Glasgow Jazz Festival
Tickets can be bought online at, on 0141 564 3408 or from the SECC ticket booth in St Enoch’s Centre. For Tron Theatre events from their box office or on 0141 552 4262. For the Arches from their box office or on 0901 022 0300.
0 George Benson (lott- \udrtorrinn. l llllllt'\ittll ()iia}. llhqll it‘llt liltltl hprn { ill. 'I lit taint-d yirrtarrxt.’\ot‘alr\l t'ut ill\ |.t// tt't'th undcr lilt' rnllt'nntc ol iilt' _-_'r't'at \\t'\ \lonthornt'r}. hut \wnt on to illlth' t‘orlnrtt'it'lai \ttt't't'\\ ax a pop .tlll\[,
G I Moscow Children’s Jazz Ensemble 'l'ron 'lht'atrt: hi 'I'ronflatt'. 553 436—7 Spin 9; i. Riixxra'x toting ra// \lat’lt‘t\.
I The George Penman’s Jazzmen lilat'lxlrrarx. *0 Hull Strt'ct. 553 593-1. \Uitn. l‘l't't‘ .'\ll t'\t'llll1j_' Hi \rntagc Non ()rlt'anx ran \xrth a romantic lilL'lllt‘ lrorn (it'orgt' and to
I Jackie Kay Spit-gcltt‘nt. (it-orgi- Squart'. 5M .i-ltll)‘ 3pm, £3350. lzdrnhnrglr horn (ilaxgoxt hrcd pot-t and nou‘ihl .lat'krt' Ka} \\ilH\L' lirxt nowl. I'I‘u/n/u'l. aliout thc ilit‘ and dcath ol ra/l inuxrt'ran Jth Mood} “on thc (innit/run l'rt'tron l’r‘r/t' r‘cadx lr'oin ht'r lilit'\i t'ttllt't‘llnll Ul pitt‘lt') aimtll Ht'xxlt‘ Sillllil. at't‘otnpanrcd h) trurnpt'tcr 'Iorn .\lt'.\'i\t'n.
I Criterion Jazz Band (it'ttl‘L'L' Squart'. 5M 3-H)” 5pm l’rt'u liight lllll\|\'lilll\. l\\tt danct-rx and \ornc \\\lll_‘_'lll_‘_' ia/I \Utlllti\ on thc l<o_\al Bank Hr; Stagt'.
I Jazz Jamaica All Stars (iL‘Ul'gC
Squart'. 5o-l R-lllll, (Lillpnt. l‘r't'c. luau}-
pit't‘t- uploxron ol \ound t‘t-Ichr'atrng
m cr'}thin;_' lr'orn \ka to r't‘ggac. l,atin l'il_\|illll\ and ran k'iil\\lk'\ in a tru- cont‘t‘rt on tht‘ Ro}al Hank Big Stagc that'x hound to got thc part} \tartt'd.
I Tom Colquhoun lamp, M Ingram Slt't‘t‘l. .573 1473. 7pm. i'il'CC. llihk‘
dmtroux guitarixt pcrl'ornrx a rni\ ol' tall.
|.atrn and loik lttt‘lntiit‘\.
I Graeme Scott Trio |.auric\ Bar. 3-1 King Sll't‘t'i. 553 “I33. “7,30er, i'il'L‘C. Young guitarixt Scott I\ joint-d on ha“ and drth tor a tall \clcction.
I Morph [auric‘x Bar. 34 King Strct‘t. 553 "I33. Spin. l‘rcc. Jan lll\lttll lrotn guitarixt Morph.
I John Burgess Quartet \lt'tr'opolrtan. Mt‘rchant Squarc. ('andlcriggx. 553 0403. 8pm. l‘rcc. ‘lt‘nor \a\ophoni\t Binge“ trontx tlnx innoxatixc l'ourxornc. than in; on inllnt‘nt‘cx ax drxcrxc ax ('ohain. Radiohcad and 1)} Ian.
I Kenny Garrett Quartet Splt‘gt‘ilt‘lll. (it‘ttt'gc Sqtiar‘t‘. 50-1 54”“. Killian. £13. Sm lcgcnd Kcnn} (iarrctt pi;t}Cd \\ ilh lht‘ IiktN ol‘ Milm “m l\. :\t'l Blakc}. l-‘i'cddic Hubbard and \Vood} Slum lwt’orc \triking out a\ a leader in hi\ on it right. Scc prm it“.
I Hot Club ('al't" ('oxxat‘hok. Rll\\l;lll ('ultural (’cntrc. lll King Strt‘ct. 553 0733. 0pm. £5 t£5l. Nrgcl (’lark on guitar. ()Icg l’onoinart‘x on \iohn/guitar and 1.}nn ()‘Ncill on \ocalx pro\ idc \ornc llot ('luh action t'or thc (ilaxgoxx .laH l‘cxtixal.
I Sylvia Rae Quintet Tron ’l‘hcarrc. (i3 'l'rongatc. 553 4307, 0.30pm. Uni-1r. Popular .‘\niCriC§Ui \ongx l'rorn \ocalixt Rac. “ho uwd to form onc third ol~ indic act The Lantcrnx.
50 THE LIST ‘8' s‘ ‘
I Chris Clark Trio lilatitlizarx. "\ lit-ll \iik'k'i. 553 5‘l31 lllprn liq; l.-.// \tandardx lrorn lilh \injgt-r jgiiitai.\t
I Ryan Quigley Quintet \rnt‘g'ltt'nt. (it-orgy \qnarc. 5'\1 ‘1‘!" l” ittprn :5 lx’rxin; \l..lttllli1t'\titlli\il trunqtt-linj; \t-nt'. lx’}an ()urjglt-j. lcatlx lilh \lllli]['\‘i‘I‘lliiiili\I‘lli]\i1}.\i:\iitiiiii\ \l_\it'
I Wee Small Hours \lrllt'ntiitrrn iil‘it'i. (icorgt' \quart‘. 113(711 llpni
lrt't~ lrorina Human and ht-r liio hmt [ill\ i.lit' night rant \t'\\lt‘Il. Llhlll}: jmii. .:\ rt \.l_\\. into my \xt't' \tltaii ilrtllh
5-3... a 4.4. .. Glasgow I Wonderwander llrt- \rtht-x 35% \lf."\ It‘ Slit't'l. “Will “33 Hill” \t't' “(d
I By George! George Melly and George Wyllie in Conversation Spit-pcltt'nr (it-orgy \quart'. 5hl i-ltlll 3pm L5 ,5“ Iltko :Jlt'ili (it'orjgt'x onc \kll. ra/l \rnyt'r and art hull. tht- Uiilt'l \t'ulptor and hr: illlllixt'i rut-ct tor
I Neural Interface (icon-t- \qtlatt‘. 5(r»l z-lllll 5pm l'rt‘t‘ Ro}.i| Hank iilj.‘ Stayt' lrurnpt'tt't 'lorn \lt'\i\t'n ik‘.l\i\ thtx qirartt-t \xtth \laitrn Kt'rxhaxx on \a\. \rgt'l (‘lar’k on guitar. .lohn \llcn on ha“ and Stuart Hroun on til'tlllh
I Leo Duany y Su Mambochambo tit-urge \quarta *hl 5-lllll, (r itlprn. l'tt‘t' Ro}a| Hank l'rt‘t' Slagt' l'p lilting. inlt't‘tronx rh_\thrn\ and harrnonrcx Irorn lill\ NC“ lcn pint (‘ultan ran outlit lrontcd h} lt-o Htran} .tltd .lttxt‘ ('.t\llH. [\tt'\ lttll\i} itl Snitrtla ia (atih'r
I Stewart Forbes Quartet laurth Hat. W King Strccl. 553 "l3:
" *tlprn. l'rt‘t‘, .|a// \tandardx and Ullf.‘lll.ti t‘tilltltiullltttlx.
I James Cairney Trio ‘l'lrt- Brunxuit‘k Holcl. lnr» .\ Brunxuit'k
\tzt'd 55" ‘tC't \;‘::. it"; l‘1t'1‘zatztxt :\ on; of fh; “:3 trim)? ti2\\i“~t'32\"\ it: \wiihi‘.
I Ronnie Findlay Trio lint ltal‘..:ll Hots: I~i_.\?:_::i..:' \'r_x". “.3 ~3\1 \r‘rtr i ltzw fixi h: ;‘:.;;r:\t i‘ialiflf thy ii;:r\zt of \lzthgi l'ufimtatz: (cdar \\al'.t~ii .::.d Hiiii ..;:.\ pi» t‘ll_‘ll‘..1i
Wiiit'll I Suzanne Bonnar Quartet
M‘tu-xilcztf (rm-z \qrmrt‘, 5"; UH" \ Witt; 21* \w'f \ll dina attlarltit'd to: list trrlqrngta'wzh t-l and
ttitiqx wt; '\ Ill 31h "3.x
I Pauline Copeland Trio \lillcrzrnzm. Holy: it‘ll
( \quatc. ii. Xi'tailxl (win-land It l’arl ol the (ilax,'t~'.'. la/I i \’\Il‘..:i \tqqu'r |a// wrrm I Ruth Lambert Trio ( rl_\ Inn.
I inriicxton (‘illt:l.. 3,‘ ‘ ltllt' ‘q‘nr Ll\ “5 13‘ |.:// ‘\'\.:il\l l allli‘t‘li l\
cl ( lath on :‘tirtar and \latro ( 'arrhc on l\.:\\ .i\ t‘all ol lhc It'\tr‘.al\ drnricr t.:// \cricx
I Kesha ( .il\'( owatholt. lx’uwmn ('ultinall t‘llilt‘. ll' i\lll:' \lrtx'l. 55‘ it"; ‘lpiir t“ 1; \ not. :‘lrtlll‘ lorrncd h} \rz't'l ('larl. ".‘tlli.1l t. l lluz' l’onornarcx t‘-li‘illl' and l \tl.» ".lrtilllt rtt'rlorrnrnc a nun ol Ix’rr\\i.rri, :‘j.t‘\j.. ra// and RIC/rim HHI\I\
I Hung Drawn Quartet ilUll Iht'atrt: It; lronyalt: 553 13h" U» I! it iill\ ~a\o[‘hont' qnatlt't It'd h}
\ ~"'l‘ir. {l "l‘ l.://
mix iilh 'lll‘
attotrq‘aincd h: \lf
‘l illprn
lx’.i}iiioiid \latl)ortald [\la} |a// \lalldalth,
I alrrr lnnk and ott;'iiial llllllll‘t'l\
I Laura MacDonald Sextet Spit‘;rt‘|lt'rrt. (it-otz‘t‘ \quart'. 5H1 Ullll
Ill illprn L5 \Ito \a\o[\hitltl\l | aura \laulonald prunncrcd thrx t'\|nlaratrn;_' \t'l ol nt'n ninxit' 'kl‘HiIHl\\I|‘Ht'ti through tht' \ollrxh \rl\ (‘ount IIK \t'tt \\ork \t'ht'rnt‘t it. rlh an lllit‘llldllt'lldi hand iaxl month. and ruinous tht' Hill\i\ hcrt~ xx rlh a horny Itawd Illlt' iq» It‘atnrrnp ht-r alto and \oprano \.l\|'l‘|lt'|l\' alongodt" R_\an (jingle) lllllllll‘t'll. l’aul loxxndrou ilt'nor
Matthew Bourne (pictured) has ’cked up a couple of prestigious awards in recent times, including
the Perrier Young Jazz Musician in 2001, and the BBC Jazz Award for Innovation in 2002. The Leeds-based pianist formed this exploratory trio last year with two Irishmen, bassist Dave Kane and drummer Steve Davis. They made an explosive debut at the Belfast Jazz Festival, and are set to make their first forays into Scotland today, starting out with this afternoon gig at the festival, then zipping along the M8 where they play Henry’s. Expect the unexpected. (Kenny Mathieson) I Bourne, Davis and Kane play
the Tron Theatre, Sat 5 Jul.
\.:\r‘l‘ilt‘ll\' \tcw Hamilton 'l‘ldlli“. \iallt‘ t "arilx- 'i‘avt and lohn lilt‘axc ‘tillllll\‘
I Wee Small Hours \lillcnnniiii Hotcl (it‘orgc \quarc. 1‘3 (\"ll l lprn i ICC \t't' t'ti :
I Sydney Zenith Jazz and Blues Band (muggi- \qu.uta Mt lino \tmtl
l rcc \cu ()rlt'anx \t} lc att lrorn \lhllaila ptcxt‘ntx an up lwat \t‘lt'tlron ol t round tilt-awn
I Phil Kay \t‘it‘yt‘ltt'nt. (it-oryt' \qnait: 5t\»1 NH” 3pm 1‘ 5” lht‘ anarthrt innoxator l‘lt'\t'lll\ hr\ |.r// tornt-d) ltNon Ill \ihrth ht‘ uplorm ill\ low ol |a//. and it"lti\ tht‘ lit\l tonicdt trim-t» la// rain
I Tea for Three t'art- (mm M. i\'ll\\l.tll ('ultural (built: 1” king \trut‘t. 55 i ll“ W iprn lrt't‘ \lmtou tlnldicnk |.r// '\'H5\'llli‘it' \xrth l’ ( ila\l\o\ and l lo;'o\rri\k§ on prano and l Jarkma on \rttaix
I BAAM! (it-oiyt- \qiiart'. it»: Hon 5pm In? \tratlithdt'l nut-hit} \l‘lll\\' hand \iiik'\ It'd h} \a\ophonr\t \tcuait il‘li‘t'\ \\ till a lt'l‘t'lit‘llt' that ranjxt‘x trorn (‘ount Have to ( 'arla lllc} on tht' Ix’otal Hank \ta;_'c
I Dave O’Higgins and Jazz Co- tech Dancers (it-oxyt- \qnait‘. mt Vlllll (r illpnr i‘lk't' Ix’o_\a| Hank Hi3 \ldjjt' 1))ll.lllll\'\.t\ it'ti \t‘\lt'l 10' i‘} ii\ ll Harnrnond groowx \\|lil .: nrlt} Ililit’ dant't' troupt'
I Derek McGhee and the Blues Rockets l.atirrt‘\ Hat. H Klll;' Slit-ct. 553513‘ H illprn i'lt't' (iood ol' i\|.t\llll_‘..' \a\ it'll ra//
I Ruth Lambert Trio ()Kt ). M Ingram Street. 5*3 I500 " illprn lit-t- \t't' i hit i
I Riverboat Shufer \taxt-rIt-t l’addlt' Slcarnt'r. \ndcrxton ()na}. 501 i-ltlll ", illprn t'l~ .l‘.'.llllllt' \Iauxt-II and thc ,Ia//\\t'g_'ran\ plux iilt' Mdnc} /t'nith .la// Hand t'ntt-r‘tarn )otl ax _\ou \arl dim” lilt‘ ll\t‘l. Ii ht“ paddh'fltallk't lt‘.t\t‘\ ltitlll ,\litik'l\il‘ll ()na)
I Chris Clark Trio Hut'hanan iil'lk'I. Hut‘hanan Strt‘t'l. H3 535-1 Spin l'rt't‘ 5LT \Vt'ti 3
I Tom Colquhoun Duo lht- lilllll\\\lt'i\ llott'l. lilo .\ lirunutrt'k Sllt't‘l. 5.50 50.3“. Nplll i‘lt't' “lit! lt'atnring rcnount-d |a// and l.atrn guitarist ('olquhoun.
I Nitin Sawhney 'l ht. .'\l(i]t‘\. 25% ;\r;_"\|t' Strt-t't. 504 Hill) 3pm {I i in adxant‘t' LI-l on my door ill\L'llll\t'. muting: ltlcnd ol traditional .'\\lan \oundx Hll\t'ti \trth llarnt'nt‘o. rap. \arnha and drnrn tk itaxx trorn lill\ luxron [tlortct't
I Dave Douglas Quintet Spit-gt'ltcnt. (it'orgc Sqtiart'. 504 NH”
.\ itlprn L'l i l'nrqut- \AHUPilHllhl l)a\c l)ou;_'la\ \kiltnt' tnuucal llliillt'llL'L'\ rangt' trorn i‘k'hltp to Balkan and lhndr nitrxrt‘. Joni \lrtt‘ht'll and mun Slt'aHtlxk) lcad\ thrx qurntcl St't' pm IL‘“.
I Cathie Rae Trio \lrllcnnrunr Holt-l. (it'orpc Square. H3 (will 3. illprn, ‘41“).5 Jan \tandardx lrotn thc l:drnhnrgh-haxt-d \ot'ahxt. Part ol thc (ilaxgou Ja/l i't‘\tt\al \uppcr’ lit/l \t'llt'\ I Stephen Duffy Trio (it) lnn. l‘rnnrwton Qua}. 33" NH” Uprn
U305 £35 Ja// \tandarth in thc l)rana Kr'all (‘arrncn McRall tradrtron It'd h} \lll_‘_'t'l'./f.‘llli.ll'l\l Stcphcn l)ull_\. urth Stun-n (‘onttx on guitar and Jarnrc Kilhridc on haw ax part ol drnnt-r ra/x \t'r'wd up h} thc iL’\il\ili.
I Hi Heel Sneakers Har ()1. ()1 ('andlct'rggx. .553 53l l. ‘) itlprn l‘t'cc l‘lluc notc groox c~ and danct- tloor tunk I Hermitage Blacklrtarx V) Bull Strcct. 553 593-1. lllprn l'rcc ('ontcrnporar} ral/ lrorn thrx outtit. \khlt'il tcaturtw \a\ophonr\t and llautrxt l’aul Hundcrxon
I Niki King Sextet Sprt'gcltcnt. (it-orgy Square. 564 340” 10.30pm, £5. (‘ontcrnporan will and nu ra/I \th\