Film Index

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38 THE LIST ‘5‘ .4

The President (Praesidenten) well tthI( arl Ille}.'1.l)elrrrr.nk. l"l" llalxard ll-rtl. I 1th Pro (all \lexer \‘trrrrrr Ilatrrxh

I rlrrr lrrxtrtule \ttltltlltIL‘ trtrted texturatzorr ol lheyerx debut rrzelodrarrra eomernell urrl‘. rrrarr'x larlure through the eerreratrI-trx lrxe up to paternal rexporrxrbrhtrex \rlerr: \x rlh prarro atulrrrparrzzrreut [new .le


0 Rain Itert tbt C... It hrrxrrrre Jellx. \eu /C.ll.lll\l. :INNII \arah l’errxe. \lrtra I ullord \\ lk'I/I‘lexl ‘L‘rrrrn \dapted b} .lellx trorrr the noxel b} lxrtxtx (lurrrr about a torrrpetrtrx e relatronxhrp betxx eerr adolexterrt lane} and her mother. Kate. lellx elrtrtx xound pertornraneex lrorrr her nrarrr plaxerx Don't go e\pe\lrrr3_‘ a neat and tth happ} endure though thrx arn't the xtull ol lloll}\\ood \ lrthe See re\ reu [rt/ninent lu’rrrl'IrIrg/r

Read my Lips (Sur mes levres) I I<I .0. Ilaetprex \ndrard. I rarrte. IlNllI I‘llllllallllelle l)e\ox_ \ Illkk'lll (axxel_ ( )lr\ Ier (iourmet ll‘nnn \\ hen a partrall} deal xetretar} Ix partnered .It uork xx rth an e\ \I‘Il eolleague. a xtranee IelatIorrxhrp arrxex lhe tuo xet out on an elaborate ernne xpree. arInInj; to e\t.Iel Iexerree on \Illk‘l kl‘ \Iorkerx and lrrendx l’nuxual eamera tethrnquex and a kneel} unxentrmental xerrpt enxure _\ou're

lll eonxtanl eolluxron \xrth the tharatterx lhe

rexnlt a IIIrretl} drxeermng: eanexter tlrrrller xe\ eral tlIIlL'llex .Ibtn e the \talldald lloll} \kood tare (rum 1’. lit/In/rmglr Ripley’s Game I IS) .000 Il.rll.IlIa (‘axarIL l'S/I'K‘Ital}. .‘lNHr John \Ialkoxreh. l)otl_\_'t.l} Seolt. Ra} \metorre llllmrn III thIx Il.llkl_\ eoInIe xereen \eIonrI ol I’atrrtra Ilrghxmrth‘x lhrrd 'lom Rrple} no\el. the eharrnrng: krller Ip|a_\ed b} _\Ialko\rehr hax aehrewd \xealth and xtatux m It.le llut hrx taxte Ix not be}ond reproaeh aeeordrng to llrrtrxh e\pat Jonathan 'l’re\arrn_\ ISeIIttr Rrple} Inerhearx 'l tL‘\.lllll) 'x drxparaerng remarkx. ho“ ex er. and de\ rxex a eunrnne and \ttdlxtle retrtbutrorr l)eprte \Ullle une\ etl paemg. rt'x beautrlull) held together b} \lalkmreh Renrmg nI hrx tendent} to ham. he Ix e\er} nIelI the laxtrdroux. eooll} rntellrgent and eold-blooded Rrple) (iI Ilt'I'Il/ I‘I'II'Im’ Hope I IS) .... l:\lltetl Illlelleot‘k. I‘S. I‘MHr Jarnex Steuarl. John Hall. I'atle} (irauger‘. b‘lmnr Jrrxt ax the l\\o _\oung_' ea) protagonrxtx pla} an IrItelIeelual game ol murder to pr'm e then xupeIIor'rt}. Ilrteheoek \Iltt\\x oll hrx xkrllx h) eonxtruetrng the mol re III uneut Ill-rrnnute takex Some ol the dralogue Ix a lIttle phrloxoplneall) hea\_\. \xhreh \\ elghx \IU“II the parlour tun ot the eoneept. but It doex prox rde another e\anrp|e ol the xtr‘arrgel) per\erxe laxematronx ol the Illt'et‘tttl‘. (I ‘.-l. (I/It\eIIII. S Club: Seeing Double mm .0 INIgel l)rek. I‘K. IINHI llannah Spear'rtt. Raehel Stewnx. Jo ()'.\Ie.'ll'.t. Jolt llr'adle) Melnloxh. 'l‘ma Barrett ‘llrmn Seem: I)I‘Ill’/(' ma) I'ext on a llrmx) premrxe pop xtat'x are eloned b) a mad man but I)Iek ernplo_xx man) enrematre eodex to make thrx an e\perrenee that xhould pro\ e xatrxl} my lot the _\oung_' and the deluded (‘entre xtage are S ('lub' Raehel. Jo. Ilradle}. Ilannah. Jon and 'l'rna .\ eomple\ xextet. the) 'I‘e keenl) rrIderual but xllllultalleouxl} relrarrt on eaeh other lor xueeexx \ot. then. a eolleel't IIIU\IC. rrrore llke tlle balm} I‘leatlex llrek. .l Hun] /)Ir\ '\ Nut/II. ('t "I. lat/m/rurulr Secretary I le'I O... ISte\ en Sharnber'g. l'S. IINHI Mag:er (I)llellhaal. Kalnx Spader. I.exle} .-\nn \Varren lttJrnm \Vhat happenx when a xadrxl and a InaxoehIxt come together III thrx SIkXI blaek eorned). rt'x the begrnrnrr; ol a beautrlul r‘elatIonxhrp \Vhen (i_\l|enhaal'x xeeretar'} \\ 1th a xell- qutrlatron problem Ix emplo) ed by Spader'x xlunnnrgl) uptrght lauxer. the pan embark on an S&.\I loxe tr_\ xl \xhreh rx rnutuall} berrel‘reral to both partrex. ax ernotronal \xoundx are healed through the oll'ree allarr .-\ xrnartl) rnade. xuperbl) aeted eonrre drama. the dark undereurrenlx ol \xhreh grx e “ax to xorrretlnng reall) \er} xueet 'l‘he l'Ilrn'x tr.’Inxg_'rexxI\e Inexxage xa)x ltlxl and lo\ e m \\ hate\ er lor'rrr an be beautrlul thrng .3: In In] I't‘lt'rlv' Show me Love I IS» 000 Il.ukux

Mood} xxotl. Suede”. :Illllll Rebeeea

lrlreber: \1e\arrtlrallahlxlrorr: \‘tzrrrr: \ xlrght tale ol tun teer'..:j_'e errlx tallrrre II:

III“ e rr‘. the \Ill.‘.ll \u ellrxl: tourr of \rrral \II-odxxxorr x lrlrlr torrzbrrrex .: \ rrrerrra xezrte e\e \xrlh xorrre xtoek xrtuarrorrx and \lraraeterx ( :e.:trrr;.' terIxroIr and turrrrorl out ol the rrte I-t ;\.rxx.:;‘e lrro\ re .‘etx harder and harder but \loothxxorr rrr.:rr.~.;'ex .: :rrI-Ilrturrr

ot llexlrrrexx. and there are errouz'l: \arrablex

at ‘.\ork to keep the lrlrrr eorrre tor a: errz'aelrrz' hour and a hall t t I t: ..x\‘.I.-. Small Wonders Itt-u tbe -\.~.u.»ux \otlarrd. It'll." ‘t'rrrru \lrort lrlrrr xhoutaxe hour I drrrburz'h l rlrrr ,\ \ rdeo \uexx (t-rrtuk lotal lrlrrrrrrakrrre xtherrre lhere \xrll be .r (‘M \ \xrth the drrettorx alter eat h lrlrrr. and the \xhole thrrre rx rrrtrollutell bx luerI llrerrrner lumen“. .:'.~.-»».-u.;/.- Snake of June l\~ COO I\hrrr\a lxukarrroto. lapan. .‘HHII \xuka lxuraxaua. \urr lxohtarr. \hmra lxukaruoto "Iran

\\ rld lethrro erotu thrrller lII-rrr the \ reator ot IIIon r'trI III»: War: I ruxtrated houxeurle ankoI \xuka lxuroxauaI rx rrrarrred to a borme 'x.I|ar_\ luau \xrth .r letrxh tor Ilonrextn \learrrrrg' \he \Iorkx

part trme ax .r \ounxellor tor patrerrtx xnltelnn' lrom terIrIIrIal IlIxeaxex ()ut ol the blue. lx’mko retenex arr .IrIorr\nIonx pat kaye tontarrnny tornpromrxrne plrotox Ill them xhe Ix xeerr rrraxturbatrru' \xlnle \xearrrr}: a leather nrrnr xkrrt lo rennet the Intrrrrnnatme pntrrrex lroru her blal kmarler. xhe IrIIrxt “ear the rrrrrrr xkrrt rII publn \Ilrrle lollourrrg' lnx III\IIlI\IlUlt\ on a harrdx lree header ot a mobrle phone let lrrulallx .IxtoIIIthrre. and atted \xrth laI IrIore

eom retIorI than ll Ilexerxex. Ixukamolo'x \Ionn rrrduleex rather than \ II.I||en;'ex rtx .rtldlelree (’(it /\'I ’I,,( H \III I r', (i/uujm:

I '(it ‘. Ia/Irrivmelr

Space Station (30) II “tom \lxerx. (‘atIada/l VS. .‘llll‘r .1 .llllll \arrated b} lom (‘Iurxe. thrx brg: xtreen I\I \\ prexerItatroII lolloux real .Ixtronautx Into the bn' blue Irnprexxne. but not ax auexome ax rt xhould ll.r\e been I” \ \i. (i/lrxe'uu

Stella Does Tricks l I.xr I( It) (iredloy. I'K. l‘Ntn Kelh \I.l\\l"ll.|l\l. Ilanx \Iathrexon. ,larllex llolam ‘VIIIIII Kell) \laedonald lakex I‘ll llel Illxl leadrny role alter IIIrrIrx/mlrrrre. and prm ex to be the lIlm'x drum): ton e .-\x one ol a pump ol xehool age proxtrtnlex \Iorkrne rIr I.ondon. luellnre themxelxex \xrth dIII;'x and lantaxrex to keep the haIxhrrexx ol then xItuatIon at b.I_\_ xhe \HIUIII\ her \ haratter'x IUtljJIltlL'xx urth |uxt enough lorrelIrIexx and Il.I}_’llll} '\I. KerIIII'Ih'x xIreerIpla} ‘utll\k'\ the dexparr ol a gerreralron (ir/anIrI'lrrl/(i/l. (i/IHQIII:

Suddenly (Tan De Repente) I H. tl)Ie§_'o Ierrnan. \reentma. JIM)» 'latIarIa Saphn. (‘arla ('rexpo. \eromta llaxxan. lleatrr/ 'l lrrbandnr ‘Hlmm Mao and lennr. .I eouple ol punk lexbranx hour the xtreetx ol Iltletlox .-\nex. deerde to kldrrap the trump} _\Iarera In order to dellouer her lhe_\ all xet oll on a road trrp and Ielatronxlnpx beenI to xhrlt :\eelanrred :\I_eentnrean drama. part ol the l"lh l,ondon l.exbran and (ia_\ I‘exlnal on tour I'll/Irlrurm III/Irlrmzjlr

Summer Things (Embrassez Oui Vous Voudrez) I IV .000 IXIretrI-l Blane. l‘t'atlee. ltltrlr ('harlotte Ramplnre. .I-ILqIIC\ I)llllHllt. Karrn \ Iard. l)eIIrx l’odal_\dex. (‘lotrlde ('oInau ll) lrmn ('lex er adaptatIon ol Joxeph ('ornIoll}. 'x nmel Into an .Ixtute toured} ol rrIarnrerx .\ eroup ol lrrendx are \atatronmf: one xIIrIIIrIeI at the xeaxrde rexort ol l.e 'louquet IloquJeon IIIIrId earrrex and llrrtatron are the IrIexrtable xrde produetx I',\perll} rrrarxhalled b} Blane. uho xkrllull} u eax ex together the \arroIIx xtorxlmex \xlnle drapernj: xome great pel'ltlttllalltex IIUI HI llllx llllplexxlu‘ errxernble eaxt. a \Irtt} roundela} ol lnrxtaken rderltrtrex. amoroux ad\ellttnex and errrotronal xubterluee \ee le\le\|. I (it Rem/urn Sm I [, (i/uquIH, I (KI, /.I/lII/rtu:]/t Superman It’tiI ertllald I.exter. t‘S. 108th ('hrrxtopher Rene. \larlon Brando. Margot Krdder. (iene llaekman. Suxarnrah York 142mm I’ltklltj.’ up uhere Supt/mun l/rI .llmu lell oll. three LIIIIIIIIIII\ lIoIrr the planet Kr')ptoll are releaxed hour the Phantom [one bf. a lttltlt'dl exploxrorr III xpaee 'l'he} dexeend upon Izar'th \I. here the} eould l‘mall} rule Superman. mearmhrle. rx