MUSlC (OCR 8 pop listings

Tuesday 10 continued

I Blue Oyster Cult '1 he 11m}. .13

(lulc l’lacc. 43‘) I‘ll“ 8pm {3” ‘(liiiic

nil. lialicccc/iloli'l lcai llic lcapch \l‘llll\l\ so good \iht-n \lllljJ lll .1f_'lllllll’.il (ilii\\\t'_‘,fl.ill acccnl. don‘l _\ou lind'

l licrc aic no olhci llluc ()}\lt'l ('nll songs \Hil'lll lNHllL'lllij.‘ \Hlll. hul lx’ui/u'r l\ a prof; pop diamond

I Nylon Pylon, Panda and Dead or American King: 'l'ul‘x \\ah “ah llnl. 373a Si \inccni Sliccl. 33l 533‘), 8. lllpni L5 Spunk} indicr’dancc coniho li'oiii \laiiclicxlci. \xho ha\ c loiucd \xilh lhc .\lu\ic and .v\l{l: \Vcaponx.

I Venus Ray, High Roller and lliili (film 'l’llt' l xlli \(ilc (Kilc. 5“ (ill King Sli'ccl. 55‘ l(ii8_ ‘)pni. U. \cnux Ra} ai‘c a |.oiidoii liaxcd ‘iiilci'plaiiclai‘_\ pop' coiiiho \xlio coiiihiiic spacc} analoguc \}lllll\. duh. p\_\clicdclia and a (lilNll ol counli'} inclaiicliol} 1n llicn‘ \'l' llhpll't‘tl sound,

I The Boy Cartographer Sit-um. l3 l4 Kt‘lHllliillllel Sli‘ccl. 57o 5lll8. Spill L3 lllll‘ihlit't‘lht' indic lllll\lllf_!\ ll‘Hlll lop \\ cc local acl.

I Templeball Nict-‘ii‘SIL-ax}. 43l Sauchichall Sli'ccl. UK 0037‘ 0pm

I Any Chance 0’ a Coffee 'l‘cliai Hum. 43 ()lago l.anc, 557 4534. 8pm. Ll Snigci/xong“i'ilci' \L‘\\llill

\\ llll ii pin! l’iit‘lx \ ll‘t‘.

I Phil’s Session l'ixgc licallia. 333 Woodlands Road. 504 1500. ‘lpiii. l-‘i'cc. \Vcclxl} Jain.


I Breaking Bands Competition ()ccan 'l'ci‘iiiinal. l.cilli. 555 8888. 7pm. l’i'cc lcloxing gig £5). Scc .\liili 9.

I Joe Jackson Band ()ut-t-n‘x llall. ('lci‘k Sli'ccl. (m8 301‘). 7.30pm. £185”. lla\iiig niadc lll\ nanic in I‘m) \\ uh

‘I ,ook Shai‘p' Joc Jackson has coiilinucd

lonesome highway

presents Sat 21 June @ The Venue THE SADIES £9 + bf

support The HaveNots (early doors 7pm)

Thur 26 June @ The Subway, Cowgate

NOAH JOHN £8 + bf

support Puerto Muerto

Thur 10 July @The Subway, Cowgate

unique double bill of JESSE SYKES and the Sweet Hereafter and LAURA VEIRS £8 + bf

Tickets from:

QH box office 0131 668 2019 Ripping Records and Tickets Scotland

52 THE LIST '23 Jam:-

.. ; kids and France? While providing swoonsome melodies. gossamer-like ' :5- attitude to love, loss and doing the dishes. Saloon inject some Gallic vibes s. ~

lo lUl'gt‘ a cai‘cci' \\ llll ran i'oclt‘ii'i'oll ciici‘g} and \liill'p \\ ll.

I Killa Kella 'lhc liquid Rooni. ‘lc \icloi'ia Sliccl. 335 35(i4. lllpin £5. l’licnoinciial human hcathox \liou ll'Ulll Killa Kclla liackcd h} I” [cum lhc .\li\o|o;_'i\i\ and gucxl .\l(‘ l-allac) ax pail ol hip hop niqu .lunip a\ lhc} [Hill lUl't‘t‘\ \\ ilh Scratch.

I Leith Festival \ai'ioux \cnucx. 554 5063. Scc Sun 8.


I Girlschool, ‘I'ygers of Pan Tang, Million and Oliver/Dawson Saxon (ilcii l’a\ ilion. l’illcnci'icll Park. 01333 314127. impm £17.50. ('clcbraling 35 )L‘;il\ ol hca\_\ iiiclal \\il|i a hunch ol old school i'ockci‘x and lllt‘ll' "l‘hc Sccolid \Vai c ol' .\'\\‘( )llll.\l' loiii‘.

Wednesday 1 1


I Ok Go, Mew and Cherry Falls King lul\ Wall \Vali llul. 373a .81 Vinccnl Slit-cl. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £7. l’oncr pop quai‘lcl l'i'oiii ('hicago \\ lio i'cccnll} had a hit \\ illi lhc catch} liiii lllt‘iilht‘qllt'llllill ‘(icl ()\L‘l' Ii" .\lc\\ ai'c a mom \uhilc Danish ci‘cn. inaiiagcd h} Alan 'plt‘lx (il~ lllc piipx' .\lL‘(it'c.

I The Ninemen and Uncle John and Whitelock Nicc'n‘SIt-a/i. 421 Sauchichall Sli‘ccl. 53 ‘)(i37. Upiii. (’.-\.\'('lil.l.lil).

I Dougal’s Room, the Stand and The Line Changes lhc l5lli 8on- ('alc. 50 (ill King Sli‘ccl. 553 loR8. ‘lpni. £3. ('alch} indic rock.

I Geoff Martyn lii'cl. :\\lilon |.anc. 343 4060. 8pm. [3 on door. Shadt‘x ol ('08lt‘lln and Jiit‘ Jackson ll‘Ulii lhc L'\- inn is man .\l;ii'l}ii \xho \llii\\c;i\c\ lll\ iiiairNr'caHi pop/rock calaloguc llcl't‘.

I Open Stage 'l‘hc Hall liar. Hill Woodlands Road. 5(i4 I53", 8pm. l'i‘cc_ \Vcclxl) \L‘\\l(ili l'oi‘ local lllll\lc‘l.lli\.


I Breaking Bands Competition ()ccan 'lt‘l‘llilliill. l.cilli. 555 8888. “pm. l‘i‘cc (closing £3). Scc Mon 0.

I Girlschool, Tygers of Pan Tang, Million and Oliver/Dawson Saxon (‘oi'n lin‘liangc. .\'c\\ Marla-i Road. (iorgic. 443 343". ",Fllpni. £175”

Scc 'l‘llc l”.

I QC Country Band ()uccii (‘liailoilc Rimllh. 50.1 ()uccn (IliallUllc Sliccl. 555 (infill. 8pm L350 1L3 lllll\lt'l.lll\l ()ld

\l} lc counli'}. ioclxaliill} and lilucgiaxx

I Nixie Kye, Senator and the Assassins Bongo (‘lulx l4 .\'c\x Sliccl. 558 "hill. Upni U [4 Big (ion/o pi'cxciii llll\ ii'iplc hill ol lllll\t'lll.ll. unpicdiclahlc lock \hcnaniganx. loi nioic iiilo chcck \\ \\ \cliigggoii/o com

I Leith Festival \ai'ioux \cnucx. 554 Allo3. Scc Sun 8.

I Chaos Theory Sonilicin ('i‘oxx (ulc. (iia (‘ocl‘hui‘n Sli'ccl. (i33 llo33 ‘)piii lilltlllllell. l‘l't‘t‘. ()i'iginal t'iilllpil\lll0ll\ li‘oiii llll\ llt'“ quaitcl. luxing |a//. lunk and l'Uc'l'x. lcalui‘uig.‘ Doug: 'l'iplcd} on \.l\t‘\. l’aul Kii‘li} on kc)ho;u‘d\. Km in (ilaxgon on ha“ and ('hi'ix \Vallacc on tll'lllll\.


I H2O featuring Ian Donaldson and Smokescreen King ‘l‘mk \\'.ih \Vah llul. 3"3a81\'inccnl Su‘ccl. 33l 53“). 85llpni L'". (ilaxut-gian onc-hil \Hilltlt‘h in llic 8% I ‘1 [Mann lo Slccp' \incc )ou .l\l\t‘tll hack on llic nail

I Erase Errata, Ext-Models and Klang Bani}. 3m ('l)dc Sll'ccl. (No 01)" (MN. 8pm. to. Spikc} lcnialc liio ll'Ulll San l‘l';llit‘l\L'U. \xlio sound likc Slcalci-Kinnc} \\ nh lcxx luncx and inoic shocking. suppoi'lcd h} lx'lang. a ncu hand loi'iiicd h} c\-l:l.i\uc.i guilai'ixl l)onna \lallhcux \\ ho l\ clcai‘l) \llll inllucnccd h} poxt-puiik

I Too Young to Care, Modus DS, Almighty Me, PMX and Echo 20 lhc (Killliilhc. l5 l'liloli Sli'ccl. 348 (ifillh "Millpni. L45”, ()\Cl' l-lx \llll“. 8kalc punk linc»up.

I Escobar 9 and Definitive Sim-o. l3 l4 l\'cl\§_'li Sli'ccl. 5V» 5lll8 8.3Hpiii, £3 Scc Sun 8

I Spong and Loris \itt-‘n'SIt-ax}. .13I Sauchichall Sum. 33* UN" ‘lpin Spong am a Jcllii'o 'l'iill-iiit-cl~-( ion): prof: coinho, \Vilh lcoiai‘dx ('i'al} \(L'lit'\. man. I Zeus Forte, Crazy Vincent, 9 Miles High .md The Ideals Sli‘axxhcri'} l'lt'ltl\, 5h ()\\\.’ll\l Sli‘ccl. 1MB U55 038‘). Stipm. £4, ()\Cl'- l4\ \liim, Rock

7; . of Stereolab and Belle and Sebastian. proving again that their record label. } beacon of musical sensitivity in a brutish sea of vulgarity. ,i- eoG/asgow. Fri 73 Ca" : " 53.; ~: :‘ ~--'

-. f’mu’xxg/‘i, Sat 14 Jun. " a“


I Age of Wire and String lclldl ()\ll.l. 43 (Mayo lanc. ‘53-1534 8pm, L l, .\lcl|o\\. c\pciiiiicnlal linc up ol ccllo. \.l\ and guilai

I The Victoria Warne Band Studio ( )nc. (illHH‘llHl llolcl. (ilii\\t'lllll lciiacc loll llucx Road). HI fi5lh ‘lpiii l'l't't'. ROI} (i.lll.l_L'llt'l nihulc

I The Optimistics licaiixcclic. S (‘icxxucll lanc. {*4 (W70 8pm, l'icc laid hack background \oundx.

I The Vagabonds ‘l llc Scolia.

l l3 ll~18loclx\\cllSliccl.553 Hlih’l. ‘lpiii. l'i'cc. l’opulai t'ii\t'l'\.

I Jam Session Saniucl |)o\\ "x.

(W "I \illixdalc Road. 43 i “MW

8 illpni. Inc

I Live Music 'I lit‘ l iih Non ('alc. 5!) (ill King: Sum. 55* l(ii8f ‘lpiii. 'llii'cc hands lo hc conl'nnicd.

I Live Music 'lindci'hox l8‘) li}l'L'\ Road. ‘3‘) illl8. ‘lpiii. l'i’cc .'\L‘Ull\llt‘ \cl. I Live Music .\lat8orlt-_\ "x. 42 .laiiiaica Sii'ccl. 348 858i 8pm. l'i'cc. llll't't' llll\lf._'llt'tl local halidx


I Seneka, Chains Undone and Festoon 'llic l.lqlll(l Rooni. ‘)c \icloi‘ia Sli‘ccl. 335 3504. 7pm. Rock and indic li‘oni llll\ qualil} local bill.

I 2 Canoes and Elbrook Court ('alc Rinal. \\'L‘\l chlxlcl' Sli'ccl. 550 I884. 3. illpni U Rock ol both old \cliool and indic school I't'Spct'chl} li'oiii llll\ pan ol local acts

I Breaking Bands Competition ()ccan ‘l'ci‘iniiial. l.cilh. 555 8888. 7pm. l'icc lcloxing gig: U). Scc .\lon ‘)

I Leith Festival Various \cnuc\. 554 il)(i3. St‘c Sun 8,

I Open Mic Night 'lht- (‘anonx‘ (iail. 3 i3 (‘aiiongaltz 55(2 448 l. 7‘ illpiii. l'icc. (liillillliilix \xclcoinc Scc 'lhu 5.

I Live Local Talent 'l llL' Village. In Soulli l'Ull Sli'ccl. l.ciIli. 478 78H), 8pm. in! u! I/li' [HI/i Irwin/a

I Out of the Bedroom win-nu) liar. l 81 .\lai‘}\ Sli‘ccl. 557 “Ml

‘)pni lllltllillell. l‘l't'L'. Scc 'l'hu 5‘


I Easy Does It 'l’olhooih. Jail Wind. (il'8(i 3'4ooo 8pm, till i£8i A irihulc lo llic lcgcndai‘} Ciix} lixlcniiig \(illlitlS ol .-\litl} \Villiaiiix. l'rank Sniali'a and 'l'on) Bcnncli with chd ()'\‘cil