I Young Hips 11.1-11.111 11.1: 11111 \\1111111.11111\1<11.111 <’111T:~ l'E‘II. 111’1‘ I The Boogaloo Investigators \111111;111\,11111::11\111';1 “: :1 1‘ 311111 1111 1<1~11~1I111111.11..f \111.i.11::111«1
;‘1.1‘-lll‘.'.1\1‘.1111'1.1‘.‘.1‘1'r.1'111. \1111'111 1.111.-
I Thunderstruck \.1:1..1.-j l1.
'1~ "1 \1111x11.1Z1-1<1-.1.1 81"1‘1" ‘ 11111111 111'1‘
I Deke McGee and the Blue ROCkets 11'1111‘11 1 1111'1\111'\111'1'1
1 11111111 111'1' 111111 *4\11"1\ RAH 11‘\1111'111:. 111111. 1111\ \11. (111-11'11.1111111111111'11 l1}. ()11\111.1:111\ \.11.111111111;1\1
I Scott MacDonald 111121.111 11111. \1.1111\111'1'1.1111'.1.'.1.111111.111-.11 1111111\I-1111'. 111<H< "11? 11‘). \11111 1111. \11-1111'11 x1111'1'1 x1111;"11.1111'1 1.111111111‘x 111x ~1'1111111 .111‘1111111111/1 :111 /1...11’1111\(w
1 1111111117111
I Robbie Williams, Ash .111.1 Kelly Osbourne \11111.1}111‘111\1.111111111. 1(1‘.1'1\11.111‘ ('11‘\11‘11l. {-111‘111111 111111 t 1‘ 1(11111111‘11ilx11111111111111111111x1.11111:111\111 111111 1111\ 1111111 1111' 111111111 1.111- 111.11111.111 .11111111\111.1\\111‘111'\'. 11'111111 111-.11 \\1111 x111111111111111111111'1’111111‘\\111 1).111\111‘\\ 111'l\1'11 111111‘ 1) \1'1' 11'.tlll|1'. 11.1:1-3-1 I NU2 1111-111111111I<1111111.‘l. \1111111.1 \111‘1'1. 33‘ 3111 "11111 111111111'1111111‘ 1111-31111\l.1111111111111111111 I
I Smokescreen .111.l Give Way
\\ 111x111'l11111111'x. -1 (1\1111111111111j_'1‘.<<q *11-1 ‘111111 ('11\1'1111;:11111111'1111'1.1\\11\ 1111111\11‘11'111111111111x111\1111111. \11.111\11-
Sunday 29
I Uncle Brian, Too Young to Care .11111 Dirtbox K1111: 1111\\\.111\\.1111111:. 3".T.1\1\111.11111511111.331 *3") 511111.
1* S11 ()\1~1 |~1x \111111 ['11. 11' 1111.111 .111' .1 x1..1|111111.11.111111111111111:1.11111111111111111 1.1111111‘1111111111.111}. 111111111; 111111 1111111111; 1111 \111111 .11111 x11.11111_~: .1 1.1111'1 1111111111- \11_1_'11l} \111'1111 111111111111‘\ .11111 | 1'“ 111.111 1.1111‘
I Secondskin .11111 Godplayer lx’1'.1111111.1l111.11.1111}.21111111111-\111'1'1.llhqll ‘NV 110‘)” 311111 Li 1111.1\1111.11111'1111'111'.11|1 11111.11 111111 111111.111111111111.111'11\1'11111~11' \1illllt1ll.l1'1\
I Pedro the Lion .\111"11‘.\11'.1/.\. .121 \.1111'1111'11.111 8111'1‘1. ‘11‘1111‘ ‘111111 S1‘.1lll1‘ 11.1x1'11 1111'1111111‘g1111.” 11111111.11111 11111111'1111} 1'111111111111'11(.1111\11.111 l).1\111 11.1/.111
I The Hotwires .1111 The Alpacinos 1111' 11111 V111“ ('.111'. 511 111) K1113; $111111. “1 11115 ‘1‘11111 1;1 1111' 1111111111'\ .1111 .1 11111} 11.11.11'1' x11111'111111'x 1111111111 1111111 111111111111111111‘1111111.11'1\1111\1.111911; 11111111111~ .\1.11.1~ l 111111111'('1.111111\
I Lazy Sunday \111-‘1;'\1.-.1/;._ 2:: \.11111111'11.111\111'1'1. 41* W11" '~;1::. |1111'1111111111-111111111111'111111Tim \11. 111111111'11'111.1111111~11 {111111.1111i\.111111'1 \11111111\1111111111111: ‘.1.11111111\ .‘.1'1'1..'11.i\ \1111111-11.111}
I Mastodon, Zillah, Co-Exist .11111 Landmine Spring 111.- (.11111111\1‘. 1< l 1111111\111'1'1. 3511111111
E 11111111 L-l H111 1-1\ \1111'.1. 1 \111~1:11' 1111'1.1111111‘ 1131
I The Gain, Glitterball Vegas, Charlemagne, Mydas .111.1 Jeepster \11.1\1.l11'11} 111'111x. ‘11 ()\\1.1111\111'1'1.11\-1<11‘1‘13V1 " 11111111 11 ()11-1 1»1\ \111111. 1111111'11111.
I The Soul Beneficiaries \11('1111111\.-111111;11\111'1'1. “I 31 1‘ ;[1111 111-1' \11111111'1 11mm} 1111.11.1-1111111 \11111111ll.111\l1ll\ \k1'1'111'1111'\ \1111111‘1 1.111} I The Cobramatics 1111~ \11111.1. 113 Il)\111111\11'11 \111'1'1. <3: \11\1 ‘111111 1111' 1(11111'11'11111101111-111}
I The Free Candy Collective 1111111111111111g1'.‘l-1\\1'\l Rum-111 \111'1'1. 15111“; “ “pm 1111 1,.111111‘1111l.1 11111111111} 11-\1111'111_\ 11111111\ 111111-111\1' 11111111111; x111111- 1.1111 11.1111 .11'1111\111 \11.1|)1'\
I Big Blues Jam \11111111()111‘. (1111\\ min] 111111'1_(1111\\1‘11111 11‘11.111'. i~11 (1‘111 (111111 1111 1111\11-1111} 1111' \1‘11 111111'x 811111-1x
I Phil’s Sunday Session I 11;.- H1‘.1111.1. 3 ‘3 \\.\ [(11.111. ;(11 15011 (111111 1111 11111111111111 111111
I Robbie Williams, Ash and Kelly Osbourne \11111.1_\111-1.1 81.111111111.R1\1-1\11.111~(‘11-x1‘1-11l. 11111*11111) 111111 1‘5. 81‘1‘ 8.11 IN
I Cosmic Rough Riders, the Sundowns .11111 Zico 1111‘ \1-11111:
l“ 21 (11111111 [(11.111. 11111113 "M 3"” 811111. 1'" 81111111 211
I Korova .11111 Aftermath 11111 ['11111‘1\\111'111. 11.111111‘1111.111\. \111111} 811111. 5511 125-)..M1511111 131 11'11'1111'1111x 111111 \11111 \1111111111 \1111111111-.111111111111‘1-11 I Sphere \\111\111'111111111'\. l (1 51111111 111111212 55" 511-). ‘111111 1.111'.11.11‘1 11111111111111}: 11111111141 1111111" 111111.11 11111.11” .11 1111111112111. “[1111 11.11111 \1111 1111‘
Monday 30
I Jesse Malin .11111 Eastern Lane K1111: '1'111'x \\'.1|1\\.111 11111. 2"Z.1.\'1 \'1111'1~11l 811111. 321 52“). 5.31111111. £3.51) R}.111 r\11.1111\' 11111111} \11111.1x111111.11‘ 11111' 111 111.11\_\ 1111.111111‘1'.111 \1)11:_'\ .111111‘11‘g.11111} 111\111‘\ 1'111‘11 11.111.
Skanky rock kids bouncing off the walls - there’s just not enough of them, is there? Well yes. there is. but one other decent lot won’t do you any harm. Injecting a bit of glammy energy into the well-worn pop punk sketch. Sugarcult are a sweet but sour rock trip.
.\).4~11:».1.n 1‘". 3'\i.:1:~4!’. 1411111411-
A UsherHall
Fri 20 June 8.00pm
st ".15 Music
Tickets £16.50 - £20.00
+ £1.11] booking fee. 1» 50p credit card charge
Fri 4 July 7.30pm
Conductor: En Shao featuring Evelyn Glennie (Percussion) and Tommy Smith (Saxophone).
TICketS / + 50p credit card charge
Fri 18 July 7.30pm
One of America's most distinctive
and moving vocal groups. TiCketS - + 50p credit
card charge
Thu 24 July 7.30pm
Greg Funfgeld brings the Bach of Bethlehem (USA) to the Ush
Choir er Hall
performing Bach, Mass, (8 min).
TICketS £20 / / + 50p credit
Sat 26 July 7.00pm
Edinburgh Highland Reel and
card charge
Strathspey Society present some of
Scotland's finest music.
TleBtS 5 / + 50p credit card charge
Sun 27 July 7.00pm
The very best Scottish (and Irish)
Music, History, Song 81 Dance.
Tlckets £12.50 - £16.50
-, THE LIST 57