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34 THE LIST 5-19JLIHC 2003

The Little Polar Bear I


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‘lliif' lg.:x:x..x~:: gx \ x'

Rnl‘l‘lc lI'I; \itcr turt'ntlg' _' wilit': '\'..:x lw xl-Il‘ c.2131“ .zzlti qul: -t: x“ .::x':;.:'. :x

LACII'~\lll1.1\Illt'";..l‘Ikllt‘fiflit’TAf l.:' .::x: thc xc.-.Ix .zlt' .:'l\~l:! I“ lx-tt 1:1; filtttr'

I'll 1h“ «main-Rx 7"} II.:.’1\I)\' Ilqcl 13:; .::\12\

xt'llm; wl llnx .lnlln.:!txl IZII‘.‘ Illuziux .-. x:::‘. .1: lll.::_‘l\.:: .zlllluxpht'ry llm n? I!» \r' r' \ tutu .mll xiuxhj. xll-rx fur junzzt; {lithium I‘IIWIIIIIIJ .-. tux Eull! lit-.lzltxi T.:ll-_'hx \. I

The Magdalene Sisters 3* 00” Il’t'lcl \IIIII.:n.l I\. .‘lll‘h \ml; \I.:r:\' Iltlf' \um me \I-wnc llwznlhj. lhlllj. 11"::.:': Ilcnuuntul h} IIIC\.1II\.IIIllllxiIll‘lzllllltlkii‘\ flip \k'IlkL' I‘lllll I'cxil‘..:l, \Illlian'x u‘llllI‘Xt‘IHJl lzzm \IIJIIIJII‘C‘ lht' I‘llll.:_‘_\'«‘ll\ Illit' xlwlj» ml lht \I.z;;tl.llt'nc Llunthrcx. \xhczt‘ lh; hthl .:l'l~.n'l:t ('hmth \l.:lc .III\I l.lmll_\ tulhltlui In :rlll‘nxul:

M‘llll; xwmcn lnl 'lmmnmi trillicx' l.:ll-;Il:_~; lzun.

lx'ln; mlxxl In glam; I‘lllll I‘llI ml xxt'tlI-xk ll’x [Hugh In \\.Ilth. wt \IIIIIJH'x [‘n'At'IlILI Illlll lel'l .Ix ILIIIIMIII; .Ix ll tuultl IX: Ilul lht'll lhlx \I‘IIIIIIIIIK'JIIIIIIIIIJhK'I\IIK.\II‘I'\\.IIIII\'«II\\11.III\' [X'nplclrnm “$11)an lllll‘r'lldlll \I-‘Yl Ilc'x IIghl (Lu m: I: In. (Lu: (I.I.'\\'r'-'.

The Mahabharata ~l --l’t-lt-l llml.

I K I'l.tllu'. l‘lel Ix Ihhlcr. I\".x/.-.rtl( It'xl.:'r_ \uth ()ltlll. Ihuu- \Iyt'rx 1N lmm IIIIMICx unlurgclmhlc IIIL'.IIII\.II lll.'.l.lllll'l‘. aux .nluplctl lnr lt'lt‘HxIIIn In t‘IvIlJIMLIlluII \klIIII I‘..:llll\'l -1. .lIltI Ix .In .Itlcqualt' I\'\l'IlI nl IIIt' xl.lj._'t' xhuu llul lhc .lIIIII‘\)‘IIt'IL‘ gt'ncmlt'tl h} lirwukk t'\‘ItIIII.llI\l llllllll tulluml mmpm} lll .ltllt‘Il mnnul he Icprmlutul on xtrccn .IIItI tht' gulx ml IIIC [‘lct't' .Ilt' llnl .I|\\.l_\x II] t“. Itlt'lltt' lrl'lvrrluiru [din/Hug}!

A Man who is Not (Czlowiek, Ktorego Nie Ma) I |.\I .\I.IIIIIx/ \I.llk'\. I’u|.IIItI. INC: l-lmm (IIdPIIIk. thxlurhmy; tltxurncnmr} xt't‘n lhruugh lht' ext-x nl .I lllt‘lxt‘lldl} xmpcr lll (.IICQIIII}II ll/Hl/IHHH, lulu/rum}!

The Matrix Reloaded Ii 0000 lht- “.tt’htm xkt Ihnlht'lx. l S. Ill)“ I’xmnu Rt't‘wx. lull} I-Ixhhurnt' l-ltllmn Ho“ :3qu Ix [in IIIIIIII II’I {mu/I I." \\CII. Il xulchx lInIn xcqucl \_\IIIIIUIIIt'_ .Ik.r lhc I.l\\ nl IIIIIIHIIthII; It'lurnx St't‘untl Illllt' .ununtl \w lulu“ “hat lht' \I.tlll\ Ix .mtl \It"\t‘ xt‘t‘n huu tool 'hullt'l link" Ix In lcrmx ul xlnr}tcllln;_'. RI [um]. I." l.II|x tn In.nnl.nn lhc {min}: nl lhc Ullg'llldl ('IIlIt'Ixmx .IxItIt'. Ilt\\\t'\t'l. lht'rc‘x pit-nu In IIII[‘It'\\ lht' ow lll

KI [with I.’ 'I'hc III.IIlI.I| .Irlx lighlx .lIltI wmpulcr culmnt't'tl cllct'lx IIIltl lthr It'llllll III .I lulllt' hcluccn IIIt' nu“ xupcr pom-ml \w and hIx ncmcxrx. Agni! Srmlh Illugu “mu m; up who h.Ix Il‘lIIIlI .l \IJ} lu t‘lI-nt' hIIIIxt'Il 'I IIL' llIII.l-U'Ill[‘lt'\ light lx-lm-t'n \cn .Intl Illtl \Imlhx Ix nulhm; xhur'l nl gnhxnmt‘km; Ihcn lhcrc'x IIIC lit-mm} tun (haw. Inwlx my main! mmth .lIUl‘ .I xru‘thng |.\‘ \Ihcclu. uhIth Ilkt'mxc IJI‘C‘ lht' It.” on xpu'lut IL' \ IIICIIM (1}!!qu ’( l} m: Mean Machine ~ IM 0 Illml Skulrlu‘kl K. IlNlIl\1IIIIIt‘JnIch. lawn SLIIILIIII. I).l\|tI Ilcmrmngx ‘len Illltlglllt' :l lilm about :I prlxun lellmll (mm. xl.IIIII1;_' luncx. lmlunng xlt'It-umxxl thamt'lt-Ix lull mt-I hum lhc 'l'\ xllwrn I’I'IIIIIIL'I .lIItI lwlcxxctl mth thc

\ llll.l:_'C gram) \IxII.IIx. cmll‘txknc} \II.IIH:_'IIC .Ind Inachu [wxlurmg ul [In Me. I m ‘. ’I'ht‘ pltkhlt‘clx I‘l [m I»: \Iml all“; law \Hlui 11.“; Ila/II [x .Irc hchlntl lhIx [‘l\\ punt. [‘.lII\III.‘.I .l\\IlIIIIL'\\ \IltI Il‘x .lIl Inxulllng rcnmkt' nl RUI‘CII \Itlnt‘h'x I‘llllxmg. hutch .tllIl .IIIlhuIIl.II‘I.III \Incnmn Ithlll‘dll IIII"-lt' / (It /\’('IIIII‘H \IIII.’ (II'IHL'HI'.

Mostly Martha Il’l‘u mo minim \cltlclxwk. (ICIIIIJILM 3”“! \erlum ( lull-IL. .\I.I\Imc I-wrxlc. Scrgtn ( Xlxlclhtlu llfimm .\I.Inh.l r( ictlctkr Ix nu LIImc ()lm-I. IIIL' rmhl} ul hung: .: hturtl \IIL'I Ix .umhm; hut 'pukll ()hxcxxm‘ wmpulxlw lll lhc curving: Il'x Ulll} \Ihcn IICI xlecr Ix kIIIctI .mtl \I.tllll.I hcwmux tcmpumr} ;II.IIIII.III nl hcr mut- lh.ll \IIL' (II\\U\CI\ .I hlt~ nulxttlc nl lhc kllthcn \ltml} \IJIIIIJ lh.I\\x nul lrnm IIL'I xtcrllc t‘\l\It‘ll\C :: [HIKth tlt‘t'clt'ldlt'tl I‘} IIlk' .tlll\.II HI l\|.II plmpcgmc xullnrx \\ IIL'II Il'IIllIth with why lirmll} dmclupx. _\nu x.nnur mth .mtl t-wr} dchmlc Inumcnl IICJrI-“anIIIIL' .Intl IL'IItICI. “alchmg thrx Ix Ilkc xccmg .I gnarl lllt'dl xltml} .Ixxcmhlcd (i/‘I. (Muslin. (11m: u, l,u’rrzirlrr;ri: Napier Degree Show 15' I\’.:rlnuxl I K. I'll}: \IIn llx‘ 'I'ht' tlrx'urncnmr} :lntl littlnn lilrnx mngc lrurn black \I‘IIIKKI} to period tlmnm It‘ \t'lcllt‘c llt’llttll thrrllcr IIIIL' ghtthmlt‘x ‘MII .tlxw

.._\. -\ U \ The Night of the Hunter H 000” t :x -' l\ ‘1‘“ lx‘ x" \l \\ t. \l g

.l. \ H. II

Not in my Name ll & Ill: The Human Shields 8. Why War? \ l Ix\ 3m: --vv

'x l\‘\_'.t'x ‘ll ;Ilr~ _~

.Iv'fi. ll :2'. Iiu': \ l' .m‘i I.:'lt; \h (:l/ t, Nowhere in Africa 000 I

ml, ( It'lllldli‘. fl“: I knit gr R,


/lrlllllcllll.lrll: \Icmh \-z ill'lt‘v ("It l.:1cul'u..:ll:lllcl.:x' \7::\:; .lvtlf :'x

uric ‘.c:\ l:.:\lmtxi I.:l!11l\ :x hurl}. '31: \-::.'Ill.:fl:il:1'wl1‘.kl;i xtx'!'l::x‘.c.-.r '\.;l ;‘ T.:Ili.:xllt Ihclc’x II‘ZxI‘I\'!l.H122i_‘ llntl ll:::l xt't'mx lw 'l‘..:‘.c lxmt: '.I.::lt;:. M .: \T\"" mlh .: tllhl! «‘3'. Ilwrlx I t'xx‘lllr .llt.i

ll\\' HI '-I'l\\' “III “\II II 5 It'l. .'...I\I .z".. Ihullg'h ll ~l\\‘\ h.:‘.:' llx 'lLI‘YIA'IIW IlllIlImlt'lj. llt’xllllt'tl in "x' .: fllllh'.’ x '

lh; xan xtlt't‘n (m 1- /..:r~ rm

0 Brother, Where Art Thou?

OOOO Ilrx'll nun l \ full (It-urn ('Itmnt'}, lnhll Illlllillw IIH: “1.2%.; Illhnm I’lvxlnnMqut-x I ll. \.-.: IIHIIICI.\ Int (him .-.It' lht' xl.:tl:n: ;wv:z::-

lhIx illx xul \\I\'\‘-l\.lll Inlmulj. \lmmlh [31.9.11 let'lll let‘cx \It( I!” (luluch xn:

Ik'hlm '\\'I\I‘II' .lnll lll.lI.lII)ll\It'\I I’v'c I ;-7-.::~

.IIt' lllt'llll‘x'h ml .2 \ h.nn .nmy on ll); rlzrl .- I! II‘l I‘llllt'xl llwl Iht-ll |.|I:II1t'_\ up and til; xl.Ilt‘ wl \II\\I\\II\PIl‘IIII1'\IIIt.IIIlIlIl‘t"Il'.i.' .l\\I‘IIt'II (\xt‘lllllt \ l‘.l\t‘tl I'll III'l'it'l lll}lllttltt::lt.ll II}'III\'\ \ hz'hlt'l '~‘-I'|17:'.\‘ (Ix‘nx. lIlI‘It' Runs/:1: Ir. nu“ lh.IlI /..r.'~ ‘u' I' xlIII .: IIIIK' IIt‘.lI \lrul} \.l|‘ll\.lllll‘.' “minivan. nl \IIIIKC‘ (mun Ilinrrnuz'r:

Ode to Cologne I.,‘ \- \Mm walla: (it'lnmm~ .‘INII- ‘Hvrmn Ru: ltumsnlm. lr.~:;. lEl; \III\'\II‘I «ll Him I. Im .Ix llc :lx-x nn 7h:- um! \HIII It-pt'IItIJI} (It-1mm I~x L L'I‘\l\ ll \l’ (1/ / (hangar:

Old SchoolanOOO 'qullll'hllhl‘x I x .‘ll‘l‘l I llka' \MIwII. \ Illxt' \.'.ll‘,'llll, \\ Ii! I crlc'fl ‘lllmn Ill lulltl I’hllhpx 1.:lt‘xl pltxt' ul prx- '3‘ llllh Ixt't‘ .leu It'ulltl’ //:;vl \Ialth \LIIlm ‘\\l: l' tlnlk' ullh xuhulhm .Inll llx Il.:xl\ xulprlxtm .:Yl~'. lrlcntlx “k'tllllk"\.lll1'IlII‘.lIl\I 'It-lrvll- 11pm hnnumr} tullt'yt- Il.lIt‘llHl\ lll‘- lllll',’ .:ll .:n.f xunth} lu .Ippl} («A Illt' llIlI.lIlH!! nl Ilqal: (II'I\II'II I’llltlmhI 0.: Ill.ll‘-t‘llt'll\ «1!! It'lcnn. I’lwrr \\ lenn. \lmghn .mli I I'm-ll .‘.I\' nulxlanlhnz'. hullthn; up lht‘ xnrllt'llmcx IIILhIII\IIC |.IlI-.'hx lllIH mumcnlx ul lllxl‘lll'tl IIII.IIII}. _\t'l lht' lllm xlIIl lII.lIl.l_L't‘\ lw IEltlrmr .lI: \t'IIdlII .lIIlelltlI lrulhx .lhulll u: “we: z". .:x .I\IUII\ In huzltl nml (,, v.. r.. 196 8PM I; vl<-»!!lll.:}:! Ix.llrll.:"r..l: (tummy. 3"": “2mm RCIIIJIIHLI‘IC lhll'c ;‘.:ll Ill »_ I‘llj'x Ilclhl‘: I «In; l’ III‘III lhlx l‘lllll.:lll

nulls lzilllllmlgz

xllltnnnllx! .2IIxI.l'-.1III

It.".'r:";rr.' Ossessione we... ll utlllw \thr‘llll ll.:lj.. I‘l-12~(' ( .tl.‘.lll.'.|, \I.:xxlll;~(u:~:I:

hmn Dc I .IIIKIJ I)lll.:( rlxl.:m \ lxtnnll‘x llrxl It'.lllllt' [wt- clllpllxi lhc Itllllifl


nl‘w lmhxmIIII-'.\'lllclll '.‘.III1lIx xlc.:ll.j. xii lj. ul \Illllt' [‘.Ixxlnllcl [In lbw/run: I .u. /\’.'I::'\ Inna xt'l ll1lhrl’~lL'll.: \' hltll'u' "‘..' tolllrwllul ll '.|.::x :zll c.1rlj. :rllhtglnl I»? I'm- .Iutt'ur‘x Inlt'lhycntt' .zlnl llllmxllj. (1/ /


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