoagy Carmichael Story (hlmorclnll(il3. I) l'mxcrxn) Awnuc. 330 5533 5 ‘0pm {5 “4.5! SCC “Cd 3.5
I Lynne O’Neill Trio Ad 1m. I I I llopc SII‘ccl. 345 66.15. .\pm. £3 St'c 'lhu l‘l.
I Ailsa McCreary llcm‘} \ .la/I (char. 8 \lt‘l'l'IMlII SII‘ch. ~16" 5300. hillpm. L5. l‘I'cxh InIL'I'pI'cIalionx ol (lawn and modcrn |a// \ongx Irom Ilux ncu \ocahxl
I Live Music lluman “Cl”. 2 .\ \Vca ('roxxcauxcua). M3 5860. 0pm l'rcc. Sec ‘l'hu II).
I Out of the Bedroom \VawI‘IC} Bar. l SI .\l;li'}'\ SII'L‘CI. 55," I050.
0pm nudmghI l-I'cc. Scc Thu 1‘).
I Evocation: An Evening of Latin American Guitar Music Kclnnxnlc lhllhcad l’anxh ('huu‘h. ()lm-I‘\alor) Road. 334 37“. "..‘~0pm. £6 1L5). l‘I'cnch-lworn .v\nnc ('haurand and (‘lulcan glillal'lxl (ialo (’L‘I'on Icam up Ior an cxcmng ol l.aIIn sound» I’url ul Illl' lliwl Izllr/ lenul.
I Stardust, the Hoagy Carmichael Story (illnIoI‘chIllUl3. I) l'mxcrxn) Awnuc. 330 5533 ".30pm. {h 15.5 l, SL‘L‘ \Vt‘tl 3.5.
I Sinatra: 15 Very Good Years Quccrh ('roxx Church. 5‘0 (iarxuuhc Road, ‘)-1(\ (\(illll hpm‘ {h ILYISlll'linld (iordon cclchraIw SInaII'a al Ihc hclghl ol lll\ pou L'I'x l’u‘rI of {In ll'nI lam] Irwin].
I Rumba Caliente llcnr} 'x Ja/I (char. 3 \lorr’rxon Slrccl. 46" 5300. Midnight. £5. Sn-plccc hand lcad h} Salsa (‘clnca Irumpctcr 'loh} Sluppc}. prowling Ihc hum Ill hoI raungh} l.aIm \nlllltlx.
O Fapy Lafertin Band ()uccn'x llall. ('lcrk SII‘L‘L‘I. 665 301‘) b.30pm.
£10 £13.501Iahlwl, Scc lln l.l\l. ahoxc. I Laura MacDonald Quartet
llcnr} \ Jan (’cllar. h Mormon SIrch. 467' 5300. b.30pm. L'". ('onlcmporar} ran from lhI\ nxmg \a\ophonc \Iar. \\lhl\c rcgular quarIcI also IcaIurL-x ('hn‘k I.) all on piano.
Saturday 28
I Torn Colquhoun, Lol Coxhill and the Burt MacDonald Quartet, John Burgess Trio Brcl. SI) 43 Ashton Lane. 3-13 4066 3 hpm l’I'cc
;a:: ‘iSllligS Music
f.\ '(1'35 .i ",v",r‘ ttnk‘: ' ‘r\‘; \” ~\:\:\ n" ‘nt :p '~ I. u: Ia" ' .x;."". °_‘, ‘1 v . I“
" m" I" 1' ' 2“."(HKI', ' "‘ I. ' "‘1', l\} l\ in i I .l arr-av I" "W, .‘ '. "03"." \ 3!} /: iv ' ‘ ' ll' ‘ l '3
Fapy Lafertin Band any '\ 1,,“ H,“ .‘, n M, I. . “I H i3£fll w a. \A. \ l (ll/i)\“ \ll \lxl5ti\ a.“ K; as {VHS-'7 ‘1”09‘1.‘ loaf" but cool-"am: ‘9 no". a {xv-"i" a antimi’ Hut" 5: who o
Ioauiria s-xnoiw‘fw " :lt. o a'xl f(?g‘:"‘s .a: .'.:‘.'I :10 mat l:"ll\l,;\?‘.‘1.f§s" ‘a: immatu- tho ‘iassw Hut (but? :;t,I<‘-. Iia'. .‘atI: a (toritwnpo'ar‘. xiv". (how‘s lla [fruitia'a/x l'. .‘ 'Ja"
George Benson lhit; Iatmt '.|fSll from Inn :hl'ldllfd Miro: off my Glasgow day l (3f§ll‘.{ll prograr'ir'io Benson's earl; [)lOl‘lISO88:1];le goilarst of "(:al slat‘am rumor rtarvw Io fulfilment. but no Is unlike“, to complain too much. SIIKX: Ila;- alternatzm dmcIion no Iook into soul pop made him a nor, ‘.‘.(?iillll“, 'nan indeed. Clyde And/Ionunx Glasgow. MOI) 30 Jun.
l‘anlaxln‘ hnc-up lor an allcrnoon-cxcmng ol lop |a//. I’ur! of tin lliwl [an] Initial I Stardust, the Hoagy Carmichael Story (hlmon-hill(i|3. I) l'nncrxn} Awnuc. 330 5533 7 30pm {is its l. SL‘C “I'd 35.
I Can't Help Lovin’ That Man — Jerome Kern ()uccn'x ("hm (‘hurt'lL hall (lgll‘xgulw Road. 940 ()(illll lell. L3 Ii650i SIrIcIl} Songlimc'x cclchrahon oi the lllll\lL‘ oI Kcrn. Ihc compmcr ol 'Shouhoal'. I’url of tin iii'xl I'Jlll l'kwlnul.
I The Goat Stew World Jazz Party llcnr} '\ Ja/l (char. 5' Morrison Slrccl. J67 5300. Midnighl 1.5 World roots. alro hcal and l.aInI lla\ourcd la/l lrom 'l‘oh} Shippc‘} '\ ncu. \l\-plL'L‘C hand I Toto’s Jazz Quartet llarr} '\ Bar. Randolph l’lacc. 5.30 6pm. l-rcc, Scc Sat 31.
I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band (uharcl Vollanc. 36 33 Blair Slrccl. 330 6176. 7.30 l050pm, lace Scc Sal 31
I Sylvia Rae llcnr) '\ Jan (char. 3 Mormon SIrch. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £6. An Indn Idual lake on Jan \ocalx ax Rac Llchllh \ongx Irom (luu' Iz'nnuglz.
I Sunday Jazz with Muldoon‘s Ragtime Band 'l‘hrcc Judgcx. l-il l)umhanon Road. 337 3055. 3-6pm. l-‘rcc. l’ur! of thy Wm! land I‘mlnul
I Ruth Lambert Quartet Blackfriarx. 36 Bull Slrccl. 553 593-1. 9.30pm. l‘rcc. Lambert. \lngx in Ihc Juhc London \l_\lc.
I Mike Rogers Trio with David Patrick ()loroxo, 53 ('axllc SIrch. 4-1-7 x722. 1 4pm. Free. See Sun 33
_, W .1 Jr. 29331115 LIST 59