Classical 8‘

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days belore publication to Ruth Nedges at ruth©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.

Thursday 5


I Winter Gardens Prom I’Cnplc'x I’alau' and \Vlnlu (iaIIIL'n. (ilaxgmx (ircvn. 554 022‘ " ‘Ilpln L" It" HI (‘ohn Slltkllng and .-\lan Ian-nu t‘n IIII'CL‘I lhc IllIISSk'II Inlu‘x nI Sllalht I_\IIL' l‘nlwlxn} '\ hlaxx and \\ Ind hamlx pcI‘Iornnng a hcall} nn\ nI Ill.Ilt'Ilt'\. Iolkxnng \clunggx and Ih'aIch t'Iaxxltx I'cal lllllSIt‘ InI a \nlnnm'x cwnlnp


I Pre Concert Talk l'xlm IIaII. I.nIhIan Road. SIS I I“. (I l‘pnl Ian“ A goal thanu' In IcaI'n more about Innighl'x prngrannnc and Inn-I Ihc Hahn Phllhlllllllllllt' \VInII ()nlnlcl‘

Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet ISIIL'I IIaII. Inlhlan Road. 333 l 155. 7. illpln, (II) IlnI'n nuI nI Ihc Ilcl‘hn I’Inlhallnnlnox ln‘h II.uIIIInn nI t‘IlillllI‘L‘l Inuxlt‘. Ihc Inlclnaunnall} I'cnmxncd \VnIII ()nmlcl pu'wnl Illk' [)L‘I'ICL‘I CIIHIIt‘L‘ In gL‘I (hm: In IIICW Ill\ll'llllIL'III\ Ihan l\ nnnnalh pmuhlc \xhcn Ihc} aw parI nl an nlt'hcxna. In! 0/ (hr ('x/u’r I/ull'x lnlurmnnmll (‘lmm Summrr Slum/L

Cappella Nova ()lIl SI I’anI\ ('hurch. ()3 .It‘IIlt‘} Sum. Sin {3321 7.30pm. to L") IHSII £5 50). (’anI}. Ihc

The Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet perform at Usher Hall. Edinburgh Fri 6 8. Wed 1 1 Jun.

act'nnlphxhuI Icnlalc \nlt'cx nl ('appclla \n\a. an" IUIIICII h) haIpN \\ Ilhaln Ia}|n| III a [‘L'IIHIIIIJIKI' nI ll:’n‘l.‘\ In/ :m II/m/I \chhmal lllll\l\ nn Ihc III\'|I|\' nl \pIIIIuahI} Ill naIuII‘ \\1Ih Icthnpx lInIn (IIIIIJII\1\'I)HU}_'.III


I Mo’s Company (l.IIIk‘I} nI \Indt'ln \Il. ()uu‘n S'IIccl. 33‘) I‘Nh

\ me. I'Icc. \‘Inknlxl Ilct‘lnl SanI and t‘IallncIIIxI Shlnnhu \hkl t'nnllnuc Ihcu \cm'x nI Inlnlmal .lIlL‘IllUUll k'llllt't'l'IS nl \‘IilllL‘Ill]\(|l.ll} St'nlllxh nnmtt I'calunng I’alcxlnuan Icluycc

art loving, comedy laughing, attraction visiting, theatre going, hill walking, scotland touring,

club dancing, beer swilling, sport crazy, film watching, music listening, hotel staying


money spenders?

" targett e




Arts, Entertainment,Tourism and Leisure Publicity Nationwide

O|4| 429 3838


60 THE LIST :‘ '6‘,

(iha/I IIIhM‘IIl. \xhn walk In\ pncIn In Ihc Inuwt' nl Stnlllxh \HIIIPUSUI

Innnn} In\\h‘l .|\ [LIII nl Ihcu lx‘xx'lll and |u_~.:hh a“ Iannul \UIIJI‘I‘IJIIHII

I Junior Academy Wind Orchestra Concert Rx \\II). Inn lx’cnllcu SIII'I'I. “3 ‘IIV' I'In- hul Ilt'kclnl .Inhn \IIIII‘I \l‘ll\lll\l\ Ihv nn'hmlla nI IaIcnIcII _\nun;'\II'I~ III a plnplannnc nl .llll.l/lllj_‘ \.nIcI_\, lInnI I’ll/11(II(\ h_\ t'Ulllx‘lllllHlJl) Illlllxh t'nlnpnxcl Kcnnclh Ilcxlwlh. In mallow Ilnnl I’m/:jx H'Hl/ II. \\ .nnl II \ \Ilu III/Ill \. and a Shaka Ilantc h_\ .Inhn /I|ct'hhk

I Children’s Prom .\n (iallI-l} and \Inwnln. KI‘I\HI_L‘IH\\'. \l_‘.,'\I\' SlIu'I. IS" INN ' zIlpm {Ill «'1‘ thlhhcnl Snnn' nI Stnllandk Illlt'\l ghlhhcn‘x t'hnnx. hanIIx .lllll nII'hI'xIIax tnnu- Ingvlhcl lnI a I'nnu-II In .IIlI nl Ihc Kt'lunglnu' I\’L'IlllI‘l\Illll\'Ill \plwal.



I Pre Concert Talk I \lm IIaII. I.nIh|.nI Ix’naII. SIS I I55 (I I‘pm I‘lk'k' .\ nnc nlI chant‘c In [1an nuI Innlc ahnul InIII;_'hI'\ plnplalnnlc. lllk‘k'l Ihc grcal nIganle Danny (illhan \M‘n and Izlhnhulgh'x n\\Il (ll) nlyanhl. .lnhn KIIt‘hcn. and In Icaln ahnul Ihc nun. I_\ I'cxlnI'I-II nI_-_'an III Ihc Hall

I Edinburgh Stage and Screen Orchestra ('annng'alc Ku'k. |5§ ('annnggalc. 330 33”“

‘. illpnl. to I (SI. \ \‘Ullt‘t'll nI IIjJIll nilth (Iaxxlt‘x Int‘lulhn): \L‘Ict'llnnx IIHIII //l( XI'HIIII U/ ‘IH\/l . lu’ (-l/g'l IIIII I'm/hm ("Imu‘lul .lllkI \uul/I I’m [III III .IIII UI \\.I\L‘IIL‘_\ (XIIC

I New Edinburgh Orchestra \It‘hnlxnn Squaw \IthnIIhI (‘hult'lL \It'hnlxnn Squan (\(IS Illl‘) illpln LII IL {II (inm/ III/II III/(l \22. l I I\ Ihc IIIIc nl Innun} I n\\ Ik'l \ Ialcxl nlt'hcxllal “th In hc [HI-nucluI h} I|n~ cu'l' .uhcnlunnux nlt’hcxlla .\InIc Iannhal \\III hc \IcnIIclxxnhn'x

Ill l’lll/l \ ()ll I'IIIH .llllI\1U/.III.\/)u'll\ S}IIIphnII} lun I’a\Inn 1x Ihc tnnIIut‘InI

I Organ Recital with Dame Gillian Weir l'th'I IIaII. I.nIhIan anI. 33.\ I 135 ". “Il‘lll L Ill L I Q \\UII\I Icnnunnl Hlf_‘.llll\l I).nnc (iIIhan \\L'II t'clchlalcx IIIL‘ lll.Ill_‘.‘lll.IIlHll nI Ihc luII_\ Ic\InmI organ IhaI IIII\ Ihc hark “all n! IIIK' l'xhcl Hall a unnIII-Ilul t‘IIIIllt'C III IIL‘aI UIIL' III IIIC _‘._'Ik'.IIC\I pla}m\ .nnund nII a IIIaanlIu-nl

I The Scottish Chamber Choir SI (illcx' (‘thuIIaL I{n_\a| \Illc. 23‘ Ill-I3 Spin to ILFII \Ilt‘hacl “.11le «hm-(Ix Ihc t‘hnII n: “\n \IIIcIn‘aII 'Inul‘. a t‘clchl‘allnn nl \nIIh anII S'nulh \Illt'llqul Inuut~ nI Ihc IIlIh t'cnlul} I'caIuI’Ing Sanlucl Iithcl'x IU\LIUII\

\\"I.(\ [)1 /'\.n HI. ""I‘\ ('il.lll\i\ |\\‘\, lhc Ihxpann llau nl \ Illa I nI‘nx. anII IlIllI1'1\.II\\«‘II\\I‘\ Ih; I\'\\‘l knnnn l,'\'I\I\II\'III .IIhI I .nuIIIxcn

Sunday 8


Q Cappella Nova I .n; Snulu'. SI \IIIIIAM lll Ihc Squaw SI \mhcnx \\Ill.II\' nll \.IIIIII.III\CI, l‘1\INlll “"lwn :h 1" 1 l *n {h ‘nu \Ix- l n

Wednesday 1 1

I (IlllIllllIIIl

I Pre Concert Talk 1 \lm Hall

I nlhlan Ix’naII. .‘.‘\ ||*‘ h I‘pnl Iln' ('hanu' In hann Illi‘lk' ahnul anII

Ihxt uxx InIua'hl\ \I‘Ichlllx m IIaI \\1Ih

‘I.Illl\I \nnI_\ Snlnlnnn

b Celebrity Recital with Yonty Solomon l \lm Hall. I nlhlall Rnall.

I“ ll“ ‘lllpm Llll Ihc

cut hanInn' and \\HII\I Icnnnnnl [‘I.IIII\I \nnu Snlnnlnn gun a In II.II I’m: ml

31:. / will //..';"l"\ In}:II1.1.'I.'/:.;f( ."lnxl.

Thursday 12

(lasg ;( )w

I Opera School Showcase

I\’S \\II). IINI I\'\'IIIII‘\\ SIII‘I'I. H.‘ RIIS‘ 'I‘pnl 9,‘ IL h (icnll Ilnllnn \Ill\'\1\ \IUKICIIIS nl Ihc \lv\anIIcI (III\\U|1()|\CI.I SIuIIIn lll IhI‘II annual Ihv \I.IlllI.II(I .II Ihv |\’S \\II) I\ I'\\'I'|\Iln|1.lll} IllgfIl \u-II \\I\IIIl g_'nIII_:' In I ha I\ «an Ihv cumymr IaIcnI

\hnut aw

I (huhur'gh

0 RSNO Scottish Power Proms - Spanish Night l'xth Hall. I nllnan Ix’naIl. HS IISS L‘ L‘.‘ (inllal \nlunw \Ilan \k'.l\(' lHlll\ Illk' Ix’n}al anlllxh .\aln nal ()It'hmlla t'nnIIuI‘II-II h) \ltllle' \Inhlnwanu lnI a Il\'\I.I nI Inuxn uhpunI h} Ihc [l.I\\lHll .IIIII lI )Ihlnx nI Spam. Inthnhnj: lx’nIIII1'n\( mun/n I/l "ll”1/II(‘.L'\\KIII)I\Ill‘l“l‘lk‘l‘\ (II/ml I! and ('hahIIt'I '\ / x/uu'l.‘


I Opera on a Shoestring (‘unm IhcaIIc. ‘li 9* II_\II(II.III\I Slim-I. *‘fl‘. I‘M" ' illpln L I 3 I. | * \\ nn‘ nI IIH' Inaln k'\k'IlI\ III [III\ _\I'.n\ \M-xl IIIII I'cxlnal. Ihc .manI u Inning: t'nnlpan} Upcla nn .1 Shncxlnnj: pn'wnI. nmx pInIIut'IInn nI HuclK (III/m H. .\ \anIII .ma} lInnI IIIII/hny (iI,I\f__'H\‘.. IIu' hI'aI nI Sm Illv wh Ihc \u-nc InI IIll\ Ulk'ln nl II.III« k'_\k'(i pun) gnlx. (I.III).3\‘I-lll\ [\.I\\lllll\ and IaIaI luxl

' {Illnn


I RSNO Scottish Power Proms - Viennese Gala lem IIaII. |.nIhI.nI Rnad. SIS ||§§ *Ilpm L5 {33 RSNI) I’lHllh t'nnunnc \HII. a Illp In Ihc \ Icnna nl Ihc I).le a fJIIIlt‘lllIf,‘ I'M-Inn: nl “all/«x. polkax. Ina/Inka\ and gallnpx. [calming \\\.IIIII_\ IL'IIHI Honawnlula Hullnnc .IIIlI IIIIIK'SIIH \ltlllllll\ Knk

Saturday 14


I Concerts at the University (II.I\_'_'I>\\ l'nIu-Iul} ('nnt'cll IIaII. l'IIIu‘IxII} .v\\cnuc. HII JIM: I 2pm. l'lL'L' SI‘IIIHI \IIIIIL‘III\ HI (iI.I\_L'U\\ l’nIu-hn} \ .\In\n HupaIIInL-nl alt- IUIIIL'II h} (lane Ilaxhn nn piano In; lIll\ t’nllt L‘I'I ’u'Il Hf l/u HUI/1nd /'(‘\Illu'/

I Guitars Galore: Youth Guitar Ensemble Il}nII|anII I’anxh (hutch. Il}ndland Road, ~1p|n I‘Iu'. \nnc ('hamaml dutch an cnwmhlc nI _\nung_' guIIaI'Nx Mom \chI laid whoon lll an ct‘Ict‘Ilt' plnglalnmc Icalunnj; Inuut‘ IInIn BALI] In ('Iaplnn.